Re: [MlMt] subfolders only if unread ?

2017-02-10 Thread Max Rydahl Andersen

On 10 Feb 2017, at 16:06, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 10 Feb 2017, at 15:55, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

With regard to toggling. The easiest implementation I could do would 
probably be a key binding to enable/disable the conditions applied 
to a given mailbox. Then you could add a condition to only show 
unread messages and this could be toggled. (This would also be very 
flexible with regard to creating all kinds of “toggling”, 
especially if MailMate simply inverts the enabled-state of all 
conditions defined for the mailbox.)

Would that work for you? I don't think it would take long to 
implement (but I could be wrong).

That would be *Awesome* and even more powerful.

That toggable criteria would be defined globally so not on each 
mailbox or ?

Sorry, that would still be for each mailbox. You could quickly add 
them by editing the `Mailboxes.plist` file, but that is of course not 
a good solution in general.

btw. if you are working on this kind of flexibility maybe even allow 
"named" toggles but if I could just get one toggle one that would 

Each mailbox could have its own type of toggle, but my solution, as 
described above, would not allow multiple different toggles on the 
same mailbox.

oh boy...I could remove a lot of my custom mailboxes if that would 
happen though ;)

Ok. I'll give it some more thought to see if I can come up with 
something more flexible.

don't let my crazy ideas stop you from doing whatever simple solution 
you can do now - your solution described above sounds super for me even 
if I had to set it up on each mailbox.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mail Tracking

2017-02-10 Thread Pedro Lobo
I also like this idea. I wonder if it would be feasible to implement 
Ghostery as a MM bundle. Never looked into their API and I’m unsure if 
MM supports that type of functionality (plugging in the Ghostery API)

Pedro Lobo
On 10 Feb 2017, at 16:19, Robert Brenstein wrote:

You are right. To get proper reporting of tracking we would need 
Ghostery as a plugin for MM…

On 10 Feb 2017, at 16:00, Philip Paeps wrote:

Arguably, *all* remote images are tracking pixels, regardless of how 
many pixels they contain.  Even without individualising the image 
URLs, you can more or less strongly correlate image loads to email 
recipients based on other qualifiers (User-Agent, time of day,...).

That said, I wouldn't object if MailMate could make an educated guess 
about images being "tracking pixels" in the stricter sense.


mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mail Tracking

2017-02-10 Thread Pedro Lobo

Great question Robert.

I’ve never really looked into how Postbox is doing it. I suppose they 
have a blacklist of URLs (similar to what Benny implemented for tracking 
links, even though he just put 1 URL in). MM could also make an educated 
guess as to the size of the pixel and if smaller that said size, then 
it’s probably used for tracking.

Having said that, I wouldn’t expect MM to bypass the tracking image if 
the user has clicked load once. If it’s clearly stated (Postbox has a 
different color in the banner) that there may be a tracking pixel and 
the user still loads the image, then the fault lies with the user I 

Pedro Lobo
On 9 Feb 2017, at 17:42, Robert Brenstein wrote:

Just to clarify. Are you talking about additional checking for 
tracking images when the setting “Image blocking” is off, right? 
Or do you mean to check the image size always, assuming that images 
smaller than certain size are only for tracking and report not only 
the count of blocked external references but also a count of suspected 
trackers? Would you then expect the “Load once” function to have 
an option to skip the tracking images when fetching images?


On 9 Feb 2017, at 16:19, Pedro Lobo wrote:


I tend to mess around with a few mail clients to see what’s new and 
around (and then come back to MM). One thing that I found in the 
latest version of PostBox that I would love too see in MM (if 
possible) is the inclusion of their [Anti-tracking 

In theory, MM could display the same dialog it does now, not showing 
images unless we say it’s ok, but also indicate if said email has 
tracking pixel in it.___

mailmate mailing list

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Re: [MlMt] Move not copy recipients

2017-02-10 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 10 Feb 2017, at 17:24, Robert Brenstein wrote:

Is that indicator shown by MM or does it come from system’s 

It's from the system.

It would be nice for the indicator to show the plus sign (as it does 
now) for copy and the multiply sign for move.

Yes, that would be nice :)

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Rule - twisted

2017-02-10 Thread Marc ARC


You gave me a good idea, with a 2 smart mailboxes referring to the same 
source, I can mimic this behaviour

Smart_mailbox_1 contains all the relevant mails from Source
Smart_mailbox_2 shows only the mails where the  From > address [Source] 
can be found in the To>address [Smart_mailbox_1]

Not perfect but suits my needs.

So please don’t lose any more sweat/thought over it,



On 10 Feb 2017, at 14:16, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 8 Feb 2017, at 18:06, Marc De Roover wrote:

Any idea if there is possibility to have this kind of smart-mailbox

From > address   equals  To > address

That's a good question. It's also kind of hard to come up with good 
use cases which is not this exact example.

Internally, I could perhaps hack it by having some kind of special 
mailbox essentially doing:

From ▸ Address is in [Same Message Mailbox] To ▸ Address

But I'm afraid it's not as simple as that (due to how MailMate handles 
message queries in general). I'll give it some thought.


mailmate mailing list
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] gnupg2 via Homebrew = MISSING_COMMAND

2017-02-10 Thread Sam Hathaway

Thanks, Andrew!

On 10 Feb 2017, at 12:24 PM EST, wrote:


I too am using `gnupg2` through homebrew along with `pinentry-mac`. 
Works great with MailMate for me. When you installed the osx gpg suite 
did you uncheck the mail plugin as well as uncheck the core gpg tools 
(first and last checkboxes)? You don’t want that if you’re using 
homebrew’s version. Also this is the contents of my 
`gpg-agent.conf`. I didn’t do any manual linking. I think you need 
to uninstall the core gpg tools from the gpg suite and update your 
gpg-agent file to poing to pinentry-mac.

❯ cat ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
pinentry-program /usr/local/bin/pinentry-mac
default-cache-ttl 600
max-cache-ttl 7200

On 10 Feb 2017, at 7:52, Sam Hathaway wrote:

Update: Creating a symlink does not work; the error from MailMate is 
the same.

/usr/local/MacGPG2/bin/gpg2 -> ../../bin/gpg2
/usr/local/bin/gpg2 -> ../Cellar/gnupg2/2.0.30_3/bin/gpg2

Things work fine at the command line when I call GPG as 

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Create replies from templates

2017-02-10 Thread catesandrew

On 10 Feb 2017, at 3:27, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 3 Feb 2017, at 19:32, Martin Guddat wrote:

I am looking for a way to automate reponding to email without getting 
to generic, so I want to give a proper greeting as well as matching 
salutation. For this I would like to use something like templates. 
For a given response I would have to select from a set of options 
(salutation male/femame/unknown, formal or informal greeting etc) and 
fill the template with data I get from the mail.

I found some discussion on templates and mail merge as well as some 
notes from Benny on "Commands"  19 Jan 2014, at 16:22) but nothing 
conclusive. Is there more available on this topic or anyone minds to 
share his workflow on things like this?

It's actually a bit surprising how rarely I'm asked about some kind of 
template system, but it's certainly something I would like MailMate to 
be able to do.

The only way to do it now is to use a custom bundle. This allows you 
to get any value from the replied email and use it in an automatically 
generated reply. (It's even possible to send the reply without editing 
the resulting message.)

In your particular case, you could use AppleScript to ask for the 
options, but it's going to require some scripting skills. I can create 
an example bundle to setup the general framework for you, but I cannot 
offer you to do the AppleScript part.

I use TextExpander for my templates. Works across multiple applications 
too. I’m migrating to Keyboard Maestro and ditching TextExpander at 
the moment and will be able to achieve the same thing there.

In reference to custom bundles, I too do this as well. I use node’s 
template system but you could use go’s or any others as well. I pipe 
it back to stdout to finish. Not sure of any way a bundle can ask for 
input from user which is why TextExpander is nice. It _might_ be 
possible to have the bundle’s invoke some sort of gui to ask for the 
input, but i’m not sure its possible.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] gnupg2 via Homebrew = MISSING_COMMAND

2017-02-10 Thread catesandrew


I too am using `gnupg2` through homebrew along with `pinentry-mac`. 
Works great with MailMate for me. When you installed the osx gpg suite 
did you uncheck the mail plugin as well as uncheck the core gpg tools 
(first and last checkboxes)? You don’t want that if you’re using 
homebrew’s version. Also this is the contents of my `gpg-agent.conf`. 
I didn’t do any manual linking. I think you need to uninstall the core 
gpg tools from the gpg suite and update your gpg-agent file to poing to 

❯ cat ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
pinentry-program /usr/local/bin/pinentry-mac
default-cache-ttl 600
max-cache-ttl 7200

On 10 Feb 2017, at 7:52, Sam Hathaway wrote:

Update: Creating a symlink does not work; the error from MailMate is 
the same.

/usr/local/MacGPG2/bin/gpg2 -> ../../bin/gpg2
/usr/local/bin/gpg2 -> ../Cellar/gnupg2/2.0.30_3/bin/gpg2

Things work fine at the command line when I call GPG as 
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] opening multiple mails

2017-02-10 Thread Robert Brenstein
Re 2: Just to report for those who do not read release notes in detail: 
version (5344) shows older messages on top. Nice job, Benny!


On 10 Jan 2017, at 17:19, Robert Brenstein wrote:

A followup:

1: It is not possible to get this behaviour with the mouse - annoying 
since it forces me to move my hand off the mouse just for this (yes, I 
am aware that most MM users are keyboard centric). My wish: it would 
be great if the right-click popup menu included the option to open 
messages individually.

2: Msg windows are sorted with newest message on top — of course, 
when reading a thread, I would prefer to read oldest first. Benny says 
that he changed this behavior in the forthcoming release.

3: Msg windows open snag at the bottom of the screen. I seem to recall 
a recent discussion about such problematic window positioning. I 
discovered that the problematic positioning occurs when no message 
window is open. I haven’t found a way to set the default position. 
However, if I leave one msg window open (behind the main window is 
fine), the further message windows open relative to that window 
(actually, the latest open message window). My wish: MM could allow 
setting the default position and size for opening a new message window 
if no other window is open (the current behavior is fine otherwise).


mailmate mailing list
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Move not copy recipients

2017-02-10 Thread Robert Brenstein

Is that indicator shown by MM or does it come from system’s drag&drop?
It would be nice for the indicator to show the plus sign (as it does 
now) for copy and the multiply sign for move.


On 10 Feb 2017, at 16:12, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

There's no setting for this. “Move” is supposed to be the default. 
Holding down ⌥ or ⌘ should change it to “Copy”. It's a bit of 
a hack though (most things are with relation to the NSTokenField class 
used for email addresses) and I certainly don't rule out that some 
corner cases won't work as expected. Don't put anything into the 
display of the plus sign (some times) shown. It doesn't necessarily 
reflect what happens.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mail Tracking

2017-02-10 Thread Robert Brenstein
You are right. To get proper reporting of tracking we would need 
Ghostery as a plugin for MM…

On 10 Feb 2017, at 16:00, Philip Paeps wrote:

Arguably, *all* remote images are tracking pixels, regardless of how 
many pixels they contain.  Even without individualising the image 
URLs, you can more or less strongly correlate image loads to email 
recipients based on other qualifiers (User-Agent, time of day,...).

That said, I wouldn't object if MailMate could make an educated guess 
about images being "tracking pixels" in the stricter sense.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] gnupg2 via Homebrew = MISSING_COMMAND

2017-02-10 Thread Sam Hathaway
Update: Creating a symlink does not work; the error from MailMate is the 

/usr/local/MacGPG2/bin/gpg2 -> ../../bin/gpg2
/usr/local/bin/gpg2 -> ../Cellar/gnupg2/2.0.30_3/bin/gpg2

Things work fine at the command line when I call GPG as 


On 10 Feb 2017, at 10:37 AM EST, Sam Hathaway wrote:

Hello MailMaters,

I have the gnupg2 package installed via Homebrew.

As noted here , I 
installed pinentry-mac and added "pinentry-program 
/usr/local/bin/pinentry-mac" to my ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf file.

Alas, when I try to send a signed or encrypted message, MailMate says:

MISSING_COMMAND (/usr/local/MacGPG2/bin/gpg2)

Can I convince MailMate to look for gpg2 in /usr/local/bin (or search 
my $PATH)?

Or do I have to create a symlink in the (currently-nonexistent) 
/usr/local/MacGPG2/bin directory?

mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] gnupg2 via Homebrew = MISSING_COMMAND

2017-02-10 Thread Sam Hathaway

Hello MailMaters,

I have the gnupg2 package installed via Homebrew.

As noted here , I installed 
pinentry-mac and added "pinentry-program /usr/local/bin/pinentry-mac" to 
my ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf file.

Alas, when I try to send a signed or encrypted message, MailMate says:

MISSING_COMMAND (/usr/local/MacGPG2/bin/gpg2)

Can I convince MailMate to look for gpg2 in /usr/local/bin (or search my 

Or do I have to create a symlink in the (currently-nonexistent) 
/usr/local/MacGPG2/bin directory?

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mail Tracking

2017-02-10 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 9 Feb 2017, at 16:19, Pedro Lobo wrote:

I tend to mess around with a few mail clients to see what’s new and 
around (and then come back to MM). One thing that I found in the 
latest version of PostBox that I would love too see in MM (if 
possible) is the inclusion of their [Anti-tracking 

In theory, MM could display the same dialog it does now, not showing 
images unless we say it’s ok, but also indicate if said email has 
tracking pixel in it.

There's no standard definition of a tracking pixel. In fact, a logo 
could be the tracking pixel itself. It would only be revealed by the 
image URL and if you are really smart about it then that might also be 
very difficult to determine. But MailMate could certainly be clearer 
about why image blocking is important.

Related to this topic, a different kind of tracking is links within an 
email itself. There exists services which track if/when/where you click 
a link. I once added a warning to MailMate about this, but it's very 
rarely triggered, because I only added one tracking service. The warning 
looks like this:


I don't really know if there is any interest in this type of warning 
though (I think I did it just to figure out how one could prevent such 

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Move not copy recipients

2017-02-10 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 9 Feb 2017, at 18:44, Robert Brenstein wrote:

My MM (1.9.6 / 5344) does what you wish for, so there might be a 
setting for it.

On 9 Feb 2017, at 18:23, John D. Muccigrosso wrote:

It seems that the default behavior when recipients are dragged from 
one field to another (to: to bcc:, for example) is to copy them. I 
would think that a move would be preferred (and that holding down the 
option key would change that to copy).

There's no setting for this. “Move” is supposed to be the default. 
Holding down ⌥ or ⌘ should change it to “Copy”. It's a bit of a 
hack though (most things are with relation to the NSTokenField class 
used for email addresses) and I certainly don't rule out that some 
corner cases won't work as expected. Don't put anything into the display 
of the plus sign (some times) shown. It doesn't necessarily reflect what 

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] subfolders only if unread ?

2017-02-10 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 10 Feb 2017, at 15:55, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

With regard to toggling. The easiest implementation I could do would 
probably be a key binding to enable/disable the conditions applied to 
a given mailbox. Then you could add a condition to only show unread 
messages and this could be toggled. (This would also be very flexible 
with regard to creating all kinds of “toggling”, especially if 
MailMate simply inverts the enabled-state of all conditions defined 
for the mailbox.)

Would that work for you? I don't think it would take long to 
implement (but I could be wrong).

That would be *Awesome* and even more powerful.

That toggable criteria would be defined globally so not on each 
mailbox or ?

Sorry, that would still be for each mailbox. You could quickly add them 
by editing the `Mailboxes.plist` file, but that is of course not a good 
solution in general.

btw. if you are working on this kind of flexibility maybe even allow 
"named" toggles but if I could just get one toggle one that would 

Each mailbox could have its own type of toggle, but my solution, as 
described above, would not allow multiple different toggles on the same 

oh boy...I could remove a lot of my custom mailboxes if that would 
happen though ;)

Ok. I'll give it some more thought to see if I can come up with 
something more flexible.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Handling expired PGP keys

2017-02-10 Thread Steven M. Bellovin

Thanks -- will remember that for next time.

On 10 Feb 2017, at 5:52, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 2 Feb 2017, at 21:50, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

I composed a reply message to someone and requested PGP encryption 
and signature.  However, my copy of the recipient's key was expired.  
I obtained a new version, but MailMate still insisted it was expired 
when I tried resending the draft.  I deleted the old key from my key 
ring, and tried stopping and restarting MailMate, but to no avail.  I 
finally copied all of the text from my reply message, deleted it, and 
created a new reply, pasting in the old text.  This seems to suggest 
that MailMate is caching the key on first attempt and not refreshing 
it, which doesn't seem right.  (I'm running 2.0 BETA 6074.)

MailMate doesn't cache anything related to PGP keys. Every time an 
OpenPGP action is needed then MailMate uses the external `gpg2` 
command. There is a daemon running (used by `gpg2`) name `gpg-agent`, 
but I don't know enough about the internal behavior of `gpg2` to know 
if this explains the issue. It's possible to kill the daemon (and then 
it's restarted when needed):

killall gpg-agent

You can try that if you see this issue again.

You can also get debug output from MailMate like this:

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmDebugSecurity -bool YES

Then you should be able to see how MailMate uses `gpg2`.

I hope this helps.


mailmate mailing list

--Steve Bellovin,

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mail Tracking

2017-02-10 Thread Philip Paeps

On 2017-02-09 16:19:35 (+0100), Pedro Lobo  wrote:
I tend to mess around with a few mail clients to see what’s new and 
around (and then come back to MM). One thing that I found in the 
latest version of PostBox that I would love too see in MM (if 
possible) is the inclusion of their [Anti-tracking 

In theory, MM could display the same dialog it does now, not showing 
images unless we say it’s ok, but also indicate if said email has 
tracking pixel in

Arguably, *all* remote images are tracking pixels, regardless of how 
many pixels they contain.  Even without individualising the image URLs, 
you can more or less strongly correlate image loads to email recipients 
based on other qualifiers (User-Agent, time of day,...).

That said, I wouldn't object if MailMate could make an educated guess 
about images being "tracking pixels" in the stricter sense.


Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Ministry of Information
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] subfolders only if unread ?

2017-02-10 Thread Max Rydahl Andersen

On 10 Feb 2017, at 14:04, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 3 Feb 2017, at 0:44, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

I've asked before if it was possible to have a toggle on folders to 
show/hide unread.

I'm still eagerly waiting for that - but I was wondering if that is 
too hard to now, how
about being able to have the submailboxes only show up if there are 
unread ?

Would that be feasible ?

So that would be:

Submailbox 1
Submailbox 2.
Submailbox ...

In other words, you cannot do it without the intermediate unread 

Yes, this is what I do today for the mailboxes i absolutely need this. 
Its tedious ;)

With regard to toggling. The easiest implementation I could do would 
probably be a key binding to enable/disable the conditions applied to 
a given mailbox. Then you could add a condition to only show unread 
messages and this could be toggled. (This would also be very flexible 
with regard to creating all kinds of “toggling”, especially if 
MailMate simply inverts the enabled-state of all conditions defined 
for the mailbox.)

Would that work for you? I don't think it would take long to implement 
(but I could be wrong).

That would be *Awesome* and even more powerful.

That toggable criteria would be defined globally so not on each mailbox 
or ?

btw. if you are working on this kind of flexibility maybe even allow 
"named" toggles but if I could just get one toggle one that would 

oh boy...I could remove a lot of my custom mailboxes if that would 
happen though ;)

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] feedback on command-click of URLs?

2017-02-10 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 8 Feb 2017, at 21:50, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

When reading email, I often command-click URLs to make them open in 
the browser --
which is on another desktop -- while still leaving MailMate as my 
current app.
However, there's no feedback; I'm never quite certain if I've clicked 
Is it possible to provide some feedback?  TweetBot, for example, 
briefly dims

the URL, more or less as a blink.

As a quick workaround, you can try this,

a:active { color: black !important } /* Add any style you like */

in this file (you need to create path and file):


mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Empty line missing before forwarded text

2017-02-10 Thread John D. Muccigrosso

On 10 Feb 2017, at 9:21, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 8 Feb 2017, at 16:06, John D. Muccigrosso wrote:

If I just hit the “forward” button, the resultant message has no 
empty line between the end of my signature and the “Forwarded 
message:” text. It should.

This problem is triggered when the configured signature does not end 
with a newline character. You can add that, but I've also added to 
MailMate (next update) that this is done automatically whenever the 
signature is used.

Thanks! (I’m used to worrying about preceding empty lines for sigs, 
but not following.)

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Rule - twisted

2017-02-10 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 8 Feb 2017, at 18:06, Marc De Roover wrote:

Any idea if there is possibility to have this kind of smart-mailbox

From > address   equals  To > address

That's a good question. It's also kind of hard to come up with good use 
cases which is not this exact example.

Internally, I could perhaps hack it by having some kind of special 
mailbox essentially doing:

From ▸ Address is in [Same Message Mailbox] To ▸ Address

But I'm afraid it's not as simple as that (due to how MailMate handles 
message queries in general). I'll give it some thought.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Empty line missing before forwarded text

2017-02-10 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 8 Feb 2017, at 16:06, John D. Muccigrosso wrote:

If I just hit the “forward” button, the resultant message has no 
empty line between the end of my signature and the “Forwarded 
message:” text. It should.

This problem is triggered when the configured signature does not end 
with a newline character. You can add that, but I've also added to 
MailMate (next update) that this is done automatically whenever the 
signature is used.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] subfolders only if unread ?

2017-02-10 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 5 Feb 2017, at 10:44, Peter Stevens wrote:

When I send an email to very busy thread, I want to go back to it to 
follow up an any responses. So I search for “From me”, select the 
folder containing the thread, and find my message quickly. So far so 

Now I want to read the answers. I clear the filter to see other 
messages. Now I see the whole folder, but my message is no longer 
selected. And again, I have no easy way to find it (or more correctly, 
to find responses to message).

Am I missing something? Or should clearing the search leave the 
current message and folder selected?

Not the folder, but if the message is in the original folder then it 
should still be selected.

What you are looking for might be that you can click on the Thread 
button when you have found your message and then you can remove the 
first search item by clicking on it holding down ⌥ or by 
right-clicking it and select “Remove Search Item”. Then you should 
only see the messages of the relevant thread.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Database.noindex

2017-02-10 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 8 Feb 2017, at 15:21, Jasper Knockaert wrote:

On 11 Oct 2016, at 10:31, Benny wrote:

It is correct that MailMate fails to detect this type of corrupt 
database. If you don't backup `Database.noindex` (which I actually 
agree is a good idea) then you might also want to leave out 
`Messages(.noindex)` since that's the other part of the database. The 
IMAP server is kind of the backup, but I can see why you might want a 
local backup too.

I guess MailMate should try to automatically detect this kind of 
state. I'll give that some thought since I would like to recommend 
leaving out `Database.noindex` from backups. Hmm, maybe even do that 
by default. A general problem is that Time Machine will some times 
back up files in an order which leaves the backed up database in a 
corrupted state.

What is the current state of this issue? Would it make a difference if 
I leave out only the `Headers` subfolder of `Database.noindex` when 
backing up?

No, that's almost everything the folder contains. I have not yet 
improved the behavior of MailMate, but my advise still stands: It's fine 
to not backup `Database.noindex` as long as you consider the IMAP server 
to be the main backup of your emails. You'll still have a local backup 
of your emails in `Messages(.noindex)` if something goes wrong with the 

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Eudora's mail concatenation in MailMate

2017-02-10 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 13 Jan 2017, at 17:19, Mike Petonic wrote:

I don't have any experience with Github's Wiki, but I like that I 
maintain some control while being able to allow anyone to edit. I'll 
look into this.

I've now enabled it:

If I've configured it correctly then it should be editable by anyone 
with a GitHub account (which is free).

I've added a short introductory message from me and then we'll see what 
happens :)

Since I took a long time to reply to this email then I'll leave your 
comments for easy reference if anyone wonders why I enabled the Wiki:

That's encouraging.  We've got some very smart people using MailMate 
(it's almost a self-qualifying feature :-) and loads of them want to 

The hopeful outcome is:

* we free up your time to focus what you're good at
* cultivate collaboration across aforementioned smart user-base
* provide a reference repository to all of us ADHD users who forgot 
where that obscure feature is (this is me)

For a non-profit project that I'm helping with, I set up a DokuWiki 
for the first time.  I don't know GitHub's wiki, but I suspect that 
it's not going to be rocket-science for you, nor for MM users.

And, I think, given that you own the repo, you'll maintain full 
control unless you eventually come to trust the folks who volunteer 
(ahem, Annamarie Pluhar, your volunteering has not gone unnoticed :-). 
 This will free up even more of your time and again, provide for a lot 
of collaboration.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Create replies from templates

2017-02-10 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 3 Feb 2017, at 19:32, Martin Guddat wrote:

I am looking for a way to automate reponding to email without getting 
to generic, so I want to give a proper greeting as well as matching 
salutation. For this I would like to use something like templates. For 
a given response I would have to select from a set of options 
(salutation male/femame/unknown, formal or informal greeting etc) and 
fill the template with data I get from the mail.

I found some discussion on templates and mail merge as well as some 
notes from Benny on "Commands"  19 Jan 2014, at 16:22) but nothing 
conclusive. Is there more available on this topic or anyone minds to 
share his workflow on things like this?

It's actually a bit surprising how rarely I'm asked about some kind of 
template system, but it's certainly something I would like MailMate to 
be able to do.

The only way to do it now is to use a custom bundle. This allows you to 
get any value from the replied email and use it in an automatically 
generated reply. (It's even possible to send the reply without editing 
the resulting message.)

In your particular case, you could use AppleScript to ask for the 
options, but it's going to require some scripting skills. I can create 
an example bundle to setup the general framework for you, but I cannot 
offer you to do the AppleScript part.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Handling expired PGP keys

2017-02-10 Thread Benny Kjær Nielsen

On 2 Feb 2017, at 21:50, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

I composed a reply message to someone and requested PGP encryption and 
signature.  However, my copy of the recipient's key was expired.  I 
obtained a new version, but MailMate still insisted it was expired 
when I tried resending the draft.  I deleted the old key from my key 
ring, and tried stopping and restarting MailMate, but to no avail.  I 
finally copied all of the text from my reply message, deleted it, and 
created a new reply, pasting in the old text.  This seems to suggest 
that MailMate is caching the key on first attempt and not refreshing 
it, which doesn't seem right.  (I'm running 2.0 BETA 6074.)

MailMate doesn't cache anything related to PGP keys. Every time an 
OpenPGP action is needed then MailMate uses the external `gpg2` command. 
There is a daemon running (used by `gpg2`) name `gpg-agent`, but I don't 
know enough about the internal behavior of `gpg2` to know if this 
explains the issue. It's possible to kill the daemon (and then it's 
restarted when needed):

killall gpg-agent

You can try that if you see this issue again.

You can also get debug output from MailMate like this:

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmDebugSecurity -bool YES

Then you should be able to see how MailMate uses `gpg2`.

I hope this helps.

mailmate mailing list