[Marxism] Fwd: AAUP Takes Illinois to Task in Report on Salaita Case - Faculty - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2015-04-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: South Africa Xenophobia Requires Critique, Strategic Resistance | Opinion | teleSUR English

2015-04-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Patrick Bond.

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[Marxism] What is Keynesianism in the 21st century?

2015-04-28 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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[Marxism] Fwd: Eyewitnesses: The Baltimore Riots Didn't Start the Way You Think | Mother Jones

2015-04-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: The miners are no-one’s rent-a-mob | Observer Ukraine

2015-04-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In the past days a campaign has been underway in Ukraine to discredit 
the ongoing coal miners’ protests in Kyiv. It has now found its way onto 
the pages of the international press, including the Financial Times 
April 27 issue (“President tackles oligarchs’ stranglehold on the 
economy” by Roman Olearchyk in Kyiv). The campaign, initiated by people 
close to President Poroshenko, claims that the miners’ protests are 
merely part of an elaborate plan by Rinat Akhmetov to preserve the 
monopoly position of his corporation DTEK in the Ukrainian coal mining 
and electricity generating sector. In other words, the miners are 
Akhmetov’s “rent-a-mob” and their own demands count for nothing.


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[Marxism] Fwd: As Riots Follow Freddie Gray's Death in Baltimore, Calls for Calm Ring Hollow - The Atlantic

2015-04-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Cambodia/Kent/Jackson

2015-04-28 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: As Riots Follow Freddie Gray's Death in Baltimore, Calls for Calm Ring Hollow - The Atlantic

2015-04-28 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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If it bleeds, it leads - The distortion of news by the corporate media

On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 8:54 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

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[Marxism] From detention centres to concentration camps

2015-04-28 Thread John Passant via Marxism

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From detention centres to concentration camps

Let me suggest the next time Garnet wants to accuse me of being facile 
and odious and uses the Holocaust to hide the reality of our own brutal 
internment regimes, he at least attempts some historical analysis rather 
than attacking me as he does from a position of profound ignorance and 
intentional historical amnesia. I urge Garnet to recognise the 
historical reality. Australia’s detention centres are concentration camps.


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[Marxism] New Post: Black Lives Matter: Detroit Marches for Terrence Kellum

2015-04-28 Thread Rustbelt Radical via Marxism
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New Post: Black Lives Matter: Detroit Marches for Terrence Kellum (video, 
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: AAUP Takes Illinois to Task in Report on Salaita Case - Faculty - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2015-04-28 Thread Charles Faulkner via Marxism
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thanks louis. 

mr. schmidt interprets the report in a way i don't like. 

The university denied Mr. Salaita the due-process rights that his tenured 
status should have afforded him ... 

don't we all believe that Mr. Salaita's due-process rights were violated 
regardless of tenure? 
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: AAUP Takes Illinois to Task in Report on Salaita Case - Faculty - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2015-04-28 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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 Chancellor Phyllis M. Wise of the Urbana-Champaign campus said the
question of whether Mr. Salaita actually had joined the Illinois faculty
is clearly a nuanced issue of contract law, to be settled by the courts.
She said, The university remains concerned and bewildered that the AAUP
apparently continues to maintain that it is entitled to usurp the authority
of the federal judicial system regarding determining questions of fact and
law currently in dispute.

Wow, they're not even trying at this point.

- Amith

On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 1:11 PM, Charles Faulkner via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

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 thanks louis.

 mr. schmidt interprets the report in a way i don't like.

 The university denied Mr. Salaita the due-process rights that his tenured
 status should have afforded him ...

 don't we all believe that Mr. Salaita's due-process rights were violated
 regardless of tenure?
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[Marxism] Tsakalotos: Greece's new lead EU negotiator is leftist

2015-04-28 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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Euclid Tsakalotos: from Oxford to Greece's lead bailout negotiator
by Helena Smith in Athens
The Guardian, April 28

Is this the man to replace Yanis Varoufakis as Greece's new finance minister?
by Mehreen Khan
The Telegraph, London  April 28

Oxford-educated Euclid Tsakalotos will be taking the lead in Greece's
bail-out negotiations. But what do we know about the man set to become
the acceptable face of Greece's debt drama?
. . .
An Oxford-educated economist, Mr Tsakalotos has much in common with
the political elite of Westminster, studying politics, philosophy and
economics (PPE) as an undergraduate before completing his PhD in
economics at Oxford in 1989.

The 55-year-old, who was born in Rotterdam, currently serves as the
chief economic spokesman and effective shadow finance minister for the
Syriza-led government, in charge of international economic affairs.

Unlike Mr Varoufakis, Mr Tsakalotos is no party outsider. He has been
a member of Syriza for nearly a decade, serving as an MP in the Greek
parliament since 2012.

Like his fellow Leftist parliamentarians, Mr Tsakalotos's background
is as a jobbing Western academic rather than a professional
politician, having taught at the universities of Kent and Athens.

Described as the brains behind Syriza's economic policy, he is the
author of six books, the most recent of which seeks to debunk the
causes of Greece's economic turmoil.

Published in 2012, Crucible of Resistance: Greece, the Eurozone and
the World Economic Crisis, argues that far from being an economic
laggard, Greece underwent two decades of neo-liberal modernisation
before the onset of the financial crisis in 2008. The result, he
argues, was a widening in social inequality and a gaping democratic

In a refrain that will be familiar to many of the single currency's
critics, the Marxist economist diagnoses Greece's ailments as not
simply the consequences of an economic crisis but a crisis of
democracy in the eurozone.

But far from advocating a Grexit, as some of the more radical
elements within Syriza, Mr Tsakalotos argues Greece should maintains
is membership of the euro.

A Greek road to socialism where you exit the euro and do your own
national strategy seems to be a straight re-run of Britain in the 70s
and France in the 80s, he told an audience last year

The national roads seemed to have failed. We need an international
flavour to any alternatives.

In one of his most recent public speaking appearances, Mr Tsakalotos
addressed a conference of Sinn Fein's political delegates in March.

Receiving a rousing reception from leader Gerry Adams, the economist
proved he was not immune to rhetorical flourishes of his more famous
finance ministry counterpart.

We are not asking for special treatment, but for equal treatment in a
Europe of equals, thumped Mr Tsakalotos in perfectly polished

His visit to Dublin was part of a wider policy for Athens' Leftists to
court the support of its fellow southern European partners.

Syriza and Sinn Fein as well as Podemos are part of a great
realignment in European politics, he told republican supporters,
describing the Irish as honourary southerners in Greece's fight for
a more equitable monetary union.

Mr Tsakalotos is also no new new face at the negotiating table.

Although boasting a less inflammatory style than Mr Varoufakis, he has
accompanied the finance minister through most of Greece's protracted
negotiations over the past three months.

Whether or not his presence will now square the circle of Greece's
bail-out extension remains open to question, however.

The move to push the polarising Mr Varoufakis out of the spotlight has
certainly been cheered by markets, and will partially appease the
country's paymasters in Brussels.

However, the dethroning of Mr Varoufakis may prove to be a mere
Pyrrhic victory for the creditor powers and Syriza's opposition
parties. The chasm between the demands made by lenders and the
political promises of the Leftist government will have to be bridged
soon if a disorderly default is to be averted.

In the words of Greek journalist Nick Malkoutzis, whether it is Mr
Tsakalotos delivering the bitter pill to Syriza or Mr Varoufakis,
makes little difference; they are not going to swallow it easily
either way http://www.macropolis.gr/?i=portal.en.the-agora.2466

[Marxism] Tsipras expects Greece/Eurozone bargain; will use referendum if deal breaks Syriza election mandate

2015-04-28 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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In his first major television interview[3 hours] since he was elected
in January, Tsipras said he believed an initial deal was close and
ruled out an early election in Greece. Tsipras also raised the
prospect of holding a referendum if creditors demanded reforms that
his government deemed unacceptable.
International Business Times, April 28

Sidelining Varoufakis Won’t Solve Greece’s Real Problem
by John Cassidy
The New Yorker

Tsipras Signals Possible Greek Referendum on Credit Deal
by Niki Kitsantonis
New York Times, APRIL 28, 2015

Nouriel Roubini on Greece/Eurogroup situation

Tsipras warns of referendum if talks on bailout deal fail
by Kerin Hope in Athens
Financial Times, April 28 [full text]

Greece’s leftwing prime minister has warned that he would hold a
referendum if international creditors insisted on a “vicious circle of
austerity” as the key to unlocking urgently needed bailout money.

Hours after making a conciliatory gesture to Greece’s eurozone
partners with a reshuffle of his negotiating team on Monday, Alexis
Tsipras struck a more defiant note.

Although there were “great possibilities for winning this
negotiation”, Mr Tsipras said he would go directly to the Greek people
if the terms were unacceptable to Athens. “If the solution offered
goes beyond our mandate, it will have to be endorsed by the people,”
he said in a late night interview with Star Television.

Expressing his confidence a deal would be reached, Mr Tsipras said:
“We should not give in to panic moves. Whoever gets scared in this
game loses.”

Mr Tsipras ruled out defaulting on a €750m loan repayment to the
International Monetary Fund due on May 12 even though Athens is
struggling this week to pay pensions and subsidies, which he said must
take priority.

Greek officials have been predicting an imminent deal for weeks and
many EU negotiators are sceptical an agreement can be reached before
the next scheduled meeting of eurozone finance ministers in two weeks.

A referendum could lead to weeks of continued uncertainty about
Greece’s solvency. A plan by Athens to hold a plebiscite in 2011 was
effectively scuppered by eurozone leaders. But some officials also
believe it could be a way for Mr Tsipras to win public support for an
eventual reform programme.

Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the Dutch finance minister who leads the Greek
negotiations as head of the eurogroup, said he did not think a
referendum was a feasible option for Mr Tsipras given the urgent need
for a deal so that bailout cash can be disbursed soon.

“It would cost money, it would create great political uncertainty, and
I don’t think we have the time,” Mr Dijsselbloem told Dutch radio.
“And I don’t think the Greeks have the time for it.”

Earlier on Monday Mr Tsipras put Euclid Tsakalotos, the deputy foreign
minister for economic affairs and a close associate, in charge of the
bailout negotiations, which have made little progress since his
radical Syriza party won a general election in January on an
anti-austerity platform.

Mr Tsakalotos has taken the lead role in the talks from Yanis
Varoufakis, the outspoken finance minister who was sidelined after an
acrimonious meeting of eurozone finance ministers in Riga last week.
Mr Varoufakis retained his cabinet post and will serve on an
economic-policy making committee.

Eurozone policy makers welcomed the reining in of Mr Varoufakis, but
warned Athens that what mattered was the detail of its proposals.

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[Marxism] Michael Roberts: Greece, crossing the red lines

2015-04-28 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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Greece: crossing the red lines
Michael Roberts blog
April 28, 2015

. . .
Tsipras’ move towards making more concessions and perhaps dropping the
non-negotiable ‘red lines’ that Syriza won’t allow to be breached
would probably get support from the Greek people, at least if the
current opinion polls are correct. One poll found that 79% of Greeks
want to stay in euro and 50% want to reach a compromise rather than a
rupture (36%). Around 63% of Greeks want to avoid a default on the
Greek government’s debts. And if there is a deal that breaks the red
lines, then Greeks would prefer a national unity government (44%)
rather than a referendum (32%) or new elections (19%) to confirm it.
Syriza still leads in the polls with 36% of the potential vote
compared to 22% for the right-wing New Democracy; 5% for the social
democrat Potami, 3% for the bankrupt PASOK and now just 5% for the
fascist Golden Dawn and the Communists.
. . .
Ironically, the Syriza government is still running a budget surplus of
€1.7bn in the first quarter of this year. It has managed this by just
not paying its bills to government suppliers or to the health service
and schools. In doing this, it can meet the wages of public sector
workers and pensions.  The problem is that unpaid taxes are rising
steadily, reaching €3.5bn in Q1, although the growth in this deficit
has been slowing. People, especially rich people and businesses, are
unwilling to pay their tax bills if they think that Greece will soon
be thrown out of the Eurozone and the government will default on its
debts and devalue Greek euros. They want to hold onto all the euros
they have got.
. . .
There is a possibility that if Syriza makes enough concessions on:
reducing pensions; raising VAT; allowing privatisations and
introducing ‘reforms’ in labour markets, then it could get the €7.2bn
and also negotiate a third package for after end-June that would meet
future ECB and IMF repayments and yet not impose too heavy an
austerity package. Apparently, Tsipras, Merkel and the Eurogroup have
agreed that the primary budget surplus target will be reduced from
3-4% of GDP a year to around 1.5%. And if the Eurozone economy starts
to recover, that could also pull up the Greek economy through higher
exports and more inward investment. That is the scenario that Tsipras
and the Syriza leaders are looking to.
. . .
Of course, this ‘way out’ means that Syriza will still be conducting
(if ‘lighter’) fiscal austerity by running a surplus on the government
budget at a time when Greek unemployment remains at over 25% and the
economy is still contracting in real and nominal terms. Indeed, Greeks
have already suffered a fiscal austerity adjustment equivalent to 20%
of potential GDP since 2009.
. . .
Back in February, I posed the issue as an impossible triangle. Syriza
could not reverse austerity, stay in the euro and remain united as one
party in government. One or more of these aims would have to go. It
seems that the Tsipras will opt for staying in the euro, even if he
cannot reverse austerity or write off Greek government debt. The
question then becomes a political one: what will the left within
Syriza do? Will they too swallow any deal, especially if Tsipras puts
it to a referendum of the people and wins the vote? Or will they split
the party and force Tsipras into an alliance with the opposition
(national unity) to get any deal approved by parliament?

There is still the possibility that the austerity terms demanded by
the Troika are just too much for the Syriza leadership to accept and
the Greeks will opt to default on the repayments in June. The IMF
allows a 30-day ‘grace period’ to meet overdue debts, so default is
not technically immediate, although there would probably be a run on
the Greek banks. The government would have to impose capital controls
to stop money leaving the country or even just under the mattresses.
Introducing capital controls is not breaking any Eurozone rules, so
technically, Greece would still be a member of the Eurozone. But the
run on the banks would mean that the ECB would either have to step in
fund the gap or the banks would go bust. The question of Greek
membership of the Eurozone would then be posed.
. . .

The alternative to grasp the nettle: demand the cancellation of the
euro and IMF loans (the original demand of Syriza) or default; impose
capital controls, take over the Greek banks and appeal to the Greek
people for support and the European labour movement. Let the Euro
leaders make the move on Eurozone membership, not Syriza. The problem
is that now the Greek people have been led to believe that there is
only one 

[Marxism] Baltimore contacts?

2015-04-28 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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A friend who's a progressive reporter is heading to Baltimore and wants to
know who in the movement to contact. Please contact me offline if you have
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[Marxism] how Luxemburg was riot- and violence-baited

2015-04-28 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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A useful piece with reference to the debate raging about Baltimore.

ps: typing riots in the MIA search field at its home page brings up a
huge, diverse amount of material on the topic.
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[Marxism] Fwd: The Realities of Power

2015-04-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Overcoming the fears associated with seizing power will be one of the 
biggest obstacles for the American Left to overcome. All measures 
enacted by the State require the backing of force. The illusion that 
power is somehow inherently devious or obtrusive to human freedom is 
ridiculously childish. Without power, no decisions can be made, nothing 
can be done by any party or class- regardless of whether it is 
capitalists or workers who act as “dictators” within the system. 
Socialists have to seize power with the assent of the public in order to 
make our demands a reality.

full: http://www.thenorthstar.info/?p=12260
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[Marxism] New on Redline blog

2015-04-28 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Over the past week, we've been concentrating on demystifying all the
propaganda around Anzac Day.

New features pieces on the blog include:
Labour movement historian Jared Davidson on the response by working class
activists to militarism and class exploitation in NZ, 1905-1925:

The absurdity and obscenity of Gallipoli as seen through the eyes of three
NZ writers:

Tom O'Lincoln looks at the crap existence that confronted homecoming WW1
soldiers in Australia:

Australian cops shut down Aboriginal Anzac Day march:

Tim Leadbeater writes about his excellent new blog, 100 Years of Trenches:

And check out our earlier material on WW1 and Anzac Day that is grouped
here: https://rdln.wordpress.com/2015/04/12/as-we-approach-anzac-day/

In Christchurch the new Palestinian Association organised a successful
event to commemorate Land Day:

In Wellington Peace Action activists picketed Tony Abbott's appearance at
the war memorial:

British elections: Labour attacks migrant workers:

Lastly, we have a piece looking at the police murder of Freddie Gray in
Baltimore.  Here's an extract: with his hands cuffed behind his back, with
his legs in shackles, Freddie Gray was thrown into the back of a Baltimore
police van, no seatbelt, nothing to secure him in place, and then ridden
around for 42 minutes, over bumpy roads, around sharp fast turns,
punctuated by sudden reversals and stops, tossing him around the back of
the van, bouncing him off its walls, unable to protect or brace himself
with his feet or his hands. It’s what Baltimore cops call a “rough ride,”
and what Philadelphia cops call a “nickel ride.”

By the end of that murderous ride, Freddie Gray was for all practical
purposes dead, although it took him another seven days to die. His spinal
cord had been almost severed, three neck vertebrae were fractured, his
larynx crushed. . .

full at:
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