Re: [Mailman-Users] Gmail "features"

2012-08-09 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Brad Knowles writes:

 > I really don't think that this is a disk storage issue, I think
 > this is much more likely to be a wrong-headed idea that this kind
 > of thing will be beneficial to the users -- after all, they know
 > that they sent the message and that copy is sitting in the outbox,
 > so they don't need to have another copy sitting in the inbox.

I agree it's not about disk storage, I think it's just de-duplication
of the messages that users see.  Back when Canter and Siegel first got
started, we hated spam not because there was so much of it, but
because it was so bloody annoying to see it in every newsgroup we
subscribed to.  I don't see why ordinary users wouldn't feel the same
way (of course one dupe is far less annoying than Green Card lawyers
in every group you read, but if you get a lot of them, the annoyance
level would build up).

I disagree that it's wrongheaded, if Gmail is going to always do
de-duplication with one algorithm.  Gmail always stores the mail you
sent, as you sent it.  It is not necessarily the case that it will
come back to you in one piece.  After all, our favorite list
distribution software is just bristling with settings determining
what's going to be left of your post once it arrives at the
subscriber's mailbox.  Everybody can understand if they send out a
PNG, it comes back from the list stripped or the mail gets dropped,
and for some reason they don't have a copy of their original.  OTOH,
only a very few would know, let alone care, about missing RFC 2369
headers in a few copies they have locally!

I just think that users ought to have a choice of how de-duping is
done.  Or if it gets done at all.

 > If you think it's worthwhile, you could always try turning on
 > personalization for the list, and then add a footer with unique
 > information per recipient.  That would cause the message-id to be
 > unique as well as the message body, and wouldn't require any new
 > code to be developed.

Small correction: the Message-Id will be the same for all copies.
Mailman cannot go changing those, or it would play hell with all
threading MUAs.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Gmail "features"

2012-08-09 Thread Brad Knowles
On Aug 8, 2012, at 11:11 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull  wrote:

> Well, unfortunately Gmail is closed-source and I don't know what the
> full algorithm is.  Surely Message-Id is part of it, but evidently
> there are other aspects to it, or the behavior you and Brad
> R. describe wouldn't happen.

In the large-scale mail system design that I've done in the past, the tuple of 
(sender,recipient,message-id) was considered to be a pretty good index key for 
the mail database, albeit not a guaranteed unique key.  Most greylisting 
implementations use a tuple of (sender,recipient,sending-IP) to determine if 
this particular message should be delayed or not.

I even did a single-instance-store message database design that did an SHA-1 
hash of the message body content to see if the message contents really were 
unique, and if not then you could store the headers separate from the body and 
for the body you could just include a pointer to the existing message body that 
you already have.  I believe that some implementations of Microsoft Exchange 
implement a similar algorithm.

If you wanted to go to the extreme, you could de-compose each message to the 
individual MIME bodyparts, and then do an SHA-1 hash on each of those.  So, no 
matter how many copies of the latest Dilbert cartoon get mailed out, and no 
matter what text or other material might surround that, you'd still be able to 
reduce that to storing just one copy of the cartoon with multiple inbound links.

On the other hand, Nick Christensen (author of "Sendmail Performance Tuning", 
ISBN-13: 978-0321115706) and I discovered that you would be trading more disk 
I/O operations in order to try to save a relatively trivial amount of disk 
space, and that's the exact opposite of the trade-off you want to make given 
the way disk storage capacities have rapidly grown while I/O capacities have 
been relatively stagnant.  We discussed all these issues in the invited talk 
"Design and Implementation of Highly Scalable E-mail Systems", see 

I happen to know the former SRE for gmail, but I don't think he'd be able to 
tell me anything useful on this subject.

I really don't think that this is a disk storage issue, I think this is much 
more likely to be a wrong-headed idea that this kind of thing will be 
beneficial to the users -- after all, they know that they sent the message and 
that copy is sitting in the outbox, so they don't need to have another copy 
sitting in the inbox.

And maybe for the majority of users, that decision might actually be helpful.  
But they need to give people a way to turn that option off, so that they don't 
break the ability to do debugging when testing the sending of messages to 
remote systems.

Of course, if people are on Google Groups, then this probably isn't an issue 
for them.  And maybe that's the other part of the problem -- maybe Google sees 
this "feature" as being a competitive advantage for them with combining Google 
Groups and gmail working better together, and they don't see the benefit of 
making gmail be able to play better with the rest of the world.

If you think it's worthwhile, you could always try turning on personalization 
for the list, and then add a footer with unique information per recipient.  
That would cause the message-id to be unique as well as the message body, and 
wouldn't require any new code to be developed.

Brad Knowles 
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Gmail "features"

2012-08-09 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Lucio Crusca writes:

 > Again, that's not the point and we basically agree gmail is bad,
 > but... a standard is some set of commonly accepted rules. Be it
 > written down into a RFC or not.

It doesn't need to be in an RFC, but it must be written.  "What is
commonly accepted" is simply not a standard because it's impossible to
know if you're conforming, or what you need to conform to.
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Gmail "features"

2012-08-09 Thread William Bagwell
On Thursday 09 August 2012, Lucio Crusca wrote:
> I'd only like to slap gmail in the face if I could, by
> working around their wonderful feature, just for the taste of feeling
> smarter than they pretend to be. All in all, what is hacking about if
> not that?

Please do! Gmail user only because my ISP outsourced mail to them three 
years ago. Was helping a small discusion list move from an LSoft 
ListServe to Mailman at the time so suddenly missing my own posts back 
made testing impossible.

Was infuriated when I discovered there was no way to turn this stupid 
feature off. My work around is to post through my web hosts mail server. 
Most people do not have this option so a setting in Mailman for other 
would be great.
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Gmail "features"

2012-08-09 Thread Lucio Crusca
Stephen J. Turnbull writes:
> I don't think so.  Perhaps "MUA" is the wrong term for a message store
> "in the cloud", but the fact is that Gmail is the final recipient as
> far as the RFCs are concerned.  Eg, IMAP servers often implement SIEVE
> recipes and spam filtering, so some messages will be lost.

Again, that's not the point and we basically agree gmail is bad, but... a 
standard is some set of commonly accepted rules. Be it written down into a RFC 
or not. The "standard" (expected by most people) behavior of a email final 
recipient software, if not MUA, is to receive emails, not to throw them away 
based on ill advised algorithms. Sieve recipes and spam filtering is something 
that users can disable and modify at will (at least that's the "standard" for 
MUAs). If a recipe or spam filter accidentally trashes a message, the user can 
always disable that recipe or filter. Gmail does break the standard (expected 
behavior) in that does not let users choose if they want to receive some 
messages that are not spam by any stretch of imagination. Imho.

> In any case, no messages are lost; only copies with different
> meta-data.

However some information is actually lost (threading in the user's inbox and 
the acknowledgment that your message has actually reached the mailing list).

> I don't really disagree with you that Gmail's behavior is horrible.
> My point is that if you think its behavior is non-conforming, you may
> be in for other, even less pleasant surprises in the future.

You see, there must be a reason why I decided to roll my own mail server after 
all... I'm prepared to surprises. I'm not a gmail user, though I do have a 
sleeping gmail account. I'd only like to slap gmail in the face if I could, by 
working around their wonderful feature, just for the taste of feeling smarter 
than they pretend to be. All in all, what is hacking about if not that?

> I can't say I have a lot of sympathy.  You get Gmail for free, you
> shouldn't think it comes with no strings attached.

Quite obvious, though I can't see what Gmail earns from that "feature", but I 
suspect it's me not foreseeing very far away.
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Gmail "features"

2012-08-08 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Lucio Crusca writes:

 > Actually I already suspected that no RFC said what a MUA should do with 
 > messages. However Gmail is accessible via POP/IMAP also. AFAICT the same 
 > messages are lost also when accessing gmail via POP/IMAP, and in that case 
 > GMail is not only a MUA and it does break standards.

I don't think so.  Perhaps "MUA" is the wrong term for a message store
"in the cloud", but the fact is that Gmail is the final recipient as
far as the RFCs are concerned.  Eg, IMAP servers often implement SIEVE
recipes and spam filtering, so some messages will be lost.

In any case, no messages are lost; only copies with different

I don't really disagree with you that Gmail's behavior is horrible.
My point is that if you think its behavior is non-conforming, you may
be in for other, even less pleasant surprises in the future.

 > About the fact that you can always use a different MUA,
 > unfortunately in many cases that's only theory.

I can't say I have a lot of sympathy.  You get Gmail for free, you
shouldn't think it comes with no strings attached.

 > No, I'm willing to do it only for gmail users that activate the
 > relevant option in their mailman preferences.

I think that's best, but I can't help you with implementing that kind
of thing (in principle I know what to do, but I don't have time to
nail down the details for a while).  For Mark or Barry it's probably
quite straightforward, but of course their time is very valuable.

 > > If you do it only for the Gmail-using subscriber, you'll probably
 > > screw up his threading because his copy of the message will have a
 > > different Message-ID from what everybody else refers to.  I find that
 > > to be pretty intrusive.
 > You are absolutely right. Probably changing Message-Id is not the
 > best way to workaround that "feature" when applied only to the copy
 > for the original poster.

Well, unfortunately Gmail is closed-source and I don't know what the
full algorithm is.  Surely Message-Id is part of it, but evidently
there are other aspects to it, or the behavior you and Brad
R. describe wouldn't happen.

 > I wonder if there are any other headers that can be changed, only
 > in the message copy for the original poster, that do the job.

I presume that there are.  Probably Brad's discussion gives a hint.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Gmail "features"

2012-08-08 Thread Brad Rogers
On Wed, 8 Aug 2012 09:09:22 +0200
Lucio Crusca  wrote:

Hello Lucio,

>Brad Rogers writes:
>> Send:
>Does that mean that I must have an external (from my mailman server
>point of view) smtp server? That would explain everything, but that

I believe so, yes.  I only run one list, and don't have sufficient
access rights to "play" with this to find out.  Like you, I have limited
funds, so can't buy my list out of this situation.

>> Reply to:
>Already done since when I created my lists (I almost always set 
>"reply_goes_to_list" option to the list itself, unrespectful of big 
>warnings mailman shows about reply-to munging considered harmful).

I don't set it, but there are arguments both for and against.  It's up
to each of us to make up our own minds.

>> See
>> and a few surrounding messages for some context.
>I've read the whole thread, thanks. Unfortunately it does not reply to
>my questions above, but maybe you have undestood the exact meaning of
>those words.

Yes, we were diverging from the real subject of the thread, and I never
pursued the matter any further.

 Regards  _
 / )   "The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent"
Black man got a lot of problems, but he don't mind throwing a brick
White Riot - The Clash

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Gmail "features"

2012-08-08 Thread Lucio Crusca
Stephen J. Turnbull writes:
> Lucio Crusca writes:
>  > Feel free to try subscribing to the above list and try posting from
>  > gmail.
> OK, but it will have to wait until tomorrow.  I need to sleep after
> that last goal by Mexico. :-(

Probably you don't need to try anymore (see Brad Rogers' post).

> That's definitely wrong.  I've been a gmail user for at least 5 years

You're right, Brad gave a clue about what's going on and his reply fits 
perfectly my observation.

>  > What's more against standards than throwing messages away like
>  > gmail does?  I wouldn't care too much if the patch concerned only
>  > gmail subscribers.
> Sorry, but you're wrong.  Gmail is an MUA, 

Actually I already suspected that no RFC said what a MUA should do with 
messages. However Gmail is accessible via POP/IMAP also. AFAICT the same 
messages are lost also when accessing gmail via POP/IMAP, and in that case 
GMail is not only a MUA and it does break standards.

However that's not the real point. My sentence meant that if the patch were to 
violate standards only for gmail users that want it (e.g. users that activate 
an option in their mailman preferences panel), then that violation is less of 
a problem, at least from those users point of view, when compared to messages 
automatically being thrown away by gmail.

About the fact that you can always use a different MUA, unfortunately in many 
cases that's only theory. In practice changing your email address translates 
in a loss of time and often money. Either way, Gmail is not only a MUA.

>  > Please elaborate. That would be the solution. I imagine something fairly
>  > simple and not very intrusive, like adding something like this somewhere
>  > in the mailman code:
> If you're willing to do it for all recipients but only for posts from
> Gmail users, 

No, I'm willing to do it only for gmail users that activate the relevant 
option in their mailman preferences. I think that doing it for anyone outside 
the users that explicitly ask for it is invasive and dangerous.

> you can do it in a Handler, pretty much anywhere in the
> pipeline.  I consider that non-intrusive and relatively benign because
> everybody's copy will have the same Message-ID for threading, Gmane
> searching, and the like.

I agree that could work well, but I don't understand email standards enough to 
feel comfortable in modifying message headers of outgoing mail for all 

> If you do it only for the Gmail-using subscriber, you'll probably
> screw up his threading because his copy of the message will have a
> different Message-ID from what everybody else refers to.  I find that
> to be pretty intrusive.

You are absolutely right. Probably changing Message-Id is not the best way to 
workaround that "feature" when applied only to the copy for the original 
poster. I wonder if there are any other headers that can be changed, only in 
the message copy for the original poster, that do the job.

> Also, as far as I know, doing that would require doing surgery on the
> personalization code, after the handoff to the outgoing queue runner.
> I'm not willing to advise you on that, I don't know that part of the
> code at all.

Ok, before that I need to identify correct headers to change anyway, assuming 
they exist...
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Gmail "features"

2012-08-08 Thread Lucio Crusca
Brad Rogers writes:
> Gmail has *always* been that way.  There is a workaround.  Maybe it is
> employed (if only by accident) on the lists you mention.  It is required
> that the list be set up with the following;
> Receive:

Ok, I think the example fits my case (3rd level domain is "lists" in my case).

> Send:

Does that mean that I must have an external (from my mailman server point of 
view) smtp server? That would explain everything, but that would also leave me 
without a dime, because I can't reasonably identify another meaningful SMTP 
server to act as smart relay for my smtp server. And no, purposely setting one 
up is not an option, at least for me.

> and then add the header;
> Reply to:

Already done since when I created my lists (I almost always set 
"reply_goes_to_list" option to the list itself, unrespectful of big fat 
warnings mailman shows about reply-to munging considered harmful).

> I got this from another list I'm subbed to, have never done it myself so
> can't say for sure it's correct, but have no reason to doubt the source.
> See
> and a few surrounding messages for some context.

I've read the whole thread, thanks. Unfortunately it does not reply to my 
questions above, but maybe you have undestood the exact meaning of those 
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Gmail "features"

2012-08-07 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Lucio Crusca writes:

 > Feel free to try subscribing to the above list and try posting from
 > gmail.

OK, but it will have to wait until tomorrow.  I need to sleep after
that last goal by Mexico. :-(

 > Like I said, I suspect it depends on the list. My current best guess is
 > that older lists (i.e. the ones that had been created before some time in
 > the past) don't hit the infamous feature, while newer ones do.

That's definitely wrong.  I've been a gmail user for at least 5 years,
occasionally posting to various mailing lists of which some have been
in existence for more than 20 years, with the oldest Mailman
installation being 13 years old (but Mailman has been upgraded
regularly, of course).

 > What's more against standards than throwing messages away like
 > gmail does?  I wouldn't care too much if the patch concerned only
 > gmail subscribers.

Sorry, but you're wrong.  Gmail is an MUA, there are no RFCs for what
it should do with messages it receives, only for the wire format to
use when sending and interpret when receiving.  If users don't like
what it does, there are plenty of other MUAs.

To the extent that the RFCs apply, Gmail is perfectly within the
standards.  Two messages that have the same Message-ID are presumed to
be the same message by the RFCs.

Gmail also provides MTA services.  If someone uses a different MUA to
send via Gmail's SMTP server, I believe they would receive that
message via the list as the Gmail MUA wouldn't have a copy.  Is that a
possible explanation?

 > Please elaborate. That would be the solution. I imagine something fairly
 > simple and not very intrusive, like adding something like this somewhere
 > in the mailman code:

If you're willing to do it for all recipients but only for posts from
Gmail users, you can do it in a Handler, pretty much anywhere in the
pipeline.  I consider that non-intrusive and relatively benign because
everybody's copy will have the same Message-ID for threading, Gmane
searching, and the like.

If you do it only for the Gmail-using subscriber, you'll probably
screw up his threading because his copy of the message will have a
different Message-ID from what everybody else refers to.  I find that
to be pretty intrusive.

Also, as far as I know, doing that would require doing surgery on the
personalization code, after the handoff to the outgoing queue runner.
I'm not willing to advise you on that, I don't know that part of the
code at all.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Gmail "features"

2012-08-07 Thread Brad Rogers
On Tue, 7 Aug 2012 12:19:41 -
"Lucio Crusca"  wrote:

Hello Lucio,

>Like I said, I suspect it depends on the list. My current best guess is
>that older lists (i.e. the ones that had been created before some time
>in the past) don't hit the infamous feature, while newer ones do.

Gmail has *always* been that way.  There is a workaround.  Maybe it is
employed (if only by accident) on the lists you mention.  It is required
that the list be set up with the following;


and then add the header;

Reply to:

I got this from another list I'm subbed to, have never done it myself so
can't say for sure it's correct, but have no reason to doubt the source.

and a few surrounding messages for some context.

 Regards  _
 / )   "The blindingly obvious is
/ _)radnever immediately apparent"
Kill joy, bad guy, big talking, small fry
Death On Two Legs - Queen

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Gmail "features"

2012-08-07 Thread Lucio Crusca
Stephen J. Turnbull writes:
> Your fact is presumably due to some error in observation, since Gmail
> acknowledges this behavior as a feature of Gmail.  It is simply not
> possible to receive your own posts on Gmail; you can only keep the
> Sent folder copy.

I can confirm my observation is correct. I have at least three gmail users
which I personally know that suffer from that "feature" on one of my lists
and don't experience the same problem on another list which is mailman
powered but hosted at a friend's server.

Other users started to experience the "feature" only when I migrated a
mailing list from a server to another and they notified me just after the
migration. I currently have a few examples of existing and running mailing
lists powered by mailman where gmail subscribers do receive their own
posts, this is one:

Feel free to try subscribing to the above list and try posting from gmail.
It's an italian language list dedicated to our local linux users group,
but as far as you put an [OT] in the subject there are no problems.

> Are you sure you don't mean a different issue such as FAQ 3.42?

Absolutely sure. Messages from the list are correctly delivered to gmail
subscribers, except the ones themselves sent.

> Please recheck; if there's a reasonable way to get around this, there
> are probably thousands of Gmail users who would love to do so.  But I
> suspect you'll discover that Gmail users simply won't receive their
> own posts from the list.

Like I said, I suspect it depends on the list. My current best guess is
that older lists (i.e. the ones that had been created before some time in
the past) don't hit the infamous feature, while newer ones do.

> I would imagine that you could change the Message-ID at the list, and
> that might do the trick. But that is strictly against the relevant
> standards for mail.

What's more against standards than throwing messages away like gmail does?
I wouldn't care too much if the patch concerned only gmail subscribers.

> It should be possible to do it for the particular message sent to the
> poster only, but that would be delicate.

Please elaborate. That would be the solution. I imagine something fairly
simple and not very intrusive, like adding something like this somewhere
in the mailman code:

msg = create_message_copy(message)

if msg.recipient == msg.sender &&
   is_option_active(workaround_gmail_feature) &&
   domain(msg.recipient) == "gmail"
   # do whatever delicate and nasty on msg
   # in order to have it delivered.
   # At worst, it won't be delivered anyway...


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