Dear MARMAM community,

On behalf of my co-authors, I am pleased to share our recent publication in
Frontiers in Marine Science (Section Marine Megafauna):

Tyarks, Saskia Cathrin; Aniceto, Ana Sofia; Ahonen, Heidi; Pedersen, Geir
and Lindstrøm, Ulf (2022). Changes in humpback whale song structure and
complexity reveal a rapid evolution on a feeding ground in Northern
Norway. *Front.
Mar. Sci.* 9:862794. doi:

Singing behaviour by male humpback whales (*Megaptera novaeangliae*) has
traditionally been associated with low-latitude breeding grounds. However,
in recent years, this vocal behaviour has been increasingly reported
outside these areas. All singers in a given population sing the same
version of a song and this song is continually evolving over time with
modifications on different levels within the song structure. Tracing
changes in whale song will help to undercover the drivers underlying this
vocal display and contribute to the understanding of animal culture and its
evolution. To determine the progressive changes in songs found on a
subarctic feeding ground and migratory stopover, a detailed analysis of
humpback whale song recordings from Northern Norway was conducted. Passive
acoustic data from the Lofoten-Vesterålen Ocean Observatory (LoVe),
collected using a bottom-moored underwater hydrophone, were used from
January - April 2018 and January 2019. Two measures of the song structure
were examined: (1) sequence similarities using the Levenshtein distance and
(2) song complexity using a principal component analysis (PCA). In total,
21 distinct themes were identified which presented highly directional,
structural changes over time. Two themes from 2018 reoccurred in 2019,
whereas all other themes in 2019 appeared to be evolved versions of 2018
themes. All songs grouped into three general clusters, reflecting the rapid
evolution over the study period. With all sampled animals singing the same
version of the song, this might indicate that the singers are either from
the same breeding population or that song learning occurred before the
study period. Song complexity appeared to follow the trend of song
progression; songs became more complex as they evolved over the months in
2018 and decreased in complexity between the years, returning to a more
simplified song in 2019. The results confirm that humpback whale song
exhibits a rapid progression on a shared subarctic feeding ground, with
strong potential for song exchange and opportunities for cultural
transmission between populations in the North Atlantic.

The article is open access and can be downloaded following the link below:

If you have any questions regarding our work please contact this email:

Kind regards,
Saskia Tyarks (formerly Martin)

Department of Biology, Lund University, Sweden
Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, Arctic University of Norway (UiT),
Tromsø, Norway
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