Re: [mapserver-users] problem with INTERSECTS query from OpenLayers to mapserver

2013-09-15 Thread Sally Buechel
The polygon query fails with no output to the debug file so this must be
very early on? 


Interestingly, the non-spatial query is now failing too, but during the
msPostGISReadShape: of the records found.  Sometimes on the 15 and sometimes
on the 17th attribute.h

mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] problem with INTERSECTS query from OpenLayers to mapserver

2013-09-14 Thread Sally Buechel
Thank-you Jukka for the idea.  Where do I find the annexed filter?



mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] problem with INTERSECTS query from OpenLayers to mapserver

2013-09-14 Thread Sally Buechel
Yves - you are right.  I really should re-compile with debug mode on,
especially if you think there will be useful info for this particular
problem.  I had some problems with my original compile so had been putting
off doing that.



mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] problem with INTERSECTS query from OpenLayers to mapserver

2013-09-13 Thread Sally Buechel
Am hoping someone can help or at least point me in the right direction
regarding a problem I'm having trying to send a spatial filter produced in
OpenLayers to mapserver.  What I'm trying to do is so basic, I'm sure that
many have done this, yet I've been unsuccessful.  I thought this would be
easy.  With much searching I have found similar questions, but nothing
actually answering or showing a working example of this.


I'm using mapserver 6.2.1 and the current OpenLayers.js.  I can run the file using shp2img and get a valid response from mapserver, I can
run non-spatial filters using my OpenLayers WFS call to mapserver.  The POST
request sent to mapserver with the spatial query looks fine, but I simply
get  the not very helpful premature end of script headers : mapserv in
response.  The spatial input is a hand-drawn polygon in OpenLayers and the
intersection at the mapserver end is a postgis table containing a polygon
field.  The table is large, but a spatial restriction should always yield a
manageable number of records.  Without a spatial restriction in the filter,
I've noticed that mapserver tried to load all the data, so have currently
restricted it to 100 records for testing/debugging.  I'm assuming once I get
the spatial filter that this will restrict the number of records retrieved
on the server side.  I have some assumptions, but as I said I've not been
able to find a working example of this online, maybe because its too simple
and everyone but me has it working?


Should what I'm trying to do work or am I just beating my head against the
wall?  It doesn't seem that this should be so hard.





mapserver-users mailing list