I just ran into 2 problems.

1).   A user added a large number of subscribers by uploading
      an Excel spreadsheet.  Mailman accepted the file and 
      addresses appeared reasonable when viewed with IE but
      not so good with mozilla (each alpha char was followed by
      a box).   I was able to remove the names using the 
      remove_members command by removing all members.

      It seems that it might be a good check when importing a
      list of users, for mailman to make sure it is a text file
      so users don't mess things up inadvertantly.

2).   The second problem that developed is that the user has
      set notification on subscribing to yes and so she and
      her boss bere getting several thousand emails.
      I finally had to completely delete the list.
      Is there a better way to tell mailman to stop sending email
      from a specific list?   If that is possible, I have not
      bumped into an explanation how mailman works so I would
      be able to stop it sending emails.

Thanks in advance.

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