I run a mailing list with 4000 subscribers (jdm-soci...@sjdm.org). Every
time it sends mail to the list I get about 10 failure messages (completely
failure, not temporary failure that keeps mail in the queue) saying that
the host is not found or the email address doesn't exist. I can often find
the host with the (linux) "host" command, and the email address checker
often shows that the address is valid. The same email address that failed
usually succeeds on the next post.

I would like to keep these messages in the queue if possible, or maybe
allow more time for finding the host, or something, before giving up on the
first try. I cannot find a configuration option.

Jonathan Baron, Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania
Home page: https://www.sas.upenn.edu/~baron
Editor: Judgment and Decision Making (http://journal.sjdm.org)
Associate webmaster: sjdm.org
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