dear list

Im using Mapserver with postgis layers,
the postgres server is behind an AWS ELB (amazon load balancer) which timout connections after 60 seconds or so. If I configure my layers with "PROCESSING "CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER"" to increase performances, I often get the following error in Mapserver after a period of inactivity which seems to correspond to the timeout duration of the ELB:

msPostGISRetrieveVersion(): Query error. Error executing SQL: SELECT postgis_version()

when this error occur, I effectively see nothing in Postrgres logs, meaning there are no new connection attempt.

Now if I remove the CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER I dont have any problem anymore.

Is there a way to configure the timeout duration in Mapserver for postgis connection so I could set it to be the same as the ELB one?
Also, what is the internal Mapserver default timeout duration ?

thank you for you attention.
best regards

Camptocamp SA
Oliver Christen
CH-1015 Lausanne

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