[MARMAM] Dolphin Research Internships - Summer 2011

2011-01-04 Thread Kel Melillo Sweeting
Dolphin Communication Project (DCP) - Volunteer Research Assistants/Interns - 
Summer 2011


Connecticut, USA and Bimini, The Bahamas


The Dolphin Communication Project (DCP, www.dolphincommunicationproject.org) is 
currently seeking two interns for the summer of 2011. These internships have 
both field and office components, both of which are mandatory, and total 8-12 
weeks, depending on DCP's schedule.


DCP looks at how dolphins communicate and attempts to shed more light on the 
meaning of their interactions. With research ongoing since 1991, our questions 
focus primarily on communication and behavior among dolphins. As a team, DCP 
research scientists study four groups of dolphins in three countries. Interns 
are needed at our Bimini, Bahamas research site, where we study wild Atlantic 
spotted and bottlenose dolphins. An abbreviated publication list is available 
at the end of this post.



In the field:

¨   Travel to and assist for 3-4 weeks at our Bimini research site (exact 
dates TBD, likely beginning mid-July, following the office component)

¨   Assist gathering data (general observations, photographs) during 4-6 
hour/day boat excursions (weather and schedule dependent)

¨   Complete photo-identification of dolphins from still photography and 
video as well as other data analysis tasks

¨   Assist with on-board and outreach education as well as web-based 

¨   Represent DCP in a responsible, mature and respectful manner


At the office:

¨   Travel to and assist office staff for 4-6 weeks at our Connecticut 
office (exact dates TBD, likely prior to field component, beginning 
approximately 1 June)

¨   Process and analyze data, including, but not limited to: 
photo-identification of individuals from other DCP research sites, conducting 
detailed focal follows from video data for behavioral analyses, and acoustic 
analysis of dolphin sounds 

¨   Assist in the development and implementation of education programs for 
schools and the general public



Successful interns must have basic computer skills and working knowledge of 
Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Current enrollment in a degree-seeking 
program, background in science and/or animal behavior and experience on boats 
and/or with photo-identification are all desired, but not necessarily required. 
The successful candidates will be comfortable on a boat for several hours at a 
time in varying conditions, including extreme heat. They will also be 
proficient swimmers with the desire to improve free-diving skills. They will be 
able to work as a team both at the office and in a fairly remote and isolated 
field setting. Good writing and public speaking skills are a must, as is 
attention to details. Interns must be at least 18 years of age.


Expenses and Compensation

This is an unpaid internship. Interns are responsible for their own 
transportation to Bimini and Connecticut. There is a $1,000.00 fee which will 
cover expenses in the field, including room and partial board. Room, board and 
transportation while in Connecticut are the responsibility of the intern, 
although assistance in securing this may be available. 


Interested applicants should review information at this link: 
http://tinyurl.com/DCPinternship. Interested applications should read this page 
thoroughly before applying. 


Send a completed application (downloadable and detailed at the link above) to 
ke...@dcpmail.org.  Applications are due 4 February 2011. Due to field 
schedules, only electronic applications will be accepted. Interviews (via 
telephone or Skype) will be arranged for selected candidates. 


For more information, please contact Kelly Melillo-Sweeting at 



Selected Refereed Publications:

(for a full list of publications by DCP researchers, please visit: 




Dudzinski, K.M., Clark, C.W., Würsig, B. 1995. A mobile video/acoustic system 
for simultaneously recording dolphin behavior and vocalizations underwater. 
Aquatic Mammals 21(3): 187-193.


Dudzinski, K.M. 1998. Contact behavior and signal exchange among Atlantic 
spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis). Aquatic Mammals 24(3): 129-142.


Dudzinski, K.M., M. Sakai, M., Masaki, K., Kogi, K., Hishii, T., Kurimoto, M. 
2003. Behavioral observations of adult and sub-adult dolphins towards two dead 
bottlenose dolphins (one female and one male). Aquatic Mammals 29(1): 108-116. 


Gregg, J.D., Dudzinski, K.M., Smith, H.V. 2007. Do dolphins eavesdrop on the 
echolocation signals of conspecifics? International Journal of Comparative 
Psychology, 20: 65-88 


Paulos, R.D., Dudzinski, K.M., Kuczaj, S.A. 2008.  The role of touch in select 
social inte

[MARMAM] Deadline Approaching: Dolphin Research Internships - Summer 2011

2011-01-25 Thread Kel Melillo Sweeting
The deadline for the internship positions outline below is approaching: 4 
February 2011. Please contact ke...@dcpmail.org with any questions.

Dolphin Communication Project (DCP) - Volunteer Research Assistants/Interns - 
Summer 2011


Connecticut, USA and Bimini, The Bahamas


The Dolphin Communication Project (DCP, www.dolphincommunicationproject.org) is 
currently seeking two interns for the summer of 2011. These internships have 
both field and office components, both of which are mandatory, and total 8-12 
weeks, depending on DCP's schedule.


DCP looks at how dolphins communicate and attempts to shed more light on the 
meaning of their interactions. With research ongoing since 1991, our questions 
focus primarily on communication and behavior among dolphins. As a team, DCP 
research scientists study four groups of dolphins in three countries. Interns 
are needed at our Bimini, Bahamas research site, where we study wild Atlantic 
spotted and bottlenose dolphins. An abbreviated publication list is available 
at the end of this post.



In the field:

¨   Travel to and assist for 3-4 weeks at our Bimini research site (exact 
dates TBD, likely beginning mid-July, following the office component)

¨   Assist gathering data (general observations, photographs) during 4-6 
hour/day boat excursions (weather and schedule dependent)

¨   Complete photo-identification of dolphins from still photography and 
video as well as other data analysis tasks

¨   Assist with on-board and outreach education as well as web-based 

¨   Represent DCP in a responsible, mature and respectful manner


At the office:

¨   Travel to and assist office staff for 4-6 weeks at our Connecticut 
office (exact dates TBD, likely prior to field component, beginning 
approximately 1 June)

¨   Process and analyze data, including, but not limited to: 
photo-identification of individuals from other DCP research sites, conducting 
detailed focal follows from video data for behavioral analyses, and acoustic 
analysis of dolphin sounds 

¨   Assist in the development and implementation of education programs for 
schools and the general public



Successful interns must have basic computer skills and working knowledge of 
Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Current enrollment in a degree-seeking 
program, background in science and/or animal behavior and experience on boats 
and/or with photo-identification are all desired, but not necessarily required. 
The successful candidates will be comfortable on a boat for several hours at a 
time in varying conditions, including extreme heat. They will also be 
proficient swimmers with the desire to improve free-diving skills. They will be 
able to work as a team both at the office and in a fairly remote and isolated 
field setting. Good writing and public speaking skills are a must, as is 
attention to details. Interns must be at least 18 years of age.


Expenses and Compensation

This is an unpaid internship. Interns are responsible for their own 
transportation to Bimini and Connecticut. There is a $1,000.00 fee which will 
cover expenses in the field, including room and partial board. Room, board and 
transportation while in Connecticut are the responsibility of the intern, 
although assistance in securing this may be available. 


Interested applicants should review information at this link: 
http://tinyurl.com/DCPinternship. Interested applications should read this page 
thoroughly before applying. 


Send a completed application (downloadable and detailed at the link above) to 
ke...@dcpmail.org.  Applications are due 4 February 2011. Due to field 
schedules, only electronic applications will be accepted. Interviews (via 
telephone or Skype) will be arranged for selected candidates. 


For more information, please contact Kelly Melillo-Sweeting at 



Selected Refereed Publications:

(for a full list of publications by DCP researchers, please visit: 




Dudzinski, K.M., Clark, C.W., Würsig, B. 1995. A mobile video/acoustic system 
for simultaneously recording dolphin behavior and vocalizations underwater. 
Aquatic Mammals 21(3): 187-193.


Dudzinski, K.M. 1998. Contact behavior and signal exchange among Atlantic 
spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis). Aquatic Mammals 24(3): 129-142.


Dudzinski, K.M., M. Sakai, M., Masaki, K., Kogi, K., Hishii, T., Kurimoto, M. 
2003. Behavioral observations of adult and sub-adult dolphins towards two dead 
bottlenose dolphins (one female and one male). Aquatic Mammals 29(1): 108-116. 


Gregg, J.D., Dudzinski, K.M., Smith, H.V. 2007. Do dolphins eavesdrop on the 
echolocation signals of conspecifics? Internationa

[MARMAM] Field Course in Ethological Studies - Marine & Terrestrial

2011-11-11 Thread Kel Melillo Sweeting


Looking for an exciting, hands-on summer course? The Dolphin Communication 
Project (DCP), in conjunction with Georgetown College, is pleased to offer a 
of this course will take place in Bimini, Bahamas and Nassau, Bahamas. 


Full Course Dates: 20 May - 11 June, 2012

Field Dates: 20 - 31 May 2012


Course description and objectives:

Students will be introduced to the study of animal behavior using a combination 
of lectures, readings, discussion, and research with both a wild dolphin group 
and a captive dolphin population. Lectures will focus on understanding animal 
behavior from an ecological and evolutionary perspective. Readings and 
discussion will focus on current research and methodology. Fieldwork will 
provide students an introduction to the skills necessary to conduct animal 
behavior research and to demonstrate these skills by participating in 
independent research with senior scientists at the field location.


Class Format:

Non-field portions of this course will be completed remotely, via the free 
Internet communication program, Skype. Exact dates and times are to be 
determined. The field portion will take place at two sites and attendance at 
all lectures, activities, and training sessions is mandatory. The format of the 
classroom meetings will be discussion-oriented. Questions and class 
participation are strongly encouraged. Training sessions (at Dolphin 
Encounters) and research hours are also mandatory, for the safety of the 
student and the animals. 

Cost: $2,450 per person (USD)



Air transportation between Fort Lauderdale, FL and field sites

10 nights' accommodation (double or higher occupancy)

3 meals a day (one group meal out in Nassau not included; optional meal out in 
Bimini not included)

4 half-day boat trips in search of dolphins (weather dependent)

Gratuity for boat, dock and hotel staff in Bimini

Transportation to and entry into Dolphin Encounters

Airport/Hotel transportation in Bimini and Nassau

Course instruction by Drs. Kathleen Dudzinski (DCP) and Rebecca Singer 
(Georgetown College)

Certificate of completion (upon request)

Not included: Airfare to/from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA


You must be at least 18 years old and fluent in English to participate. US 
citizens are required to have a valid passport for entry into The Bahamas (a 
birth certificate is not sufficient). Students of other citizenship should 
confirm entry requirements. Students currently enrolled in a degree-seeking 
program are given first-priority. Registration for non-matriculated students 
will open, space available, 1 January 2012.

No previous experience with marine mammals or marine biology is required, 
however, all participants should be comfortable on a boat, snorkeling and 
working as a team.

Course may be used for general enrichment or course credit; the student is 
solely responsible for arranging credit with their home institution or 
Georgetown College. Fees associated with course credit are not included in the 
course fee.


This is your chance for a real life research experience with wild and captive 
dolphins in the clear, warm waters of the Bahamas!


Come join us! 


For more information on this course, visit http://tinyurl.com/DCPAnimalBehavior.

If you have questions on this course, please contact DCP at i...@dcpmail.org.

For more information on DCP, including a list of publications, please visit 

A non-refundable deposit of 20% ($490) is due at the time of registration, with 
full payment due by 28 February 2011. Deposits and payments are currently being 
accepted at http://tinyurl.com/DCPAnimalBehavior. If you prefer to pay by US 
check (small discount applies!), please contact us at i...@dcpmail.org.


The minimum enrollment is eight students, with a maximum of 14; so, sign-up 




The Dolphin Communication Project (DCP) is focused on the dual goals of 
scientific research and education: we take results from research projects and 
disseminate them into educational programs for students of all ages. DCP has a 
team of researchers (graduated professionals, graduate students, undergraduate 
interns and volunteers) who work together to examine how dolphins communicate 
in order to shed more light on the meaning of the interactions between 
individuals and groups. We have 3 active field sites that include wild and 
captive dolphins of 3 species. DCP collaborates with vessel operators from 
Bimini and Dolphin Encounters to study dolphins ranging in age from a few 
months to more than 30 years old. Below, please find a selected list of DCP's 
peer-reviewed publications. For a full list of our publications, please visit 


Dudzinski, K.M., C

[MARMAM] New publication - West Indian manatee off Bimini, Bahamas

2011-12-13 Thread Kel Melillo Sweeting
MARMAM community, 
The following short note was recently published in Aquatic Mammals. For those 
with journal subscriptions, or who are interested in purchasing this issue or 
individual article, please visit http://www.aquaticmammalsjournal.org/. 
Alternatively, please contact me for the PDF (ke...@dcpmail.org). 
Melillo-Sweeting, K., Reid, J., Gittens, L., Adimey, N., Dillet, J. 2011. 
Observations and relocation of a West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) off 
Bimini, The Bahamas. Aquatic Mammals 37(4): 502-505. DOI 

West Indian manatees (Trichechus manatus) are uncommon in the Bahamas, 
including in Bimini where only three sightings have been reported in the last 
century. The close proximity of the Bahamas to the United States necessitates 
cooperation on many issues, including the management of protected or listed 
marine mammals. An adult male manatee was observed and monitored from 28 
November 2008 to 24 January 2009, enabling us to present details on this rare 
occurrence and the subsequent bi-national management of this errant individual. 
TBH-02 "Harold" (aka "Kodi") was radio tagged with an Argos-linked GPS tag and 
monitored for 41 days. Observations and photo documentation revealed the animal 
to be in good body condition. Despite five distinctive scar patterns, no match 
to previously photo-cataloged Florida or Bahamian manatees was possible. 
Frequent daily GPS tag location fixes were associated with local resources 
including foraging and resting areas within the North Bimini harbor, and 
periodic trips to seagrass beds and canals of South Bimini. Despite his 
frequent visits to specific sites, adequate freshwater sources for drinking 
could not be identified. His tolerance for human presence, multiple propeller 
markings, close proximity to peninsular Florida, and preliminary genetic 
analyses strongly suggested an association with the Florida subspecies 
Trichechus manatus latirostris. Based on evidence of a Florida origin, the rare 
occurrence of manatees in Bimini and an apparent absence of conspecifics and 
reliable natural fresh water, the Bahamas Department of Marine Resources and US 
Fish and Wildlife Service arranged capture and transport to Florida. The US 
Coast Guard, Miami Seaquarium and local volunteers conducted the capture and 
transport. Assessed to be in good health, after a brief rehabilitation, he was 
radio tagged and released in Crystal River, Florida. This process marks 
successful marine mammal stranding cooperation between individuals, private 
businesses and government agencies in two countries.

Kelly Melillo Sweeting
Bimini Research Manager
Dolphin Communication Project
MARMAM mailing list

[MARMAM] Field Course in Ethological Studies - Marine & Terrestrial

2012-01-03 Thread Kel Melillo Sweeting
Happy New Year MARMAM readers.

Registration for the following class is now open to non-enrolled students. So, 
if you have been looking for a field course for general enrichment, are getting 
ready to return to school or are a recent graduate, please consider signing up 



Looking for an exciting, hands-on summer course? The Dolphin Communication 
Project (DCP), in conjunction with Georgetown College, is pleased to offer a 
of this course will take place in Bimini, Bahamas and Nassau, Bahamas. 


Full Course Dates: 20 May - 11 June, 2012

Field Dates: 20 - 31 May 2012


Course description and objectives:

Students will be introduced to the study of animal behavior using a combination 
of lectures, readings, discussion, and research with both a wild dolphin group 
and a captive dolphin population. Lectures will focus on understanding animal 
behavior from an ecological and evolutionary perspective. Readings and 
discussion will focus on current research and methodology. Fieldwork will 
provide students an introduction to the skills necessary to conduct animal 
behavior research and to demonstrate these skills by participating in 
independent research with senior scientists at the field location.


Class Format:

Non-field portions of this course will be completed remotely, via the free 
Internet communication program, Skype. Exact dates and times are to be 
determined. The field portion will take place at two sites and attendance at 
all lectures, activities, and training sessions is mandatory. The format of the 
classroom meetings will be discussion-oriented. Questions and class 
participation are strongly encouraged. Training sessions (at Dolphin 
Encounters) and research hours are also mandatory, for the safety of the 
student and the animals. 

Cost: $2,450 per person (USD)



Air transportation between Fort Lauderdale, FL and field sites

10 nights' accommodation (double or higher occupancy)

3 meals a day (one group meal out in Nassau not included; optional meal out in 
Bimini not included)

4 half-day boat trips in search of dolphins (weather dependent)

Gratuity for boat, dock and hotel staff in Bimini

Transportation to and entry into Dolphin Encounters

Airport/Hotel transportation in Bimini and Nassau

Course instruction by Drs. Kathleen Dudzinski (DCP) and Rebecca Singer 
(Georgetown College)

Certificate of completion (upon request)

Not included: Airfare to/from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA


You must be at least 18 years old and fluent in English to participate. US 
citizens are required to have a valid passport for entry into The Bahamas (a 
birth certificate is not sufficient). Students of other citizenship should 
confirm entry requirements. Students currently enrolled in a degree-seeking 
program are given first-priority. Registration for non-matriculated students 
will open, space available, 1 January 2012.

No previous experience with marine mammals or marine biology is required, 
however, all participants should be comfortable on a boat, snorkeling and 
working as a team.

Course may be used for general enrichment or course credit; the student is 
solely responsible for arranging credit with their home institution or 
Georgetown College. Fees associated with course credit are not included in the 
course fee.


This is your chance for a real life research experience with wild and captive 
dolphins in the clear, warm waters of the Bahamas!


Come join us! 


For more information on this course, visit http://tinyurl.com/DCPAnimalBehavior.

If you have questions on this course, please contact DCP at i...@dcpmail.org.

For more information on DCP, including a list of publications, please visit 

A non-refundable deposit of 20% ($490) is due at the time of registration, with 
full payment due by 28 February 2011. Deposits and payments are currently being 
accepted at http://tinyurl.com/DCPAnimalBehavior. If you prefer to pay by US 
check (small discount applies!), please contact us at i...@dcpmail.org.


The minimum enrollment is eight students, with a maximum of 14; so, sign-up 




The Dolphin Communication Project (DCP) is focused on the dual goals of 
scientific research and education: we take results from research projects and 
disseminate them into educational programs for students of all ages. DCP has a 
team of researchers (graduated professionals, graduate students, undergraduate 
interns and volunteers) who work together to examine how dolphins communicate 
in order to shed more light on the meaning of the interactions between 
individuals and groups. We have 3 active field sites that include wild and 
captive dolphins of 3 species. DCP collaborates with vessel operators from 
Bimini and

[MARMAM] Dolphin Research Internships - Summer 2011

2012-01-04 Thread Kel Melillo Sweeting
Dolphin Communication Project (DCP) - Volunteer Research Assistants/Interns - 
Summer 2012


Connecticut, USA and Bimini, The Bahamas


The Dolphin Communication Project (DCP, www.dolphincommunicationproject.org) is 
currently seeking two interns for the summer of 2012. These internships have 
both field and office components, both of which are mandatory, and total 8-10 
weeks, depending on DCP's schedule.


DCP looks at how dolphins communicate and attempts to shed more light on the 
meaning of their interactions. With research ongoing since 1991, our questions 
focus primarily on communication and behavior among dolphins. As a team, DCP 
research scientists currently study four groups of dolphins in three countries. 
Interns are needed at our Bimini, Bahamas research site, where we study wild 
Atlantic spotted and bottlenose dolphins. An abbreviated publication list is 
available at the end of this post.



In the field:

¨   Travel to and assist for 3-4 weeks at our Bimini research site (exact 
dates TBD, likely beginning mid-July, following the office component)

¨   Assist gathering data (general observations, photographs) during 4-6 
hour/day boat excursions (weather and schedule dependent)

¨   Complete photo-identification of dolphins from still photography and 
video as well as other data analysis tasks

¨   Assist with on-board and outreach education as well as web-based 

¨   Represent DCP in a responsible, mature and respectful manner


At the office:

¨   Travel to and assist office staff for 4-6 weeks at our Connecticut 
office (exact dates TBD, likely prior to field component, beginning 
approximately 1 June)

¨   Process and analyze data, including, but not limited to: 
photo-identification of individuals from other DCP research sites, conducting 
detailed focal follows from video data for behavioral analyses, and acoustic 
analysis of dolphin sounds 

¨   Assist in the development and implementation of education programs for 
schools and the general public



Successful interns must have basic computer skills and working knowledge of 
Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Current enrollment in a degree-seeking 
program, background in science and/or animal behavior and experience on boats 
and/or with photo-identification are all desired, but not necessarily required. 
The successful candidates will be comfortable on a boat for several hours at a 
time in varying conditions, including extreme heat. They will also be 
proficient swimmers with the desire to improve free-diving skills. They will be 
able to work as a team both at the office and in a fairly remote and isolated 
field setting. Good writing and public speaking skills are a must, as is 
attention to details. Interns must be at least 18 years of age. Although 
international applicants are invited to apply, all applicants should know that 
interns are responsible for their own daily transportation to/from the CT 
office and public transportation is not available in this area; therefore all 
interns have their own vehicles while in CT. 


Expenses and Compensation

This is an unpaid internship. Interns are responsible for their own 
transportation to Bimini and Connecticut. There is a $1,000.00 fee which will 
cover expenses in the field, including room and partial board. Room, board and 
transportation while in Connecticut are the responsibility of the intern, 
although assistance in finding housing may be available. 


Interested applicants should review information at this link: 
http://tinyurl.com/DCPInternships. Please read this page thoroughly before 


Send a completed application (downloadable and detailed at the link above) to 
ke...@dcpmail.org.  Applications are due 8 February 2012. Due to field 
schedules, only electronic applications will be accepted. Interviews (via 
telephone or Skype) will be arranged for selected candidates beginning 
approximately 6 March. 


For more information, please contact Kelly Melillo Sweeting at 



Selected Refereed Publications:

(for a full list of publications by DCP researchers, please visit: 




Dudzinski, K.M., Clark, C.W., Würsig, B. 1995. A mobile video/acoustic system 
for simultaneously recording dolphin behavior and vocalizations underwater. 
Aquatic Mammals 21(3): 187-193.


Dudzinski, K.M. 1998. Contact behavior and signal exchange among Atlantic 
spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis). Aquatic Mammals 24(3): 129-142.


Dudzinski, K.M., M. Sakai, M., Masaki, K., Kogi, K., Hishii, T., Kurimoto, M. 
2003. Behavioral observations of adult and sub-adult dolphins towards two dead 
bottlenose dolphins (one female and one male)

[MARMAM] Dolphin Research Internships - Summer 2013

2013-01-07 Thread Kel Melillo Sweeting
Dolphin Communication Project (DCP) - Volunteer Research Assistants/Interns - 
Summer 2013

Connecticut, USA and Bimini, The Bahamas

The Dolphin Communication Project (DCP, www.dolphincommunicationproject.org) is 
currently seeking two interns for the summer of 2013. These internships have 
field and office components, both of which are mandatory, and total 8-12 weeks, 
depending on DCP's schedule.

DCP looks at how dolphins communicate and attempts to shed more light on the 
meaning of their interactions. With research ongoing since 1991, our questions 
focus primarily on communication and behavior among dolphins. Interns are 
needed at our Bimini, Bahamas research site, where we study wild Atlantic 
spotted and bottlenose dolphins. An abbreviated publication list is available 
at the end of this post.


In the field:

--Travel to and assist for 3-4 weeks at our Bimini research site (exact dates 
TBD, likely beginning mid-July, following the office component)

--Assist gathering data (general observations, photographs) during 4-6 hour/day 
boat excursions (weather and schedule dependent)

--Complete photo-identification of dolphins from still photography and video as 
well as other data entry and analysis tasks

--Assist with on-board and outreach education as well as web-based projects

--Represent DCP in an enthusiastic, responsible, mature and respectful manner

At the office:

--Travel to and assist for 4-6 weeks at our Connecticut office (exact dates 
TBD, likely prior to field component, beginning approximately 3 June)

--Process and analyze data, including, but not limited to: photo-identification 
of individuals from other DCP research sites, event sampling from video data 
for behavioral analyses, and acoustic analysis of dolphin sounds 

--Assist in the development and implementation of education programs for 
schools and the general public, as needed


Successful interns must have basic computer skills and working knowledge of 
Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Current enrollment in a degree-seeking 
program, background in science and/or animal behavior and experience on boats 
and/or with photo-identification are all desired, but not necessarily required. 
The successful candidates will be comfortable on a boat for several hours at a 
time in varying conditions, including extreme heat. They will also be 
proficient swimmers with the desire to improve free-diving skills. They will be 
able to work as a team both in a small office and in a fairly remote and 
isolated field setting. Good writing and public speaking skills are a must, as 
is attention to details. Interns must be at least 18 years of age. Although 
international applicants are invited to apply, all applicants should know that 
interns are responsible for their own daily transportation to/from the CT 
office and public transportation is not available in this area; therefore all 
interns have their own vehicles while in CT. 

Expenses and Compensation

This is an unpaid internship. Interns are responsible for their own 
transportation to Bimini and Connecticut. There is a $1,000.00 fee which will 
cover expenses in the field, including room and partial board. Room, board and 
transportation while in Connecticut are the responsibility of the intern, 
although assistance in finding housing may be available.

Interested applicants should review information at this link: 
http://tinyurl.com/DCPInternships. Please read this page thoroughly before 
applying or emailing questions.

Send a completed application (downloadable and detailed at the link above) to 
ke...@dcpmail.org.  Applications are due 15 February 2013. Due to field 
schedules, only electronic applications will be accepted. Interviews (via 
telephone or Skype) will be arranged for selected candidates beginning 
approximately 19 February. 

For more information, please contact Kelly Melillo Sweeting at 


Selected Refereed Publications:

(for a full list of publications by DCP researchers, please visit: 


Dudzinski, K.M., Clark, C.W., Würsig, B. 1995. A mobile video/acoustic system 
for simultaneously recording dolphin behavior and vocalizations underwater. 
Aquatic Mammals 21(3): 187-193.

Dudzinski, K.M. 1998. Contact behavior and signal exchange among Atlantic 
spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis). Aquatic Mammals 24(3): 129-142.

Dudzinski, K.M., M. Sakai, M., Masaki, K., Kogi, K., Hishii, T., Kurimoto, M. 
2003. Behavioral observations of adult and sub-adult dolphins towards two dead 
bottlenose dolphins (one female and one male). Aquatic Mammals 29(1): 108-116. 

Gregg, J.D., Dudzinski, K.M., Smith, H.V. 2007. Do dolphins eavesdrop on the 
echolocation signals of conspecifi

[MARMAM] Deadline Approaching: Volunteer Dolphin Research Assistants/Interns - Summer 2019 Florida, USA and Bimini, The Bahamas

2019-03-01 Thread Kel Melillo Sweeting
Dolphin Communication Project (DCP) - Volunteer Research Assistants/Interns
- Summer 2019
Florida, USA and Bimini, The Bahamas

The Dolphin Communication Project (DCP, www.dolphincommunicationproject.org)
is currently seeking two interns for the summer of 2019. These internships
have field and office components, both of which are mandatory, and total
10-12 weeks, depending on DCP's schedule.

DCP looks at how dolphins communicate and attempts to shed more light on
the meaning of their interactions. With research ongoing since 1991, our
questions focus primarily on communication and behavior among dolphins.
Interns will spend the field portion of this internship at our Bimini,
Bahamas research site, where we study wild Atlantic spotted and bottlenose
dolphins. An abbreviated publication list is available at the end of this


In the field:
--Travel to and assist for ~4 weeks at our Bimini research site (exact
dates TBD, see below)
--Assist gathering data (general observations, photographs) during 4-6
hour/day boat excursions (weather and schedule dependent)
--Complete photo-identification of dolphins from still photography and
video as well as other data entry and analysis tasks
--Assist with on-board and outreach education as well as web-based projects
--Represent DCP in an enthusiastic, responsible, mature and respectful

At the office:
--Travel to and assist for approximately 6 - 8 weeks at our Port Saint
Lucie, Florida (FL) office (exact dates TBD, see below)
--Process and analyze data, including, but not limited to:
photo-identification of individuals from other DCP research sites, event
sampling from video data for behavioral analyses, and acoustic analysis of
dolphin sounds
--Assist in the development and implementation of education programs for
schools and the general public, if needed

Approximate Schedule: (all portions required)
Florida Office: 20 or 28 May - 7 June
Bimini Field Site: 10 June - 10 July
Florida Office: 15 July - 2 or 9 August


Successful interns must have functional computer skills and working
knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Current enrollment in a
degree-seeking program, background in science and/or animal behavior and
experience on boats and/or with photo-identification are all desired, but
not necessarily required. The successful candidates will be comfortable on
a boat for several hours at a time in varying conditions, including extreme
heat. They will also be proficient swimmers with the desire to improve
snorkeling and free-diving skills. They will be able to work as a team both
in a small office and in a fairly remote and isolated field setting. Good
writing and public speaking skills are a must, as is attention to details.
Interns must be at least 21 years of age. Although international applicants
are invited to apply, all applicants should know that interns are
responsible for their own daily transportation to/from the FL office and
public transportation is limited in this area; therefore, all interns
should have their own transportation while in FL.

Expenses and Compensation

This is an unpaid internship. Interns are responsible for their own
transportation to Bimini and Florida. There is a $1,100.00 fee that will
cover housing in the field (on-island transportation not needed). Room,
board and transportation while in Florida are the responsibility of the
intern. Although assistance in finding housing may be available, the
ability to find suitable housing in Florida is ultimately the interns’
responsibility. We recommend all applicants complete a preliminary housing
search in advance of submitting their applications.

Interested applicants should review information at this link:
Please read this page thoroughly before applying or emailing questions.

Send a completed application (downloadable and detailed at the link above)
to ke...@dcpmail.org.  Applications are due 1 March 2019. Extensions, until
8 March, for letters of recommendation may be granted if requested by 1
March with otherwise complete application. Due to field schedules, only
electronic applications will be accepted. Interviews (via telephone or
Skype) will be arranged for selected candidates in early March.

For more information, please contact Kelly Melillo Sweeting at


Selected Refereed Publications:
(for a full list of publications by DCP researchers, please visit:

Dudzinski, K.M., Clark, C.W., Würsig, B. 1995. A mobile video/acoustic
system for simultaneously recording dolphin behavior and vocalizations
underwater. Aquatic Mammals 21(3): 187-193.

Dudzinski, K.M. 1998. Contact behavior and signal exchange among Atlantic
spotted do

[MARMAM] Wild dolphin research opportunities (Summer 2020)

2020-01-23 Thread Kel Melillo Sweeting
The Dolphin Communication Project (DCP, www.dolphincommunicationproject.org)
is currently seeking students (currently enrolled, non-matriculated or
recent grads) for two different programs during summer 2020.
Position/Program details, with remaining spaces, are listed below.

DCP's mission is to promote the scientific study of dolphins and inspire
their conservation. With research ongoing since 1991, our questions focus
primarily on communication and behavior among dolphins. Our Bimini, Bahamas
research site is where we study wild Atlantic spotted and bottlenose
dolphins, maintaining photo-ID catalogs with over 250 individuals. A full
publication list is available on our website. All programs may qualify for
academic credit, however it the student's responsibility to arrange this
with their home institution. DCP can provide a letter confirming
participation and contact hours. Additional reading material and/or
assignments can be assigned. All positions will remain open until filled,
however we are eager to fill all remaining positions as soon as possible.

Summer Internship:
Number of vacancies: 2
Dates: Exact Dates TBD, June - mid-August 2020
Locations: 2 weeks at Port Saint Lucie, Florida office; 4+ weeks at Bimini,
Bahamas field site, 2+ weeks back at Florida office
Deadline: Rolling; Applications will be reviewed starting Feb 7
Requirements: At least 18 years of age, Able to swim, Comfort on boats and
in hot climates, Good communication, writing skills and attention to
detail, Ability to work in pairs and independently, Excitement over
travel/living in new places, Meet legal requirements for short term travel
in USA and The Bahamas, Proficiency with Excel, Relaxed when speaking to
new people, including small groups, Willingness to receive, absorb and
adjust to constructive criticism/feedback

June Research Experience:
Number of vacancies: 4
Dates: 21 - 26 June 2020 (though most will arrive a day or two early)
Location: Bimini, The Bahamas
Note: This is a more relaxed, flexible program than the summer internship
with participants able to choose their level of involvement/hours of work.
Requirements: At least 18 years of age (younger students welcome, but must
be accompanied by an adult who will supervise at all times), Able to swim,
Comfort on boats and in hot climates, Excitement over travel/living in new
places, in group setting, Meet legal requirements for short term travel in
The Bahamas

All questions can be directed to Kel Sweeting at ke...@dcpmail.org.


Kelly Melillo Sweeting, M.Sc.
Research Associate & Bimini Research Manager
Dolphin Communication Project
MARMAM mailing list

[MARMAM] Wild dolphin field opportunities (Bahamas, 2022)

2022-02-03 Thread Kel Melillo Sweeting
The Dolphin Communication Project (DCP, www.dolphincommunicationproject.org)
is currently seeking students (currently enrolled, non-matriculated or
recent grads) for two different programs in Bimini, The Bahamas, during
summer 2022. Program details are listed below.

DCP's mission is to promote the scientific study of dolphins and inspire
their conservation. With research ongoing since 1991, our questions focus
primarily on communication and behavior among dolphins. Our Bimini, The
Bahamas, research site is where we study wild Atlantic spotted and
bottlenose dolphins, maintaining photo-ID catalogs with over 300
individuals. A full publication list is available on our website
All programs may qualify for academic credit, however it is the student's
responsibility to arrange this with their home institution. DCP can provide
a letter confirming participation and contact hours. Additional reading
material and/or assignments can be assigned for the ecotour option.

PROGRAM 1: Field Course in Cetacean Ecology with Sacred Heart University
Summer: Dolphin Communication Project | Sacred Heart University

Field Dates: 14- 20 May 2022
Locations: Bimini, The Bahamas + Online; online component: one week
before + one week after field portion
*Application Deadline: February 15, 2022*
Requirements: See SHU website. Non-SHU students are welcome to apply.
Tuition required.

PROGRAM 2: Ecotour
Dates: 17 - 22 July 2022 (recommend arrival a day or two early)
Location: Bimini, The Bahamas
Deadline: Rolling; max participants 14
Note: This is a more relaxed, flexible program than the field course;
participants are able to choose their level of involvement.
Requirements: At least 18 years of age (younger participants welcome, but
must be accompanied by a participating adult who will supervise at all
times), Able to swim, Comfort on boats and in hot climates, Excitement over
travel to new places, in group setting, Meet legal requirements for short
term travel in The Bahamas

All questions can be directed to me at ke...@dcpmail.org.


Kelly Melillo Sweeting, M.Sc.
Research Associate & Bimini Research Manager
Dolphin Communication Project
MARMAM mailing list

[MARMAM] Dolphin research internship openings

2014-01-13 Thread Kel Melillo Sweeting
Dolphin Communication Project (DCP) - Volunteer Research Assistants/Interns - 
Summer 2014

Connecticut, USA and Bimini, The Bahamas

The Dolphin Communication Project (DCP, www.dolphincommunicationproject.org) is 
currently seeking one - two interns for the summer of 2014. These internships 
have field and office components, both of which are mandatory, and total 8-12 
weeks, depending on DCP's schedule.

DCP looks at how dolphins communicate and attempts to shed more light on the 
meaning of their interactions. With research ongoing since 1991, our questions 
focus primarily on communication and behavior among dolphins. Interns will 
spend the field portion of this internship at our Bimini, Bahamas research 
site, where we study wild Atlantic spotted and bottlenose dolphins. An 
abbreviated publication list is available at the end of this post.


In the field:

--Travel to and assist for 3-4 weeks at our Bimini research site (exact dates 
TBD, likely beginning mid-July, following the office component)

--Assist gathering data (general observations, photographs) during 4-6 hour/day 
boat excursions (weather and schedule dependent)

--Complete photo-identification of dolphins from still photography and video as 
well as other data entry and analysis tasks

--Assist with on-board and outreach education as well as web-based projects

--Represent DCP in an enthusiastic, responsible, mature and respectful manner

At the office:

--Travel to and assist for 4-6 weeks at our Connecticut (CT) office (exact 
dates TBD, likely prior to field component, beginning in early June)

--Process and analyze data, including, but not limited to: photo-identification 
of individuals from other DCP research sites, event sampling from video data 
for behavioral analyses, and acoustic analysis of dolphin sounds 

--Assist in the development and implementation of education programs for 
schools and the general public, as needed


Successful interns must have basic computer skills and working knowledge of 
Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Current enrollment in a degree-seeking 
program, background in science and/or animal behavior and experience on boats 
and/or with photo-identification are all desired, but not necessarily required. 
The successful candidates will be comfortable on a boat for several hours at a 
time in varying conditions, including extreme heat. They will also be 
proficient swimmers with the desire to improve snorkeling and free-diving 
skills. They will be able to work as a team both in a small office and in a 
fairly remote and isolated field setting. Good writing and public speaking 
skills are a must, as is attention to details. Interns must be at least 18 
years of age. Although international applicants are invited to apply, all 
applicants should know that interns are responsible for their own daily 
transportation to/from the CT office and public transportation is not available 
in this area; therefore all interns have their own vehicles while in CT. 

Expenses and Compensation

This is an unpaid internship. Interns are responsible for their own 
transportation to Bimini and Connecticut. There is a $1,000.00 fee which will 
cover expenses in the field, including room and partial board. Room, board and 
transportation while in Connecticut are the responsibility of the intern, 
although assistance in finding housing may be available. 

Interested applicants should review information at this link: 
http://tinyurl.com/DCPInternships. Please read this page thoroughly before 
applying or emailing questions.

Send a completed application (downloadable and detailed at the link above) to 
ke...@dcpmail.org.  Applications are due 21 February 2014. Due to field 
schedules, only electronic applications will be accepted. Interviews (via 
telephone or Skype) will be arranged for selected candidates in late 
February/early March. 

For more information, please contact Kelly Melillo Sweeting at 


Selected Refereed Publications:

(for a full list of publications by DCP researchers, please visit: 

Dudzinski, K.M., Clark, C.W., Würsig, B. 1995. A mobile video/acoustic system 
for simultaneously recording dolphin behavior and vocalizations underwater. 
Aquatic Mammals 21(3): 187-193.

Dudzinski, K.M. 1998. Contact behavior and signal exchange among Atlantic 
spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis). Aquatic Mammals 24(3): 129-142.

Dudzinski, K.M., M. Sakai, M., Masaki, K., Kogi, K., Hishii, T., Kurimoto, M. 
2003. Behavioral observations of adult and sub-adult dolphins towards two dead 
bottlenose dolphins (one female and one male). Aquatic Mammals 29(1): 108-116. 

Gregg, J.D., Dudzinski, K.M., Smith, H.V. 2007. Do dolphins eav

[MARMAM] Dolphin Research Field Course

2014-03-06 Thread Kel Melillo Sweeting
Dolphin Communication Project (DCP) – University Level Field Course

3 – 9 May 2014

Bimini, The Bahamas

The Dolphin Communication Project (DCP, www.dolphincommunicationproject.org) is 
hosting a field course in cetacean ecology at our Bimini, Bahamas field site. 
The remaining spaces will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. 

Arrival: 3 May 2014

Departure: 9 May 2014

Course topics: DCP's research methods, photo-ID, dolphin behavior and more 

Schedule: Exact schedule varies by day and weather, but in general, the morning 
and early afternoon include lectures, discussions and photo-ID exercises. The 
afternoons are spent on the boat in search of wild dolphins. While on the boat, 
students assist in data collection, including surface observations and 
collecting underwater still photographs for DCP's photo-ID catalog (when we are 
able to observe the dolphins underwater). 

Fee: $1620; Non-refundable deposit of $325 is required to hold your space, with 
final payment due by 1 April

The course includes 5 boat trips (weather dependent; no refunds), 6 nights' 
hotel accommodation (double or triple occupancy, fresh water shower, basic 
cable TV, A/C) and all group meals (students assist with meal prep and 
clean-up). Students are not required to register for academic credit, although 
DCP can provide documentation and assessment for your participation should you 
require it. The course fee does not include tuition credits or airfare to 

Requirements: All students must be at least 18 years of age and have completed 
an college-level, introductory biology or psychology course. Students do not 
need to be currently enrolled in a degree-seeking program. All students must be 
able to swim. Comfort on a boat is recommended. Rental snorkel gear (mask, 
fins, snorkel) is available at no additional charge, however personal snorkel 
gear is recommended to ensure a proper fit. 

DCP looks at how dolphins communicate and attempts to shed more light on the 
meaning of their interactions. With research ongoing since 1991, our questions 
focus primarily on communication and behavior among dolphins. An abbreviated 
publication list is available at the end of this post.

For more information, please contact Kelly Melillo Sweeting at 


Selected Refereed Publications:

(for a full list of publications by DCP researchers, please visit: 

Dudzinski, K.M., Clark, C.W., Würsig, B. 1995. A mobile video/acoustic system 
for simultaneously recording dolphin behavior and vocalizations underwater. 
Aquatic Mammals 21(3): 187-193.

Dudzinski, K.M. 1998. Contact behavior and signal exchange among Atlantic 
spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis). Aquatic Mammals 24(3): 129-142.

Dudzinski, K.M., M. Sakai, M., Masaki, K., Kogi, K., Hishii, T., Kurimoto, M. 
2003. Behavioral observations of adult and sub-adult dolphins towards two dead 
bottlenose dolphins (one female and one male). Aquatic Mammals 29(1): 108-116. 

Gregg, J.D., Dudzinski, K.M., Smith, H.V. 2007. Do dolphins eavesdrop on the 
echolocation signals of conspecifics? International Journal of Comparative 
Psychology, 20: 65-88 

Dudzinski, K.M., Thomas, J. Gregg, J.D. 2008. Communication. In (W.F. Perrin, 
B. Würsig, H.C.M. Thewissen, eds) Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, second 
edition. Academic Press, Inc.

Melillo, K.E., Dudzinski, K.M., Cornick, L.A. 2009. Interactions between 
Atlantic spotted (Stenella frontalis) and bottlenose (Tursiops truncatus) 
dolphins off Bimini, The Bahamas, 2003-2007. Aquatic Mammals, 35:281-291

Dudzinski, K.M., Gregg, J.D., Paulos, R.D., Kuczaj, S.A. 2010. A comparison of 
pectoral fin contact behaviour for three distinct dolphin populations. 
Behavioural Processes, 84: 559-567.

Greene, W., Melillo-Sweeting, K., Dudzinski, K. 2011. Comparing object play in 
captive and wild dolphins. International Journal of Comparative Psychology 

Dudzinski, KM, Gregg, JD, Melillo-Sweeting, K, Levengood, A, Seay, B., Kuczaj 
II, SA. 2012. Tactile contact exchanges between dolphins: self-rubbing versus 
inter-individual contact in three species from three geographies. International 
Journal of Comparative Psychology 25:21-43.

Dudzinski, KM, Danaher-Garcia, N, Gregg, JD. 2013. Pectoral fin contact between 
dolphin dyads at Zoo Duisburg, with comparison to other dolphin study 
populations. Aquatic

Mammals. 39(4): 335-343.

Melillo-Sweeting, K, Turnbull, S and Guttridge, T. In press. Evidence of shark 
attacks on Atlantic spotted (Stenella frontalis) and bottlenose dolphins 
(Tursiops truncatus) off

Bimini, The Bahamas. Marine Mammal Science. DOI: 10./mms.12082


Kelly Melillo Sweeting

Bimini Research Manager

Dolphin Commu

[MARMAM] Summer 2015 Dolphin Research Internships

2015-01-29 Thread Kel Melillo Sweeting
Dolphin Communication Project (DCP) - Volunteer Research Assistants/Interns - 
Summer 2015

Florida, USA and Bimini, The Bahamas

The Dolphin Communication Project (DCP, www.dolphincommunicationproject.org) is 
currently seeking one - two interns for the summer of 2015. These internships 
have field and office components, both of which are mandatory, and total 8-10 
weeks, depending on DCP's schedule.

DCP looks at how dolphins communicate and attempts to shed more light on the 
meaning of their interactions. With research ongoing since 1991, our questions 
focus primarily on communication and behavior among dolphins. Interns will 
spend the field portion of this internship at our Bimini, Bahamas research 
site, where we study wild Atlantic spotted and bottlenose dolphins. An 
abbreviated publication list is available at the end of this post.


In the field:

--Travel to and assist for 3-4 weeks at our Bimini research site (exact dates 
TBD, likely beginning in early July, following the office component)

--Assist gathering data (general observations, photographs) during 4-6 hour/day 
boat excursions (weather and schedule dependent)

--Complete photo-identification of dolphins from still photography and video as 
well as other data entry and analysis tasks

--Assist with on-board and outreach education as well as web-based projects

--Represent DCP in an enthusiastic, responsible, mature and respectful manner

At the office:

--Travel to and assist for 4-5 weeks at our Florida (FL) office (exact dates 
TBD, likely prior to field component, beginning in late May/early June)

--Process and analyze data, including, but not limited to: photo-identification 
of individuals from other DCP research sites, event sampling from video data 
for behavioral analyses, and acoustic analysis of dolphin sounds 

--Assist in the development and implementation of education programs for 
schools and the general public, as needed


Successful interns must have basic computer skills and working knowledge of 
Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Current enrollment in a degree-seeking 
program, background in science and/or animal behavior and experience on boats 
and/or with photo-identification are all desired, but not necessarily required. 
The successful candidates will be comfortable on a boat for several hours at a 
time in varying conditions, including extreme heat. They will also be 
proficient swimmers with the desire to improve snorkeling and free-diving 
skills. They will be able to work as a team both in a small office and in a 
fairly remote and isolated field setting. Good writing and public speaking 
skills are a must, as is attention to details. Interns must be at least 18 
years of age. Although international applicants are invited to apply, all 
applicants should know that interns are responsible for their own daily 
transportation to/from the FL office and public transportation is limited in 
this area; therefore, all interns should have their own transportation while in 

Expenses and Compensation

This is an unpaid internship. Interns are responsible for their own 
transportation to Bimini and Florida. There is a $1,000.00 fee that will cover 
expenses in the field, including room and partial board. Room, board and 
transportation while in Florida are the responsibility of the intern. Although 
assistance in finding housing may be available, the ability to find suitable 
housing in Florida is ultimately the interns’ responsibility. We recommend all 
applicants complete a preliminary housing search in advance of submitting their 

Interested applicants should review information at this link: 
http://tinyurl.com/DCPInternships. Please read this page thoroughly before 
applying or emailing questions.

Send a completed application (downloadable and detailed at the link above) to 
ke...@dcpmail.org.  Applications are due 20 February 2015. Due to field 
schedules, only electronic applications will be accepted. Interviews (via 
telephone or Skype) will be arranged for selected candidates in early March. 

For more information, please contact Kelly Melillo Sweeting at 


Selected Refereed Publications:

(for a full list of publications by DCP researchers, please visit: 


Dudzinski, K.M., Clark, C.W., Würsig, B. 1995. A mobile video/acoustic system 
for simultaneously recording dolphin behavior and vocalizations underwater. 
Aquatic Mammals 21(3): 187-193.

Dudzinski, K.M. 1998. Contact behavior and signal exchange among Atlantic 
spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis). Aquatic Mammals 24(3): 129-142.

Dudzinski, K.M., M. Sakai, M., Masaki, K., Kogi, K., Hishii, T., Kurimoto, M. 
2003. Behavioral observ