Hans-Martin & all -

On 13.07.2023 11:00, Hans-Martin Mosner via mailop wrote:
Has anyone on this list tried forwarding (e.g. for ex-employees) via attachment? The original message would be kept intact, while the outer message clearly originates with the forwarding agent who may even add a human readable reminder to the addressee to let the sender know about the changed address.

this is what I have thought up to tackle such tasks:


#!/bin/bash mailbody="$(grep -v '^From ' -)" today="$(date '+%d.%m.%Y')" msgid="$(echo "$mailbody" | grep -i '^message-id:' | sed 's/^[^:]*: //')" readarray -t recipients < ./addressees.list for i in "${recipients[@]}" do v_mailpart="$(date '+%s%N'|sha1sum|sed 's/ .*//')" echo "References: $msgid Subject: Forwarded email of $today for $i To: $i From: Carsten Schiefner <carsten@schiefner.berlin> BCC: carsten@schiefner.berlin X-Forwarded-Message-Id: $msgid In-Reply-To: $msgid Content-Type: multipart/mixed;  boundary=\"$v_mailpart\" MIME-Version: 1.0 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --$v_mailpart Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable --$v_mailpart Content-Type: message/rfc822;  name=\"Attached Message.eml\" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Content-Disposition: attachment;  filename=\"Attached Message.eml\" $mailbody --$v_mailpart--" | exim -ti done


The script is invoked from the .procmailrc file:


:0 * ^To: .*[addressee's email address] | ./auto_forward_script


The email addresses in the "addressees.list" text file should have the format "first_name last_name <email_address>" or something similar that will equally be understood by exim resp. your chosen MTA.

Feel free to use it and - even better! :-) - improve it. If that occurs, please be kindly asked to share your result here again.


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