Step 0: Read the error message in the NDR.


If it's Office365 (aka, "Enterprise"), and you're not currently an Office365 
customer ... create a trial account (one mailbox, nothing special), send the 
email to that account, and when it bounces, open a support case. Also, if the 
error message told you to email delist@, and support tells you to use the 
portal ... that's not going to work, as the two lists are managed by separate 

Otherwise, if it's HotMail,,, etc... go to the Support 
link and request a delist.

This is required because last time I looked, the Consumer side of the house had 
several hundred million active accounts.

The link, in case it's not already committed to memory for some:


The first email you get back will be from a robot and give you the SRX #.

The second email will give you an automated response which may, or may not, be 
to your liking.

If the latter, *REPLY* to that email and make your case, as you will be 
speaking to a human, but it may take them a while to actually get to your case, 
but you should hear something within 24 hours. Also please understand that 
while you *ARE* talking to a human, they are required by policy to respond in 
boilerplate with minimal tweaking.

I hope this makes some of the foundational issues more clear.

Michael J Wise
Microsoft Corporation| Spam Analysis
"Your Spam Specimen Has Been Processed."
Open a ticket for Hotmail<> ?

-----Original Message-----
From: mailop <> On Behalf Of Hetzner Blacklist via 
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2022 8:00 AM
To:; Mark G Thomas <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [mailop] blocked by microsoft -- support procedure?

Am 11.01.2022 um 20:04 schrieb Mark G Thomas via mailop:

> I'm not generally involved in our support issues, but a coworker at

> my work (Linode) reached out to me about what looks to be a new problem

> involving hosting customers being blocked by by Microsoft.

It's nice to see another representative of a webhoster brave enough to

post on here, welcome :)

I've been dealing with blacklist issues at Hetzner for the past 6 years,

and I've posted on here multiple times with my experiences. My first

post was actually about Microsoft. If you check the archives you'll find

some posts over the past few months with general information on

Microsoft and blacklists, but I can repeat some of that here that nobody

has mentioned yet.

Since your issue is with Microsoft, it would be good to figure out which

of their blacklists your IPs are on. The error you posted is for the

Office365 blacklist, while the error one of your clients posted is for

the Outlook blacklist. Those are two separate blacklists with separate

processes for getting IPs delisted.

If you're mostly dealing with Office365 then I can only wish you all the

best. We've had very few issues with this blacklist, which I'm thankful

for since there doesn't appear to be much that can be done, other than

emailing delist@.

As for Outlook, delisting IPs is done through a form, and it works most

of the time, though often you will need to escalate the ticket. If you

haven't already done so, make sure you sign up your network in the

Microsoft SNDS. That will show you all of the IPs currently on the

Outlook blacklist. It also shows you (daily) all the IPs that sent over

100 emails to Microsoft accounts, including how many emails, the

complaint rate, and trap hits. Incredibly useful (and free!) information.

Some additional information on the Microsoft blacklists and services

they provide can be found in our docs:;;sdata=etg408dI%2FOFR4%2BhMVaQvcWvHJA3rMAi7zLGrEO8YybI%3D&amp;reserved=0

As for the general issue with blacklistings, depending on how

constrained you are by management (trust me, I get it), there are a

number of things you can look into.

For example, Spamhaus has a list of IPs on their public SBL, some of

which go back a year:;;sdata=EfCpGRZ81rlE%2BeEf60Ev8A5s4%2FHEkkMdv0%2B1%2B6unW4s%3D&amp;reserved=0

If you haven't already done so, you can sign up for their PBL account,

and that way you can see all of the IPs in your network that are listed

on their various lists. Like the SNDS, this is provided for free and is

incredibly useful.

Also, while it looks like you paid UCEPROTECT to delist all of your IPs

last week, your entire network is back on the level 3 list, and the

trend doesn't look positive. Thankfully though, they show you exactly

which IPs are causing this (scroll down to the bottom and click the

relevant link):;;sdata=GyV0x6cSUaTznTuJU4RGnJzAvVI7uO00qKEDrWzXz%2FE%3D&amp;reserved=0

Finally, make sure you're signed up for as many blacklist reports

(mainly SpamCop and SORBS) and FBLs (mainly through Validity) as

possible. There's an interesting dicussion on here right now regarding

how to handle FBL complaints, so it would make sense to look into that

as well. The more information you have, the better.

I'm assuming you've already done some if not most of what I wrote, but I

wanted to at least cover the basics.

I hope that made sense and I hope you are able to resolve the issues you

are facing.




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