Re: [Marxism] Irish General Election Results 2016

2016-03-01 Thread Einde O'Callaghan via Marxism

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On 29.02.2016 17:17, Paddy Hackett via Marxism wrote:


The Irish General Election results are showing that there has been no radical 
change in Irish politics. The general election results are evidence  of the 
political and ideological stagnation within the working class. The evidence 
produced by the elections shows that the Irish working class is politically and 
ideologically stagnant.
Despite its disastrous record leading up to and including the world 2008 
financial crisis Fianna Fáil has electorally won back  much of the working 
class and lower middle class.  The increase in support for Sinn Fein is merely 
support for another bourgeois party by the working class and other social 
strata. It is ironical that the Socialist Party has been describing the Sinn 
Fein party as an “anti-establishment” party. There is nothing 
“anti-establishment” about Sinn Fein. Indeed it has been going out of its way 
to demonstrate how pro-establishment it is. Increased support for the mix bag 
of Independents is largely support for other bourgeois political elements.

The modest support for the Left is of no real significance. Indeed much of this 
Left has been becoming increasingly more moderate. Much of their political 
interventions are little or no different from that of much of the Labour Party 
of  yore. As it sniffs the power it will move further to the right. This Left 
is largely opportunist and will cut its cloth to increase its popularity.

Given this, overall, there has been no significant shift to the Left. The 
politics and ideology of the Irish working class is as it was in the days 
before the 2008 financial crisis. Essentially taking place is a reconfiguration 
or recalibration  of bourgeois politics in Ireland to meet the present class 
needs of the bourgeoisie. The effect of this  is to block off the working class 
from becoming more politicised thereby posing an increasing challenge to the 
existing system.

 What a sad sectarian tract. I suspect I have been watching a 
completely different Irish election. The two traditional bourgeois 
parties now have the support of under 50% of the electorate for the 
first time in the history of the state. There is no stable coalition 
unless the two traditional right-wing parties overcome their historic 
enmity and form a coalition, which would probably be very unstable.

There is a mass movement that took to the streets as recently as the 
weekend before the election and the radical left which is involved in 
organising this mass movement took 10 seats (11 if you include the 
maverick TD Mick Wallace) , the highest number of radical left has ever had.

And the so-called bounce-back of Fianna Fail that this correspondent 
makes so much of - as does the bourgeois press - is a simply joke, and a 
very bad one at that. This is the traditional party of the Irish 
bourgeoisie, which managed to establish a base in the working class on a 
populist basis between the 1930s and the 1970s. For three generations it 
dominated Irish politics, often forming a majority government without 
needing to go into coalition with any other party. But in 2011 it lost 
half half its support, so the extra 5% or so it got this time is a spit 
in a pan and it didn't even succeed in regaining it's position as the 
largest party.

There will probably be another election within the next 12 months - and 
the mass movement against the water charges isn't going to go away 
unless the whole Irish Water operation is closed down - but to do that 
the government would have to defy the EU diktat. So the crisis of 
bourgeois politics is set to continue and I expect the influence of the 
radical left, which is now larger than the Labour Party, will continue 
to grow.

Of course, for some radical ultra-leftists the radical left  may not be 
r-r-r-r-r-revolutionary enough and may not use the traditional 
catchphrases of the sectarian left, preferring to speak in language that 
the workers understand and respond to. But then the demands "Land, bread 
and peace" don't exactly sound remarkably r-r-r-r-revolutionary if they 
are divorced from the context in which they were raised.

Einde O'Callaghan
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Re: [Marxism] On the southern Irish election results, especially the drubbing of Labour

2016-03-01 Thread Einde O'Callaghan via Marxism

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I broadly agree with Phil's assessment with some reservations and 
recommend people to read it.

Einde O'Callaghan

On 01.03.2016 04:36, Philip Ferguson via Marxism wrote:

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[Marxism] Striking Russian Truckers: A Call for Solidarity

2016-03-01 Thread Thomas Campbell via Marxism
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Truck Drivers in Russia Urgently Need Your Solidarity

In Russia, despite crackdowns against independent labour union activists, a
group of truck drivers organized themselves in mid-November of last year to
defend their labor rights and livelihoods. Their goal is to found a
nationwide union of truckers that would be run on a non-hierarchical basis
by its members. For the last three months, these truckers have been on
strike against a draconian new system of cargo haulage tolls that would
make it almost impossible for workers like themselves to earn a living.

On December 3, 2015, truck drivers organized a protest camp in Khimki, a
suburb of Moscow, that has served as a coordinating center for all striking
truckers. At the moment, around ten thousand drivers are taking part in a
nationwide strike, and since February 20 of this year, more than ten other
protest camps have been set up in different regions of the country.

The truckers would like to keep striking until the so-called Plato system
has been abolished. The Plato system has introduced a new set of tolls for
long-haul trucks, and it directly benefits the corrupt businessmen and
officials who have profited the most from fifteen years of misrule by
Vladimir Putin and his cronies.

Russia has not seen such widespread and serious labor protests since the
1990s. The striking drivers are supported by many other downtrodden groups
in Russia. In the course of the protests, new networks have emerged through
which the truck drivers have issued other demands such as reforming housing
policies and reinstating benefits for pensioners as well as abolishing the
transport tax. In addition, many wage earners and other precarious groups
have been inspired to join the new union of transport workers or form their
own new associations or labor unions.

Despite broad support from the Russian public, the Khimki camp is now in
dire straits in terms of resources. Above all, the strikers need financial
support for publicizing the strike and providing for their families, as
they have no sources of income at the moment.

Therefore, we are asking for any kind of solidarity (media, material or
other kinds of support) from the international anticapitalist movement, and
labor and trade unions around the world.

If you can and want to help us, please write to:

Yours in solidarity,

The Striking Truck Drivers of Russia

For more information, see my previous posts on the strike ( and (in Russian).
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[Marxism] Victorious Iran "reformers" to privatize, cut auto industry

2016-03-01 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Which means, aside from being ready to act in solidarity with auto and
other workers there, that we should remind people that Ahmedinejad's
economic policies were every bit as pro-ruling class. (I can see the
tankies churning out articles about the glorious utopia of his rein...)
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[Marxism] Fwd: The Chameleons of Rojava | Ben Davies

2016-03-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Consequently anti-regime demonstrations that had previously raged in the 
Kurdish territories were repressed by the PYD. Anti-Assad graffiti was 
painted over, Syrian Air Force Intelligence (secret police) headquarters 
were allowed to continue operations unmolested, and anti-Assad activists 
were assassinated by the YPG. Kurdish opponents of the PYD are subject 
to arbitrary arrest (which has continued to this day) and media outlets 
which the PYD deems too critical are shut down. This month the PYD 
banned the Kurdish Rudaw network from Kobane.

Kurds in Amuda protested against the YPG in 2013. The demonstration was 
reportedly fired upon and resulted in 7 fatalities and 40 injuries. The 
PYD/YPG became known as the “shabiha of the Kurds” for repressing 
demonstrations on Assad’s behalf. A 107-page report entitled, “Under 
Kurdish Rule: Abuses in PYD-Run Enclaves of Syria,” was released by 
Human Rights Watch in 2014, documenting arrests abuse in captivity, 
killings and the use of child soldiers.


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[Marxism] Fwd: What Do Russian Leftists Dream About?: A Collective Portrait | Lefteast

2016-03-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Work now, Party later

2016-03-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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If a leftwing group doesn’t make a practical difference in people’s 
lives, can you blame anybody for not taking them seriously when they 
claim to “fight for the interests of the working class?”
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[Marxism] Fwd: Notes on the 2016 Academy Awards | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-03-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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My interest in the Academy Awards was heightened this year by 
nominations for a number of films I deemed exceptional such as “Carol”, 
“A Bridge of Spies” and above all “Trumbo”. I was also curious to see 
what Chris Rock would have to say about Hollywood racism.

The Academy Awards are mostly of interest to me as a barometer of 
mainstream tastes, especially how it relates to a few categories that 
are more important to me than the “craft” awards such as special 
effects, etc. that the dreadful “Mad Max: Fury Road” swept up. For me, 
films are mostly about drama so naturally I would hone in on best 
picture, screenplays, foreign film, and documentary.

I was not surprised to see “Spotlight” named best picture since it 
helped to burnish the the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences 
(AMPAS) that had fallen on hard times in the wake of complaints about 
Black actors and directors being neglected. This is a film about how 
Boston Globe investigative reporters broke the story of Catholic Church 
sexual predation, just the kind of “message” movie Hollywood can show 
off. Not only did it win best picture, it also got the award for best 
screenplay based on original material.

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[Marxism] Fwd: The left's false logic on Syria |

2016-03-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The PYD’s alliance with Russia against Free Aleppo: Evidence and analysis of a disaster

2016-03-01 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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The Kurdish PYD’s alliance with Russia against Free Aleppo: Evidence and 
analysis of a disaster

Above: Aleppo Free Syrian Army statement calls on “the honorable Kurds” 
in Efrin “to put pressure on those gangs to withdraw from those violated 

by Michael Karadjis

This piece deals with an aspect that many involved in the Syrian issue 
have strong views on, and no doubt will make some very unhappy – the 
issue of the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its Peoples 
Protection Units (YPG) and their role in the current Russian-led 
Blitzkrieg against the Syrian rebels in Free Aleppo. As a long-time 
supporter of the Kurdish struggle for justice and self-determination, 
who formerly admired the PYD for the significant achievements it has 
made in Rojava, I had no interest in reaching such conclusions, but 
reality needs to be looked at in the face and analysed, not obscured by 
ideology and myths.

I welcome comments and discussion, and if that includes a reasonable 
amount of hate mail, that will indicate more about the haters than about 
my attempt at honest, if forthright, discussion of this important issue. 
All constructive criticism, even if harsh, will be seriously taken on 

This piece is much too long, as much of it documents what exactly has 
been going on, and in particular which rebel groups are/were in control 
of various parts of Aleppo province that are under attack from the 
Russian-YPG alliance; both issues have been deliberately clouded by 
those defending this catastrophic course. Therefore, I have produced it 
more as a resource than an easy-reading essay.



Once the Russian Reich began its all-out Blitzkrieg against the Syrian 
revolutionary forces in Aleppo on behalf of the Assad regime – a 
massacre that has involved massive displacement, with tens or hundreds 
of thousands fleeing north towards Turkey, and the large-scale, 
deliberate targeting of hospitals, schools and other basic civilian 
infrastructure – a most unwelcome development occurred, that has led to 
much heated debate among supporters of the Syrian revolution.

Namely, the Kurdish-based People’s Protection Units (YPG), based in the 
Kurdish canton of Efrin on the western side of Aleppo province, launched 
an all-out attack on the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and other rebels in 
Aleppo – ie, the very forces being bombed by the Russian imperialist 
onslaught – attacking and conquering rebel-held, Arab-majority towns 
throughout the region with the direct aid of Russian bombing.

Whatever the ups and downs in the relationship between the Syrian 
revolution as a whole and the ‘Rojava revolution’ before this point (and 
I believe both Syrian opposition and Kurdish leaderships can be faulted 
on many points), the only possible conclusion at this point is that the 
PYD/YPG has joined the counterrevolution on a massive scale, at its most 
murderous moment, the biggest knife that could possibly be put through 
any chances of Arab-Kurdish unity against the regime.

As many of the more progressive aspects of the Rojava revolution became 
apparent during 2014, I was as supportive and impressed as countless 
others were (though always holding back from the over-romanticisation of 
the process); I was also strongly supportive of what appeared to be a 
growing convergence between the YPG and the FSA during the defence of 
Kurdish Kobani against genocidal ISIS siege in late 2014.

Subjectively, therefore, I had no reason to want to reach such 
conclusions. However, for the Syrian revolution, the Russian imperialist 
Armageddon in Aleppo is every bit as decisive as Kobani’s resistance to 
the ISIS siege was for Rojava; yet, in contrast to the solidarity that 
the FSA extended to Kobani, the PYD has become a direct participant in 
the counterrevolutionary siege of Free Aleppo.

Of course, the YPG is a very small player in this act of mass homicide, 
whose major practitioners are Russia, Assad and Iran. Devoting an 
article to the role of the YPG does not suggest it bears the same level 
of responsibility. But these reactionary states do what reactionary 
states do; by contrast, when a supposedly revolutionary organisation 
claiming to be running a quasi-state on a radical-democratic basis joins 
the actions of imperialist invaders and the local fascist state, 
thatdeserves analysis.

One final point: Turkey. For months now, the Turkish regime has been 
waging its own war of terror against the Kurdish population in 

[Marxism] Fwd: Syria Ceasefire a Triumph

2016-03-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Interesting to see how Roger Annis has incorporated the talking points 
of the pro-Assad "left". It was only a matter of time, I suppose. Among 
a certain Trotskyist or ex-Trotskyist milieu like the Alan Woods sect, 
Socialist Action in the USA, CounterFire, Tariq Ali et al, there is a 
very strong gravitational pull toward a kind of post-Marcyite ideology. 
There is zero chance of this stance generating strong support among 
radicalizing youth. You want to know why anarchism is so attractive to 
so many young people? It is because of this warmed-over Stalinism.
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[Marxism] It is twenty years since the election of John Howard, class warrior for the rich in Australia

2016-03-01 Thread John Passant via Marxism

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It is twenty years since the election of John Howard, class warrior for 
the rich

History records that John Howard’s Liberals won government 20 years ago, 
in Australia on 2 March, 1996. His government had a ruthless class 
agenda, writes David Glanz in Solidarity, but it was Labor’s timid 
opposition that kept it in power. To read the whole article click here. 
20 years since his election: John Howard—class warrior for the rich

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