Hi list,
I'm sure this is a redundant question but i search a quiet good method
to allow my users to get the same maillist name for different domains.
I use Postfix with virtual alias and mailbox suport on a mysql server.
Like: test@test.com is different of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On a google/archive search i've read somes solutions :
1/ run more than one mailman, but it is not possible for me.
2/ Use a test-test.com style and canonical postfix method, but the sent
mail is not clearly [EMAIL PROTECTED]
3/ Use a patch for mailman
(http://al.blog.free.fr/mailman/mailman-vh-2.1.5.patch or
http://mithrandr.moria.org/blog/139.html). But they don't seem work very
well when i tryed them.

All this solutions don't work for me ...
Do you have a solution? a working patch?
Someone had succeed to do what i want whith the same implementation

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