Re: [Marxism] Syriza versus Palestinian liberation

2016-03-06 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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Even the fascists in Greece claim to defend Palestine, if only in name
(IIRC their minister did not mind weapons deals with Israel even when
Tspiras was opposed). Europe is truly a sick place.

- Amith

On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 10:05 PM, Philip Ferguson via Marxism <> wrote:

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[Marxism] Syriza versus Palestinian liberation

2016-03-06 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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[Marxism] Latin America remembers Hugo Chavez's revolutionary legacy

2016-03-06 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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Peace, unity and prosperity was the message on March 5, which marked the
third anniversary of the death of Venezuela's late socialist president Hugo

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker
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[Marxism] November 8th 1939 letter by Cannon to Trotsky give useful arguments aganst revisionist book by John Roberts whch echos James Burnham revisionist theory of the Chinese Bureaucracy that rules

2016-03-06 Thread Anthony Brain via Marxism
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 The Struggle for a Proletarian Party
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| The Struggle for a Proletarian PartyThe Struggle for a Proletarian Party By 
James P. Cannon Part IV 12. The ‘Clique’ and the ‘Leader Cult’  |
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I have published this part of the Struggle for a Proletarian Party because it 
gives a good definition of dual nature of Stalinist bureaucratic castes that 
rule the workers' states. The Chinese bureaucracy does not want world dominance 
because the end of Capitalism, would signify their downfall, as it would lead 
to Political Revolution!  It is Imperialism which threatens the workers' states 
military.  Cannon in this letter explains how these castes utilise the anti-war 
movement within the Imperialist countries as a bargainship  to stop the 
workers' states they rule being attacked.
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[Marxism] Here''s the actual Witness programme on Marhall Plan I revired!

2016-03-06 Thread Anthony Brain via Marxism
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[Marxism] How big is the danger of the revial of Stalinsim, with 3rd Camplers playing into their hands of Stalinsim? by Anthony Brain

2016-03-06 Thread Anthony Brain via Marxism
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 A review of BBC World Service witness programme on Marshall Plan during June 
2010! Is the resurgence of Stalinism the price that is going to be paid for the 
collapse of majority of ex-Trotskyists to 3rd Campism?
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| A review of BBC World Service witness programme on Mar...This is a Witness 
programme on when the idea of the Marshall Plan was announced on June 5th 1947. 
It shows that despite the Soviet bureaucracy not wanting to expa... |
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[Marxism] Fwd: The Revolution continues chant the Syrian revolutionaries | Syria Freedom Forever – سوريا الحرية للأبد

2016-03-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On Friday March 4, 2016 massive popular demonstrations throughout the 
liberated areas of Syria occurred under the slogan “The revolution 
continues”. More than 100 protests were recorded on this day, according 
to various opposition figures. In the demonstrations, protesters were 
chanting the original songs of the revolution: “The people are one and 
united”, “Death rather than humiliation”, “The People want the downfall 
of the regime”, “The Syrian people want freedom”, “Revolution for 
dignity and Freedom”, etc….

The spirit of the beginning of the revolution could be felt with 
democratic and non-sectarian slogans, and as a protester wrote on his 
placard: “the doors of the peaceful revolution reopen”. The Syrian 
revolutionary flag was seen everywhere. It is interesting to note that 
salafist djihadist military forces and their symbols were absent from 
these popular demonstrations, while Jabhat Al-Nusra soldiers organised a 
small demonstration against the massive popular demonstration in in the 
city Ma’aret al-Naaman, Idlib, and chanted slogans against democracy and 
secularism, and for an Islamic state. They also told the demonstrators 
on the squares to wear the full niqab as real men go to fight on the 
military front.

During the past week, protests against the Assad regime were also 
organised in Aleppo, Damascus countryside (Daraya and Dhumeir), Da’el 
and the countryside of Quneytra. As a protester said in the besieged 
town of Daraya, “Of course we’re going to seize this opportunity (to 
protest) because the rest of the time there were constant barrel bombs 
and shelling”. In the free neighborhood of Aleppo, mass demonstration 
erupted the second day of the truce, chanting: “The people want the 
downfall of the regime”. Another protest occurred in Aleppo countryside, 
Al-Atareb, on February 27, demanding for opposition military factions to 
unite under the Free Syrian Army banner, and express their solidarity 
with the villages that are being bombed amid the truce, while calling on 
the Jabhat Al Nusra to exit their city. Civilians and activists in 
Al-Atareb declared during the preparation of the Friday protest their 
will to revive the peaceful Syrian revolution, which demanded freedom 
and justice and dignity according to them. Many protesters across the 
country express a similar will to encourage peaceful demonstrations as a 
way to come back to the spirit of the revolution.


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[Marxism] Fwd: 5 Years In, Syrian Conflict Keeps Adding Layers, With No End In Sight | KGOU

2016-03-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Who is the Italian pol Trump most resembles? (Hint–it is not Mussolini) | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-03-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Although it is tempting to compare Trump to Mussolini given the 
similarity of their facial mugging, shoulder-shrugging, and histrionic 
hand gestures—not to speak of the obscurantist and deeply reactionary 
ideology—I find it much more useful to see him as aspiring version of 
Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi. Like Berlusconi, Trump is another master of 
televised demagogy. And also like Berlusconi, he exploits the 
backwardness of the average boob tube addict who tends to think in the 
sort of crude terms we associate with reality TV programs like Trump’s 
“The Apprentice”. Finally, despite the toxic quality of Trump’s speeches 
and off the cuff comments, there is about as much of a threat to 
bourgeois democracy as there was in Italy in the nearly ten years of 
Berlusconi’s misrule for the simple reason that the ruling classes of 
both countries would much prefer to rule through the illusion of freedom 
rather than the risky use of truncheons and dictatorship.

The connection between Trump and Berlusconi has been made by others but 
not always with complete understanding. For example, Robert Kuttner saw 
Trump as another Berlusconi but also another Hitler in Huffington Post. 
He accurately notes that both Trump and Berlusconi tried to leapfrog 
over traditional political parties in their bid to appeal directly to 
the “people” using their own considerable fortunes but sees Trump’s 
business about making America great again as a page torn from Mein Kampf 
In actuality, every president since Reagan has used this kind of 
demagogy in the face of a declining economic situation even though Trump 
tends to do it without bothering to explain how. When he says “we will 
take their oil” or “we will send the Mexicans back”, these are more in 
line with empty threats we associate with shows like “Housewives of New 
Jersey” rather than Heritage Foundation White Papers.


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[Marxism] Greek Stalinists "explain" homosexuality

2016-03-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Homosexual orientation or alternating between homosexual and 
heterosexual orientation is presented by sections of intellectuals and 
artists, especially to the youth as an unconventional, dissident, and 
radical form of behaviour, as a "way" to overcome outdated perceptions 
of women's position in society, about sexuality, as a "form of conflict 
with authority, based on the male-dominated society." It projects the 
concept that "sexual identity is something fluid", socially and 
linguistically constructed. This is the philosophical current of 
postmodernism and postmodernity that ultimately denies the objectivity 
of biological sex which is the basis for a predominantly heterosexual 
sexual orientation. It argues that "gender is not what we are, but what 
we do."

It ignores or conceals the class factors that led to the different 
positions of the two sexes and the ruling classes in the evolution of 
society, from the primitive community household in the first class 
society onwards. In the passage from one socioeconomic formation to 
another, surplus products appear, produced to meet community needs. Some 
products were produced in excess due to the development of the means of 
production and work implements, the cultivation of land, herds, which 
came under the ownership of men who appropriated the surplus, the 
surplus product. The owner of the surplus began to distance himself from 
the need to work for survival, exploiting the work of prisoners of war, 
slaves. The woman could not overcome the inherent biological differences 
she had with her husband that render her more vulnerable in nature. To 
protect the need for the reproduction of the species, she could not 
stray far from the community household that lost its social character 
with the onset of the first class division of society, with the 
exploitation of man by man. Moreover, the need for wealth to be 
inherited by the "legitimate" offspring of the man was established. In 
this way, the domination of the man over the woman was institutionalized 
at both an individual and social level.

By bypassing the social causes which imposed overwhelmingly different 
social behaviours between the sexes, these theories lead to the denial 
of the biological differences between men and women, ultimately denying 
the objectivity of biological gender identity.

On this basis, the idea that every person belongs, in a natural and 
inevitable way to one gender is considered to be an error. These 
theories render absolute the very real impact society has on a series of 
perceptions about gender (which often act in the direction of 
legitimizing inequality and discrimination against women).

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[Marxism] Fwd: 242, 000 Americans got a job last month. Here's why they're not celebrating | Michael Paarlberg | Opinion | The Guardian

2016-03-06 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Reagan, like Obama, won reelection handily with unemployment above 7%, 
but with that rate falling, aggregate income rising, and the general 
perception that things are getting better.

But there’s still the question “better for whom?” Friday’s jobs report 
is a mixed bag, with enough positive indicators for the White House to 
brag about, which it has. Job growth continues, with 242,000 new jobs 
created in February. The unemployment rate, holding steady at 4.9%, is 
undoubtedly healthier than this time four years ago, when it was 8.3%.

Nonparticipation in the labor force, ie people who aren’t counted 
because they’ve been out of work so long they stop looking, can mask 
higher real unemployment, so it’s promising that the labor force 
participation rate rose as well.

At the same time, wages fell, by 0.1%. There’s some evidence that this 
is a fluke, the result of the survey period ending before the 15 
February payday. Over the entire year, wages have risen, by a modest 
2.4%, but this is still well below pre-recession rates. So too is the 
employment-to-population ratio. Job growth is concentrated in the 
service sector – health care, retail, and restaurants – and especially 
in part-time employment, which grew by 489,000 compared to 65,000 new 
full time jobs.

Manufacturing jobs, much touted by the White House as a hallmark of the 
recovery, are down. Some market analysts take a dim view of unemployment 
as an indicator: “It is apparent that the UE rate is meaningless, as 
body count is a worthless metric during a prolonged period of 
low-quality jobs creation”, Longford Associates’ Joan McCullough told 
the Wall Street Journal.


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[Marxism] Venezuela: Remembering the Caracazo rebellion against neoliberalism

2016-03-06 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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Thousands of Venezuelans took the streets in February 1989 in a wave of
protests that highlighted the right-wing misrule in the South American
country. The protests came to be known as the *Caracazo* — an uprising that
began in the capital Caracas — and ultimately shaped the country's future.

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker
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[Marxism] Honduras: Do feminists support coups?

2016-03-06 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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United States Democratic Party presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has
built her campaign around her self-proclaimed dedication to fighting for
women’s rights, as well as her superior experience in the realm of foreign

Many feminists have disputed her claims, and the women on the receiving end
of her foreign policy, particularly in Latin America, are even less likely
to see the former Secretary of State as a champion of their rights.

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker
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