It's not a docker image I'm familiar with. It looks to be pinned to a very
specific version of MapServer - one that shouldn't be used given its age
and subsequent releases so I wouldn't include it "as is". Not sure what the
interest would be in developing a project-sanctioned image that was kept
current with the most recent version of MapServer and other dependencies
such as GDAL, PROJ, etc...

On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 9:22 AM Brian M Hamlin <> wrote:

> Hi Steve, Mapserver PSC and All -
>   First, please know that *OSGeo dot org* is delivering the 14th edition
> of the *OSGeoLive Linux* based on Ubuntu/Debian/GNU OS. Release candidate
> 5 is built today and we at OSGeoLive team are soliciting feedback. (details
> on request)
>   I want to ask the *Mapserver* team and users for feedback on a somewhat
> random find on Github, starting with a YNews thread recently.  An employee
> of MAXAR posted that they use a Mapserver-in-Docker to provide WMS endpoint
> for large sat imagery on AWS in S3 buckets -- without having to handle the
> data, essentially "on demand"
>   Is this Docker image familiar ?  Is it worth including in a fairly-small
> group of repos on the official OSGeo Github ?  other feeback or leads?
>   thanks and very best regards     --Brian M Hamlin    /  MAPLABS  /
> Berkeley, Calif.
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