[Marxism] Crimea

2015-08-15 Thread Roger Annis via Marxism
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Aug 15, 2015

The list moderator has posted to this mail list a New York Times article 
alleging growing disillusion and discontent among the Crimean people with their 
vote in March 2014 to secede from Euromaidan Ukraine. The Times article is a 
useful foil to write a rejoinder showing how the Western propaganda machine 
works viz-a-ziz Kyiv's war in eastern Ukraine, and we will do so on New Cold 
War.org. WE have colleagues who have recently visited there and are well placed 
to comment. There is already a lot of recent material on the website which 
addresses the difficulties and challenges which the imperialist economic 
embargo against Crimea creates for the population there. (Surprise, the Times 
article does not mention the embargo!) There are also the difficulties and 
economic inequalities which integration into capitalist Russia creates. While 
those are far less extreme than what Crimeans would face today were they ruled 
by Kyiv (and Washington/Brussels), they are nonetheless real.

I am disappointed that with all of his knowledge of the decades-long economic 
embargo by the United States against Cuba and the support role which the New 
York Times played during those decades, Louis cannot see the similarities 
between this latest Times article and the DECADES of such articles published in 
the Times aimed at discrediting and ultimately destroying Cuba. There, 
half-truths, innuendo and outright prejudice dominated, and thi sis the case fo 
rthe Times' newest efforts in Crimea. Have we learned nothing from the earlier 
decades, leave alone the EU's recent performance in Greece?

I'm afraid that I see nothing but irony in Louis' posting of two paragraphs of 
excerpt from Boris Kagarlitsky's March 2014 article on Crimea published in 
Links. The article, including the two, excerpted paragraphs, stands the test of 
time very well. But such are the two worlds of observation of the deepening 
crisis in Ukraine today--in one view, this is a crisis caused by a ruthless and 
aggressive austerity EU and U.S.-dominated NATO; in the other view, that part 
counts little because what we truly confront is an aggressive Russian 

Roger Annis
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[Marxism] From the vaults: Demystifying the Dalai Lama

2015-08-15 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Crimea

2015-08-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 8/15/15 9:10 PM, Roger Annis via Marxism wrote:

I am disappointed that with all of his knowledge of the decades-long
economic embargo by the United States against Cuba and the support
role which the New York Times played during those decades, Louis
cannot see the similarities between this latest Times article and the
DECADES of such articles published in the Times aimed at discrediting
and ultimately destroying Cuba.

Cuba was trying to build socialism while Novorossiya is an attempt to 
recreate Katherine the Great's Empire on the economic basis of 
oligarchic larceny-capitalism. I am deeply sorry that you can't make 
such distinctions.

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[Marxism] Guardian: Buzzfeed founder says unionization a buzz killer

2015-08-15 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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BuzzFeed founder says unionizing would not be 'great' for company
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Real Reason Donald Trump Embarrasses The GOP

2015-08-15 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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The bare truth is that until we have mandatory public financing of political 
campaigns and rigorously prohibit private donations, democracy is likely to 
remain a utopian ideal. Even then, without aggressive enforcement, the old 
order is likely to return.

-- I think the bare truth is that without eliminating the winner-take-all 
system of single mandate seats (and replacing it with proportional 
representation for legislatures and instant runoff voting for executive posts) 
you won't have the kind of political competition that imposes a much firmer 
ceiling over the kind of rampant corruption we see in the US. Those kinds of 
reforms would go a much longer way to reducing the influence of money than 
campaign finance reform...

 15 авг. 2015 г., в 9:12, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
 marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu написал(а):
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 By Stanley Aronowitz
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[Marxism] Arrested head of Tehran teachers' union faces new charges

2015-08-15 Thread Saman Sepehri via Marxism
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08/15/15 Head of Tehran teachers' group faces new chargesSource: Radio Zamaneh
The General Secretary of the Tehran Teachers' Association is now facing new 
charges: Conspiracy to disrupt national security and propaganda against the 

The Teachers and Workers Rights website reports that on Tuesday August 11, 46 
days after his arrest, Esmail Abdi informed his wife in a telephone 
conversation that he has been indicted on these charges by a Revolutionary 
office of interrogations and forwarded to court.
Abdi had been charged with propaganda activities against the regime in an 
earlier file and was given a 10-year suspended sentence.
Abdi's trial will take place in the next 15 to 20 days, and so far there has 
been no news of his possible release on bail.
Abdi was arrested following the wave of teacher protests that began last March 
and spread across the country to demand better pay and conditions.
Esmail Abdi's passport was confiscated at the airport on June 21, as he 
prepared to leave on a trip to Armenia. On Saturday June 27 he was summoned to 
Evin Prison and arrested after hours of interrogation.
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[Marxism] Israel: world's most racist state

2015-08-15 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Veteran anti-Zionist activist Tony Greenstein suggests any pretence to
democracy and humane values in Israel are now gone:
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[Marxism] Iraq and inter-imperialist rivalry

2015-08-15 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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This piece is 12.5 years old, but still relevant I think:

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[Marxism] Australian politics...

2015-08-15 Thread Ratbag Media via Marxism
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'Tis so ironic that the Abbott government should face a comeuppance over
the issue of folk having sex and cohabiting with one another. Who saw that
To add to the fall out, the Abbottoirs seem determined to dig their own
hole deeper.
When you look at it from one step away from the coal face who today
unconditionally supports the Abbott government? The mining industry and
climate change deniers. Religious and moral fundamentalists. Even those
with a keener austerity agenda must realize that the 'shock and awe' push,
so much the rage early on in the government's tenure, has floundered.
What sustains the government is racism -- a racism aided and abetted by the
ALP -- over the issues of refugees, 'national security' and aboriginal
Even the big business media has begun to turn on Abbott.
That suggests, to me anyway, that what's missing from the options on the
table is a clear offer from the ALP that it can drive austerity and remake
industrial relations so that profits can be jigged up. Penalty rates come
to mind. Further welfare and health 'reforms'. A new way to package
tertiary education at our collective expense. A quickening of corporatism
and asset sell offs. And an emissions green wash that will still protect
the mining and power profiteers while allowing open slather Coal Seam Gas
On this last point, the Abbottoirs have painted themselves into a corner.
While the folk of this land tend to be patient  resilient, another horror
Summer like the last three on the weather and bush fire front is sure to
feed a keen angst. That the context of the UN Climate Conference occurs as
our Summer begins is not in Abbott's favor.
Nonetheless, the continuing break up of Australian electoral politics and
drift away from the duopoly ensures that there will surely be wild cards in
the mix. Not voting Abbott doesn't necessarily mean voting Greens or ALP.
The racism driven shift of the discourse to the right has surely had an
impact on the protest vote. That Abbott -- and Shorten, for that matter --
has been so right wing has suppressed a coarser conservative surge and for
now we haven't a true UKIP phenomenon among us.Just a gaggle of right wing
outfits playing boutique funny buggers.
Nonetheless, that the Maritime Union of Australia has won a bit of a
victory on the waterfront, changes the dynamic --as do the mobilizations
around same sex marriage and the attempt to close remote aboriginal
communities in Western Australia. The anti-CSG movement is still a potent
regional force.
Indeed our collective fatal flaw is racism.That's the divide that is
sapping our solidarity.Its potency for savage harm is clear over the antics
of the ALP lefts on the issue of boat turn backs.Clearly any left wing
pretensions are sabotaged and made complicit when concessions are made to
this racist push.Indeed, like the 1984 federal ALP conference that backed
uranium mining, this year's conference result may prove to be a watershed
moment for 'stay-in-and-fight' ALPers.
Their, and their party's, progressive credentials have been gutted.
It couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of apologists.

dave riley
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[Marxism] Britain adopts Australian cruelty with new racist policy

2015-08-15 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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“The only cost-effective way to stop illegal immigrants trying to storm
through the Channel Tunnel is to set up a machine gun and take out a few
people,” Steve Uncles, the extreme right-wing English Democrats' candidate
for the post Kent Police and Crime Commissioner, wrote in an August 4
Facebook rant.

“[T]hat would stop it very quickly and immediately cut dead this tactic …
who has got the guts to do this in our politically correct society?”

Uncles is an outlier on the racist far-right of English politics, but his
rhetoric differed only in degree from that of Tory government ministers and
could be matched by commentators in the tabloid press. The English
Democrats' immigration policy explicitly cites Australia's immigration
policy as a model. In this respect Uncles and the English Democrats are
trendsetters more than outliers.


“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker
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[Marxism] Greece: SYRIZA on brink of split over new bail out deal

2015-08-15 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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Dick Nichols

By any logic, Greece's SYRIZA-led government should be sinking in the
opinion polls.

At the Brussels Eurosummit of Eurozone leaders on July 12, SYRIZA Prime
Minister Alexis Tsipras agreed to a set of draconian preconditions for
obtaining a third €86 billion bailout. The decision effectively reversed
the opposition to austerity on which SYRIZA was elected in January.

Surely the Greek public would feel, as SYRIZA’s internal critics in its
Left Platform do, that by caving in to the European establishment, Tsipras
and finance minister Euclid Tsakalotos had betrayed the Greek people’s
61.3% vote against such austerity measures at the July 5 referendum?

Not if the most recent Greek opinion polls are anything to go by

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker
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[Marxism] Ted Rall vs LAPD

2015-08-15 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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[Marxism] Open Letter to Bernie Sanders

2015-08-15 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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[Marxism] A report from Greece

2015-08-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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This was sent to Curtis Hinson, a North Star editor, on FB:

Sammy Black
A chilling first hand account of the unfolding disaster in Greece, as 
the brutal European Central Bank and I.M.F. loan sharks squeeze blood 
from a stone. Coming soon to a country near you!

From an American friend who lives in Greece. This is what they are 
experiencing. *So...I'm assuming you're asking me how I'm holding up as 
far as Greece goes. Well...I'm barely holding up. Shit is so fucked 
right now in this country. Greece is in the process of being sold out to 
big banks and corporations to pay off their debts that they acquired 
from the same banks trying to buy up all of Greece's assets. Greece will 
have to sell off ancient ruins, islands, beaches, power companies, 
airports, and other travel infrastructures and utilities to pay back a 
debt that was never really meant to ever be paid back. The banks from 
the three biggest economies in Europe (The Netherlands, France, and 
Germany) called the Troika knew by lending the first two bailouts to 
Greece, that the country would not be able to pay them back, thus being 
forever in debt (or financial slavery) to these banks until the debt was 
paid off...or in this case...until the banks and corporations bought up 
all of Greece's assets for dirt cheap to pay back the debts.

The media spun the Greek debt story to get people to think the first two 
bailouts to Greece went to the Greek people. Not one average person on 
the street saw a penny of that money. 90% of the bailouts went to 
bailout foreign banks (France, Germany, and Netherlands banks) in 
Greece. The rest of 10% of the bailout money lined the pockets of the 
corrupt politicians making these back room deals with the Troika. It's 
really like a sick joke, but it's similar to what happened in the U.S. 
back in 2008 when the banks started to go belly up in the USA and had to 
be bailed out or else the economy was going to collapse according to 
the big banks in America. Well the Troika bailed out Greece with two 
bailouts, and nothing got better in the country-it only got worse. To 
add insult to injury, the Troika expects the average citizen on the 
street to pay back these debts that the Greeks did not get themselves 
into through super high taxes on everything from food to utilities 
bills. Now the Troika has given Greece a third bailout, which they know 
will not be able to be paid back, so in turn the Greeks will be in 
financial slavery for the next 30 years until every asset that Greece 
owns will be bought up for dirt cheap by them and their corporate 
buddies. It's pretty much a financial takeover of the country. Instead 
of sending in tanks to take over the country, they sent in bankers to 
get everyone into debt so the country has to sell natural resources and 
it's infrastructure. Kind of similar to the U.S. invading Iraq for oil, 
and Afghanistan for opium. But like I said, instead of having a full out 
war with tanks on the streets, the economy was taken over by bankers. 
They're pretty much financial terrorists.

When the banks knew Greece wasn't going to be able to pay back the loans 
and they were going to default, they closed down the banks and issued 
capital control right before Greece defaulted on their loans. It was the 
bankers (Troika's) way of scaring the Greeks into paying back debts that 
they did not acquire themselves by cutting them off from their money. 
For almost a month, I could not get more then 60 euros out of the bank 
each day. Some days you couldn't even get more then 50 euros out because 
the banks were running out of money and certain bills like 20 euro bills 
were running low. I'm thankful nothing seriously went wrong during that 
time(even though now is not much better) like a medical emergency or the 
car breaking down, etc. because there would have been no way to pay the 
hospital or anything else when you could only get 60 euros out at a 
time...and that was IF you could find an ATM that still had money in it. 
There's still capital control though, but now you can get 420 euros once 
a week, which it still breaks down to 60 dollars per day. It's fucked 
up. The new taxes just kicked in and there's a new 13%-23% tax on 
EVERYTHING. 30% of my electric bill is taxes.

Now my grocery bill and utilities bills will be even more. We could 
hardly pay for shit before, now we're really screwed.The sad part is is 
that my husband makes one of the better wages in Greece. The average 
person here makes 500 euros a month, and that's IF they even get paid 
because employers have been paying in grocery vouchers, or sometimes not 
at all for months on end. My husband 

[Marxism] Fwd: MH17: Recording of CIA agents 'conspiring to bring down flight' ridiculed after errors expose it as Russian propaganda - Asia - World - The Independent

2015-08-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: How the Israel Lobbies hurt U of Illinois-UC 1st Amendment (Salaita Case) | Informed Comment

2015-08-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Guardian: The workers catering to the Hamptons' super-rich: 'This is not paradise for me'

2015-08-15 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Expropriate the expropriators...

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[Marxism] To Many in Crimea, Corruption Seems No Less at Home Under Russian Rule

2015-08-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 8/15/15 11:47 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

Boris Kagarlitsky:
In perfectly rational fashion, the population of the peninsula reasoned
that Russian rule, with all its shortcomings – which Crimean residents
knew intimately – was nevertheless better than the chaos and collapse
that were afflicting Ukraine.

This was especially true since Moscow was now compelled to make the
peninsula a sort of shop window for the national economy. It was because
they understood this that the Crimean leaders rejected the
“Trans-Dniestrian” variant that Moscow was offering them, and
confronting the Kremlin with an accomplished fact, forced the leadership
of the Russian Federation to adopt the solution the Crimean chiefs
wanted. Aksenov and Chaly should be given full credit for their guile;
they scored a brilliant victory over both Kiev and Moscow. Now resources
will start flowing into Crimea.

Use this link instead: http://links.org.au/node/3790
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[Marxism] Guardian: two opinion pieces on BLM vs Sanders

2015-08-15 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Black lives tend to be five years shorter. That's why we interrupt you
by Steven W. Fraser



Bernie Sanders must show he takes race as seriously as class struggleby 
Syreeta McFadden

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[Marxism] U.S.-Led Air Campaign Is Linked to Civilian Deaths in Syria

2015-08-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, August 15 2015
U.S.-Led Air Campaign Is Linked to Civilian Deaths in Syria

ANTAKYA, Turkey — An airstrike by the American-led military coalition in 
northern Syria this week killed eight civilians, including two women and 
five children, according to neighbors and relatives of the dead.

The episode revived accusations by monitoring groups that the United 
States and its allies are not careful enough about who is killed by the 
air campaign against militant groups.

The target of the strike, mounted late Tuesday in Atmeh, a village near 
the Turkish border, was a munitions factory run by an Islamist rebel 
group. The strike left a yawning crater strewed with mortar shells. The 
Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a monitoring group, said 10 foreign 
fighters had been killed.

But the explosions also caused the roofs of nearby homes to collapse, 
witnesses said.

“My brother lost his five daughters, and I lost my wife,” Maan Amouri 
said in a telephone interview from Atmeh soon after the blast, referring 
to his fiancée, Fatima Yassin, who was among the dead.

The deaths in Atmeh may dent the credibility of the United States among 
Syria’s rebel groups, when the Obama administration is trying to 
assemble and train an insurgent force that can grapple effectively with 
the extremists of the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, ISIL or Daesh.

The episode highlighted the complex social dynamics in rebel-controlled 
areas of Syria, where armed groups often operate in civilian communities 
and sometimes provide services that are sorely lacking after more than 
four years of war.

The American-led coalition began bombing in Syria in September 2014 
after the Islamic State seized large stretches of territory. Since then, 
the coalition has mounted 2,300 strikes in Syria, most of them against 
the Islamic State, but in some cases against the Nusra Front, the Syrian 
affiliate of Al Qaeda, or against prominent jihadist leaders.

American officials say they strive to avoid civilian casualties and 
investigate all reports of wrongful deaths.

In an email on Thursday, the United States Central Command said it had 
received reports of 31 such episodes since the air campaign began and 
had dismissed 17 of them as not credible. Six episodes are currently 
being investigated, the command said.

The command has released its findings concerning two of the 31 reports. 
One was found not credible. The other was investigated for more than six 
months and led to a conclusion that two children had probably been 
killed wrongfully by a coalition airstrike.

Monitoring groups say that the command’s figures are a gross 
understatement and that coalition strikes aimed at militants have taken 
a much higher toll.

“They do not hit civilians because they are civilians,” said Ossama 
Suleiman, the head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which 
tracks the conflict from Britain through contacts in Syria. “They have 
info that makes them think they are hitting ISIS, but sometimes they 
kill civilians.”

By his organization’s reckoning, 181 civilians have died because of 
coalition strikes, including eight in Atmeh. Other groups have reported 
higher estimates.

The deadliest case reported by the observatory happened in the village 
of Bir Mahle on May 1, where an airstrike was said to have killed more 
than 60 people, including dozens of women and children.

A coalition representative said in an email that the coalition did not 
cause civilian casualties in this case “based on the best available 

Other strikes have killed civilians living or working near facilities 
used by the Islamic State or the Nusra Front, Mr. Suleiman said, 
including militant hide-outs, grain silos, oil facilities and fuel 
depots. At least one strike that killed a militant also killed his wife 
and children.

Analysts caution that documenting death tolls poses challenges, 
especially in a place like Syria, where the war’s brutality and the 
spread of extremist groups make it difficult or impossible for 
journalists and independent monitors to visit the sites of attacks or 
contact witnesses.

Moreover, local residents sometimes exaggerate the number of victims or 
conceal the presence of foreign fighters in the area.

“Some of the reports of fatalities caused by the U.S. have proven to be 
inaccurate, so I would treat the reports with a good deal of 
skepticism,” said Lama Fakih, senior crisis adviser at Amnesty 

Ms. Fakih said that coalition strikes tend to hit their targets 
accurately, but that some have nonetheless killed civilians who were 

[Marxism] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] To Many in Crimea, Corruption Seems No Less at Home Under Russian Rule

2015-08-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Boris Kagarlitsky:
In perfectly rational fashion, the population of the peninsula reasoned 
that Russian rule, with all its shortcomings – which Crimean residents 
knew intimately – was nevertheless better than the chaos and collapse 
that were afflicting Ukraine.

This was especially true since Moscow was now compelled to make the 
peninsula a sort of shop window for the national economy. It was because 
they understood this that the Crimean leaders rejected the 
“Trans-Dniestrian” variant that Moscow was offering them, and 
confronting the Kremlin with an accomplished fact, forced the leadership 
of the Russian Federation to adopt the solution the Crimean chiefs 
wanted. Aksenov and Chaly should be given full credit for their guile; 
they scored a brilliant victory over both Kiev and Moscow. Now resources 
will start flowing into Crimea.



NY Times, August 15 2015
To Many in Crimea, Corruption Seems No Less at Home Under Russian Rule

GURZUF, Crimea — On a sweltering summer day, Crimea’s burly prime 
minister, Sergei Aksyonov, stood in a black suit on a contested public 
beach in this resort town, once a famous retreat for artists like Anton 

The prime minister, who was appointed by Russia’s president, Vladimir V. 
Putin, tried to speak over the din created by about 100 jostling 
residents all yelling at him simultaneously. An occasional voice soared 
above the rest to hurl abuse like: “There were scoundrels in Ukraine, 
there are scoundrels in Russia. They all stay here!”

Mr. Aksyonov pleaded repeatedly for calm and for time, trying to 
reassure everyone that Russia’s annexation of Crimea last year would 
improve matters eventually, but that nothing would change overnight. “I 
am not a magician who can make everybody happy in a few minutes,” he said.

Seventeen months after Mr. Putin deployed Special Forces troops to seize 
Crimea from Ukraine, prompting the deepest confrontation with the West 
since the Cold War, life on this Black Sea peninsula remains in disarray.

Freedoms of speech and assembly have largely evaporated, as has a free 
and independent news media, but that is not what upsets people here. It 
is the familiar demons, government corruption, venality and 
incompetence, that have infuriated many.

A half-dozen cabinet members and other senior officials have been either 
arrested on corruption charges or fired for incompetence in recent 
months, and a Kremlin audit released in June found a huge chunk of 
highway funds missing. Two nights before his beach appearance, Mr. 
Aksyonov spent more than three hours answering a battery of questions 
live on television, a rare event, trying to explain it all.

Aside from the political shambles, Crimea has been isolated from the 
outside world by Western sanctions. Credit cards from abroad do not 
work. Cellphone signals drop constantly, and app stores are often 
inaccessible. Many mainstream web services like Gmail are frequently 
blocked, too.

University degrees issued here are no longer recognized in the West, 
prompting an exodus of thousands of foreign students. Even minor 
international travel links remain suspended. The Turkish government 
stopped a ferry service across the Black Sea, as well as an attempt by a 
Chechen airline to fly from Simferopol, the Crimean capital, to Istanbul 
with a pit stop in southern Russian.

“We have ersatz education, ersatz mobile phones, ersatz banks. As a 
result, we live in a kind of isolation here,” said Vladimir P. Kazarin, 
a university professor. “Even other Russian systems perceive us as 
something foreign. We are not entirely integrated as part of Russia.”

In opposing annexation, Mr. Kazarin has been in the minority. The 
standard refrain among the majority, who voted in the hasty March 2014 
referendum to join Russia, is that despite the chaos, Crimea avoided a 
war like that in southeastern Ukraine that has claimed more than 6,400 

“We feel safe now,” said Yuri Skorik, a history teacher here in Gurzuf 
who led protests against the seizure of a public beach. “I would say 
that, on balance, security is worth all these problems.”

During the prime minister’s televised town hall meeting, Mr. Aksyonov 
blamed most of the problems on 

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2015-08-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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