Dear fellow SMMers,

Watching this discussion unfold, I feel compelled to contribute. While I cannot 
help but support the open and honest exchange of ideas and philosophies, I find 
myself wholeheartedly agreeing with Phil Clapham. As someone who has both 
benefited tremendously from being unpaid labor, and also seen others benefit 
from it, I cannot in good conscience support an outright professional ban on 
such opportunities. I believe that would be a misguided broad brush stroke that 
takes away positive programs rather than creating more of them.

There is no question that the system as a whole needs to be re-examined 
carefully, but as I believe Phil alluded to, it is a structural change that is 
needed. Many (perhaps even most) organizations that are not part of a large 
university or government system simply do not have the resources to pay people 
to receive an education, which is what many internships provide. Internships in 
this business are frequently unlike veterinary or medical internships, in which 
a certain expertise and/or certification has already been acquired by the 
intern. Intern candidates often have little to no relevant experience and are 
not much different from a brand new volunteer. Some have considerable 
experience or education in other areas, but are trying new things. A 
one-size-fits-all strategy for addressing the baked-in inequities seems 
restrictive at best, as the inequities are not all one size or one shape.

Many organizations do everything they can to facilitate people's education. It 
is done as unpaid community outreach, unfunded participation in graduate 
student committees, unsupported participation in student conferences, and 
providing volunteerism and internships. Those internship opportunities are not 
charged for in the way an academic institution would charge for an education, 
despite having many similarities. Those same organizations often have staff 
that are not paid what they deserve based on their work ethic, their 
competencies, their qualifications, or their dedication. Their operations are 
often chronically underfunded on federal, municipal and institutional levels. 
All these things take a toll on staff retention, conservation effectiveness, 
etc. Perhaps because this is personal, it seems reciprocally unfair to 
categorize all organizations with blanket statements of unfairness, when many 
are already stretched thinly, with funds diluted beyond belief, trying their 
best to make a small bit of difference.

Having such organizations stop offering unpaid internships without already 
having a viable alternative to this process will likely have other unintended 
consequences, such as reduced capacity for research or conservation work. This 
will not only affect those interns who have and continue to benefit from robust 
internship programs, but will likely also impact the very animals we are all so 
passionate about helping. I would urge this passionate and vocal community to 
come together to build more opportunities, rather than suggest removal of 
pre-existing ones which have given many people the chance to course correct or 
enrich their lives. To that end, I offer up a few modest suggestions that might 
conceivably help jump start such an effort, if embraced.

1) Create consortium of organizations that offer internships. Each organization 
contributes seed money to an endowment or some other means of growing a fund to 
support financial need-based internships within the consortium. Those 
organizations can use their political and economic clout and their media 
presence to promote additional outside support. Such a consortium may also help 
with promoting successful interns toward employment opportunities within the 

2) SMM members join to form virtual classes or thematic video shorts that can 
help address the very insightful point Phil made about reaching young people 
and infecting them with our excitement and passion, on topics so few of them 
are ever exposed to until it's too late. Many of us have been to SMM video 
night and seen the exciting whale tagging videos, gross necropsy videos, 
heartbreaking bycatch videos, etc. Those same visuals that move us, could move 
current students, form future researchers, and reach broader audiences.

3) Unified messaging (and lobbying) to government and funding agencies for 
need-based federal/national support of career training programs related to 
marine mammal science. Perhaps this could have some sort of accreditation 
process to weed out those organizations with questionable intern practices and 
questionable intern education.

4) Grant funded academic research programs that depend on free labor to run 
large programs should indeed re-examine if/how intern funding is written into 
grant proposals. It is common practice for grant budgets to have graduate 
student funds built into them, so if those projects will require intern labor, 
perhaps that should be a consideration. There has to be recognition however 
that such practices could impact competitiveness of many grant applications by 
inflating the budgets in a funding environment that is already anemic. Perhaps 
it can be built into the institutional overhead costs?

My kindest regards to every single one of you across the world, and my best 
wishes that we all overcome whatever challenges we currently face. Stay safe.

Alexander M. Costidis, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist

Stranding Response & Biomedical Research

Phone: +1 (757) 385-6482

Cell: +1 (727) 543-6263<>

Stranding Response Hotline: (757) 385- 7575

Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center<>

717 General Booth Blvd.

Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451, USA


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