Re: [Mailman-Users] Challenge/Response

2007-02-11 Thread Robert Morse
Thanks for everyone's thoughts and suggestions. I have recommended setting
each list on emergency moderation. They have about a dozen lists for various
tasks. So, I suggested each list be assigned a moderator/administrator
(Currently one person manages all lists). Since the fear is the person will
be spoofing the From field, the moderators will have to review the contents
of each message and make a judgment about its validity. If there is doubt
the moderator can always do a manual challenge/response to the supposed
sender to see if they really sent a particular message.

I agree that this is as much a social/emotional issue as a technical one.
The organization needs to be very clear to everyone in how the handle the
problem and then just weather the storm.

On 2/10/07 12:32 PM, "Karl Zander" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, 10 Feb 2007 12:18:26 -0800
> Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Karl Zander wrote:
>>> Fundamentally, its not a technology problem.
>> Agreed, but as others have suggested, technology can
>> help. 
> Yes.  I didn't mean to imply it could not.  We are using
> technology to help us manage the situation and its being
> effective.
> But you have to be prepared to ride out the emotional part
> of this.  And if you do clamp down the lists, the person
> may go after "softer" parts of the organization if they
> are inclined to make trouble.  We have seen our interloper
> move on to a sister organization's lists.
> --Karl

Bob Morse
Morse Media

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Challenge/Response

2007-02-10 Thread Karl Zander
On Sat, 10 Feb 2007 12:18:26 -0800
  Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Karl Zander wrote:
>> Fundamentally, its not a technology problem.
> Agreed, but as others have suggested, technology can 

Yes.  I didn't mean to imply it could not.  We are using 
technology to help us manage the situation and its being 

But you have to be prepared to ride out the emotional part 
of this.  And if you do clamp down the lists, the person 
may go after "softer" parts of the organization if they 
are inclined to make trouble.  We have seen our interloper 
move on to a sister organization's lists.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Challenge/Response

2007-02-10 Thread Mark Sapiro
Karl Zander wrote:
> Fundamentally, its not a technology problem.

Agreed, but as others have suggested, technology can help. For example,
if the 'bad guy' has a fixed IP, you can set header_filter_rules to
discard messages that have that IP in a Received: header. Of course,
that may just force him to go to dial-up for posting IF he figures out
why his messages don't make it.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Challenge/Response

2007-02-10 Thread Karl Zander
On Fri, 09 Feb 2007 15:54:59 -0800
  Bob Morse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you all for your insights in the 
>Challenge/Response question. I am
> convinced this is not the way to go. In fact, I used 
>some of the same
> arguments to the client when he brought it up.
> The problem remains, however: How do I prevent spoofing? 
>In this case they
> have a real fear due to a board member who is soon to be 
>ejected from the
> board and have organizational membership taken away. 
>They feel he is capable
> (both emotionally and technically) of major disturbances 
>on one or more of
> about a dozen mailing lists the organization maintains.
> What makes this even more of a Œchallenge¹ is that the 
>account is on a
> shared server.

We are dealing with a similar situation now.  Some member, 
or non-member, is spoofing the From: address of members to 
post to the lists.  We have full emergency moderation 
turned on so all messages are reviewed before posting. 
 And at the MTA we have instituted various other checks 
that help prevent messages from getting to Mailman.  There 
is no (easy) technology now that can prevent this.  If the 
person is inclined to make trouble, they will.  If not 
through the lists, then by some other means. 
 Fundamentally, its not a technology problem.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Challenge/Response

2007-02-10 Thread vancleef
> The problem remains, however: How do I prevent spoofing? In this case they
> have a real fear due to a board member who is soon to be ejected from the
> board and have organizational membership taken away. They feel he is capable
> (both emotionally and technically) of major disturbances on one or more of
> about a dozen mailing lists the organization maintains.
> What makes this even more of a Œchallenge¹ is that the account is on a
> shared server.
I think that you're trying to deal with a sociological problem here.
I'll presume that the organization is prepared to make a statement
about this personnel action.  In general, that's a Public Relations
issue, not a technological one.

I'll also presume that the individual who is involved does not have
administrative access (root, etc.) to the Mailman host site.  The site
administrator(s) need to be informed of the action that is about to
take place, and told to secure the site appropriately, etc.  

So far as handling any fall-out from this action on one or more mail
lists, I'll suggest that you have list moderators (list administrator
level, but the job is "moderation") prepared to weather developments.
It would be very wise to have somebody in a list administration role
who is prepared to handle Public Relations handling of the fallout
from this action.  

Technically, start with embargoing the individual's known accounts
(unsubscribe, or at least put on moderation, and use the Mailman 
filters to catch probable variations, prevent posting from
non-registered addresses, and require moderator review of new
subscriptions).  Then, wait for developments.  

Experience with this sort of thing suggests that the problem
individual will try to post, and will ultimately succeed, but will
have built up such a head of steam that the post will lose whatever
support the individual might have had.  

Mailman has some very good resources a savvy moderator can use
effectively for damage control.  The ultimate weapon, of course, is
putting the entire list on emergency moderation.  

I won't go into detail here, but the major list I set up a Mailman
host site for survived a split between the two co-founders, in which
one was "fired," about three years ago.  The individual who was
removed did have several "bogey" addresses, and once he discovered
that his main addresses were moderated, blew a fuse and posted a
couple of real flames, some months afterward.  Net effect: six
resignations (out of 2500 members),  and some offlist discussion about
"if this is the way the guy really is, who needs him?"  


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Challenge/Response

2007-02-10 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Bob Morse writes:

 > The problem remains, however: How do I prevent spoofing? In this case they
 > have a real fear due to a board member who is soon to be ejected from the
 > board and have organizational membership taken away. They feel he is capable
 > (both emotionally and technically) of major disturbances on one or more of
 > about a dozen mailing lists the organization maintains.

Wouldn't moderating non-members and requiring admin approval for
subscriptions be enough?  Or is he capable of spoofing a member's From

If not, I've been there (the problem wasn't a board member, more like
a stalker).  However challenge/response wouldn't help anyway, because
it's easy enough to set up an autoresponder for typical C/R systems.
If not, and he's determined, he'll just do the C/R dance by hand.

What we ended up with was blacklisting the guy's known accounts,
hosts, and IP addresses, which caught most of the shrapnel, and human
moderation for about a month.  He gave up after two weeks of zero
success in several hundred attempts to subscribe or otherwise get past
the filters.  Had he come back they were prepared to cross-check IP
addresses from the Received headers against From addresses for the
regular posters.  Don't know if he would have been capable of getting
around that (spoofing both From and Received is easy enough if you
know what you're doing), fortunately we didn't have to go to those
extremes.  Here's hoping you don't have to, either.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Challenge/Response

2007-02-09 Thread Brad Knowles
At 3:54 PM -0800 2/9/07, Bob Morse wrote:

>  The problem remains, however: How do I prevent spoofing?

If the problem is that sensitive, then your only option that I can 
see is to use human moderation.  For each message that comes in, you 
have a human look at it to see if it's legitimate or not, and take 
appropriate action.

>   In this case they
>  have a real fear due to a board member who is soon to be ejected from the
>  board and have organizational membership taken away. They feel he is capable
>  (both emotionally and technically) of major disturbances on one or more of
>  about a dozen mailing lists the organization maintains.

Turn on "emergency moderation" for all lists, until the emergency has passed.

>  What makes this even more of a 'challenge' is that the account is on a
>  shared server.

If he can get onto your shared server, then you've got much, much 
bigger problems.  In that case, there's nothing that Mailman can do 
to save your soul.

Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Consultant & Author
Co-author of SAGE Booklet #15 "Internet Postmaster: Duties and 
Founding Member and Platinum Individual Sponsor of LOPSA: 

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Challenge/Response

2007-02-09 Thread Bob Morse
Thank you all for your insights in the Challenge/Response question. I am
convinced this is not the way to go. In fact, I used some of the same
arguments to the client when he brought it up.

The problem remains, however: How do I prevent spoofing? In this case they
have a real fear due to a board member who is soon to be ejected from the
board and have organizational membership taken away. They feel he is capable
(both emotionally and technically) of major disturbances on one or more of
about a dozen mailing lists the organization maintains.

What makes this even more of a Œchallenge¹ is that the account is on a
shared server.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Challenge/response

2007-02-09 Thread Jay Chandler
Bob Morse wrote:
> I have a client who is concerned about his list subscriber addresses being
> spoofed. In other words someone who knows the addresses of people on the
> list can set up a mail server and spoof the subscriber so he can post nasty
> things to the list. He would like to set up a challenge/response mechanism
> so that when [EMAIL PROTECTED] posts to the list, [EMAIL PROTECTED] gets sent 
> a
> copy of the message and must confirm that he/she was the sender before it
> gets posted. I don¹t see any configuration in Mailman for this. Is it
> possible?
> BTW, searching the archives at gets a 404 error.
Realize that should you implement Challenge/Response, your server WILL 
be blacklisted by various DNSBLs out there.  Backscatter is 
indistinguishable from spam to spamtraps.

Jay Chandler
Network Administrator, Chapman University
714.628.7249 / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Today's Excuse: positron router malfunction 

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Challenge/response

2007-02-08 Thread vancleef
> I have a client who is concerned about his list subscriber addresses being
> spoofed. In other words someone who knows the addresses of people on the
> list can set up a mail server and spoof the subscriber so he can post nasty
> things to the list. He would like to set up a challenge/response mechanism
> so that when [EMAIL PROTECTED] posts to the list, [EMAIL PROTECTED] gets sent 
> a
> copy of the message and must confirm that he/she was the sender before it
> gets posted. I don¹t see any configuration in Mailman for this. Is it
> possible?
Challenge-response is a well-known spam relay issue, and very
undesirable.   Mailman privacy options allow you to force moderation
of mail purportedly coming from specific addresses  You should also 
investigate methods using your MTA or adding a filter to the mailman 
address input, and not even think about challenge-response.  

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Challenge/response

2007-02-08 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Brad Knowles writes:

 > Challenge/response is one of the most vile inventions that has ever 
 > been applied to the concept of Internet e-mail.


I wouldn't go so far, since the spam that evoked it is far worse, but
I'm steadfastly opposed to challenge-response.

If you absolutely *must* do this thing, be prepared to get violent
responses and to lose mail from people that you'd really like to get
mail from.

Now that you're properly warned, I believe that there is a description
of how to integrate TMDA, a popular Python-based challenge-response
system, into Mailman in the Mailman FAQ wizard.  If not, I suppose
there would be one on the TMDA home page.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Challenge/response

2007-02-08 Thread Paul Tomblin
Quoting Brad Knowles ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> At 1:40 PM -0800 2/8/07, Bob Morse wrote:
> > He would like to set up a challenge/response mechanism
> >  so that when [EMAIL PROTECTED] posts to the list, [EMAIL PROTECTED] gets 
> > sent a
> >  copy of the message and must confirm that he/she was the sender before it
> >  gets posted. I don't see any configuration in Mailman for this. Is it
> >  possible?
> Challenge/response is one of the most vile inventions that has ever 
> been applied to the concept of Internet e-mail.  I would violently 
> oppose any integration of such features into any project I was 
> involved with.

Somebody should integrate PGP signing into Mailman (as an option) so that
you could set it up so when you subscribe to a list you give it your
public key, and you can't post to the list unless the message is PGP
signed by that key.

Digital signatures on email is something that is extremely overdue.  PGP
signatures have been grafted on in a half-assed way, but someday either no
mail will travel unless it's been correctly signed or email will disappear
as a viable means of communication because of the spam problem.

Paul Tomblin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"Belligerent Design: The theory that life was put on this planet by an
external sentient force just to piss me off." - Lore Brand Comics
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Challenge/response

2007-02-08 Thread Brad Knowles
At 1:40 PM -0800 2/8/07, Bob Morse wrote:

> He would like to set up a challenge/response mechanism
>  so that when [EMAIL PROTECTED] posts to the list, [EMAIL PROTECTED] gets 
> sent a
>  copy of the message and must confirm that he/she was the sender before it
>  gets posted. I don't see any configuration in Mailman for this. Is it
>  possible?

Challenge/response is one of the most vile inventions that has ever 
been applied to the concept of Internet e-mail.  I would violently 
oppose any integration of such features into any project I was 
involved with.

At the very least, you would have to be very, very careful how such a 
system was created, so as to avoid the problem where the "cure" is 
far worse than any possible disease that you might have.

Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Consultant & Author
Co-author of SAGE Booklet #15 "Internet Postmaster: Duties and 
Founding Member and Platinum Individual Sponsor of LOPSA: 

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Challenge/response

2007-02-08 Thread Mark Sapiro
Bob Morse wrote:
>BTW, searching the archives at gets a 404 error.

I see that too, but that is a issue. We can't do
anything about it.


for info on searching
 with Google.

Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Challenge/response

2007-02-08 Thread Patrick Bogen
On 2/8/07, Bob Morse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a client who is concerned about his list subscriber addresses being
> spoofed. In other words someone who knows the addresses of people on the
> list can set up a mail server and spoof the subscriber so he can post nasty
> things to the list. He would like to set up a challenge/response mechanism
> so that when [EMAIL PROTECTED] posts to the list, [EMAIL PROTECTED] gets sent 
> a
> copy of the message and must confirm that he/she was the sender before it
> gets posted. I don¹t see any configuration in Mailman for this. Is it
> possible?

So far as I know, this isn't possible in Mailman. You'd have to modify
the code.. If you think you're up to it, other folk should be able to
give you some pointers as to the best way to do this.

- Patrick Bogen
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[Mailman-Users] Challenge/response

2007-02-08 Thread Bob Morse
I have a client who is concerned about his list subscriber addresses being
spoofed. In other words someone who knows the addresses of people on the
list can set up a mail server and spoof the subscriber so he can post nasty
things to the list. He would like to set up a challenge/response mechanism
so that when [EMAIL PROTECTED] posts to the list, [EMAIL PROTECTED] gets sent a
copy of the message and must confirm that he/she was the sender before it
gets posted. I don¹t see any configuration in Mailman for this. Is it

BTW, searching the archives at gets a 404 error.

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