Re: gnome app pages (was confusingly Gnome Software Map)

2006-08-05 Thread Jeff Waugh

> > - authoritative
> > by this i mean it will be the hopefully best maintained and relevant
> > info source on an application relevant to gnome. People will of course
> > be free to create an "official" website for their app, and publish it as
> > they see fit. Yet, the wgo app pages would appear in a more-or-less
> > uniform fashion, with some established guidelines.

> OK. With this, I disagree. We're basically wanting developers and/or
> volunteers to duplicate the information they have about the project.

The URL can be canonical, but there's no point having two pages about a
project. Going to the 'rhythmbox' URL on [1] can simply redirect
to the main rhythmbox web page. Hopefully they can implement similar things
to the pages (such as using DOAP for common data and structure),
but it's all up to them. Like I said a few emails back, using has
to be made attractive for project maintainers - we can't just enforce it.

So, authoritative/canonical -> no. But useful and reliable (as URLs that
display or redirect to project pages) -> yes.

[1] note that I am not writing the URL, because that's an implementation
detail that we should determine from the design goals.

> And this maybe a little off-topic, but why can't we have a "Wanted"
> section in projects' homepage and tell the general public what we need
> that we don't have right now. E.g.:

If we can integrate useful information from our various sources for these
pages [1], that's great. But there are all kinds of things we can do about
this - first, we should design and ship something that is useful. Then we
can add stuff.

[1] and in doing so, provide the infrastructure for other project pages not
hosted on to use this information (such as rhythmbox aggregating
wishlist bugs confirmed by the maintainer - similar to what you're talking
about with 'wanted' information).

- Jeff

-- 2007: Sydney, Australia
...   *bounce*bounce*bounce*
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Re: gnome app pages (was confusingly Gnome Software Map)

2006-08-05 Thread Gezim Hoxha
On Sat, 2006-05-08 at 12:49 +0200, Gergely Nagy wrote:
> Hi,


> All right, so let's get back to basics :)

We seem to need to do this, every now and then.

> Clearly, for these pages to make some sense at all, there has to be some
> added value. Let's try to enumerate these first...
> - authoritative
> by this i mean it will be the hopefully best maintained and relevant
> info source on an application relevant to gnome. People will of course
> be free to create an "official" website for their app, and publish it as
> they see fit. Yet, the wgo app pages would appear in a more-or-less
> uniform fashion, with some established guidelines. It will be possible
> to make it a collaborative effort, where several people can make sure
> the page is up do date and meeting some standards.
> Perhaps the "official" web page will be more up-to-date, because
> Changelogs appear within microseconds of a release, but people browsing
> wgo/apps will hopefully get a uniform and still valid resource to
> discover gnome apps.

OK. With this, I disagree. We're basically wanting developers and/or
volunteers to duplicate the information they have about the project.
Then, when time comes, to delicately update the information (in their
"official" site and in their wgo/apps site). I don't think this will
work. I'm all about making developers lives easier and duplicating
information will not help them out, unfortunately. I know it's not good
to point out a problem without having a solution. Here is my solution:
why don't we ask developers as to what they want for their project home
page. What are they looking for in a CMS or a framework to make their
project home page development easier. Many of these developers are
coders and not web designers, if we get the gnome graphic designers to
help these guys out, it'd be great for devs, users, and ultimately for
the gnome image. Also, when you take a look at sourceforge, lots of
projects have the default look and feel of sourceforge which is
absolutely terrible and really bloated. This goes to show that [some |
most] devs don't know and don't care about web and marketing. So I'm
saying, find out what developers want from a home page system (if I may
call it that), give it to them, and expect that wgo/apps page be the
_official_ home page of the project that do choose to have a wgo/apps,
otherwise we're just duplicating effort, in my opinion. 

On top of this, if we can find a better way to integrate bugzilla and
these pages the developers, I think, would be happy. 

> In addition, it just looks more professional if you can reference a core
> gnome app by an official gnome URL, may it be on an about box, manual,
> banner, flier, blimp, super bowl, or other marketing blurb :)

Absolutely correct. However, as it's been said, users wanting to visit
the projects home shouldn't get wrist strain from typing in the URL :).

> - translated
> The wgo infrastructure will offer the possibility to translate these
> pages. Arguably these will not be the first pages translated, but I
> believe it is a useful feature.

As you say, these will not be on the translators' top to-do list. If I
got to and epiphany project page turns out
untranslated, this will just confuse and even frustrate me and whenever
I see "translated" in the future, I'll probably be sceptical.

> - detail and structure
> we determine how such an app page is structured and what appears on it.
> This will enhance interoperability, and give a uniform appeal of all the
> pages. We cannot except this from "official" sites. (yeah, gnomefiles
> has structure, but it has a different scope, and will never have all the
> details we might need)

Agreed. But, as you'll see above, I'm saying we should take this one
step further.

> - scope
> I imagine the app pages to be _not_ a "software map", that is a database
> trying to list all gnome-relevant software. And in this respect I see no
> competition with, on the contrary, an opportunity to
> cooperate.

I see no problem with competing with gnomefiles. I think we need to
preserve our image and gnome trademarks, and if that will take competing
with gnomefiles, so be it. gnomefiles has different goals than gnome. 


> It is also not a projects page, trac [1] style. Once we come around to
> do prgo, we can just use these project management frameworks, off the
> shelf. Their focus is to drive development efforts, and they do it well.
> They do wikis, issue tracking, project management (timelines,
> milestones, roadmaps, etc), repository integration, etc.

Why can't it be the project page. Why can't we integrate the development
efforts with the main project page? My goal is to not have duplicate
information it just clogs up the Internet tubes.

And this maybe a little off-topic, but why can't we have a "Wanted"
section in projects' homepage and tell the general public what we need
that we don't have right now. E.g.:

Graphic designe

Re: gnome app pages (was confusingly Gnome Software Map)

2006-08-05 Thread Jeff Waugh

> > Gergely: s/applications/products/ - or you'll forget about a whole bunch
> > of things that will need to fit in with this. :-)
> I can't think of any. You mean stuff like gnome-office? Maybe they deserve
> their own space? Say wgo/office/?

Ok, first, don't get hooked on URL implementation details. :-) Go back to my
previous email where I mentioned desktop, embedded, platform, etc. They all
deserve (need!) a product mini site.

- Jeff

-- 2007: Sydney, Australia
  "If you want to start a debate on a subject, however, all that seems to
 be necessary is to involve perennial target Richard Gooch." - LWN
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Re: WGO : GNOME Software Map

2006-08-05 Thread Jeff Waugh

> This is the point of better maintainability for prgo
> and wgo as well.

The point of my previous email was that "" is an
implementation detail (and from my POV, not a good one). I understand all
the arguments for it, but I just don't think it's relevant to the discussion
at this point, and doesn't help us solve the problem. It's just a way to be

- Jeff

-- 2007: Sydney, Australia
   "You put on the pants, and the pants start telling you what to do." -
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Re: gnome app pages (was confusingly Gnome Software Map)

2006-08-05 Thread Quim Gil
An attempt to get conclusions from this interesting discussion.


- All the discussion refers to content located at EXCEPT
the wgo/project/* subsites that we are not going to touch at all in this
release (and might or might not become We are not
talking either in this thread about touching livego, librarygo,
developergo... Just to make it clear: we are not dealing in the current
release with the projects subsites i.e. We can link to these project
subsites and other relevant resources across *, but that's all
by now.

- refers *only* to the
development of one list of links to official GNOME product pages. This
is the core mission of this goal. 

- The discussion product pages themselves belong to a different goal: . It is still unassigned,
someone wants to take it to make sure the sauce of the discussion is not
lost and heads to a real implementation? A project page would be
literally a single page (not a small website or something) managed
primarily by the marketing team. A product page should have great
information and marketing about a product (produced jointly with the
developers, but I think it is our responsibility to assure their quality
and update), plus all the relevant links links to know/do more about
that product in the GNOME subsites. If a product has official website we
link it. If it hasn't got one, at least the product will have now an
official page (i.e. Pessulus). The product pages should be as translated
as any other page at wgo.

- The discussion about where this list fits in wgo, if user Joe is
interested or not, belong to other goals: Define the content and scope
of and
(both assigned to Joachim Noreiko. Also the idea of offering other
sublists i.e. embedded, desktop, etc belong to these goals and doesn't
affect that fact that we need a one and only official list somewhere
(and it doesn't need to be in the homepage or where user Joe will click

"Software map" is a wrong term. "GNOME products" is the best definition
I've seen so far, although I feel that something is still missing. Let's
use this term while we don't find anything better. 

"GNOME applications" has two problems: 1. maybe we want to list pieces
or collections of software that are not strictly applications and the
nerds will tell us we suck; 2. 'applications' is a non-familiar term for
most regular users (they talk about 'software' or 'programs') and they
will tell us we suck. 

In fact "GNOME software" is perhaps a good term to define the "official"
products, specially when opposed to the broader "Software for GNOME",
which can be found at

wgo needs to explain the software that "makes" GNOME. We have at least
two clear categories here: the components of the desktop (the ones
shipped in the last release) and the applications (more complex to
define, but we will take a pragmatic approach). 

There are two reasons to have this list: information (this is the list
of GNOME products, GNOME says) and marketing (this is the software that
makes GNOME great and GNOME explains why). We can't delegate GNOME
information and marketing to third parties. I would even say that the
marketing team can't leave this mission to the projects alone, or the
release team, or... Developers can be great producing cool software, but
it doesn't necessarily imply they are good at providing information and
marketing about the software they produce.

This list doesn't aim to compete with at all. Instead, we
should collaborate together. Eugenia has been adapting
improving to offer a friendly gateway to wgo. We should
build our side from this gateway in the list(s) we create.

The maximum number of products listed is probably the number of products
with bugtracker in, and I'm sure we could find other
filters to make the list decrease (increasing the average quality of the
products listed). In there
are currently 27 products listed. If you think there is a product
missing add it now.


The tresor are the product pages, not this official list of GNOME
products. This official list will satisfy only some user profiles in
some use cases. Jeff and Claus' concerns about other user profiles and
other use cases can be solved, as Jeff suggested, having other pages
focused in one aspect and offering their own list/gateway to selected
product pages. 

The fact that Simon Rozet is working on the official list doesn't imply
we can't have more. 


There has been some discussion about more specific and technical
details. I'm leaving them out now to ease a common

Re: WGO : GNOME Software Map

2006-08-05 Thread Claus Schwarm
On Sat, 5 Aug 2006 10:22:55 +1000
Jeff Waugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Where "easily satisfied" on my terms demands some introspective
> thought and design. Just saying "whack up a home page" or "create
>" does *not* satisfy my questions - in fact that's
> the whole reason I've been asking them.

Both are independent tasks: Even if we create
(which will have to wait until the SVN stuff is through anyway) and
whack up a few homepages, you are still able to create a sort of design
guideline, make this a GNOME goal or a goal of the next web release
circle, and update these pages.

However, if such a guideline is not created, it does not affect the
ability of project maintainers to whack up a homepage. And they don't
depend on decisions about CMSes or any other stuff discussed for wgo.

This is the point of better maintainability for
prgo and wgo as well.

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Re: gnome app pages (was confusingly Gnome Software Map)

2006-08-05 Thread Claus Schwarm

On Sat, 5 Aug 2006 16:02:23 +0100 (BST)
Joachim Noreiko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That's all too much technical detail for wgo, and it
> will detract from pages aimed at users.

Some more thoughts about the topic: 

  * What about the Windows port of Evolution? Say, a Windows uses
googles for 'email client': What address should he get provided we could
make Evolution one of the top links?  wgo/apps/evolution ?

  * What about apps providing a plugin interface: Nautilus, gedit or
Tomboy, for example. What's the sense in haveing a plugin interface if
the user needs Google to find plugins? But which page should promote the

  * What about projects such as Dia: It's not part of the desktop
release. Does it need a wgo/apps/dia page? Isn't this also confusing for
wgo users?

So: It's not just technical details that makes a

A simple page like satiesfies
your use cases and the ones above. And it would still do when moved

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Re: gnome app pages (was confusingly Gnome Software Map)

2006-08-05 Thread Gergely Nagy
On Sat, 2006-08-05 at 16:02 +0100, Joachim Noreiko wrote:
> Suppose I am a potential developer, interested in
> Nautilus.
> I need to be directed towards pages that tell me...
> - who is currently working on nautilus
> - how to communicate with them (mailing list, irc)
> - what's in the development version
> - what is being plannned for the future -- the roadmap
> basically
> - what are the current open tasks
> - how to get my hands on source code

> That's all too much technical detail for wgo, and it
> will detract from pages aimed at users.
> Currently, this information is partly on wgo/projects,
> and partly on live.g.o
> Where should it go?
> library.g.o is not the place for it -- that's for
> documentation.

I think that's exactly what the should be about. The
hive for (potential) developers. (Hmm, that would make one hell of a
subdomain name, and it rhymes with :))


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Re: gnome app pages (was confusingly Gnome Software Map)

2006-08-05 Thread Simon Rozet
Jeff Waugh wrote :
> Secondly, as someone mentioned on this list only
> a week or so ago, look at all the Apple product sites (also that you
can get
> info about almost any product using,
as someone mentioned on this list only

Yeah, I really like the's way. For example, if you go to,
you are redirected towards

And a GNOME example : ->

In each page of /desktop/, we can feature the app in a gnome-fashioned
You know, like web2.0's "take a tour", with screenshots and/or

Gergely Nagy wrote :
> - integration

> So how can we integrate with other resources?

> We can display the feed from and link there, to channel
> visitors looking for the myriad of apps out there. We can link to, or
> possibly slurp some data from the projects pages. Gnomefiles could be
> used for general searching for apps, or displaying similar apps (e.g.
> based on their categores), etc.

Yeah, maybe we can provide a link like "Show me more applications of
this category" or so.
But I am not sure about that. I think that may disturb the user.

- Simon

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Re: gnome app pages (was confusingly Gnome Software Map)

2006-08-05 Thread Joachim Noreiko

--- Gergely Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sat, 2006-08-05 at 22:54 +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > > --- Gergely Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I see wgo/apps/ page as an about box on
> steroids. It would be _the_ pace
> > > > to go to find out some basic info about a
> gnome app.
> > > 
> > > That's a good way of putting it :)
> > > 
> > > Material that is currently in wgo/projects that
> is more aimed at
> > > developers should go on live.g.o, or whatever
> lgo turns into.
> > 
> > Disagree. A core function of our web presence is
> attracting contributors and
> > letting people know that the power of Free
> Software can be theirs, too. We
> > should have "how to get involved" information on
> these pages.
> While this is globally true, the aim for wgo is to
> provide good entry
> points. Note that (i think Joachim
> meant that instead
> of will be part of our web presence.
> I think a how to
> get involved link will suffice on these pages
> (garnished by an inviting
> sentence or paragraph of course :)...

Actually, I did mean live.g.o

Suppose I am a potential developer, interested in
I need to be directed towards pages that tell me...

- who is currently working on nautilus
- how to communicate with them (mailing list, irc)
- what's in the development version
- what is being plannned for the future -- the roadmap
- what are the current open tasks
- how to get my hands on source code

That's all too much technical detail for wgo, and it
will detract from pages aimed at users.

Currently, this information is partly on wgo/projects,
and partly on live.g.o

Where should it go?
library.g.o is not the place for it -- that's for

live.g.o is ugly, both visually and with its
WikiWords. I agree with Shaun who said (somewhere)
that it's great to use as a collective notepad, but we
need something more.
So that's either a projects.g.o, or a developer.g.o
reborn from its ashes -- the name is a minor detail.

Of course, a page on wgo about Nautilus would have a
big link leading on to this developer space.

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Hello world

2006-08-05 Thread Carlos Fenollosa
Hi (again)

Just joined the Gnome Foundation (and the foundation-list), and I've
been spending some time deciding in which part of Gnome I fit better.
I think I'll start with marketing, as that's what I've been doing for
some years.

Not too much to say right now, just a quick "hi" to everybody.


Greetings from Carlos Fenollosa
My weblog:
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Re: gnome app pages (was confusingly Gnome Software Map)

2006-08-05 Thread Gergely Nagy
On Sat, 2006-08-05 at 22:54 +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > --- Gergely Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I see wgo/apps/ page as an about box on steroids. It would be _the_ pace
> > > to go to find out some basic info about a gnome app.
> > 
> > That's a good way of putting it :)
> > 
> > Material that is currently in wgo/projects that is more aimed at
> > developers should go on live.g.o, or whatever lgo turns into.
> Disagree. A core function of our web presence is attracting contributors and
> letting people know that the power of Free Software can be theirs, too. We
> should have "how to get involved" information on these pages.

While this is globally true, the aim for wgo is to provide good entry
points. Note that (i think Joachim meant that instead
of will be part of our web presence. I think a how to
get involved link will suffice on these pages (garnished by an inviting
sentence or paragraph of course :)...

> Gergely: s/applications/products/ - or you'll forget about a whole bunch of
> things that will need to fit in with this. :-)

I can't think of any. You mean stuff like gnome-office? Maybe they
deserve their own space? Say wgo/office/?


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Re: - content, scope, structure

2006-08-05 Thread Gergely Nagy
On Fri, 2006-08-04 at 21:00 -0600, Gezim Hoxha wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-02-08 at 15:00 +0100, Joachim Noreiko wrote:
> > I've signed up for two of the goals for 2.16, because
> > they're closely related: 

> Here are my thoughts:
> I think no one should need to scroll in WGO page (with current page I
> have 1200px height and I still have to scroll (a wee bit)). It's meant
> to be a gateway and you're not supposed to spend too much time on the
> index page. I think it should be separated into 3 sections, maybe using
> tabs and allowing users to change from "user" to "developer" to
> "business" (like does) or using images (maybe kind
> of like has the 3 images).

I'd rather scroll a bit than click around. I really hate those docs
(converted usually from docbook) where each chapter is half a paragraph
on it's own page... Imagine you'd have to click for each post on planet
gnome, brrr :)

Splitting it up in sections is underway [1]. It's a bit understaffed
effort, you could help out!

> On top of these these tabs or images, we could have a flashy press
> release or promo page or whatever you want to call it, for one of our
> gnome "products" (why shouldn't we call them products?).
> I think two things lacking in the current gnome page is flashy images
> and no attention is paid to developers and businesses. Since businesses
> usually have a huge following (employees), a business converting would
> mean so many people being exposed to gnome. So, I think we need to take
> advantage of that. 

My vote is definitely against flashy images. IMHO it's distracting,
unprofessional, and hard to maintain.

> As far as developers, I don't think we're paying much attention to them.
> I think the dev* page is a joke. We have a lot of work to do.

Agreed. See [2] effort.

> Onto a little different topic, there is no reason people shouldn't know
> about the gnome brand. It completely shocked me when almost all of the
> student in my marketing class put up their hand when the prof asked who
> had heard of intel. People should know about gnome too, at the very
> least people using linux should know gnome.
They've been around for quite some time now, have a huge budget, and a
processor in pretty much everybody's computer (branded or compatible).
That said, I totally agree with the second part :) On a second thought,
I hope some people will just not have to care whether they have gnome,
if they don't want to. I couldn't care less what software runs on my
microwave, and I'm a geek :)

> Anyway, those are my thoughts.
Thanks for your input!



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Re: GNOME project description for EuroOSCON .org day]

2006-08-05 Thread Marcus Bauer
On Sat, 2006-08-05 at 14:36 +0100, Joachim Noreiko wrote:

> > Comments?
> It's a lot clearer :)
> > Check from native speakers?
> 'comprise' never goes with 'of'.
> 'Comprising hundreds of volunteer developers...'
> 'Target platforms are both the desktop as well
> embedded devices.'
> You don't need 'both' AND 'as well'. 

Okay, thanks!

Remaining question: they need the GNOME logo in web and print
resolution. A web logo is not too difficult to find, but in print
resolution I don't know where to take it from.


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Re: GNOME project description for EuroOSCON .org day]

2006-08-05 Thread Joachim Noreiko

--- Marcus Bauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > <<
> >   Comprised of hundreds of volunteer developers
> and industry-leading  
> > companies, the GNOME Foundation is an organization
> committed to  
> > supporting the advancement of GNOME. GNOME is a
> free software project  
> > that provides a complete, easy to use desktop for
> a variety of  
> > operating systems, including GNU/Linux, BSD,
> Solaris (tm), Operating  
> > Environment, HP-UX, Unix, BSD and Apple's Darwin.
> More than 700  
> > computer developers, including over 100 full-time,
> paid developers,  
> > contribute their time and effort to the project.
> > >>
> New suggestion:
> <<
> Comprised of hundreds of volunteer developers and
> industry-leading
> companies, GNOME is aiming to create a computing
> environment for the
> general public that is completely free software. 
> Target platforms are both the desktop as well as
> embedded devices. At
> the same time GNOME is committed to enable people
> with disabilities
> through an elaborated Accessibility framework as the
> result of several
> years of effort.
> >>
> Comments?

It's a lot clearer :)

> Check from native speakers?

'comprise' never goes with 'of'.
'Comprising hundreds of volunteer developers...'

'Target platforms are both the desktop as well
embedded devices.'
You don't need 'both' AND 'as well'. 

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GNOME project description for EuroOSCON .org day]

2006-08-05 Thread Marcus Bauer

> <<
>   Comprised of hundreds of volunteer developers and industry-leading  
> companies, the GNOME Foundation is an organization committed to  
> supporting the advancement of GNOME. GNOME is a free software project  
> that provides a complete, easy to use desktop for a variety of  
> operating systems, including GNU/Linux, BSD, Solaris (tm), Operating  
> Environment, HP-UX, Unix, BSD and Apple's Darwin. More than 700  
> computer developers, including over 100 full-time, paid developers,  
> contribute their time and effort to the project.
> >>

New suggestion:
Comprised of hundreds of volunteer developers and industry-leading
companies, GNOME is aiming to create a computing environment for the
general public that is completely free software. 

Target platforms are both the desktop as well as embedded devices. At
the same time GNOME is committed to enable people with disabilities
through an elaborated Accessibility framework as the result of several
years of effort.

Check from native speakers?

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Re: gnome app pages (was confusingly Gnome Software Map)

2006-08-05 Thread Jeff Waugh

> --- Gergely Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I see wgo/apps/ page as an about box on steroids. It would be _the_ pace
> > to go to find out some basic info about a gnome app.
> That's a good way of putting it :)
> Material that is currently in wgo/projects that is more aimed at
> developers should go on live.g.o, or whatever lgo turns into.

Disagree. A core function of our web presence is attracting contributors and
letting people know that the power of Free Software can be theirs, too. We
should have "how to get involved" information on these pages.

Gergely: s/applications/products/ - or you'll forget about a whole bunch of
things that will need to fit in with this. :-)

- Jeff

-- 2007: Sydney, Australia
  It's not a disease, it's an occupation!
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Re: gnome app pages (was confusingly Gnome Software Map)

2006-08-05 Thread Joachim Noreiko

--- Gergely Nagy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I see wgo/apps/ page as an about box on steroids. It
> would be _the_ pace
> to go to find out some basic info about a gnome app.

That's a good way of putting it :)

Material that is currently in wgo/projects that is
more aimed at developers should go on live.g.o, or
whatever lgo turns into.

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gnome app pages (was confusingly Gnome Software Map)

2006-08-05 Thread Gergely Nagy

All right, so let's get back to basics :)

Clearly, for these pages to make some sense at all, there has to be some
added value. Let's try to enumerate these first...

- authoritative
by this i mean it will be the hopefully best maintained and relevant
info source on an application relevant to gnome. People will of course
be free to create an "official" website for their app, and publish it as
they see fit. Yet, the wgo app pages would appear in a more-or-less
uniform fashion, with some established guidelines. It will be possible
to make it a collaborative effort, where several people can make sure
the page is up do date and meeting some standards.

Perhaps the "official" web page will be more up-to-date, because
Changelogs appear within microseconds of a release, but people browsing
wgo/apps will hopefully get a uniform and still valid resource to
discover gnome apps.

In addition, it just looks more professional if you can reference a core
gnome app by an official gnome URL, may it be on an about box, manual,
banner, flier, blimp, super bowl, or other marketing blurb :)

- translated
The wgo infrastructure will offer the possibility to translate these
pages. Arguably these will not be the first pages translated, but I
believe it is a useful feature.

- detail and structure

we determine how such an app page is structured and what appears on it.
This will enhance interoperability, and give a uniform appeal of all the
pages. We cannot except this from "official" sites. (yeah, gnomefiles
has structure, but it has a different scope, and will never have all the
details we might need)

- scope
I imagine the app pages to be _not_ a "software map", that is a database
trying to list all gnome-relevant software. And in this respect I see no
competition with, on the contrary, an opportunity to

The exact policy on what to include here is up for discussion, but the
principal guideline should be what is most relevant for gnome. Again,
this is not the scope of, where the focus is on as many
apps as possible. Another policy can be to include only mature apps,
whereas gnomefiles can host them as soon as they release 0.0.1-alpha.
Also, on wgo we can convey default app policy, say our media player _is_
totem, whereas would obviously do no such thing.

It is also not a projects page, trac [1] style. Once we come around to
do prgo, we can just use these project management frameworks, off the
shelf. Their focus is to drive development efforts, and they do it well.
They do wikis, issue tracking, project management (timelines,
milestones, roadmaps, etc), repository integration, etc.

I see wgo/apps/ page as an about box on steroids. It would be _the_ pace
to go to find out some basic info about a gnome app. You can go to to see what else is out there, or the project pages to
get in the gory details, or the "official" page to see that too, if you
want. The thing is, not all apps have an official page, esp. core gnome

- integration

So how can we integrate with other resources?

We can display the feed from and link there, to channel
visitors looking for the myriad of apps out there. We can link to, or
possibly slurp some data from the projects pages. Gnomefiles could be
used for general searching for apps, or displaying similar apps (e.g.
based on their categores), etc.

We can integrate with the apps, in the about box, bug-buddy, manual
pages, etc. For example, the intro of an app could be authored together
with the manual, and extracted for the wgo page. Or if the manual pages
ever go online, they could be truly cross-referenced.

We can also integrate with distros. Point users at them for installing
or any distro-specific issues, such as support. Distros could point back
to us as "upstream", say in package info files...

- all your app are not belong to us

since already exists, and does a great job, it does not
make sense to create a host'em all apps site. we should only focus on
truly gnomey apps :)



marketing-list mailing list

Re: [Fwd: [Foundations] EuroOSCON .org day]

2006-08-05 Thread Marcus Bauer
On Fri, 2006-08-04 at 17:44 +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> > EurOSCon is reserving place for free software projects to present in
> > Amsterdam this year - is there any interest in a GNOME stand there?
> > 
> > My initial feeling is "no" - from what I've seen, the OSCons aren't
> > particularly desktop oriented, or necessarily free *nix oriented.
> In the past, I would have agreed, but having just returned from OSCON in the
> USA, and seen the massive shift in OS X vs. Ubuntu there, I think it would
> have made a lot of sense to have a GNOME presence. EuroOSCON is different
> again in that it has a much more European slant - there are a lot more Linux
> users in the crowd than at OSCON in the USA. I think it would be worthwhile
> showing off what we're doing at EuroOSCON.

I have contacted them and we do get a table and two easels for a GNOME

They currently have the following description for the GNOME project on
file and I was wondering if there is a newer one:

  Comprised of hundreds of volunteer developers and industry-leading  
companies, the GNOME Foundation is an organization committed to  
supporting the advancement of GNOME. GNOME is a free software project  
that provides a complete, easy to use desktop for a variety of  
operating systems, including GNU/Linux, BSD, Solaris (tm), Operating  
Environment, HP-UX, Unix, BSD and Apple's Darwin. More than 700  
computer developers, including over 100 full-time, paid developers,  
contribute their time and effort to the project.

Plus they need a high res logo for the brochures. Is there one
available for download?

Last not least: anybody else on the list interested in manning the
stand? I'll otherwise contact the Brussels LUG and see to get one or two
more people from there.


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