On Aug 29, 2006, at 8:24 PM, John Peacock wrote:

John Peacock wrote:
INST_ARCHLIB = blib/arch
INST_SCRIPT = blib/script
INST_BIN = blib/bin
INST_LIB = blib/lib
INST_MAN1DIR = /var/Documentation/man/man1
INST_MAN3DIR = /var/Documentation/man/man3

Never mind! After I pointed out that this was the problem the OP mentioned that
this was a Perl that *he* built himself, using this commandline:

   ./Configure \
   -Dfirstmakefile='GNUmakefile' \
    -Dman1dir='/var/Documentation/man/man1' \
    -Dman3dir='/var/Documentation/man/man3' \
    -Dsiteman1dir='/var/Documentation/man/man1' \
    -Dsiteman3dir='/var/Documentation/man/man3' \
    -Dman1ext=1 \
    -Dman3ext=3 \

I'm going to write this one off as "carbon-based error" and leave it at that...

Could also be some kind of PREFIX error, I don't know why MakeMaker would be putting absolute paths into the Makefile for INST_MAN*DIR if not for some prefixy problem.


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