MI Updating columns in Mapbasic

2000-09-07 Thread Jim Wilson

I'm (slowly) 
learning mapbasic and I'm trying to update the value of  _col2 based on the 
number in _col3 * _col1. To this end I have tried 2 different ways of achieving 
1. Select all the 
records in Tablename that fall within certain parameters and then update 
Tablename from that selection. (the batch approach)
Select * From Tablename Where _col1< 15
Fetch First From Selection
Do While Not EOT(Selection)
Update Selection Set _col1 = _col2
This doesn't 
2. so I tried 
to loop through all the records in the table updating _col2 based on the value 
in Tablename._col1 
Fetch First from Tablename
 Do While Not EOT(Tablename)
 If (Tablename._col1<=15) Then
Update Tablename Set _col2=_col3
ElseIf Tablename._col1>15 and Tablename._col1<=16 Then
Update Tablename Set _col2=(_col3-((_col3/100)*1.2))
ElseIf Tablename._col1>16 Then
Update Tablename Set _col2=(_col3-((_col3_col2/100)*17)) 
    Fetch Next From Tablename
This doesn't work 
I know this must be 
a very simple thing to try and do - so could anyone please point me in the right 
Jim Wilson

MI Standard deviation

2000-08-29 Thread Jim Wilson

I'm trying to write 
a MB application to automate a routine to filter some data and i need to 
calculate the standard deviation of a column of data. In the past when I was 
doing it manually I found the SD by Query/Calculate 
Does anyone know how 
I can get the SD of a column in mapbasic?
Jim Wilson

MI Opening and reading binary files

2000-04-09 Thread Jim Wilson

Hi all,

Can anyone help with this one? I'm out of my depth here.

I have a binary file created by a logging device containing lat and long,
date, time, year, and several readings. The data is logged at 1 hertz so I
have multiple readings in the same format in the same file. The string
length logged every second is 22 bytes and I would like to endup with the
complete file in the 14 columns that the data relates to. (I have opened
the file in a hex editor and can see the data structure)

I am slowly trying to learn mapbasic and have opened the file as a binary
type - see below

Include "MENU.DEF"

Dim Lat as float 
Open File "a:\1.Bin" For BINARY As #1
Get 1,2630,Lat
Print "Hex Value is " = Lat

to see if I could open the file and read the value at position 2630 as a
first stage to reading the entire file.
The .mb compiles ok with no error messages but on running it i get a data
mismatch error.
Could anyone help and suggest a way forward please? Should I be trying to
do this in eg Excel or is there an easier way to get the data into a usable



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MI Subtotalling Records

1999-10-25 Thread Jim Wilson

Hi all,
Can anybody help with this please?

I have a table of approx 2 records recording data collected with a GPS
receiver and an automatic logging device. The structure of the table is
Lat, Lon, and then 50 columns of automatic readings ie
Lat,Long, Reading1,Reading2,Reading3,etc,etc,etc,Reading50.

The readings are integers between 10 and 29998 and I need to count the
number of times the reading in that row falls into (say) 1000 unit bands 
eg 10 to 1000, 1001 to 2000 etc. Obviously the sum of the bands will add up
to 50

I have tried the COUNT() aggregate function but can't pick the required
band and update column doesn't give me the option of COUNT()

Anybody any ideas? I'm afraid I am running out of them!


Jim Wilson,
Hilton of Fern,
By Brechin,

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MI .adf Grid Files

1999-07-16 Thread Jim Wilson

Hi All,

I have several files with .adr extensions that I believe were created in
arcview's spatial analyst. 

I need to use these files in Mapinfo/VM and would be grateful if anyone
could confirm that they were indeed created with spacial analyst and
suggest how to get them into Mapinfo.


Jim Wilson,
Hilton of Fern,
By Brechin,

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