The way I do this in Code is by using the update function.  See example below
This assumes that the table is mappable, if not use the Create map function

Update tab2 set obj = createpoint(LON,LAT)
commit table tab2

No loop is involved.
This will create a point for every row in the table using two fields: LON and LAT.  Of 
course these columns could be named anything.

Hope this helps.


Dietrich Kastens
Production Agriculture and Precision Farming             
Kansas Applied Remote Sensing Program (KARS)   
2291 Irving Hill Drive                   
Nichols Hall, University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kansas                 
(785) 864-7265 (785) 864-7721WORK
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-----Original Message-----
From:   Haavard Bogh-Olsen [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, October 18, 2000 11:32 AM
Subject:        MI-L MapBasic  and Create Points, Trouble!!!

Hello     I am using MB 4.12 and MapInfo 4.5

I have a table that is not geographical , but is loaded with two columns one 
with longitude and one with latitude-info.

I want to create points in a map...but I can't find a way to do this quick. 
I have 800 points and if I try to use the "do while not EOT(tablename) with 
UPDATE and CreatePoint-function it take years to get these points 
drawn.....after five minutes..control-break....Have also tried something 
with this "fetch next statement". What Do I do wrong...

Is there anyone who knows something about this.....the table_create points 
in the standard mapinfo-meny is a very quick thing..but how does this code 
look like..if anyone knows....?

Thank you very much for any help!
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