On 2021-03-14 02:43:51 (+0800), Andrew Buc wrote:
What you see here is a start at duplicating my folder structure in Apple Mail. The Friends mailbox, as you might guess, is for personal correspondence. The Lists mailbox is for various listservs. I have many more friends and subscribe to many more listservs than shown, but I’m taking it a step at a time.

The Friends and Lists mailboxes are directly under the “Andrew Buc (FastMail)” account. Is that where they should be?

You may want to consider changing your paradigm a bit and instead of using physical mailboxes for groups like friends and lists, you use smart mailboxes. You may find that this gives you even more flexibility and control over your mail streams. I am talking from experience of using POP with Eudora for many many many years and switching to IMAP and MailMate a few years ago.

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