Hi mailops,

I am new here because I want to collect some opinion.

Many bigger mailers are blogging about BIMI.
As far as I see its exclusively for brands.
It has 2 big barriers for entry:
- Expensive bespoke cert oids
- Registered trademark logos

As from my perspective of independent mailing between humans: I fear this might 
be not just a carrot for doing DMARC, but also making independent mailers less 
credible in the UX of mainstream mailer users.

Do you have input on how non-marketing mailers deal with this?
Because obviously its for brand-logos, as in marketing mails. Not for user 2 
How will common platforms show user2user?
Will they use platform logos? No logos?

It seems infeasible to do the logo-ing per user.

Can we influence the mailing world to use the standard differently?
Like accepting BIMI logos only depending on valid bog standard cert and DMARC, 
boycotting the moneygrab scheme?

Its also may be yet another reader-engagement tracker. Why do those things 
always have to be out of band.

I wish y'all a happy new year and good mailing weathers!

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