[MARMAM] 2010 Aquatic Mammals holiday discount subscription offer

2009-11-18 Thread Kathleen M. Dudzinski

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Aquatic Mammals Journal Offers a SPECIAL subscription Holiday discount.

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journal’s web site in keeping with our green policy) featuring  
commentary from Sam Ridgway, Bill Evans, Bill Perrin, Jerry Kooyman  
(and several other marine mammal scientists) discussing Climate change/ 
Global warming and its affect on marine mammals

Visit the Aquatic Mammals Journal web site for details on our

 2010 SUBSCRIPTION RATES for Volume 36 (January to December 2010)


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published only twice a year.

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Kathleen M. Dudzinski, Ph.D.
Co-Editor, Aquatic Mammals Journal

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[MARMAM] Sea Watch Foundation: Voluntary Education and Awareness Assistant required for 2010 field season

2009-11-18 Thread Gemma Veneruso

Sea Watch Foundation – Voluntary Education and
Awareness Assistant opportunity in Cardigan Bay
for 2010


The Sea Watch Foundation (www.seawatchfoundation.org.uk)
is seeking an education and awareness assistant to take part in the “Cardigan
Bay Monitoring Project” in New Quay, West Wales
which manages the conservation of a resident population of bottlenose dolphins,
the largest in the UK.
Monitoring of harbour porpoise and grey seal populations is also part of the
project. This position will suit a volunteer that has a strong interest in
marine conservation and recognises the importance of educating and raising
awareness by involving the public.


The assistant will be responsible in aiding the
Sightings Officer with the following duties:

Participate in presentations
and create activities to take to local schools

Write news reports and

Assist in the
organisation and participation of annual event, National Whale and Dolphin

Come up with new
educational initiatives

Talk to the public about
the marine environment and conservation of cetaceans

Assist in the
organisation of training courses


assistant will also have the opportunity to be involved in the research, helping
the Cardigan Bay Monitoring Officer and the Sightings Officer, and will be 
to take part in the following tasks:

Land-based surveys

Boat-based surveys 


Database entry

Acoustic monitoring

Behavioural studies


field season will begin in April until October 2010, which has been split into
four separate periods of six weeks each. One assistant is required for each
period however preference will be given to those who can stay for more than one
period, including the whole six month field season. The assistant will be based
in New Quay, West Wales.
Accommodation is provided at a rate of approximately £55/week in a house
sharing with marine research volunteers. The
assistant is responsible for their own travel and living expenses, but it is
generally quite easy to obtain part-time paid work in the area if


Volunteering periods for summer 2010:

Period 1
26/04 – 6/06, Period 2 7/06 –
18/07, Period 3 19/07 – 29/08,
Period 4 30/08 – 10/10 


Important skills/qualifications


a strong interest in
marine conservation and education

confidence to interact
with the public

good verbal and writing

must have initiative and
bring their own ideas and personality to the position

strong commitment to
volunteering work

an ability to work in an
organised and reliable manner

an ability to get on well
with others in a small team and shared accommodation



a background in marine
biology/environmental science or similar 

a strong interest and
knowledge of British cetaceans 

good IT skills (Office

prior experience in
public speaking

prior experience in boat-based
survey work 

willingness to work long
hours outdoors in often very changeable Welsh weather



Assistants also
have the opportunity to learn about other research aspects such as cetacean 
and identification, line-transect survey protocols and photo-identification of
bottlenose dolphins and grey seals.




Please send your CV, covering letter and contact
details of two references, reporting any relevant experience you have and 
specifying the period(s) you would prefer
to volunteer for to Gemma Veneruso (gemma.vener...@seawatchfoundation.org.uk)


31st of January 2010. 


specify EDUCATION ASSISTANT APPLICATION into your subject title.


Applicants will be notified of the outcomes by the 22nd of February 2009.






The Sea Watch Foundation


The Sea Watch Foundation is a registered marine
environmental research charity that aims to achieve better conservation of
whales and dolphins in the seas around Britain
and Ireland,
by involving the public in scientific monitoring of populations and the threats
they face. At Sea Watch Wales,
we are dedicated to raising awareness, knowledge and conservation of the marine
wildlife of West Wales.
Our work is funded by the Countryside Council for Wales,
Defra, Joint Nature Conservation Committee and the Heritage Lottery Fund, and
we work closely with the local management authority, Ceredigion County Council.




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[MARMAM] Sea Watch Foundation: Marine Research volunteers required for 2010 field season

2009-11-18 Thread Gemma Veneruso

Sea Watch Foundation – Research Volunteering opportunity
in Cardigan Bay
for 2010


Volunteers are invited to assist the Sea Watch
Foundation (www.seawatchfoundation.org.uk)
with the running of the “Cardigan Bay Monitoring Project”. The project is based
in New Quay, West Wales,
and takes care of the conservation management of the bottlenose dolphin,
harbour porpoise and grey seal populations of Cardigan
 Bay, monitoring their abundance, distribution, reproductive
success and population structure using a combination of line-transect,
photo-identification, land-based and acoustic surveys.


volunteers will help the Cardigan Bay Monitoring Officer and the Sightings
Officer by taking part in the following tasks:

Land-based surveys

Boat-based surveys 


Database entry

Awareness raising

Education initiatives

Acoustic monitoring

Assist with and
participate in training courses and public talks.


are required from April until October 2010, for 4 separate periods of 6 weeks
each. Preference will be given to those who can stay for more than one period,
including the whole 6-months field season. Volunteers will be based in New
Quay, West Wales.
Accommodation is provided at a rate of around £55/week. Volunteers are 
responsible for their own travel, accommodation and
living expenses, but it is generally quite easy to obtain part-time paid
work in the area if required.


Volunteering periods for summer 2010:

Period 1
26/04 – 6/06, Period 2 7/06 –
18/07, Period 3 19/07 – 29/08,
Period 4 30/08 – 10/10 


Important skills/qualifications


an ability to work in a meticulous
and reliable manner

strong commitment to
volunteering work

willingness to work long
hours outdoors in often very changeable Welsh weather

good IT skills (Office

an ability to get on well
with others in a small team and shared accommodation



a background in marine
biology/environmental science or similar 

a strong interest and
knowledge of British cetaceans 

prior experience in boat-based
survey work 

good verbal and written
communication skills and in public speaking 

experience in interacting
with the public 


All volunteers
will be trained in cetacean observation and identification, in line-transect
survey protocols and photo-identification of bottlenose dolphins and grey




Please send your cv, covering letter and contact
details of two references, reporting any relevant experience you have and 
specifying the period(s) you would prefer
to volunteer for to Daphna Feingold (daphna.feing...@seawatchfoundation.org.uk)


31st of January 2010. 


specify NEW QUAY VOLUNTEER APPLICATION into your subject title.


Applicants will be notified of the outcomes by the 22nd of February 2009.






The Sea Watch Foundation


The Sea Watch Foundation is a registered marine
environmental research charity that aims to achieve better conservation of
whales and dolphins in the seas around Britain
and Ireland,
by involving the public in scientific monitoring of populations and the threats
they face. At Sea Watch Wales,
we are dedicated to raising awareness, knowledge and conservation of the marine
wildlife of West Wales.
Our work is funded by the Countryside Council for Wales,
Defra, Joint Nature Conservation Committee and the Heritage Lottery Fund, and
we work closely with the local management authority, Ceredigion County Council.



purpose of our research here is to monitor the marine mammal populations
inhabiting Cardigan Bay,
so as to gain information to aid the conservation and long-term well being of
these animals and the local marine environment. This is achieved by conducting
various projects including:


Estimating the abundance and distribution of
 bottlenose dolphins, harbour porpoises and grey seals within Cardigan Bay 
using distance sampling and
 opportunistic boat surveysMaintaining and updating a catalogue of
 photographically identified bottlenose dolphins in Wales in order to study 
 abundance, social structure, movements and life histories.Acoustic 
monitoring of bottlenose dolphins and
 harbour porpoises in the Cardigan Bay SAC using automated click detectors
 (T-PODs) and hydrophones.Setting up a library of underwater sounds in
 Welsh waters in order to develop bio-acoustic research in the area.


We further aim to raise awareness and
understanding of the importance of the local marine wildlife and the habitats
supporting them, to encourage respect and conservation of the area and its
wildlife for future generations. We also run training courses for the public in
cetacean identification and survey methods.




[MARMAM] Sea Watch Foundation: Voluntary Research Assistant/Volunteer Coordinator required for 2010 field season

2009-11-18 Thread Gemma Veneruso



The Sea Watch Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to marine 
research, conservation,
and public education is seeking applications for the following:




This position is responsible for
assisting the Monitoring Officer in the running of the “Cardigan Bay Monitoring 
Project” and coordinating the project volunteers. The
project is based in New Quay, Ceredigion, West Wales, and involves the 
conservation management of
the bottlenose dolphin, harbour porpoise and grey seal populations of Cardigan 
Bay, monitoring their abundance, distribution,
reproductive success and population structure using a combination of
line-transect, photo-identification, land-based and acoustic surveys. This
long-term project was established in 2001 and is overseen by Dr Peter Evans,
Director of Sea Watch.


Start Date: April 12th 2010 
End Date: October 18th


Responsibilities will include
(but are not limited to):

 between the Monitoring Officer/Sightings Officer and the project
 volunteers – in charge of the volunteer house and the volunteer weekly
 office rota.Assisting
 the Monitoring Officer/Sightings Officer in volunteer basic training of
 land- and boat based surveys, photo ID studies, database entry and 
 the Monitoring Officer/Sightings Officer in all phases of the 
research.Optional: Undertaking a personal research
 project supervised by the Monitoring Officer – research topic will be
 chosen according to Sea Watch Foundation requirements and applicant’s


successful applicant is expected to have at least a BSc degree in biology,
marine biology, zoology, or related field, and be able to demonstrate previous
experience in marine mammal research. A strong interest and knowledge of
British cetaceans and some boating experience are beneficial.

 The applicant should be proficient with Access, databases and word processing 
software. Experience in GIS would be advantageous.  The preferred candidate 
should have a proven track record as a team player as the project will involve 
working closely with other researchers but also should be able to supervise 
small groups of people as they will be coordinating at least 6 volunteers. They 
must also be self-motivated with the drive and determination to work 
independently and responsibly. This post brings the opportunity to submit work 
for scientific publication. This position is unpaid but accommodation expenses 
will be covered. 


To apply:


Please send your CV, a cover letter and contact details of two
references reporting relevant experience to Daphna Feingold 

Deadline: 31st January 2010.


subject title.

Applicants will be notified of the outcome by the
 22nd February 2010.



The Sea Watch Foundation


The Sea Watch Foundation is a
registered marine environmental research charity that aims to achieve better
conservation of whales and dolphins in the seas around Britain and Ireland, by 
involving the public in scientific
monitoring of populations and the threats they face. At Sea Watch Wales, we are 
dedicated to raising
awareness, knowledge and conservation of the marine wildlife of West Wales. In 
recent years, our work has been
funded by the Countryside Council for Wales, Defra, Joint Nature Conservation
Committee and the Heritage Lottery Fund, and we work closely with the local
management authority, Ceredigion County Council.



The purpose of our
research here is to monitor the marine mammal populations that inhabit Cardigan 
Bay, so as to gain information to aid the
conservation and long-term well being of these animals and the local marine
environment. This is achieved by conducting various projects including:


Estimating the abundance and distribution
 of bottlenose dolphins, harbour porpoises and grey seals within Cardigan
  Bay using distance sampling and opportunistic boat
 and updating a catalogue of photographically identified bottlenose
 dolphins in Wales in
 order to study their abundance, social structure, movements and life
 monitoring of bottlenose dolphins and harbour porpoises in the Cardigan
 Bay SAC using automated click detectors (T-PODs) and hydrophones.Setting up
 a library of underwater sounds in Welsh waters in order to develop
 bio-acoustic research in the area.


further aim to raise awareness and understanding of the importance of the local
marine wildlife and the habitats supporting them, to encourage respect and
conservation of the area and its wildlife for future generations. We also run
training courses for the public in cetacean identification and survey methods.




[MARMAM] volunteers needed for research on dolphins in Port Stephens, Australia

2009-11-18 Thread Steckenreuter
Hi all,

The Marine Mammal Research Group of Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, 
is currently looking for two volunteers during the summer season 2010. The 
boat-based surveys will be carried out in the Port Stephens - Great Lakes 
Marine Park, 200 km north of Sydney, from 15th February to 15th March 2010. 
Interns will participate in the field on a daily basis collecting behavioural 
and ecological data of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus). The 
internship offers an excellent opportunity for qualified and motivated 
individuals to obtain field training and analysis with experienced dolphin 


Ideal internship applicants are at least undergraduates of a scientifically 
oriented university subject. Participants should have a motor boat driving 
license or at least very good boat driving skills. Volunteers must commit for 
the entire four weeks.
Accommodation and food are provided during the stay but applicants are 
responsible for all travelling expenses to and from the field site.

Interested applicants should contact Andre Steckenreuter:



Andre Steckenreuter
PhD Candidate
Marine Mammal Research Group
Graduate School of the Environment
Macquarie University 2109 NSW Australia

Ph: 0410862189
Email: astec...@gse.mq.edu.au

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