[Marxism] Wahhabism and Salafism

2014-11-29 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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I've just put up on Redline blog a piece a friend has written about
Salafism and Wahhabism.  It's at:

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[Marxism] Fwd: Will Uruguay election be one more 'win' for Latin America's Pink Tide? - CSMonitor.com

2014-11-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Oil Price Fall: Saudi Arabi targets US Shale Oil, Iran, Iraq, Russia | Informed Comment

2014-11-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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So how does this all relate to peak oil? It seems to me that if shale 
oil can't turn a profit, it will increase the demand on conventionally 
drilled oil and hence accelerate its exhaustion. I think the idea that 
oil is about to disappear any time soon is simplistic but the tendency 
for desperate violence over control of diminishing resources does 
confirm in its way the peak oil hypothesis. In any event, I think that 
peak oil is a much more serious problem. On Thanksgiving day, we had a 
friend of my wife from Istanbul and her husband over for dinner (we ate 
hindi, as the Turks call the bird.) Her dissertation was on competition 
for water in the Middle East, the Euphrates specifically. Her comment: 
declining water supplies in the region have more to do with the wars 
than Shi'a/Sunni conflicts.

It is clear that among the major losers in the fall in the price of 
Brent crude petroleum from $115 a barrel last summer to about $75 a 
barrel today are Russia, Iraq and Iran. Petroleum sales are 50% of 
Russia’s income, and are also central for Iran and Iraq.
But the big loser will likely be shale oil producers and prospectors in 
the US, who probably cannot make a profit if the price falls into the 60s.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Pakistani Anti-Terror Court Slaps Bollywood Star with 26 Years in Jail for Blasphemy | VICE News

2014-11-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Grist for Bill Maher's mill.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Off-Duty Cop Allegedly Shoots Woman In Head During Road Rage Incident

2014-11-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(A Jewish cop no less. He must have lived and worked in Israel before 
ending up in Houston.

I'll never forget the day I was entering the Texas Commerce Bank back in 
1974 or so, where I was working as a programmer and beating my head 
against the wall in the SWP. A traffic cop was telling some guy in a 
suit that he had a bullet with his name on it. I imagine that they guy 
had jaywalked.)

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[Marxism] Fwd: Anti-Semitism Rising in Russia as Simon Wiesenthal Center Accuses RT | New Republic

2014-11-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Ironically, despite tendencies on RT.com to coincide with the European 
far right agenda, Putin is close to the Lubavitcher Hasidic sect that is 
a reliable arm of the Zionist lobby in the USA. Two sides of the same 
reactionary coin.


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[Marxism] In Northern Ireland, a Wave of Immigrants Is Met With Fists

2014-11-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(I wondered how in the hell that Irish Catholics, the victims of racism, 
could end up as racists themselves. Once you get past the headline, you 
discover that the Protestants are responsible for the bulk of the 
attacks on immigrants.)

NY Times, Nov. 29 2014
In Northern Ireland, a Wave of Immigrants Is Met With Fists

BELFAST, Northern Ireland — More than 16 years after the Good Friday 
peace deal brought real hope that Protestants and Roman Catholics could 
live together in relative harmony, Northern Ireland is being racked by 
another wave of violence.

But this time it is not driven by the sectarian divide, but by animosity 
toward a fast-growing population of immigrants — adding one more 
challenge as Europe struggles to cope with the combination of intense 
economic strain and rapid demographic change.

“This is a society that always prides itself on being very friendly, but 
it is becoming less and less welcoming, particularly to certain types of 
people,” said Jayne Olorunda, 36, whose father was Nigerian, and though 
she grew up in Northern Ireland said her color has always marked her as 
an outsider.

The expanding problem appears to be partly racial and partly directed at 
immigrants of all backgrounds at a time when open borders in the 
European Union have led more legal migrants to Britain and Ireland in 
search of work. At the same time, war and economic deprivation have 
driven waves of legal and illegal migrants toward Europe from Asia, the 
Middle East and Africa. The more recent immigrants from Eastern Europe 
and parts of Africa tell stories similar to those of people from China, 
India and Pakistan who have lived here for decades.

Mohammed Khattack, a 24-year-old Pakistani who arrived in Belfast last 
year hoping to study humanities after three years in London, got a first 
warning one night in June when an empty wine bottle shattered the front 
window of his rented house in north Belfast. When he and his housemate, 
who is also from Pakistan, began cleaning up the next morning, small 
groups of neighbors had formed. But they had not come to help — they had 
come to gloat.

Then one of them began raining blows down on Mr. Khattack amid a tirade 
of racist slurs.

“He was a big guy and he approached me, and at this point I called the 
police to report trespass as he was inside the gate,” Mr. Khattack said. 
“But he grabbed me in a headlock and began punching me and jumping on my 
legs. I managed to get into the house, but he followed me through the 
door until I got to the bathroom and there he continued to beat me.”

Mr. Khattack was treated for severe bruising and spent months on 
crutches. He still walks with a limp.

The police arrested a 57-year-old man, who was later released on bail. 
The police told Mr. Khattack that the man had since fled the area.

The official figures and anecdotal evidence indicate that the severity 
and frequency of attacks in Northern Ireland have increased in recent years.

On average, almost three racial hate crimes a day are reported to the 
police. Between 2013 and 2014 there was a 43 percent increase in 
racially motivated offenses, 70 percent of them in Belfast. Immigrant 
groups assert — and the police concede — that the real figure is much 
higher, with many attacks going unrecorded because of fear of reprisals 
or a lack of faith in the justice system.

According to a recent report by the Northern Ireland Commission for 
Ethnic Minorities, just 12 of 14,000 race-related crimes reported over 
the past five years ended in a successful prosecution.

The police say paramilitary groups are cynically manipulating xenophobia 
to gain support in their communities by targeting migrants. In April, a 
senior police officer, Assistant Chief Constable Will Kerr, said the 
rise in the number and severity of racial hate crimes in Protestant 
loyalist areas left “the unpleasant taste of a bit of ethnic cleansing.”

But Patrick Yu, the executive director of the Northern Ireland 
Commission for Ethnic Minorities, said it is simplistic to brand certain 
communities intrinsically racist.

“Most of the available housing stock for private rental just happens to 
be in loyalist areas where there is already a wariness of outsiders and 
a feeling of being left behind by Catholics who they believe have 
benefited disproportionately from the Good Friday Agreement,” he said. 
“There is still huge deprivation in these areas, and I believe 
sectarianism and racism are two sides of the same coin — both need to be 

Although less prevalent, attacks have also taken place in Catholic west 
Belfast. In June, hundreds of 

[Marxism] Fwd: Rise of the jehadis | Frontline

2014-11-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Vijay Prashad: [Patrick] Cockburn’s writings are not of the genre that 
has come to be called “hotel journalism”—stories that come to reporters 
as they lounge in 5-star hotels—nor is it “embedded journalism”—stories 
written by reporters who come to see the world through the eyes of the 
troops who protect them.



The November 6 London Review of Books has published Patrick Cockburn’s 
latest article 
‘Whose Side is Turkey On?’. Now, as I support the struggle of the Syrian 
Kurds, led by the PYD and its armed militia, the YPG, against ISIS’ 
genocidal siege, I have no interest in defending Turkey’s shabby role in 
this, even if I think both the US and Turkey, in their current 
difference on this issue are both being totally cynical in their 
different ways. So this critique will not deal with these issues.

Unfortunately, the angle from which Cockburn criticises Turkey is full 
of the same contradictions that significant parts of the left espouse, 
basked in an overall hostility to the Syrian revolution. Valid criticism 
of Turkey’s sabotage of the defence of Kobani – connected to Turkey’s 
own oppression of its Kurdish minority – is mixed in with criticism of 
Turkey for allegedly wanting to help overthrow the Syrian tyranny of 
Bashar Assad. As if there were something wrong with wanting the 
overthrow of a tyrant who has burnt his whole country, sending 1.5 
million Syrian refugees into Turkey.



This is what passes for journalism these days:

But in Syria, Washington’s policy is the exact opposite: there the main 
opponent of ISIS is the Syrian government and the Syrian Kurds in their 
northern enclaves. Both are under attack from ISIS, which has taken 
about a third of the country, including most of its oil and gas 
production facilities.

See, Assad is the main opponent of ISIS, even if in over two years 
there has been a single major confrontation between the two. Why mention 
the sustained combat between ISIS and the FSA and Islamic Front.
Remember this is the same patrick cockburn who described the surrender 
of one beleaguered village to the combined forces of the Assad regime 
and Hizbullah as a peace deal.

No, I will not link anything that he writes.

(Idrees Ahmad on Facebook)


Commentary on a Patrick Cockburn commentary 

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[Marxism] An examination of poverty and income inequality

2014-11-29 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Thomas Piketty’s book Capital in the Twenty-First Century gets a mention in the 
first article.
Most interesting to me is that these articles appeared in a business 
publication not known for searching examinations of the effects of capitalism.
ken h


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Re: [Marxism] In Northern Ireland, a Wave of Immigrants Is Met With Fists

2014-11-29 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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and how can the Jews end up as racists themselves vis a vis the

On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 10:03 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

 (I wondered how in the hell that Irish Catholics, the victims of racism,
 could end up as racists themselves)

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[Marxism] Fwd: Spain: Podemos on road to sweeping away two-party system | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-11-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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I am sure that this was posted on Marxmail before but it is very, 
very,very much worth rereading or reading for the first time, as I am 
doing now. In fact, go to Links (http://links.org.au/taxonomy/term/845) 
and read on Podemos there, especially anything that Dick Nichols wrote.

Podemos was initially formed by academics from the Complutense 
University in Madrid in discussions with the Anticapitalist Left, the 
far-left organisation in the Spanish state aligned with the Fourth 
International. It grew rapidly through a campaign via social networks to 
run in the European elections.

The key Podemos spokesperson is Pablo Iglesias, an academic from the 
Complutense. He is a media figure, who started by presenting political 
chat shows on obscure online or cable TV channels and then moving to 
frequent appearances on national networks.

Since the European elections, in which it won 1.2 million votes and had 
five Members of the European Parliament elected (including Iglesias), 
and especially since its founding assembly and the latest cases of 
corruption, Podemos has featured daily in mainstream news, current 
affairs and printed media. Podemos spokespeople are called to appear or 
comment by all local and national radio and TV networks.

Apart from the effective use of the mass media, Podemos employs 
web-based technology to maximise democratic participation. Facebook has 
been a key tool for building support and communicating with members. The 
national Podemos Facebook page has 880,000 likes and all circles and 
many key leaders have their own Facebook pages. Pablo Iglesias alone has 
117,000 likes. This was especially evident in the organisation of the 
Citizen’s Assembly.

The chief aim of the Citizens’ Assembly was to establish internal 
organisational structures for Podemos. The organisation’s founding 
process assembly began on September 15 with pre-draft discussions and 
proposals conducted through an online platform. This was followed by a 
presentation of draft documents on ethical principles, political 
organisation and political strategy on September 28.

Nearly 100 teams presented more than 300 documents and 100 resolutions 
to the assembly. This was followed by a negotiations process until final 
drafts, totaling more than 2500 pages, were presented over October 18 
and 19.

The resolutions were voted on online. The five which won most votes were 
then passed and spoken to at the Madrid assembly by the teams that 
presented them. Each team had equal time to argue the case for their 
proposals. The assembly was streamed live and all teams faced questions.
Voting on the documents was online and closed on October 26. Anyone who 
registered online could vote. Around 130,000 registered before the 
assembly and 20,000 more during it.

Recently Podemos launched a smartphone application that combines all the 
applications and platforms used to participate in discussions and vote 
on proposals, resolutions and candidates. Crowdfunding was used to pay 
for the cost of the Citizen’s Assembly as well as by local circles to 
raise money for particular projects.
The principal areas of agreement at the assembly were over the ethical 
accountability of all publicly elected and internal positions, as well 
as on salary limits and limits on the length of time anyone could hold a 

As a result, salaries for all Podemos officials will be limited to the 
average salary of a skilled worker. Podemos officials may only be 
employed in politics for up to eight years, after which they are 
expected to return to their previous employment with no special 
privileges such as pensions. They also may not occupy a position on a 
board of directors or work as consultants for 10 years after stepping down.

During their time in any political position, officials agree not to 
receive special privileges such as official cars or claim expenses apart 
from the minimum required to fulfill their responsibilities.

full: http://links.org.au/node/4137
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[Marxism] Two views on Catalan independence

2014-11-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The rising revulsion against “Madrid” showed in many ways. Originally it 
was thought that bussing demonstrators from the regions would require 
1500 coaches, but on the day more than 2000 had to be hired.
The metro and rail lines serving the working-class inner and outer 
“belts” of Barcelona, where families from other parts of Spain, Latin 
America and North Africa predominate, were packed.

In the populous neighbourhoods, the estalada, the pro-independence 
version of the Catalan flag (with its white star on a blue 
triangle—taken from Cuba’s) has been hanging from more balconies than 
ever, a visual symbol of growing working-class desertion of the 
social-democratic and anti-consultation Party of Catalan Socialists 
(PSC), the Catalan affiliate of the once-reformist Spanish Socialist 
Workers Party (PSOE).

It’s not that hundreds of thousands of working people of non-Catalan 
origin have become one-eyed Catalan nationalists. As in Scotland, 
working-class support for national rights is driven by the experience of 
central-government austerity. Put bluntly: “If those bastards are 
opposed to the Catalans’ right to decide, I’m probably with the 
Catalans’ right to decide.”

Dick Nichols, http://links.org.au/node/4061


Laia Gordi: As you have been campaigning for Yes to independence in 
Scotland, what’s your view –and your guess- on the Catalan 
self-determination movement and referendum?

Tariq Ali: The Catalonian self-determination movement is largely led by 
the Catalan bourgeoisie. That’s the unfortunate  truth. They are 
fighting essentially on the basis of “we are richer than the rest of 
Spain and why shouldn’t we spend all this money on ourselves?”

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[Marxism] Two views on Podemos

2014-11-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Socialist Worker newspaper (ISO)

The success of Podemos is good news for socialists and workers. Although 
there is still debate about how strong the class basis of its vote was, 
Podemos' program has a clear focus on both labor issues and social 
issues that affect the working class--for example, opposition to the 
latest labor law reforms imposed by the PP and PSOE, support for a ban 
on workers being fired from profitable companies, and a proposal to 
suspend all foreclosures and create a public housing program for evicted 
families. These measures would mean a great improvement in the lives of 
workers if implemented.



Socialist Worker Newspaper (British SWP, which stands for the Sectarian 
Woebegone Party)

The leaders of Podemos and Syriza want to replace the people in 
government with others who  they argue would do a better job.

But power doesn’t stop with the people in office. Elected governments 
are still part of a capitalist state that is made up of powerful 
unelected bureaucracies, not to mention the police and the army.

They are part of the class which owns the factories, supermarkets and 
the media.

Much of Podemos’ rhetoric is about kicking out the “caste” at the top, 
while Jones stops at taking on a vague “establishment”.

But if these were replaced by Labour left wingers or even by Podemos, 
real power would remain with the bosses and their state.

The ruling class is rarely completely united, especially in times of 
crisis. But the state and capitalists rely on one another.

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[Marxism] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] Re: Two views on Podemos

2014-11-29 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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The fact that one was published in June and the other November is
significant; that is roughly the time period in which it became clear to
all (well, almost all) that the Podemos leadership was intending to follow
the liberal trajectory of Syriza's tops.

On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 4:30 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

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 Socialist Worker newspaper (ISO)

 The success of Podemos is good news for socialists and workers. Although
 there is still debate about how strong the class basis of its vote was,
 Podemos' program has a clear focus on both labor issues and social issues
 that affect the working class--for example, opposition to the latest labor
 law reforms imposed by the PP and PSOE, support for a ban on workers being
 fired from profitable companies, and a proposal to suspend all foreclosures
 and create a public housing program for evicted families. These measures
 would mean a great improvement in the lives of workers if implemented.



 Socialist Worker Newspaper (British SWP, which stands for the Sectarian
 Woebegone Party)

 The leaders of Podemos and Syriza want to replace the people in government
 with others who  they argue would do a better job.

 But power doesn’t stop with the people in office. Elected governments are
 still part of a capitalist state that is made up of powerful unelected
 bureaucracies, not to mention the police and the army.

 They are part of the class which owns the factories, supermarkets and the

 Much of Podemos’ rhetoric is about kicking out the “caste” at the top,
 while Jones stops at taking on a vague “establishment”.

 But if these were replaced by Labour left wingers or even by Podemos, real
 power would remain with the bosses and their state.

 The ruling class is rarely completely united, especially in times of
 crisis. But the state and capitalists rely on one another.

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Re: [Marxism] Two views on Podemos

2014-11-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 11/29/14 4:34 PM, Andrew Pollack wrote:

The fact that one was published in June and the other November is
significant; that is roughly the time period in which it became clear to
all (well, almost all) that the Podemos leadership was intending to
follow the liberal trajectory of Syriza's tops.

I think we probably have different ideas about what a liberal 
trajectory means. But beyond the question of its decision, for example, 
to scale back some of its more radical proposals, there is another 
dimension that has to be considered--namely, the class dynamic of a 
party that has no links to the Spanish bourgeoisie and that is open and 
transparent. Unlike the British Labour Party or the Democratic Party for 
that matter, Podemos is much more like the Greens in the USA. If you 
keep in mind that Podemos represents the next stage of the 
anti-capitalist struggle in Spain rather than the Leninist party that 
will ultimately be necessary for total emancipation, then it begins to 
make sense. The British SWP's mistake is to counterpose a Platonic ideal 
of a Leninist Party and seduce the innocent into its imaginary ranks. 
Hal Draper described its methodology here:

The sect establishes itself on a HIGH level (far above that of the 
working class) and on a thin base which is ideologically selective 
(usually necessarily outside working class). Its working-class character 
is claimed on the basis of its aspiration and orientation, not its 
composition or its life. It then sets out to haul the working class up 
to its level, or calls on the working class to climb up the grade. From 
behind its organizational walls, it sends out scouting parties to 
contact the working class, and missionaries to convert two here and 
three there. It sees itself becoming, one day, a mass revolutionary 
party by a process of accretion; or by eventual unity with two or three 
other sects; or perhaps by some process of entry.

full: http://www.marxists.org/archive/draper/1971/alt/alt.htm#CHAPTER3

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Re: [Marxism] Two views on Podemos

2014-11-29 Thread David P Á via Marxism
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On 29/11/2014 22:51, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:
 I think we probably have different ideas about what a liberal
 trajectory means. But beyond the question of its decision, for example,
 to scale back some of its more radical proposals, there is another
 dimension that has to be considered--namely, the class dynamic of a
 party that has no links to the Spanish bourgeoisie and that is open and

I'm myself more positive about Podemos than just calling them liberals
and writing them off, but they're not particularly more open or
transparent than other parties. They've recently set up their internal
organisation through a slate (or strictly speaking, quasi-slate) system.
They have no organic links to the working class. Sure they're not like
Labour or the Democcrats, but Spain has IU and the PCE as working class
parties with plenty of cadre (we're talking high tens of thousands, not
tiny sect size). Podemos seems a lot more hazy and potentially penetrable.

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Re: [Marxism] Two views on Podemos

2014-11-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 11/29/14 5:27 PM, David P Á wrote:

Sure they're not like
Labour or the Democcrats, but Spain has IU and the PCE as working class
parties with plenty of cadre (we're talking high tens of thousands, not
tiny sect size).

If the IU and the PCE were not so compromised...
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Re: [Marxism] In Northern Ireland, a Wave of Immigrants Is Met With Fists

2014-11-29 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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 (I wondered how in the hell that Irish Catholics, the victims of racism,
 could end up as racists themselves. Once you get past the headline, you
 discover that the Protestants are responsible for the bulk of the attacks
 on immigrants.)

It is further evidence of the reaction encouraged by partition. Protestant
sectarianism and its loyalist political expression, encouraged and
bolstered by partition, is not going to stop at just hatred and violence
towards one sector. As always, it is often the poorest Protestants taking
out frustration and anger on those they view as below them.

Ending partition is not going to end such racism, or sectarianism, but it
would be an important step in removing the key for fostering such reaction,
and undermine the sense that Protestants, however low on the social scale,
have a state that belongs specifically to *them*.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Oil Price Fall: Saudi Arabi targets US Shale Oil, Iran, Iraq, Russia | Informed Comment

2014-11-29 Thread DW via Marxism
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The other big loser is Venezuela which has an even higher percentage that
Russia for it's budget.

Saudi's vote against cutting production had to do with trying to dry up oil
that is being fracked in the US and other countries. It does this by making
the profit margins fall to zero or negative. This results not in fracking
wells shutting down but in putting a halt investing in new ones.

Here's a quote from an energy observer just on tar sands (which includes
Venezuela and Canada):

There are two primary methods to move oil: by pipeline, which is cheap,
and by rail, which is expensive. That cost differential is make-or-break
for a tar sands business. The break-even price of tar sands oil is around
$100 per barrel if transported by rail, according to Anthony Swift, a staff
attorney at NRDC (which publishes *OnEarth*). Tar sands oil sells for $75
on a good day. So producers have to find a savings of $25 per barrel
somewhere in order to make it worth the investment.

Basically the Canadians are going to lose their shirts over the next 6
months. But that's tar sands. What about fracking?

Here in the U.S., the oil drilling boom is due largely to technologies
like hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, used to force oil from shale
formations deep underground. Producing this oil, Rystad figures, costs an
average of $62 a barrel.

So the aim of low priced oil benefits the cheaper producers and that's not
anywhere in N. America or Russia.

And this doesn't really have a thing to do with the now in-disrepute theory
of peak oil as it shows that the amount of oil (while having an absolute
limit by definition) available is *totally* dependent on price. Which is
true for every extractive commodity.

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[Marxism] Willie McBride vs the fortunate sons

2014-11-29 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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Few aspects of society are more hotly contested than the matter of war ―
and of how to remember those who die fighting them. Recent controversies
over new performances of two iconic anti-war songs ― one in Britain and one
in the US ― highlight the point.


“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker
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[Marxism] John Pilger: The US plot against Assange

2014-11-29 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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The siege of Knightsbridge is a farce. For two years, an exaggerated,
costly police presence around the Ecuadorean embassy in London has served
no purpose other than to flaunt the power of the state.


“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker
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[Marxism] On Rooftops of Ferguson, Volunteers — With Guns

2014-11-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Nov. 30 2014
On Rooftops of Ferguson, Volunteers — With Guns

FERGUSON, Mo. — When Sam Andrews awoke on Tuesday morning, he found his 
wife watching a television interview with a woman whose bakery had been 
vandalized during the violent unrest here on Monday.

“She said, ‘You’ve got to go help her,’ ” Mr. Andrews said in an 
interview on Saturday morning.

And so Mr. Andrews, a former Defense Department contractor who is now a 
weapons engineer in the St. Louis area, set to work. Under the auspices 
of a national group called the Oath Keepers, Mr. Andrews accelerated 
plans to recruit and organize private security details for businesses in 
Ferguson, which are receiving the services for free. The volunteers, who 
are sometimes described as a citizen militia — but do not describe 
themselves that way — have taken up armed positions on rooftops here on 
recent nights.

“It’s really a broad group of citizens, and I’m sure their motivations 
are all different,” said Mr. Andrews, who is in his 50s. “In many of 
them, there’s probably a sense of patriotism. But I think in most of 
them, there’s probably something that they probably don’t even 
recognize: that we have a moral obligation to protect the weakest among 
us. When we see these violent people, these arsonists and anarchists, 
attacking, it just pokes at you in a deep place.”

Mr. Andrews declined to say how many people were assisting in the 
effort, saying only the number was “more than five, less than 500.” He 
estimated that men make up about 80 percent of the volunteers. About 80 
percent are also white, and 10 percent are black.

But on Saturday, with the county police said to be threatening the Oath 
Keepers with arrest, the volunteers decided to abandon their posts and 
instead protest against the authorities. Late in the day on Saturday, a 
protest was being planned for that night.

That some business owners accepted aid from a group regarded by some as 
an antigovernment militia is a testament to the rawness of emotions here 
following a riot on Monday night, after a grand jury declined to indict 
a white police officer, Darren Wilson, who shot dead Michael Brown, an 
unarmed black teenager, on Aug. 9.

Since then, the riot police have tussled on the streets with protesters. 
Convoys of National Guard Humvees patrol the streets, and law 
enforcement officials have confiscated homemade firebombs, firecrackers 
and guns from arrested protesters. Most recently, the Oath Keepers, 
equipped with militia-style gear and often clad in camouflage, have 
joined the volatile mix.

Their presence is a symbol of the ongoing criticism of Gov. Jay Nixon’s 
handling of security before, during and after the grand jury’s decision 
became public. In the days before the announcement, Mr. Nixon declared a 
state of emergency and sent the Guard to Ferguson. Yet, in the initial 
hours following word of the grand jury’s decision, the Guard played only 
a limited role. Troops protected a police command post and other 
facilities, but they were not posted along the main commercial corridors 
where property destruction was rampant.

Some here say that the state’s mixed messages may have been a 
consequence of Mr. Nixon trying to perfect a challenging balance after 
the government response to the initial unrest in August was criticized 
as too militarized.

Leaders of the multiagency Unified Command have defended their approach, 
saying there was no way to know precisely what public reaction to the 
decision would be.

“I don’t think anybody thought it was going to be this magnitude,” said 
Capt. Ronald S. Johnson of the Missouri State Highway Patrol.

But such arguments have not kept local officials and businesses from 
frequently complaining that the National Guard’s deployment strategy was 
inadequate, and that its inaction allowed businesses to burn while still 
others were looted.

“The governor said himself, I think on TV, that the businesses will be 
protected by the National Guard during this situation,” said Reggie 
Jones, the mayor of Dellwood, a neighboring city where many businesses 
were damaged in Monday’s unrest. “Unfortunately, that did not happen 
until Tuesday. But we were expecting it to happen on Monday.”

After the destruction that night, Mr. Nixon ordered hundreds more 
soldiers to Ferguson, saying, “We must do better, and we will.”

But for people like Mr. Andrews, the governor’s vow was of little 
solace. So while the New Chinese Gourmet restaurant at the end of a 
block of South Florissant Road appears to have little in the way of 
defense beyond the painted wooden boards 

Re: [Marxism] In Northern Ireland, a Wave of Immigrants Is Met With Fists

2014-11-29 Thread Einde O'Callaghan via Marxism
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Sent from my Sony Xperia™ smartphone

 Stuart Munckton via Marxism wrot
  (I wondered how in the hell that Irish Catholics, the victims of racism,
  could end up as racists themselves. Once you get past the headline, you
  discover that the Protestants are responsible for the bulk of the attacks
  on immigrants.)
 It is further evidence of the reaction encouraged by partition. Protestant
 sectarianism and its loyalist political expression, encouraged and
 bolstered by partition, is not going to stop at just hatred and violence
 towards one sector. As always, it is often the poorest Protestants taking
 out frustration and anger on those they view as below them.
 Ending partition is not going to end such racism, or sectarianism, but it
 would be an important step in removing the key for fostering such reaction,
 and undermine the sense that Protestants, however low on the social scale,
 have a state that belongs specifically to *them*.

The article makes clear that most of the attacks are in Loyalist (i.e. 
Protestant) aread where right-wing and racist ideas have always been strong. It 
also mentions that when attacks have occurred in Catholic areas there have been 
anti-racist demos rather than racist mobs.
Einde O'Callaghan 
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[Marxism] The rise and fall of Palestine's socialists - Counterpunch

2014-11-29 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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