[Marxism] Fwd: Monthly Review’s split personality | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On MRZine's continuing campaign against Syriza despite the fact that its 
finance minister is a Monthly Review author.

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Re: [Marxism] SYRIZA leaders on new situation in Greece, showing confusion and lack of perspectives

2015-03-09 Thread Lüko Willms via Marxism
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on Sonntag, 8. März 2015 at 02:31, glparramatta via Marxism wrote:

 Greece: Yiannis Bournous' thoughts on the new situation and SYRIZA's 
 responsibilities http://links.org.au/node/4324

  Quotes from that article: 

 improve public finances by making the rich pay. A first positive
 sign in this direction is that the treasury prosecutors
 investigating lists of Greek account-holders who have illegally
 transferred money to Swiss and other foreign banks have already
 blocked €404 million found in the bank accounts of 17 depositors.

Why don't they take control of the banks? Merging the banks into one national 
bank under public control. No need to expropriate the owners or account 
holders, but to give the working people the means to direct the liquid capital 
to productive purposes. 

As to taxes, slash the VAT to the minimum level prescribed by the EU treaties, 
and raise the income taxes for the rich. 

Secure the ships of the Greek shipping companies, the way the US hedge fonds 
nailed down the school ship of Argentinian marine. 

 At the same time, we will be judged on our moves to democratise the
 political system and the public sphere, in the war against
 corruption and in tackling the humanitarian crisis. The government
 has already presented its first bill, which includes free
 electricity for households that live in conditions of extreme
 poverty (300 Kwh per month), housing rent allowance for 30,000
 households (€70 per person or €220 per family per month), as well as
 a nutrition allowance for citizens that also live in conditions of extreme 

It is nice to make gifts, but that does not change the political situation, and 
does not help to secure a mass base. 

People need ways to take part in the creation of a new society, and building 
the country with their own hands. This is what lets self-confidence grow; 
receiving gifts by governmental benefactors does not, it rather increases the 
feeling of being powerless and having to rely on those above. 

Besides the nationalisation of the banks, the most important move is a public 
works program which mobilises the 25 percent unemployed, gives them a sense of 
being important, constructs important infrastructure, and alleviates the state 
budget by organising exchanges of products bypassing the retail trusts, 
organising farmers to supply their produce directly in exchange to work by the 
city workers. 

One of the worst moves is what I heard this morning in the radio (DLF - 
Deutschlandfunk), according to which Varoflakis, the non-partisan finance 
minister, is said to have called on each and everybody to spy on each other for 
detecting tax frauds. There is no better way to destroy any feeling of 

Again: study Lenin's The Impending Catastrophe and How to Combat It to learn 
from it in a creative way. 

Otherwise I fear that the end of the Syriza government and party is coming much 
faster than their worst enemies would have hoped for, and the end of the last 
vestige of social-democratic populism. 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt/Main, Germany

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[Marxism] MEE: German socialist killed fighting with YPG in Syria

2015-03-09 Thread Joseph Catron via Marxism
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A young German woman has been killed while fighting alongside Kurdish
forces against Islamic State militants in northeastern Syria, according to
a monitoring group.

The woman, named by some sources as Ivana Hoffman, was killed on Sunday
near the town of Tal Tamer where she was assisting the Kurdish People’s
Protection Units (YPG) in their struggle against the IS fighters.

She is the third Westerner killed among Kurdish ranks in Syria ...


By way of background:

At the moment the MLKP has fighters in Serêkaniyê and Kobanê in Rojava and
also in Sinjar fighting alongside the HPG/YJA Star guerrillas and the
Sinjar Resistance Units (YBŞ) against ISIS.

Four MLKP fighters have fallen in the struggle, Serkan Tosun, who died in
Serêkaniyê on 14 September 2013 and Suphi Nejat Ağırnaslı (Paramaz
Kızılbaş), Sibel Bulut (Sarya Özgür) and Oğuz Saruhan (Algan Zafir), who
fell during the resistance in Kobanê.

The MLKP is now engaged in trying to form an international brigade and is
in contact with revolutionary organisations from Latin America to Europe
and from the Balkans to the Far East.

MLKP members from Europe have also joined the brigade and Kurdish,
Turkish, Arabic, German, English and Spanish are being spoken ...


Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen
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[Marxism] Fwd: Exploding Trains and Crude Oil » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2015-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Jon Flanders.

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[Marxism] Internationalist fighter Ivana Hoffman Dies Fighting for Kurdish Forces.

2015-03-09 Thread andrew coates via Marxism
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Internationalist fighter Ivana Hoffman, fighting alongside the People's/Women's 
Defense Forces (YPG/YPJ) against Daesh/ISIS in Rojava, was killed in Til Temir 
yesterday evening.Ivana Hoffman (code name Avaşîn Tekoşîn Güneş) was a 
communist fighter with the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party (MLKP). According 
to the MLKP's announcement, Ivana lost her life in a 3 a.m. clash in the early 
morning hours of March 7, on the eve of World Women's Day.

The statement said that for Ivana, standing up for the Rojava revolution meant 
standing up for the future. It noted that she had taken up frontline positions 
in the bloody battle to defend Assyrian and Syriac villages from Daesh's 
genocidal attacks.



Andrew Coates 
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[Marxism] Fwd: KenLoachFilms - YouTube

2015-03-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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It appears that all of his films can be seen for free.

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Re: [Marxism] Greek Prospects

2015-03-09 Thread Marv Gandall via Marxism
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 On Mar 8, 2015, at 8:46 AM, James Creegan via Marxism 
 marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:
 The first thing that strikes me about Marv's thinking is its fatalistic
 objectivism, which takes present mass consciousness as an immutable
 given, leaving no role for leftwing agency.

I’m not a fatalist. Nothing is immutable. The natural world and human society 
are ever changing.  People respond by trying to do what they consider necessary 
to maintain or improve their conditions in changed circumstances. In doing so, 
they generally take into account the economic, political, social and other 
constraints on their  ability to act. Division and conflict arises within and 
between classes in defining their interests and how to pursue them. This 
understanding is consistent with historical materialism, and informs my view of 
the process currently underway in Greece and the eurozone. 

 In my view, the possibilities for overcoming the gap between consciousness
 and reality are greater in Greece today than they have been in any Western
 country for a long time due to three circumstances: 1) the people have
 already taken the momentous step of upending a normal pro-status
 quo political duopoly; 2) a leftwing party is now in control of the
 government, giving it an unprecedented ability to shape public opinion (a
 bully pulpit, in the current cliche); 3) the hopes with which perhaps
 most people voted for Syriza--that it would roll back austerity and stay in
 the Eurozone at the same time by means of negotiation with the
 institutions--have now been clearly exposed  by the first round of talks
 as a dead end. People will be casting about for a new course of action.

I’m in agreement with points 1 and 2. But what is the basis for your belief 
that Syriza has “clearly exposed” itself and that the people are casting about 
for a new course of action? That is not at all clear, and the evidence 
presently points in the opposite direction. You understand this, which is why 
you’re reduced to proclaiming that the people “will be” breaking with the 
course set by Syriza at some undefined future stage. They may or may not, but 
in the meantime proclamations relevant to a possible future situation aren’t 
relevant to one in which they are presently expressing increased confidence in 
their leadership, not less, even in the face of its programmatic retreat, and 
where the relationship of forces between the Greeks and their eurozone 
paymasters is as adverse as ever. I don’t want to throw the bible at you, but I 
expect you would have seen signs everywhere, where there were few, that the 
British Labour Party leadership had “clearly exposed itself in the aftermath 
of WWI and your view of British politics would have similarly been shaped by 
the firm conviction that its working class supporters were poised to break with 
it. When and where have you ever thought otherwise?

 My main fear is that the Syriza leadership will fail to utilize these
 opportunities because it is paralyzed by thinking akin to Marv Gandall's.
 Ever since the neoliberal onslaught and the fall of the USSR, broad
 sections of the left have abandoned any hope of revolutionary change in
 favor of restoring the liberal Keyensian policies that prevailed during the
 glorious thirty postwar years. The route to such a restoration seems to
 be convincing more enlightened policy makers that neoliberalism is bad for
 capitalism, and that they should adopt policies aimed at stimulating
 consumer demand. The more radical neo-Keynesians usually add that such
 persuasion must be supplemented by popular pressure. Marv seems to partake
 of this 'post-soviet realism'. Having written off any prospect
 of challenging capitalism…

I haven’t written off any prospect of challenging capitalism, and am heartened 
and hopeful whenever there is the reappearance anywhere of the consciousness 
and militancy which characterized the international workers’ movement before 
its historic decline. Perhaps we’re witnessing the first signs of its rebirth, 
but that once-powerful movement no longer exists. You’re correct that this is 
the foremost reason why broad sections of the left have abandoned any hope in 
revolutionary change. Some have done so permanently, others like myself and 
probably most others on the list, only insofar as they can see to the horizon.  
Moreover, I’m impressed by how abruptly and unexpectedly history can turn, as 
we learned in our lifetime with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Here too, the 
differences between us may not be as wide as you suppose them to be.

 he seems to be pinning his hopes on a
 realization by more enlightened bourgeois 

[Marxism] Tatlin Groans

2015-03-09 Thread Mike Alewitz via Marxism
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TATLIN GROANS: Art at the Crossroads of Fear, Hypocrisy and Hope

Red Wedge Magazine/ by Mike Alewitz


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[Marxism] civil rights pioneer Diane Nash: why i didn't march today; diff. between protest and movement

2015-03-09 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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AMY GOODMAN: After President Obama spoke, he walked across the Edmund
Pettus Bridge along with Michelle and their daughters, Congressmember
Lewis, former President George and Laura Bush and few dozen others.
One notable civil rights activist who refused to take part in the
symbolic walk was Diane Nash, who helped found the Student Nonviolent
Coordinating Committee. Later in the day, she spoke in Selma and
explained why.

DIANE NASH: After the event, there was a—like a march, and
photographers. And I was all set to march with them. They had—they
placed us—they had me in the front line. And then George Bush came out
and got in the march. And I left. I decided I wasn’t marching anywhere
with George Bush. The Selma movement stands for nonviolence and peace
and democracy and fairness and voting rights, and George Bush stands
for just the opposite. He stands for violence and war and stolen
elections, and, for goodness sake, his administration had people
tortured. I think this occasion was not appropriate for him to be
here. I think for him to appear to be leading people involved in the
nonviolent movement in this country, for photographs of that to go
across the world would make it look as though we have sold out. I
think that is an insult to people whose lives were taken—Reverend
Reeb, Jimmie Lee Jackson, Viola Liuzzo. It’s an insult to me. And I
think it’s an insult to everybody who really does believe in

That being said, I want to mention just a couple of things that I
think might be of value as we continue the struggle now. And the first
thing is, I think it would be a huge mistake for Americans to leave
the future of this country in the hands of elected officials. Elected
officials are not going to do what’s necessary in the interest of this
country. It’s important—critical, in fact—that citizens take the
interests of this country into our own hands, use nonviolence and make
the necessary changes. I like to ask—suppose we had waited for elected
officials to desegregate restaurants, lunch counters, public
accommodations, buses, and to get the right to vote. I think 50 years
later we would still be waiting.

My second point that I’d like to bring up is the issue of protest
versus a nonviolent campaign. We’ve seen like the Occupy movement a
few years ago, and now the hands up movement, and I believe that young
people are on the right track. They are taking matters into their own
hands. But one thing that I have observed is that I think sometimes we
do not know how to differentiate between protest and a movement. In
protests, it’s just what the word says: I protest this. I do not like
this. Very often, the powers that be know that we don’t like what’s
going on, but they’re determined to do it anyway. On the other hand, a
nonviolent movement or a nonviolent campaign starts where you are
right now, causes you to set a very clear, concrete objective. And I
like to say also that it should be a written objective. Nobody can
give you what you want unless you know what that is.

DemocracyNow!  March 9, 2015

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[Marxism] Viola Liuzzo - a forgotten and besmirched working class civil rights hero

2015-03-09 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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Liuzzo was one of thousands of people at the grass roots whose names never
make it into the history books, but without whom there would be no
improvement of the human condition. They are the mass in mass movements.

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Re: [Marxism] SYRIZA leaders on new situation in Greece

2015-03-09 Thread glparramatta--- via Marxism
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Serious and substantial comments are welcome to be left at the original
link at Links (http://links.org.au/node/4324). See Links full coverage of
SYRIZA at http://links.org.au/taxonomy/term/328

Bournous is a party line hack.

 On 8 Mar 2015, at 01:31, glparramatta via Marxism
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrot

 Greece: Yiannis Bournous' thoughts on the new situation and SYRIZA's
responsibilities http://links.org.au/node/4324

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[Marxism] Chavez's legacy lives in social gains

2015-03-09 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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When Hugo Chavez won his first election as Venezuela’s president in 1998,
it was against a backdrop of a deep economic and social crisis.


“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker
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[Marxism] How Noam Chomsky cleans up Mummar Qaddafi

2015-03-09 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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a major new piece from Linux Beach:

  How Noam Chomsky cleans up Mummar Qaddafi

 Recently, the whole world was horrified after witnessing the live
 burning death of a Jordanian pilot by the terror group ISIS. It was
 less widely publicized that the late Libyan dictator Mummar Qaddafi
 also fancied this way of doing away with his enemies. This *YouTube*
 video was posted 14 June 2011 with the title *A Libyan Freedom
 Fighter Burned Alive for Not Saying Gaddafi is King of Kings.*
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiIuxYiGQlA *Warning, it contains
 disturbing images.* The description reads:

 One of Gaddafi's military orders a Libyan freedom fighter to say
 /al-fateh/ (in reference to Gaddafi's 1969 revolution) and say
 that Gaddafi is the /'King of Kings'/. The Libyan freedom fighter
 refuses and instead repeatedly says La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad
 Ar-Rasool Allah (There is only one God and Muhammad is His
 Messenger). Gaddafi's agent then pours gasoline on the freedom
 fighter and burns him to death.

 Qaddafi apologist *Steve Walt* of *Harvard University* wasn't telling
 the truth when he said
 in *Foreign Policy*, 4 April 2011, that /Despite ubiquitous cellphone
 cameras, there are no images of genocidal violence,/ while implying
 that claims of atrocity /smacks of rebel propaganda./


Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust http://VietnamAmericanHolocaust.com
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at theLinux Beach http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/ 
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Re: [Marxism] Libya

2015-03-09 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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Libyan City Sues France for Support of Anti-Gaddafi Militias


Isn't this suit being brought by the same French lawyer who was going to
sue NATO for Gaddafi's death? Hasn't he been Gaddafi's lawyer?

Isn't your tag line misleading, since the article only talks about
residence from the city? Here you had me looking to see what city
government was suing.

Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust http://VietnamAmericanHolocaust.com
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach http://claysbeach.blogspot.com/

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Re: [Marxism] Five detained in Moscow over Nemtsov murder, ...

2015-03-09 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Aymani Dadayeva, Mr Dadayev’s mother, told Russian media that her son served 
for ten years in the “North” battalion in Chechnya, an interior ministry unit 
headed by relatives of Ramzan Kadyrov, the republic’s fiercely pro-Putin 

This tends to confirm what was written in the editorial in Open Left, posted to 
this website by Andrew Pollack on February 28th.


There are a few possibilities in terms of who may have ordered the execution. 
Among them are certain circles of Russia’s extensive security class who have an 
interest in ramping up tensions here. Others include the members of amateur 
groups broadly falling under the “anti-Maidan,” as well as veterans of the 
military operation in the so-called Novorossiya, or even militants on the 
payroll of Ramzan Kadyrov. 

ken h
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[Marxism] [UCE] Eurozone FM's meet on Greece; Greek gov't considers going to referendum, elections

2015-03-09 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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Greece's Varoufakis warns of referendum if eurozone rejects debt plans
Deutsche Welle
March 8

Athens could call for a referendum or early elections if the eurozone
rejects its debt plans, Greece's finance minister has said. The
present government won elections on promises of renegotiating the EU
bailout program.

Greece's Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis said his government was
willing to hold a referendum or even early elections if Eurogroup
ministers reject debt and growth plans.

Varoufakis' statements came shortly before finance ministers of the
eurozone countries were due to meet on Monday for crucial talks on
Athens' list of reforms, which the EU received last week.
. . .

Greece to dominate eurogroup meeting
Greece signals referendum intention if international lenders reject reform plan
Suzanne Lynch
Irish Times
March 8

Minister for Finance Michael Noonan travels to Brussels on Monday for
a meeting of euro-zone finance ministers that is expected to be
dominated by Greece...The eurogroup gathering, which will be attended
by Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis, is the first since
euro-zone finance ministers granted a four-month loan extension to
Athens just over two weeks ago, on condition the government presses
ahead with reforms.

Mr Varoufakis ratcheted up the pressure on Greece’s lenders to accept
Athens’s latest reform proposals this weekend, telling Italian
newspaper Il Corriere della Sera that Greece may call new elections or
hold a referendum if European finance ministers reject the
government’s reform proposals.

The latest proposals submitted by Greece in a letter to eurogroup
president Jeroen Dijsselbloem on Thursday, which included a suggestion
of hiring tourists to work temporarily as undercover tax collectors,
elicited a bemused response from some EU officials in Brussels.

Mr Dijsselbloem welcomed the proposals as “helpful” but added that
they needed to be scrutinised by Greece’s international lenders.

“This document will be helpful in the process of specifying the first
list of reform measures,” the euro group head wrote in his official
response to Mr Varoufakis, adding that the proposals “will need to be
further discussed with the institutions.”

With Athens facing about €2 billion of debt-servicing payments later
this week, it needs to convince its international lenders to unlock
the outstanding €7 billion due to the country under the current
bailout programme. Negotiations are ongoing between Greek officials
and the three creditor institutions, and no specific decision is
expected from Monday’s meeting.

The suggestion that Greece might hold a referendum is the latest
proposal by the government of Alexis Tsipras to break the deadlock
between Greece and the lenders that have financed the country for the
past five years. Mr Varoufakis said citizens would be asked to vote on
the country’s economic policy – not EU membership – in any referendum.
. . .

Early Greek election, referendum possible if EU rejects debt plan: Varoufakis
by Steve Scherer
Reuters, Rome
March 8

Greece could call a referendum or have early elections should its euro
zone partners reject its debt and growth plans, Greek Finance Minister
Yanis Varoufakis said in a newspaper interview on Sunday.
. . .
Most Greeks want the country to keep the euro, but two-thirds also
continue to back the government's tough stance to renegotiate the
bailout package.

A referendum over a deal with lenders that keeps the country in the
euro zone but falls short of Tsipras's promises could give the
government cover to accept a deal even though it was elected with a
different mandate. But even floating the idea of a referendum is
politically risky.

In 2011, then-prime minister George Papandreou suggested calling a
referendum over the bailout and was later forced to make way for a
unity coalition led by a former central banker.

With the Tsipras government's popularity level above 40 percent,
Varoufakis said people understand that the government is fighting
the establishment that said it was saving Greece while it put
everything on the backs of the poor.
. . .
In the interview, Varoufakis said that the response so far by euro
zone partners to his proposals to replace its current debt with bonds
linked to nominal growth is silence.
. . .
He also criticized the European Central Bank for being disciplinary
in not letting Athens issue more short-term debt, and said the central
bank should buy Greek debt as part of its bond-buying