Re: [Mailman-Users] Amazon SES and Verified Senders

2013-01-14 Thread Rich Kulawiec
On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 09:27:23AM -0800, Duane Winner wrote:
> Does anyone have any ideas on how to deal with this? [snip]

Amazon's cloud has been a prolific long-term source of spam and other
forms of abuse (e.g., brute-force ssh attacks).  Thus it's long since been
a best practice to refuse all email from hosts in
and subdomains, and no doubt unless serious efforts
are made to address this, blocking of incoming SMTP connections from
Amazon's cloud will eventually increase in both scope and coverage.

Not that this is your fault, of course.  But unless you can convince
Amazon to take an active interest in controlling *outbound* abuse from
their operation, there's little you can do about it.

So my recommendation is to set up a VPN tunnel from your Mailman host
to a (secure) SMTP relay outside their network space.  (And of course
outside other problematic network spaces; check Spamhaus and similar
resources first.)  Let the host inside Amazon do the heavy lifting of
running Mailman and so on, let the one outside do the simple work of
just relaying outbound traffic.  OpenBSD+postfix+BIND on very low-end
hardware should suffice, and as long as it only relays traffic handed
off via the VPN, you should be okay.

(Incidentally, verifying senders has no anti-spam value.  I get spam by
the megabyte in my spamtraps all day, every day, from verified senders
and from verified hosts.)

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Amazon SES and Verified Senders

2013-01-13 Thread Joseph Brennan

This is not a practical comment, but... I am amazed Amazon is checking
the header From instead of the header Sender and envelope sender... and
recommending breaking standards to get around what they are doing. They
not only break mailing lists but the types of forwarding that preserve
the original From header. RFC 2822:

  The "From:" field specifies the author(s) of the message,
  that is, the mailbox(es) of the person(s) or system(s) responsible
  for the writing of the message.  The "Sender:" field specifies the
  mailbox of the agent responsible for the actual transmission of the

The latter, and the envelope sender, is what they should care about.

All right, enough, back to real life where you just have to deal with
crazy stuff you can't control...

Joseph Brennan
Columbia University Information Technology

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Amazon SES and Verified Senders

2013-01-12 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Stephen J. Turnbull writes:
 > Duane Winner writes:
 >  > >>When sending through Amazon SES, instead of using the 
 >  > >>From address of your user, instead use your organization's email
 >  > >>address with a "friendly name" which identifies the user. Only
 >  > >>the email address portion is verified, so you can send with 
 >  > >>From addresses like so:

It just occurred to me that it would be possible to do what XEmacs
does (as a convenience/vanity feature): issue all users an address at
your domain, eg of the form "".[1]
It should be fairly easy to set up the MTA to rewrite and forward mail
to those addresses.  The main question at this point would be how to
link those addresses into the verification process.

In our case, we don't issue all users vanity addresses, only those who
are committers, and it's a labor-intensive process involving
correspondence about choosing and confirming the address.  But it
could be done for all users automatically as above.


[1]  Or for a retro mood,!!closetotheedge. ;-)

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Amazon SES and Verified Senders

2013-01-12 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Duane Winner writes:

 > >>When sending through Amazon SES, instead of using the 
 > >>From address of your user, instead use your organization's email
 > >>address with a "friendly name" which identifies the user. Only
 > >>the email address portion is verified, so you can send with 
 > >>From addresses like so:

Now that is a real WTF.  "We suggest that you automatically obscure
the sources of the spam you're passing through to your users so that
it will pass our verification process."

But since that's what they recommend, you can probably sue them if
they try to kick you off for doing it.

 > If find it hard to believe that this isn't a common issue, since
 > many people need a 3rd party SMTP relay  Is it possible that
 > this just doesn't come up much because people who run Mailman run
 > everything, including their own SMTP relay in-house?

Actually, I would guess that the majority of people using Mailman to
host lists are relatively unsophisticated and do so on a virtual host
which provides Mailman for them.  That wouldn't do them much good if
their users couldn't post.  Of course the folks who are answering
questions on this list probably generally do have their own MXes.

I suppose this problem will come up more frequently as IaaS becomes
more popular.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Amazon SES and Verified Senders

2013-01-12 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Mark Sapiro writes:
 > Duane Winner wrote:
 > >
 > >If I knew how to replace the "Friendly name" with something else, that
 > >/might/ be another solution, but I haven't been able to figure out how
 > >to do that. I'm guessing that is a Postfix question.
 > I could be wrong, but I don't think Postfix can do that, but you could
 > easily do that with a custom handler in Mailman. See
 > .
 > The difficulty with this approach is it makes it harder to reply only
 > to the poster.

Well, it would be pretty confusing, but you could put the real address
in a comment:

From: "Stephen J. Turnbull" ( 

You could also do

From: "Stephen J. Turnbull" 

People would have to be careful to clean out the unneeded address, but
everything they need is there.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Amazon SES and Verified Senders

2013-01-12 Thread Mark Sapiro
Duane Winner wrote:
>If I knew how to replace the "Friendly name" with something else, that
>/might/ be another solution, but I haven't been able to figure out how
>to do that. I'm guessing that is a Postfix question.

I could be wrong, but I don't think Postfix can do that, but you could
easily do that with a custom handler in Mailman. See

The difficulty with this approach is it makes it harder to reply only
to the poster.

Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Amazon SES and Verified Senders

2013-01-12 Thread Duane Winner

>Have you tried working directly with Amazon SES to resolve the issue?

I have not personally, but on their forums, others have posed have the same 
problem, and following is a reply directly from AWS:

>>We want to accommodate as many ways to send email as we can, while also 
>>providing strong protections against phishing and other abusive email. If the 
>>email address verification feature did not exist, then anyone could send 
>>to the members of your mailing list using the email address of your 
>>organization (
>>), for example. We realize that this creates some roadblocks to your users 
>>communicating with each other using Amazon SES as the medium. Here are some 
>>partial solutions to consider:
>>When sending through Amazon SES, instead of using the 
>>From address of your user, instead use your organization's email address with 
>>a "friendly name" which identifies the user. Only the email address portion 
>>is verified, so you can send with 
>>From addresses like so:
>>From: "Seth" 
>>From: "Justin C." 
>>You may also consider adding a 
>> header identifying the original user's actual email address. A regular reply 
>>will be sent there, directly to that user. A Reply All will include the 
>>"mailman" address which you can treat as a message to the list.

If I knew how to replace the "Friendly name" with something else, that /might/ 
be another solution, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do that. I'm 
guessing that is a Postfix question.

>I wonder if a third possibility, namely encapsulating every message in
>another message sent by Mailman, would do the trick.  Ie, require all
>subscribers to subscribe to the digest edition of the list.

That's not an option. We use lists for minute-by-minute round table 
conversations and tech support.

If find it hard to believe that this isn't a common issue, since many people 
need a 3rd party SMTP relay
Is it possible that this just doesn't come up much because people who run 
Mailman run everything, including their own SMTP relay in-house?


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[Mailman-Users] Amazon SES and Verified Senders

2013-01-11 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Duane Winner writes:

 > Does anyone have any ideas on how to deal with this dilemma: I am
 > running Mailman+Postfix+Ubuntu in Amazon AWS, and using Amazon SES
 > as a relay.  Although, this problem isn't unique to just SES. This
 > problem is common among many relay services, DynDNS to name
 > another.
 > To prevent against spam and abuse, SES, DynDNS and other relay
 > services require that you VERIFY each SENDER before you can send
 > mail from that email address.
 > When running Mailman, each member of every list is the SENDER, and
 > it is not practical or even possible to verify every sender. 

AFAICS, you lose, then.  Specifically, if you obfuscate the sender,
you are probably in violation of the AUP for the relay service you
are using.

Have you tried working directly with Amazon SES to resolve the issue?

I wonder if a third possibility, namely encapsulating every message in
another message sent by Mailman, would do the trick.  Ie, require all
subscribers to subscribe to the digest edition of the list.

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[Mailman-Users] Amazon SES and Verified Senders

2013-01-11 Thread Duane Winner

Does anyone have any ideas on how to deal with this dilemma: I am running 
Mailman+Postfix+Ubuntu in Amazon AWS, and using Amazon SES as a relay. 
Although, this problem isn't unique to just SES. This problem is common among 
many relay services, DynDNS to name another.

To prevent against spam and abuse, SES, DynDNS and other relay services require 
that you VERIFY each SENDER before you can send mail from that email address.

When running Mailman, each member of every list is the SENDER, and it is not 
practical or even possible to verify every sender. 

I have two workarounds, but neither one is ideal.

Option 1) In Mailman, I can enable: "Hide the sender of a message, replacing it 
with the list address (Removes From, Sender and Reply-To fields) "

This will mean any post to a list will show only the list, and the list will be 
the return address (that is ok, even desirable).
But the problem with this is, that unless the poster includes a signature, 
there is no way to know who it came from when the other list members receive 
the post.
We need to know who posted to the lists, so we know who we're replying to, and 
if we need their email to take the conversation off-list, etc.

Option 2) In Postfix, maintain the canonical file so that each member address 
will be rewritten with a mailman domain address. Example:

In /etc/postfix/canonical:

Because I've approved the domain with DKIM in Amazon SES, 
and email from will be rewritten as From:, and Amazon SES will permit it.
The problem with this is that it still doesn't accurately reflect the senders 
real email anywhere, and another list member might pull the bogus 
"" address, and try to send to this 
person off-list, or add the bogus email address to their address booknot 
Also, a cronjob will have to regularly build and update the canonical 
addresses, which in itself isn't that a big deal, but is another point of 

Does anybody else have this problem, and how do you deal with it? Are there 
better solutions? Perhaps their is a better way to do #2 so that the From: 
address is rewritten to be acceptable to Amazon SES, but displays something 
that is more useful and friendly to recipients?

Thanks for any input!

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