[Marxism] Alex Callinicos’s Slow Impatience.

2014-07-06 Thread andrew coates via Marxism
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Thunder on the Left, Lightening on the Right, Alex Callinicos’s Slow Impatience.
Alex Callinicos begins and ends his latest assessment of the “present 
situation” by resigning himself to the weaknesses of the “radical left”(1). A 
paradox, given, apparently, the SWP leader asserts,  that capital is also 
weak.A feeble economic recovery after the Bank crisis of 2008 is not met by any 
renewed left. Indeed there is a “weakness of credible anti-capitalist 
alternatives.” Not only in organised parties, he modestly cites his own small 
group the SWP’s ‘troubles’,  to which this article is partly addressed.
The King’s College academic stops short of advocating the “communist pessimism” 
of Pierre de Naville or Walter Benjamin,. But he finishes by citing Daniel 
Bensaïd's reflections on the need for  “a slow impatience”—in other words, “an 
active waiting, an urgent patience, an endurance and a perseverance that are 
the opposite of a passive waiting for a miracle”. This implies, an ” effort to 
intervene in and shape the present …”

More here: 
Andrew Coates 

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[Marxism] Free Goyo! No Conga mine in Peru!

2014-07-06 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

The Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ) condemns the preventive
incarceration of Gregorio “Goyo” Santos Guerrero, President of the Region
of Cajamarca, Peru (analogous to a US governor). Goyo’s election in 2010
was the result of a mass mobilization of the region’s voters. It reflected
a popular struggle against the proposed Conga gold mine involving an
alliance of miners, teachers, farmers, unionists and indigenous
communities. These maintain the gold mine will export not only gold but
mega-profits, with little social investment or sustainable economic
development. They also point out that the mine’s best jobs are being given
to outsiders, while there are few local financial benefits. Cajamarca is
the second poorest region in Peru. The Conga mine is a collaboration
between the Denver-based Newmont Mining Corporation, Buenaventura (Peru)
and the International Monetary Fund. Newmont holds a 51.35% controlling

The Conga mine is an expansion of the twenty year old Yanacocha mine, Latin
America’s largest gold mine. That mine has already had devastating
consequences for the local ecosystem and residents. The Yanacocha mine
completely dried up an ancient lake and decimated and polluted the main
water supply leading into the capital city of Cajamarca. In 2000 the spill
of more than 330 pounds of mercury being carried by Yanacocha trucks
poisoned over 900 residents of Choropampa, leaving behind a legacy of
death, sickness and deformity. The Conga project would be three times the
size of Yanacocha and threatens the system of highland lakes and waterways
that are the area’s main source of irrigation for local farms and drinking
water for hundreds of thousands of residents.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Times of Oman | Column :: Isis is the backlash of an unreal revolution

2014-07-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

(This is from the op-ed page editor of the Oman Times. Odd to see my 
described as a classical academician but even odder to see me 
misquoted. I was criticizing Tariq Ali in my review of Gilbert Achcar's
The People Want, who said that there were no revolutions. I wrote in 
my review Using Tariq Ali's yardstick, Vietnam had no revolution when 
it drove out the American imperialists. In other words, Ali was 
dismissing the Arab Spring as a non-event, a view I obviously do not 

Raging debates in academic circles notwithstanding, Marxist ideologue 
Tariq Ali is right in claiming that there were no revolutions, not in 
Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Bahrain, nor Yemen in the 2010-2014 
period. Fundamentally, Arab Spring, was nothing more than misguided 
uprising which was bound to fail and give rise to counter revolutionary 
and extreme reactionary force like Isis. In essence, Arab Spring 
resembles what classical academician Louis Proyect asserts. It looks 
like the false revolution what Vietnam experienced in 1975 when it 
expelled the Americans and overthrew the landlord-capitalist clique in 

Deep down, Proyect's analysis of the Vietnamese revolution is spot on. 
Vietnam had no revolution when it drove out the American imperialists. 
Just look at the millionaires in Vietnam today, profiting off of 
sweatshops. The so-called national revolution in 1975 changed little as 
the same class against which the Vietnamese revolted still continues to 
rule the nation.


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[Marxism] Where to now for 'Bust the Budget' in Australia?

2014-07-06 Thread En Passant with John Passant via Marxism
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Where to now for 'Bust the Budget' in Australia? 

Such has been the success from the bosses' point of view of the class 
collaboration of the union leadership and movement over the last 30 years that, 
by and large, most unionists and concerned community members will not even 
think about taking control of their unions and the protests to bust the budget 
with strikes, let alone try to do it. 

Until such time as we do that we will be in a downward cycle of defeat and 
despair and the alternating puppet show of neoliberal Labor and the neoliberal 
Coalition in government, aided by the neoliberal Greens. If we don't fight we 
lose, now and into the future. 


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[Marxism] Fwd: Russian White Guards in the Donbass - International Viewpoint - online socialist magazine

2014-07-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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There is no revolution in the Donbass, not even a mass movement. They 
exist only in the propaganda of the supporters of an armed separatist 
movement, led by far-right nationalists. Imported from Russia, they seek 
the restoration of the Tsarist Empire. The Kremlin supports this 
reincarnation of the White Guards and the Black Hundreds who are 
destabilizing Ukraine; but it seems that it is also afraid of them.

On April 22, Boris Kagarlitsky affirmed that the successful uprising of 
hundreds of thousands (and perhaps millions) of people in eastern 
Ukraine is not to be explained on the basis of Russian interference 
[1]. An uprising of hundreds of thousands, even millions? Even the 
propaganda of the Russian regime aimed at people abroad, with the 
channel Russia Today in the forefront, is a thousand times more measured.

On the international left, almost nobody knows Russian, and even less 
Ukrainian; so when the left wants to know what is happening in Ukraine, 
it finds itself in a catastrophic situation. So as not to depend on the 
Western media, it is condemned to have recourse to the English-language 
propaganda of the Putin regime and to that of the so-called 
anti-imperialist networks which are pro-Russian (often red-brown or 
downright brown) as well as what is translated into English by Links - 
International Journal of Social Renewal. A site, precisely, which has 
provided publicity for Kagarlitsky’s writings concerning this great mass 
uprising, which does not exist.

Much of the left has let itself be taken in by these writings; just as 
it had believed, previously, in the existence of a fascist putsch, a 
fascist junta and a fascist terror in Ukraine. Part of the left has 
done this from disorientation, for which, besides, it is itself 
responsible. For another part, quite considerable, the uprising in 
eastern Ukraine has served as a fig leaf to hide its passage with arms 
and baggage – neo-campists or simply post-Stalinists – to the side of 
Russian imperialism.

full: http://internationalviewpoint.npa2009.org/spip.php?article3440

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[Marxism] Stalin on the national question?

2014-07-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The Leninist theory was set out most clearly in Stalin's 1913 work 
Marxism and the National Question, which was written in close 
collaboration with Lenin and summed up the Leninist side of the debate 
with the reformists. The Leninist definition of a nation was summarised 
as a historically evolved, stable community of people, formed on the 
basis of a common language, territory, economic life and psychological 
make-up manifested in a common culture.

The key to the Leninist position, which identifies a nation with its 
objective material conditions of formation and existence, is that the 
solution to the national question lies in changing those material 

Marxists—guided by historical materialism—maintain that sustained life 
within a single capitalist economic formation is what forges diverse 
peoples into unified nations, with a common language and culture.
A nation cannot be reduced to a subjective common consciousness. It is 
an objective entity defined by the four features identified by Stalin. 
These four features are necessary. It is idealism to speak of the 
formation of a nation without all four features.

Norm Dixon



In the eyes of much of the Western left, Kagarlitsky is considered as an 
eminent Russian Marxist thinker. This is despite the fact that in his 
version of the history of Russia [2], there is no place for the colonial 
subjugation of other peoples, for imperialist domination and Great 
Russian national oppression, for the prison of peoples” at the time of 
the Tsars or in the Stalinist and post-Stalinist era, for the struggles 
of oppressed peoples for their national liberation. Consequently, in 
this version of history there is also no Ukrainian national question, no 
historical struggle of the Ukrainian people for its unification and 

That is why, for a quarter century, the author of these lines has 
considered Kagarlitsky as belonging to a particular species of Russian 
socialists, namely those who in the eyes of a Bolshevik known to 
everyone, deserved the not very sophisticated and inelegant adjectives 
social nationalists and social-imperialists [3]. It is therefore not 
surprising that Kagarlitsky - following in this the Russian nationalist 
far right and the separatist movement that it is leading - has recently 
begun to designate southeast Ukraine by the name New Russia (Novorossia) 
used at the time of the Tsars; and that to adorn his rabkor.ru site, he 
has chosen a new Russian imperialist emblem [4].

Zbigniew Marcin Kowalewski

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Times of Oman | Column :: Isis is the backlash of an unreal revolution

2014-07-06 Thread Shane Mage via Marxism

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On Jul 6, 2014, at 8:26 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

(This is from the op-ed page editor of the Oman Times. Odd to see my  
described as a classical academician but even odder to see me  
misquoted. I was criticizing Tariq Ali in my review of Gilbert  
The People Want, who said that there were no revolutions. I wrote  
in my review Using Tariq Ali's yardstick, Vietnam had no revolution  
when it drove out the American imperialists. In other words, Ali  
was dismissing the Arab Spring as a non-event...

To say that some upheaval is not a revolution is in no way to imply  
that it was a non-event. If any non-constitutional transfer of power  
(say al Sisi v. Morsi or Bush v. Gore) is to be called a revolution,  
that would empty the word of any meaning except proclaiming one's  
solidarity with the new power-holders. Marxists, though, usually  
prefer to use the word as signifying a democratic political and social  
transformation establishing the proletariat as the leading class in  
society. In any case, that's my preferred usage.  Academics, of  
course, prefer an abstract categorization of such power-transfers as  
either political or social revolutions whatever their class  

, a view I obviously do not share...[that] Vietnam had no  
revolution when it drove out the American imperialists. Just look at  
the millionaires in Vietnam today, profiting off of sweatshops. The  
so-called national revolution in 1975 changed little as the same  
class against which the Vietnamese revolted still continues to rule  
the nation.


Shane Mage

Thunderbolt steers all things. Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Times of Oman | Column :: Isis is the backlash of an unreal revolution

2014-07-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/6/14 10:59 AM, Shane Mage wrote:

To say that some upheaval is not a revolution is in no way to imply
that it was a non-event. If any non-constitutional transfer of power
(say al Sisi v. Morsi or Bush v. Gore) is to be called a revolution,
that would empty the word of any meaning except proclaiming one's
solidarity with the new power-holders. Marxists, though, usually prefer
to use the word as signifying a democratic political and social
transformation establishing the proletariat as the leading class in
society. In any case, that's my preferred usage.

Actually, Gilbert Achcar does not use the word revolution. He instead 
refers to 'thawra', the Arab word for revolt. Even in that context, it 
would be wrong to refer to Morsi's election as a revolt. It was 
instead a bid to maintain the status quo. As the prince says in The 
Leopard: everything needs to change, so everything can stay the same.

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Re: [Marxism] Duplicate emails

2014-07-06 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 09:41 04-07-14 -0400, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

On 7/3/14 8:18 PM, martin schiller wrote:
 when I 'reply' to a list msg, the new msg is addressed to the original
sender and the list. If an original sender is the person who reported the
problem, and is receiving duplicates of replies to his own messages, that
should be the explanation. I tend to remove the original sender address and
leave the list address when I reply.

Hi, Martin

I am cc'ing the list on this since I too was a bit puzzled by this. It 
turns out that there is no need to delete the sender of the email when 
replying because it only goes to the list and not to the sender, ie. you.

Actually that is wrong (usually, at least). If someone just hits Reply,
then the new email acquires 2 recipients in the To: field. One email goes
to the list server and is forwarded to the list members, and the other one
goes directly to the author of the mail that was replied to. So in this
case, Louis should be receiving TWO copies of this email, one directly from
Jeff, and the other one as a member of the list from Jeff via Marxism.

Actually that isn't a great problem, just a bit confusing. Normally when
replying I delete the recipient other than the list address (but didn't in
this case, as a demonstration). It happens because the Reply-To: field
has both addresses included. It should really only have the list address,
like it used to, before things were changed a month ago to deal with an
unrelated problem.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Duplicate emails

2014-07-06 Thread Jeff via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

At 12:03 06-07-14 -0400, you wrote:
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On 7/6/14 11:55 AM, Jeff wrote:
 Actually that is wrong (usually, at least). If someone just hits Reply,
 then the new email acquires 2 recipients in the To: field. One email goes
 to the list server and is forwarded to the list members, and the other one
 goes directly to the author of the mail that was replied to. So in this
 case, Louis should be receiving TWO copies of this email, one directly from
 Jeff, and the other one as a member of the list from Jeff via Marxism.


I only received one email. 

Well that's real funny, because I just got two emails from you!!

 It is a bit confusing but Mailman sorts this 

No, the mail server couldn't possibly sort it out because it only
received one of the emails, not the one that was sent (using the internet,
as usual) directly to the sender. I'm sure others can attest to having
received such double copies as I have described (and just received myself).

I cannot understand why Lou doesn't observe this himself. Perhaps his email
program collapses what it perceives as duplicates, though that's hard to
imagine. Or perhaps he has two different addresses and is only looking at
one. But there is no question that what I described is the case.

 The bigger problem is that sometimes when you do a reply, the 
list address is dropped, never the person who wrote the email. That is 
to watch out for. Specifically, in this instance when I replied, I had 
to add the list address

Well that has never happened to me, but is interesting. The email that I
sent out a few minutes ago includes the following header:

Reply-To: Jeff meis...@xs4all.nl,
Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition

Therefore if your email program is properly honoring the Reply-To header,
it should have composed an email to both addresses. But all this shows is
that email programs are not totally standardized, even dealing with plain
email. But don't imagine that everyone's system is exactly the same as
yours, or that I am just imagining that I get duplicate emails in the
exact way I described for the exact reason I described!

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Duplicate emails

2014-07-06 Thread Jeff via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

At 12:26 06-07-14 -0400, Les Schaffer via Marxism wrote:


can you check that you do not have a double filter rule that copies the
same message twice ... we have discovered this with two Outlook users.
its an honest enough mistake to check once.


No, I'm quite sure that isn't the case and wouldn't explain exactly what I
have described. Rather, when Lou sent an email to the list (but which also
included my address) I received two similar emails, one from Louis Proyect
via Marxism marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu (sent by the list, with the
added Rule #1 etc.) and one from Louis Proyect l...@panix.com sent
directly by his personal email account.

Les, do you not likewise receive two copies of THIS email (which I just hit
reply to, thus containing both addresses), as I have described? If not,
then I am really confused. But aside from what Lou reported, it all makes
sense given the Reply-To that is generated by the list server in its latest

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Duplicate emails

2014-07-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On 7/6/14 12:26 PM, Les Schaffer via Marxism wrote:

can you check that you do not have a double filter rule that copies the
same message twice ... we have discovered this with two Outlook users.
its an honest enough mistake to check once.


I should add that after polling the list, the only people who reported 
getting dupes had the Outlook problem Les alludes to.

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Re: [Marxism] Duplicate emails

2014-07-06 Thread Jeff via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

At 12:36 06-07-14 -0400, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

I should add that after polling the list, the only people who reported 
getting dupes had the Outlook problem Les alludes to.

Well I don't understand that (and I certainly don't use Outlook myself!)
but if it's not a problem to others then I'm certainly not going to waste
any time worrying about it. And I'm sorry if I wasted others' time with an
issue that, as I had said, doesn't cause any real harm to begin with.

- Jeff

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[Marxism] world's oceans face irreparable damage

2014-07-06 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Duplicate emails

2014-07-06 Thread Jeff via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

I said I wasn't going to worry about this (and I'm not worried). But
looking back, I see that there were two totally separate issues involved. 

I just received this communication:

Recently I have been receiving duplicates of all mailings from this list.

That must be the problem you were talking about with two filter rules, so
that EVERY email from the list gets duplicated ON HIS COMPUTER. That isn't
what I was talking about. I was talking about a totally distinct problem
which was reported under the same subject heading:

On 7/3/14 8:18 PM, martin schiller wrote:
 when I 'reply' to a list msg, the new msg is addressed to the original
sender and the list. If an original sender is the person who reported the
problem, and is receiving duplicates of replies to his own messages, that
should be the explanation. I tend to remove the original sender address and
leave the list address when I reply.

Hi, Martin

Martin's experience is exactly mine, and is why I got two emails when Lou
thought he was only posting to the list. But his email program also sent
out one directly to me (as it should have done, given the Reply-To), as did
one other post where someone responded to a post of mine. Again, I can't
understand why no one else has noticed this. But if someone is looking at
the list's email in a mailbox where all list emails are filtered into, then
that mailbox will (depending on the rule) only show the one that came from
the list, and the one sent directly might stay in the inbox, for instance.

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Duplicate emails

2014-07-06 Thread Les Schaffer via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.


can you send me, offlist,  the FULL internet headers for each of the
duplicates. one pair should be enough.

if others have this problem do the same thing. if you dont know how to
insert the full headers into an email to me, ask me.


On 07/06/2014 12:40 PM, Jeff via Marxism wrote:
 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

 At 12:36 06-07-14 -0400, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:
 I should add that after polling the list, the only people who reported 
 getting dupes had the Outlook problem Les alludes to.
 Well I don't understand that (and I certainly don't use Outlook myself!)
 but if it's not a problem to others then I'm certainly not going to waste
 any time worrying about it. And I'm sorry if I wasted others' time with an
 issue that, as I had said, doesn't cause any real harm to begin with.

 - Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Duplicate emails

2014-07-06 Thread Les Schaffer via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On 07/06/2014 01:02 PM, Jeff via Marxism wrote:

 Martin's experience is exactly mine, and is why I got two emails when Lou
 thought he was only posting to the list. But his email program also sent
 out one directly to me (as it should have done, given the Reply-To), as did
 one other post where someone responded to a post of mine. Again, I can't
 understand why no one else has noticed this.


with the new way that Mailman is handling the addressing:


 someone replies to a list email from person XXX and both the
original sender   AND the list are in the To/CC,


 will receive two emails.

the solution is to get people to remove  from their reply. i posted
on this ages ago when the switch in Mailman occurs. 


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Re: [Marxism] Duplicate emails

2014-07-06 Thread Les Schaffer via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On 07/06/2014 01:36 PM, Les Schaffer via Marxism wrote:
 with the new way that Mailman is handling the addressing

its been a while since we switched servers, i''ll ask Hans for a short
explanation for why things are done differently now. i used to know,
can't remember the details any more other than it was a change that was
to fix delivery issues to  yahoo addresses as well as some other classes
of subscribers (maybe google, cant remember).


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Re: [Marxism] Duplicate emails

2014-07-06 Thread Les Schaffer via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

here's the details, if anyone cares to wade thru it.





what it means for now is that the only way to allow people to reply
offlist to a poster -- since we are removing them from the From: for
DMARC purposes --  is for Mailman to push poster address into the
Reply-to, which already includes the list address.

i THINK Hans says taht some better solutions may be possible when the
server is moved to Mailman 3.0

otherwise, we have to force classes of subscribers (yahoo, in
particular) to use a different email address. or, make it hard for
people to respond directly to a poster offlist.


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[Marxism] why are we being shown this?

2014-07-06 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

I paid my occasional visit to Angry Arab and noted with agreement his
comment on the photograph of Tariq Abu Khdeir after his brutalization by
the Israeli army.  The Angry Arab commented that the photograph would not
be shown in the USA.

I thought that in all probability he was correct and of course I have no
idea of how the attack on Tariq  is being covered in the USA.

You can imagine my astonishment when last nite I saw protracted coverage of
the beating meted out to Tariq and coverage of an interview he gave.

Only once before have I seen coverage of the Israelis doing their evil
thing.  That was a clip from a Swedish documentary and it showed Rabin's
injunction to break their arms and legs being carried out with clinical
precision.  Israeli soldiers wielded rocks against an Arab stretched out on
the ground.  The clip was shown over a decade after the incident and there
was no commentary or contextualization.

Now we see Tariq being savagely beaten.  Why are we being permitted to see
this? Even the most token of coverage of Palestine would show the world
what a beast has been created there. But we have never been allowed to see
a fraction of the murderers' dirty work.

My own guess is that this is a slight attempt to pressure Netanyahu from
the Americans to push him towards a more accommodating stance.
 I use the word slight with care. I have no illusions at all that the West
will in any way move to help the Palestinian cause. None.

Nevertheless, there would appear to be something of a change. Perhaps the
Israelis are about to find out the dialectics of victorying themselves to

I profoundly hope so.



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[Marxism] Tally on Links articles on EuroMaidan

2014-07-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Pro: 8

Neutral: 4

Anti: 25

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Re: [Marxism] Our wretched Jewish state

2014-07-06 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Ex-Shin Bet Chief: Israeli Illusions Fueled Blowup

On Sun, Jul 6, 2014 at 9:03 PM, Gary MacLennan via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

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[Marxism] Gideon Levy - Our Wretched Jewish State

2014-07-06 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Our wretched Jewish state Now we know: In the Jewish state, there is pity
and humane feelings only for Jews, rights only for the Chosen People. The
Jewish state is only for Jews.

By Gideon Levy - Published 05:34 06.07.14

The youths of the Jewish state are attacking Palestinians in the streets of
Jerusalem, just like gentile youths used to attack Jews in the streets of
Europe. The Israelis of the Jewish state are rampaging on social networks,
displaying hatred and a lust for revenge, unprecedented in its diabolic
scope. Some unknown people from the Jewish state, purely based on his
ethnicity. These are the children of the nationalistic and racist
generation – Netanyahu’s offspring.

For five years now, they have been hearing nothing but incitement,
scaremongering and supremacy over Arabs from this generation’s true
instructor, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Not one humane word, no
commiseration or equal treatment.

They grew up with the provocative demand for recognition of Israel as a
“Jewish state,” and they drew the inevitable conclusions. Even before any
delineation of what a “Jewish state” means – will it be a state that dons
tefillin (phylacteries), kisses mezuzot (doorpost fixtures with prayer
scrolls), sanctifies charms, closes down on the Sabbath and keeps strict
kashrut laws? – the penny has dropped for the masses.

The mob was the first to internalize its true significance: a Jewish state
is one in which there is room only for Jews. The fate of Africans is to be
sent to the Holot detention center in the Negev, while that of Palestinians
is to suffer from pogroms. That’s how it works in a Jewish state: only this
way can it be Jewish.

In the Jewish state-in-the-making, there is no room even for an Arab who
strives his utmost to be a good Arab, such as the writer Sayed Kashua. In a
Jewish state, the chairman of the Knesset plenary session, MK Ruth Calderon
(from Yesh Atid – the “center” of the political map, needless to say), cuts
off Arab MK Ahmed Tibi (United Arab List-Ta’al), who has just returned all
shaken up from a visit to the family of the murdered Arab boy from Shoafat,
impudently preaching to him that he must also refer to the three murdered
Jewish teens (even after he did just that).

In a Jewish state, the High Court of Justice approves the demolition of a
murder suspect’s family home even before his conviction. A Jewish state
legislates racist and nationalist laws.

The media in the Jewish state wallows in the murder of three yeshiva
students, while almost entirely ignoring the fates of several Palestinian
youths of the same age who have been killed by army fire over the last few
months, usually for no reason.

No one was punished for these acts – in the Jewish state there is one law
for Jews and another for Arabs, whose lives are cheap. There is no hint of
abiding by international laws and conventions. In the Jewish state, there
is pity and humane feelings only for Jews, rights only for the Chosen
People. The Jewish state is only for Jews.

The new generation growing in its shadow is a dangerous one, both to itself
and its surroundings. Netanyahu is its education minister; the militaristic
and nationalist media serves as its pedagogic epic poem; the education
system that takes it to Auschwitz and Hebron serves as its guide.

The new *sabra* (native-born Israeli) is a novel species, prickly both on
the outside and the inside. He has never met his Palestinian counterpart,
but knows everything about him – the sabra knows he is a wild animal,
intent only on killing him; that he is a monster, a terrorist.

He knows that Israel has no partner for peace, since this is what he’s
heard countless times from Netanyahu, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman
and Economy Minister Naftali Bennett. From Yair Lapid he’s heard that they
are “Zoabis” – referring dismissively to MK Haneen Zoabi (Balad).

Being left wing or a seeker of justice in the Jewish state is deemed a
crime, civil society is considered treacherous, true democracy an evil. In
a Jewish state – dreamed of not only by the right wing but also by the
supposed center-left, including Tzipi Livni and Lapid – democracy is

It’s not the skinheads that are the Jewish state’s main problem, it’s the
sanctimonious eye-rollers, the thugs, the extreme right wing and the
settlers. It’s not the margins but the mainstream, which is partly very
nationalistic and partly indifferent.

In the Jewish state, there is no remnant of the biblical injunction to
treat the minority or the stranger with justice. There are no more Jews
left who marched with Martin Luther King or who sat in jail with Nelson
Mandela. The Jewish state, which Israel insists the Palestinians recognize,
must first recognize itself. At the end of the day, at 

[Marxism] South Africa: Historic win for striking miners

2014-07-06 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

The stadium in Phokeng outside Rustenburg in South Africa's North West
Province exploded in jubilation when the end of the longest strike in South
Africa's history was announced on June 23.

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker

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