Re: [mapserver-users] Using Fast CGI with MapServer to alleviate poor performance

2008-09-20 Thread James Perrins
A couple of issues / tips we have found in this sort of scenario.

1) Edit your epsg file to contain only the projections you want - this
can make a big difference - presumably because its doind a slow string
search each time
2) If using OpenLayers (or google maps etc) - the tiling sends
multiple requests to the WMS server.  If you are using IE in
particular - this restricts you to 2 concurent threads to any one
server - mean9ing that your (say) 16 tile requests can only be
processed 2 at a time.  Firefox has a similar restriction by default -
but you can override it.  You can see this at work using Firefox with
a tool like firebug.

We foun it was much much quicker if you can change yout application to
request a single WMS tile for the whol map rather than individual
256x256 tiles.  Obviously this may have implications if you were
trying to cache tiles etc - but if not its massively quicker


On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 4:40 PM, John Westwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am trying to use fast_cgi with MapServer, specifically mod_fcgid on SLES 

 I have mod_fcgid correctly set up within Apache because it works with another 
 FCGI application (IIPImage).

 I have successfully compiled MapServer 5.2 with fast_cgi support. I used this 
 page to help me:

 However, when I try to use MapServer with mod_fcgid I receive the following 

 The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your 
 Error message: Premature end of script headers: mapserv

 I am really lost as to what the problem could be; the non fast_cgi version of 
 MapServer that I compiled worked fine. Perhaps it is something to do with 
 setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the mod_fcgid.conf file?

 At the moment I have it set as follows:

 DefaultInitEnv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib/postgresql

 The reason I am trying to get MapServer to work with fast_cgi is because I am 
 experiencing poor performance with OpenLayers. I believe that OpenLayers 
 starts a new MapServer instance for each tile request, thus causing an 
 unnecessary overhead. Am I correct?

 I will also be using Tilecache, but my experiments have also found this to be 
 slow. It is currently set up to use mod_python. The hardware we are running 
 on is a dual quad core (eight cores in total) Xeon . So it shouldn't be slow!

 I would greatly appreciate any help on getting MapServer to work with 
 fast_cgi . I would also welcome any comments regarding performance issues 
 with OpenLayers / MapServer / Tilecache .

 Thanks very much,

 John Westwood

 Great Britain Historical GIS Project

 mapserver-users mailing list

Dr James Perrins
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mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Using Fast CGI with MapServer to alleviate poor performance

2008-09-19 Thread Christopher Schmidt
On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 03:34:42PM +0100, John Westwood wrote:
 Hi Everybody,
 I am attaching  a cut down version of my html, javascript and map files. On 
 our server the EmbeddedMap.js lives in the OpenLayers directory and is used 
 by gbhgis_openlayers.html.
 The test address . This is just a 
 test server so please don't tell the whole World about it! :)
 There are four layers, 2 x raster (europe 1940s, WMS and MapServer) and 2 x 
 vector / raster (Digital Chart of the World, WMS and MapServer) .

Okay, so to cut OpenLayers out of the loop:,2097152,4194304,4194304WIDTH=256HEIGHT=256

The former is WMS, the latter is not-WMS.

There is a very obvious speed difference between the two.

The reason the MapServer image has its colors wrong, for the record, is
because it is using 8bit pngs instead of 24 bit pngs. My first
impression was that was the reason for the difference, but
unfortunately, 8bit gifs don't seem to fare any better.

Time for the URLs:

MapServer: real0m0.660s
WMS: real   0m2.707s

These may help someone who knows MapServer investigate more.

Christopher Schmidt
mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Using Fast CGI with MapServer to alleviate poor performance

2008-09-19 Thread Guillaume Sueur
I guess that wms makes a reprojection job as the request comes with an
EPSG code and the map projection is set by a proj string. Even if they
are equivalent, can MapServer know that and forget about reprojection ?

The cgi is rather straight forward as no EPSG is required. As the layers
don't have PROJECTION blocks, they are drawn straight forward.

my 2 cents.


Christopher Schmidt a écrit :
 On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 03:34:42PM +0100, John Westwood wrote:
 Hi Everybody,

 I am attaching  a cut down version of my html, javascript and map files. On 
 our server the EmbeddedMap.js lives in the OpenLayers directory and is used 
 by gbhgis_openlayers.html.

 The test address . This is just 
 a test server so please don't tell the whole World about it! :)

 There are four layers, 2 x raster (europe 1940s, WMS and MapServer) and 2 x 
 vector / raster (Digital Chart of the World, WMS and MapServer) .
 Okay, so to cut OpenLayers out of the loop:,2097152,4194304,4194304WIDTH=256HEIGHT=256
 The former is WMS, the latter is not-WMS.
 There is a very obvious speed difference between the two.
 The reason the MapServer image has its colors wrong, for the record, is
 because it is using 8bit pngs instead of 24 bit pngs. My first
 impression was that was the reason for the difference, but
 unfortunately, 8bit gifs don't seem to fare any better.
 Time for the URLs:
 MapServer: real0m0.660s
 WMS: real   0m2.707s
 These may help someone who knows MapServer investigate more.
mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Using Fast CGI with MapServer to alleviate poor performance

2008-09-19 Thread Guillaume Sueur
Hi John,

Could you try to set your map projection with its EPSG code instead of
the proj string, and see what happens ?



John Westwood a écrit :
 Hi Everybody,
 I am attaching  a cut down version of my html, javascript and map files. On 
 our server the EmbeddedMap.js lives in the OpenLayers directory and is used 
 by gbhgis_openlayers.html.
 The test address . This is just a 
 test server so please don't tell the whole World about it! :)
 There are four layers, 2 x raster (europe 1940s, WMS and MapServer) and 2 x 
 vector / raster (Digital Chart of the World, WMS and MapServer) .
 A problem with using the OpenLayers.MapServer method is that the (1) The 
 raster colours are messed up and (2) Anti-aliasing is not being done on the 
 vector layers. I don't know why this is.
 John Westwood
 Stephen Woodbridge [EMAIL PROTECTED] 18/09/08 9:08 PM 
 John Westwood wrote:
 Hi Paul and other MapServer Gurus,

 I have discovered a huge speed increase by using OpenLayers.MapServer
 (native) layers instead of OpenLayers.WMS layers. It is about ten
 times faster, I do not exaggerate. Why is WMS so slow? I have read
 that MapServer is a fast WMS server, have I done something wrong for
 it not to be?

 What do you think could be the problem?
 You might want to check that you are comparing apples and apples. I 
 would expect WMS to be a little slower because there is some overhead to 
 query the server before actually making the image request.
 Do you have ratio set the same for both layers?
 What versions of Mapserver and OpenLayers are you using?
 Can you post a URL that has the two layers present in the layer switch 
 so we can look at the requests and how your have it configured? Or post 
 the HTML so we can look at. In fact you might want to post the HTML to 
 the openlayers list and as the question there first, to make sure you 
 have equivalent requests between WNS and Mapserver.
 -Steve W
 I will give it some thought tomorrow.


 Paul Ramsey [EMAIL PROTECTED] 17/09/08 5:15 PM 

 The idea that CGI is naturally a much slower situation than a 
 long-running process is a bit of a red herring in the case of 
 Mapserver, and I say that as someone who is anal retentive about
 these things.  Unless your Mapserver installation has some naturally
 latent components (database connections, primarily) you'll find that
 moving from CGI to FastCGI is worth about 15ms per request.

 On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 8:40 AM, John Westwood

 The reason I am trying to get MapServer to work with fast_cgi is
 because I am experiencing poor performance with OpenLayers. I
 believe that OpenLayers starts a new MapServer instance for each
 tile request, thus causing an unnecessary overhead. Am I correct?
 Yes and no. If you are experiencing noticeably poor performance (you 
 can actually *see* it being slow) the only place that the CGI
 overhead could be the cause is if you're connecting to Oracle or SDE
 for some of your layers. If that's not the case, look elsewhere
 first, the very small gains you will receive from moving to FastCGI
 will not change your underlying problem.


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   Map Information
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mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Using Fast CGI with MapServer to alleviate poor performance

2008-09-18 Thread John Westwood
Hi Paul and other MapServer Gurus,

I have discovered a huge speed increase by using OpenLayers.MapServer (native) 
layers instead of OpenLayers.WMS layers. It is about ten times faster, I do not 
exaggerate. Why is WMS so slow? I have read that MapServer is a fast WMS 
server, have I done something wrong for it not to be?

What do you think could be the problem?

I will give it some thought tomorrow.


 Paul Ramsey [EMAIL PROTECTED] 17/09/08 5:15 PM 

The idea that CGI is naturally a much slower situation than a
long-running process is a bit of a red herring in the case of
Mapserver, and I say that as someone who is anal retentive about these
things.  Unless your Mapserver installation has some naturally latent
components (database connections, primarily) you'll find that moving
from CGI to FastCGI is worth about 15ms per request.

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 8:40 AM, John Westwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The reason I am trying to get MapServer to work with fast_cgi is because I am 
 experiencing poor performance with OpenLayers. I believe that OpenLayers 
 starts a new MapServer instance for each tile request, thus causing an 
 unnecessary overhead. Am I correct?

Yes and no. If you are experiencing noticeably poor performance (you
can actually *see* it being slow) the only place that the CGI overhead
could be the cause is if you're connecting to Oracle or SDE for some
of your layers. If that's not the case, look elsewhere first, the very
small gains you will receive from moving to FastCGI will not change
your underlying problem.


mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Using Fast CGI with MapServer to alleviate poor performance

2008-09-18 Thread John Westwood
Okay, maybe not ten times faster - but at least five times as fast - if not 
more. Anyway, ALOT faster than WMS :)

 Paul Ramsey [EMAIL PROTECTED] 17/09/08 5:15 PM 

The idea that CGI is naturally a much slower situation than a
long-running process is a bit of a red herring in the case of
Mapserver, and I say that as someone who is anal retentive about these
things.  Unless your Mapserver installation has some naturally latent
components (database connections, primarily) you'll find that moving
from CGI to FastCGI is worth about 15ms per request.

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 8:40 AM, John Westwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The reason I am trying to get MapServer to work with fast_cgi is because I am 
 experiencing poor performance with OpenLayers. I believe that OpenLayers 
 starts a new MapServer instance for each tile request, thus causing an 
 unnecessary overhead. Am I correct?

Yes and no. If you are experiencing noticeably poor performance (you
can actually *see* it being slow) the only place that the CGI overhead
could be the cause is if you're connecting to Oracle or SDE for some
of your layers. If that's not the case, look elsewhere first, the very
small gains you will receive from moving to FastCGI will not change
your underlying problem.


mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Using Fast CGI with MapServer to alleviate poor performance

2008-09-18 Thread Stephen Woodbridge

John Westwood wrote:

Hi Paul and other MapServer Gurus,

I have discovered a huge speed increase by using OpenLayers.MapServer
(native) layers instead of OpenLayers.WMS layers. It is about ten
times faster, I do not exaggerate. Why is WMS so slow? I have read
that MapServer is a fast WMS server, have I done something wrong for
it not to be?

What do you think could be the problem?

You might want to check that you are comparing apples and apples. I 
would expect WMS to be a little slower because there is some overhead to 
query the server before actually making the image request.

Do you have ratio set the same for both layers?
What versions of Mapserver and OpenLayers are you using?

Can you post a URL that has the two layers present in the layer switch 
so we can look at the requests and how your have it configured? Or post 
the HTML so we can look at. In fact you might want to post the HTML to 
the openlayers list and as the question there first, to make sure you 
have equivalent requests between WNS and Mapserver.

-Steve W

I will give it some thought tomorrow.


Paul Ramsey [EMAIL PROTECTED] 17/09/08 5:15 PM 


The idea that CGI is naturally a much slower situation than a 
long-running process is a bit of a red herring in the case of 
Mapserver, and I say that as someone who is anal retentive about

these things.  Unless your Mapserver installation has some naturally
latent components (database connections, primarily) you'll find that
moving from CGI to FastCGI is worth about 15ms per request.

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 8:40 AM, John Westwood

The reason I am trying to get MapServer to work with fast_cgi is
because I am experiencing poor performance with OpenLayers. I
believe that OpenLayers starts a new MapServer instance for each
tile request, thus causing an unnecessary overhead. Am I correct?

Yes and no. If you are experiencing noticeably poor performance (you 
can actually *see* it being slow) the only place that the CGI

overhead could be the cause is if you're connecting to Oracle or SDE
for some of your layers. If that's not the case, look elsewhere
first, the very small gains you will receive from moving to FastCGI
will not change your underlying problem.


___ mapserver-users
mailing list

mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Using Fast CGI with MapServer to alleviate poor performance

2008-09-18 Thread Christopher Schmidt
On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 08:59:51PM +0100, John Westwood wrote:
 Hi Paul and other MapServer Gurus,
 I have discovered a huge speed increase by using OpenLayers.MapServer 
 (native) layers instead of OpenLayers.WMS layers. It is about ten times 
 faster, I do not exaggerate. Why is WMS so slow? I have read that MapServer 
 is a fast WMS server, have I done something wrong for it not to be?
 What do you think could be the problem?
 I will give it some thought tomorrow.

Is it possible the difference is 'projections'?

The Layer.MapServer in OpenLayers does not include any projection
information, so if you have your OpenLayers Map configured in a way that
would (via WMS) cause MapServer to reproject on the fly, it will have
significantly different performance. (There are other side effects if
your projections are actually different, but they might not be noticable
at a first pass.)

I agree with Steve that it probably makes sense to generate:

 * A WMS-served URL
 * A MapServer-served URL
 * Your mapfile configuration

Those three things will probably help point towards the misconfiguration
in your current setup.

Christopher Schmidt
mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] Using Fast CGI with MapServer to alleviate poor performance

2008-09-17 Thread John Westwood

I am trying to use fast_cgi with MapServer, specifically mod_fcgid on SLES 10.2.

I have mod_fcgid correctly set up within Apache because it works with another 
FCGI application (IIPImage).

I have successfully compiled MapServer 5.2 with fast_cgi support. I used this 
page to help me:

However, when I try to use MapServer with mod_fcgid I receive the following 

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request
Error message: Premature end of script headers: mapserv

I am really lost as to what the problem could be; the non fast_cgi version of 
MapServer that I compiled worked fine. Perhaps it is something to do with 
setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in the mod_fcgid.conf file?

At the moment I have it set as follows:

DefaultInitEnv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib/postgresql

The reason I am trying to get MapServer to work with fast_cgi is because I am 
experiencing poor performance with OpenLayers. I believe that OpenLayers starts 
a new MapServer instance for each tile request, thus causing an unnecessary 
overhead. Am I correct?

I will also be using Tilecache, but my experiments have also found this to be 
slow. It is currently set up to use mod_python. The hardware we are running on 
is a dual quad core (eight cores in total) Xeon . So it shouldn't be slow!

I would greatly appreciate any help on getting MapServer to work with fast_cgi 
. I would also welcome any comments regarding performance issues with 
OpenLayers / MapServer / Tilecache .

Thanks very much,

John Westwood

Great Britain Historical GIS Project

mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Using Fast CGI with MapServer to alleviate poor performance

2008-09-17 Thread Paul Ramsey

The idea that CGI is naturally a much slower situation than a
long-running process is a bit of a red herring in the case of
Mapserver, and I say that as someone who is anal retentive about these
things.  Unless your Mapserver installation has some naturally latent
components (database connections, primarily) you'll find that moving
from CGI to FastCGI is worth about 15ms per request.

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 8:40 AM, John Westwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The reason I am trying to get MapServer to work with fast_cgi is because I am 
 experiencing poor performance with OpenLayers. I believe that OpenLayers 
 starts a new MapServer instance for each tile request, thus causing an 
 unnecessary overhead. Am I correct?

Yes and no. If you are experiencing noticeably poor performance (you
can actually *see* it being slow) the only place that the CGI overhead
could be the cause is if you're connecting to Oracle or SDE for some
of your layers. If that's not the case, look elsewhere first, the very
small gains you will receive from moving to FastCGI will not change
your underlying problem.

mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Using Fast CGI with MapServer to alleviate poor performance

2008-09-17 Thread John Westwood
Hi Paul,

Thanks for the useful information. The performance is pretty terrible, so I 
will have to do some more investigating. The MapServer executable almost 
completely maxes out two cores and it can take 30 seconds or more to fetch all 
the tiles for a particular view. I do connect to Postgres to fetch map metadata 
and I pull the info from MapServer using WFS. Perhaps this is causing a problem.

One large problem. I tried going back to my old MapServer without the FastCGI 
and I commented out my MapServer configuration lines in the mod_fcgid.conf file 
(and restarted the server). Unfortunately, this too now no longer works and 
gives the same error:

The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request
Error message: Premature end of script headers: mapserv

I really need to fix this! Aarg!



 Paul Ramsey [EMAIL PROTECTED] 17/09/08 5:15 PM 

The idea that CGI is naturally a much slower situation than a
long-running process is a bit of a red herring in the case of
Mapserver, and I say that as someone who is anal retentive about these
things.  Unless your Mapserver installation has some naturally latent
components (database connections, primarily) you'll find that moving
from CGI to FastCGI is worth about 15ms per request.

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 8:40 AM, John Westwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The reason I am trying to get MapServer to work with fast_cgi is because I am 
 experiencing poor performance with OpenLayers. I believe that OpenLayers 
 starts a new MapServer instance for each tile request, thus causing an 
 unnecessary overhead. Am I correct?

Yes and no. If you are experiencing noticeably poor performance (you
can actually *see* it being slow) the only place that the CGI overhead
could be the cause is if you're connecting to Oracle or SDE for some
of your layers. If that's not the case, look elsewhere first, the very
small gains you will receive from moving to FastCGI will not change
your underlying problem.


mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] Using Fast CGI with MapServer to alleviate poor performance

2008-09-17 Thread Paul Ramsey
Pull out your command-line, you probably have a linking library
problem, and mapserv is just dying unceremoniously.

So first: can you just run mapserv on the command line. If not,
what's the error? is it instructive?
Second, if just a plain mapserv runs, what happens when you feed it
your workload? the trick is to use the mysterious QUERY_STRING
commandline parameter, thusly:

./mapserv QUERY_STRING=map=/your/map.maplayers=yourlayersetc

This runs mapserv in pretend CGI mode, without having a web server in
the way, very handy for debugging.


PS - I just realized, usually you can see the error in the apache
error_log, skipping all this tedious command-line stuff.

On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 3:00 PM, John Westwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Paul,

 Thanks for the useful information. The performance is pretty terrible, so I 
 will have to do some more investigating. The MapServer executable almost 
 completely maxes out two cores and it can take 30 seconds or more to fetch 
 all the tiles for a particular view. I do connect to Postgres to fetch map 
 metadata and I pull the info from MapServer using WFS. Perhaps this is 
 causing a problem.

 One large problem. I tried going back to my old MapServer without the FastCGI 
 and I commented out my MapServer configuration lines in the mod_fcgid.conf 
 file (and restarted the server). Unfortunately, this too now no longer works 
 and gives the same error:

 The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your 
 Error message: Premature end of script headers: mapserv

 I really need to fix this! Aarg!



 Paul Ramsey [EMAIL PROTECTED] 17/09/08 5:15 PM 

 The idea that CGI is naturally a much slower situation than a
 long-running process is a bit of a red herring in the case of
 Mapserver, and I say that as someone who is anal retentive about these
 things.  Unless your Mapserver installation has some naturally latent
 components (database connections, primarily) you'll find that moving
 from CGI to FastCGI is worth about 15ms per request.

 On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 8:40 AM, John Westwood [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The reason I am trying to get MapServer to work with fast_cgi is because I 
 am experiencing poor performance with OpenLayers. I believe that OpenLayers 
 starts a new MapServer instance for each tile request, thus causing an 
 unnecessary overhead. Am I correct?

 Yes and no. If you are experiencing noticeably poor performance (you
 can actually *see* it being slow) the only place that the CGI overhead
 could be the cause is if you're connecting to Oracle or SDE for some
 of your layers. If that's not the case, look elsewhere first, the very
 small gains you will receive from moving to FastCGI will not change
 your underlying problem.


mapserver-users mailing list