[Marxism] Britain: Racist incidents rise disturbingly after 'Brexit' vote

2016-07-01 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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[Marxism] continuing the Corbyn thread

2016-07-01 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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Andrew and JA have posted and I want to dialog with what they say. I read
McDonnell's speech and I too wish he had not said what he said, but I am
pushed to think it is racist. What he was attempting to do was to give the
air of business as usual. If one reads Polly Toynbee's column on this, then
one can see that this tactic was extremely provocative.  The Corbyn Camp
has legitimacy.  They are the democratically elected leaders of the Labour
Party and that very fact and the demonstration of it, as in McDonnell's
speech, sends the Blairites and their ilk into spasm of rage.

Toynbee is of course a splitter from the 1981 period.  Though she was by no
means the worst of that lot. However she has never understood that the
split of 1981 was about ending resistance to the neo-liberalism which she
seems to hate. The defeat of Benn and the Left in the period of 1974-1981
was absolutely crucial to turning the Labour party into an austerity-lite

A quarter of a century later the defeat of Corbyn and his allies is an
essential prelude to what will almost certainly be a Great Depression with
the most brutal of politics.

That is what is at stake here and it is why we should all be behind
Corbyn.  Of course we can criticize. Who could stop the Left being critical?

But a word now to JA.  I do depression as well as anyone.  But going into a
fight, it is not a good idea to say that all is lost. Corbyn still has a
lot of cards up his sleeve.  the influx of 60 thousand members since the
referendum into the Labour Party has terrified the right.  Everyone know,
no matter what they pretend, that these new members are largely Corbynistas
who know that the decisive battle is about to take place.

If it goes to an election, I forecast that Corbyn will win and in a way
which will humiliate the coup plotters. I am also certain that they know
this too and that is why they hesitate and hope that the Boof head Tom
Watson will get them off the hook, by persuading Corbyn to stand down.

So it is not a time for depression or forecasting a defeat before the
battle begins.
In the mean time here in Oz, it is election day and I have to work on a
polling booth.  Now, that is depressing.


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Re: [Marxism] Brexit

2016-07-01 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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Louis Proyect wrote

   I don't know if Paul Craig Roberts could figure out if something was
   racist unless it bit him on the ass.


Well, probably true enough, I don't know - so long as it doesn't lead 
the thread to stray from message, about the misuses and fragility of 
democracy in a capitalist system - that the obvious racist nature of 
Brexit could well be used by transnational stakeholders to 
sanctimoniously ignore the result, and that "The Federal Reserve, its 
Wall Street allies, and its Bank of Japan and European Central Bank 
vassals will short the UK pound and equities, and the presstitutes will 
explain the decline in values as “the market’s” pronouncement that the 
British vote was a mistake. If Britain is actually permitted to leave, 
the two-year long negotiations will be used to tie the British into the 
EU so firmly that Britain leaves in name only."

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Re: [Marxism] Brexit

2016-07-01 Thread jamie pitman via Marxism
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Is it because you can rest assured one of your police will shoot them in the 
back and then get absolved of the crime? Or just that you cant be arsed to mow 
your own lawn?

Sent from my Windows 10 phone

From: Louis Proyect via Marxism
Sent: 01 July 2016 22:49
To: jamie pitman
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Brexit

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On 7/1/16 5:35 PM, Ralph Johansen via Marxism wrote:
>The Western media have made it clear that they do not accept the
>people’s decision either. The vote is said to be “racist” and
>therefore can be disregarded as illegitimate.

I don't know if Paul Craig Roberts could figure out if something was 
racist unless it bit him on the ass.


To reach France, Third World invaders must cross seas. To reach the 
United States, Mexicans only have to walk across the border. Hordes of 
them do. Harvard Professor Samuel P. Huntington, author of “The Clash of 
Civilizations,” says, “Mexican immigration is a unique, disturbing and 
looming challenge to our cultural integrity, our national identity and 
potentially to our future as a country.

“If over 1 million Mexican soldiers crossed the border,” Huntington 
says, “Americans would treat it as a major threat to their national 
security and react accordingly.” Why then do we not react as vigorously 
to the invasion of 1 million Mexican civilians?
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Re: [Marxism] Brexit

2016-07-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/1/16 5:35 PM, Ralph Johansen via Marxism wrote:

   The Western media have made it clear that they do not accept the
   people’s decision either. The vote is said to be “racist” and
   therefore can be disregarded as illegitimate.

I don't know if Paul Craig Roberts could figure out if something was 
racist unless it bit him on the ass.


To reach France, Third World invaders must cross seas. To reach the 
United States, Mexicans only have to walk across the border. Hordes of 
them do. Harvard Professor Samuel P. Huntington, author of “The Clash of 
Civilizations,” says, “Mexican immigration is a unique, disturbing and 
looming challenge to our cultural integrity, our national identity and 
potentially to our future as a country.

“If over 1 million Mexican soldiers crossed the border,” Huntington 
says, “Americans would treat it as a major threat to their national 
security and react accordingly.” Why then do we not react as vigorously 
to the invasion of 1 million Mexican civilians?

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Re: [Marxism] Brexit

2016-07-01 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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Paul Craig Roberts ("The Collapse of Western Democracy" 
has this comment on Brexit, which seems about right to me; where does 
the transnational establishment accede to popular will when its 
interests are significantly affected? When ten million throughout the 
world demonstrate against invasion of Iraq? When 70% in US polls favor 
single payer health coverage? When a large majority in US polls express 
disgust and distrust of governing persons and bodies? When a majority in 
a popular referendum oppose Troika in Greece? As Stalin/Martin Schultz  
have it, how many battalions does "the Vatican/"crowd" have? Unless and 
until then the bondholders shall prevail.

   "Consider the political establishment’s response to the Brexit vote.
   Members of Parliament are saying that the vote is unacceptable and
   that Parliament has the right and responsibility to ignore the voice
   of the people.

   The view now established in the West is that the people are not
   qualified to make political decisions. The position of the opponents
   of Brexit is clear: it simply is not a matter for the British people
   whether their sovereignty is given away to an unaccountable
   commission in Brussels.

   Martin Schultz, President of the EU Parliament, puts it clearly:
   /“It is not the EU philosophy that the crowd can decide its fate.”/

   The Western media have made it clear that they do not accept the
   people’s decision either. The vote is said to be “racist” and
   therefore can be disregarded as illegitimate.

   Washington has no intention of permitting the British to exit the
   European Union. Washington did not work for 60 years to put all of
   Europe in the EU bag that Washington can control only to let
   democracy undo its achievement.

   The Federal Reserve, its Wall Street allies, and its Bank of Japan
   and European Central Bank vassals will short the UK pound and
   equities, and the presstitutes will explain the decline in values as
   “the market’s” pronouncement that the British vote was a mistake. If
   Britain is actually permitted to leave, the two-year long
   negotiations will be used to tie the British into the EU so firmly
   that Britain leaves in name only."

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[Marxism] Real World Economics Review

2016-07-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The other half of macroeconomics and the three stages of economic 
development 2

Richard C. Koo

Polanyi and the coming US president election 49
William R. Neil

The political economy of the Paris Agreement on human induced climate 
change 67

Clive L. Spash

Zucman on tax evasion and the U.S. trade deficit 76
John B. Benedetto

The resource curse mirage: The blessing of resources and curse of empire 92
Ricardo Restrepo Echavarría, Carlos Vazquez, Karen Garzón Sherdek

Economics as practical wisdom 113
Paul Spicker

Everyday futures: Financial market stability in the performative social 
present 126

Erik Andersson

Review Essays
Is the CORE eBook a possible solution to our problems? 135

Mouvement des étudiants pour la réforme de l’enseignement en économie
Rethinking Piketty: Critique of the critiques 143
Suzanne Helburn

A note on the aggregated production function and the accounting identity 152
Martin Zerner

Don’t ask economists, just listen to Sargent and ask the people 156
Peter Radford

Poll Results
2016: Top 10 economics books of the last 100 years 159
2006: Greatest Twentieth-Century Economists 160

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Brexit demonstrates the Left's failure on Race issues

2016-07-01 Thread Einde OCallaghan via Marxism
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 Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote 

This is a rather cheap and ahistorical polemic.

Starting off by referring to the shortcomings of two leading figures of the
academic Old New Left, EP Thompson and Raymond Williams on race and racism,
without referring to the numerous valuable studies on these topics produced
by British historians inspired by them, it then makes a Hügel leap of
almost half a century to the recently referendum, which was indeed marked
vile racism on both sides, but particularly on the victorious Brexit side.
It then concludes that the British left has failed to take racism seriously.

This approach neglects the massive and successful struggles against racism
and fascist organisations that have been fought in Britain since the 1960s.
Among these was the way the Anti-Nazi League and Rock Against Racism
combined cultural struggles (particularly within the nascent British punk
movement) with mass demonstrations (including mass confrontations with both
police and fascists) to destroy the National Front.

Of course, this didn't destroy racism - fighting racism and fascism will be
a labour of Sisyphus as long as capitalism continues to exist. As Brecht
said of fascism: "The womb from which it crawled is still fertile!"

In each decade since then it has been possible to mobilise large numbers of
people to beat back organised racism and fascism and to make public
expression of racism totally unacceptable. This task faces the left once
more. Using the experience of the past and the anti-racist sentiments
exiating in society at large as a result of past struggles I'm sure they
will be able to do this again.

However, ahistorical contributions from afar by people who appear to have
no understanding of the struggles of the past are of no use whatsoever to
those involved in today's struggles!

Einde O'Callaghan
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Brexit demonstrates the Left’s failure on Race issues

2016-07-01 Thread Einde O'Callaghan via Marxism
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 Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote 

> https://sajjeling.com/2016/07/01/brexit-demonstrates-the-lefts-failure-on-race-issues/
This is a rather cheap and ahistorical polemic. 

Starting off by referring to the shortcomings of two leading figures of the 
academic Old New Left, EP Thompson and Raymond Williams on race and racism, 
without referring to the numerous valuable studies on these topics produced by 
British historians inspired by them, it then makes a Hügel leap of almost half 
a century to the recently referendum, which was indeed marked vile racism on 
both sides, but particularly on the victorious Brexit side. It then concludes 
that the British left has failed to take racism seriously.

This approach neglects the massive and successful struggles against racism and 
fascist organisations that have been fought in Britain since the 1960s. Among 
these was the way the Anti-Nazi League and Rock Against Racism combined 
cultural struggles (particularly within the nascent British punk movement) with 
mass demonstrations (including mass confrontations with both police and 
fascists) to destroy the National Front.

Of course, this didn't destroy racism - fighting racism and fascism will be a 
labour of Sisyphus as long as capitalism continues to exist. As Brecht said of 
fascism: "The womb from which it crawled is still fertile!"

In each decade since then it has been possible to mobilise large numbers of 
people to beat back organised racism and fascism and to make public expression 
of racism totally unacceptable. This task faces the left once more. Using the 
experience of the past and the anti-racist sentiments exiating in society at 
large as a result of past struggles I'm sure they will be able to do this again.

However, ahistorical contributions from afar by people who appear to have no 
understanding of the struggles of the past are of no use whatsoever to those 
involved in today's struggles!

Einde O'Callaghan 
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Brexit demonstrates the Left's failure on Race issues

2016-07-01 Thread Einde OCallaghan via Marxism
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 Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote 

This is a rather cheap and ahistorical polemic.

Starting off by referring to the shortcomings of two leading figures of the
academic Old New Left, EP Thompson and Raymond Williams on race and racism,
without referring to the numerous valuable studies on these topics produced
by British historians inspired by them, it then makes a Hügel leap of
almost half a century to the recently referendum, which was indeed marked
vile racism on both sides, but particularly on the victorious Brexit side.
It then concludes that the British left has failed to take racism seriously.

This approach neglects the massive and successful struggles against racism
and fascist organisations that have been fought in Britain since the 1960s.
Among these was the way the Anti-Nazi League and Rock Against Racism
combined cultural struggles (particularly within the nascent British punk
movement) with mass demonstrations (including mass confrontations with both
police and fascists) to destroy the National Front.

Of course, this didn't destroy racism - fighting racism and fascism will be
a labour of Sisyphus as long as capitalism continues to exist. As Brecht
said of fascism: "The womb from which it crawled is still fertile!"

In each decade since then it has been possible to mobilise large numbers of
people to beat back organised racism and fascism and to make public
expression of racism totally unacceptable. This task faces the left once
more. Using the experience of the past and the anti-racist sentiments
exiating in society at large as a result of past struggles I'm sure they
will be able to do this again.

However, ahistorical contributions from afar by people who appear to have
no understanding of the struggles of the past are of no use whatsoever to
those involved in today's struggles!

Einde O'Callaghan
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Re: [Marxism] Brexit

2016-07-01 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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You need to wrap your head around the idea that neoliberalism has
thoroughly subverted the logic of the Old Left so to support hegemony of
capital. How do you not see the EU as essentially a crude neoliberal
doppelganger of Trotsky's United States of Europe? The Marxist political
economy of 1916 is effectively used by capital now to serve its whims,
class struggle an emancipatory politics need to change their coordinates
and use Marx's dialectic as a framework rather than a dogma. Alex Cockburn
embraced this logic, hence his support of the anarcho-communist Center for
a Stateless Society and their book MARKETS NOT CAPITALISM.



That?s not the only reason to believe Brexit was about xenophobia.

Torsten Bell, director of the UK economic think tank Resolution
Foundation, set out to test the hypothesis that "areas hardest hit by
the financial crisis, or those where migration is said to have held down
wages, voted heavily to leave."

In other words, he tested the exact argument the pro-Leave camp is
making: that people who voted to leave made a rational decision based on
the real economic effects they?ve suffered from the rise in immigration.
If that were the case, you?d expect places that have gotten poorer in
the past decade (when mass migration took off) would have been the
places that voted most heavily to leave the EU.

But that?s not what Bell found. In fact, he found no correlation at all
between areas where wages have fallen since 2002 and the share of votes
for Leave in the referendum


Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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[Marxism] Brexit boosters: Why the religious right hates the European Union

2016-07-01 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Take Latvia, for example. Last year the Washington Post quoted a Latvian gay 
rights activist marveling over the difference between the overwhelmingly 
hostile reception that an attempted 2005 pride march received and the large 
festive celebration that took place last year. Said the activist, “If nobody 
believed we are becoming an open, democratic society, this is proof of it. We 
are becoming a normal European country. It’s part of being in the E.U.”

The World Congress of Families is a global collection of culture warriors that 
oppose legal abortion, legal recognition of LGBT rights, and comprehensive sex 
education. The WCF has a long relationship with Russian politicians, oligarchs, 
religious leaders, and “pro-family” politicians, what one reporter has called 
“a Bible Belt-to-Kremlin collaboration around its anti-choice and anti-gay 
agenda.” The vilification of the European Union and its human rights policies 
was at center stage at this year’s global WCF summit, held in Tbilisi, Georgia, 
in May.
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[Marxism] Hamilton can go screw

2016-07-01 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Best regards,
Andrew Stewart 
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[Marxism] trump and trade

2016-07-01 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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 Trump's anti-trade agreement policy does not mean he is a labor radical.
He opposes these agreements (at least now he does) because he represents an
old but new again thought among US elites that supports what is called
economic nationalism. This policy is being pushed by a number of small
proto fascist groups, including the American Nationalist Party, whose
website is http://www.nationalistpartyamerica.com/

Just like the nazis vocalized similar nationalist and seemingly pro-worker
sentiments and were not accepted by the elites until they were, Trump is
doing the same.  If he gets elected, the elites will split on the
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[Marxism] Fwd: Brexit demonstrates the Left’s failure on Race issues

2016-07-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] A Special Intensity of Exploitation: On the History of Economic Migration

2016-07-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] James Green, Author and Human Rights Activist, Dies at 71

2016-07-01 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Another essential work by him:

*Grass-Roots Socialism: Radical Movements in the Southwest, 1895-1943*
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[Marxism] James Green, Author and Human Rights Activist, Dies at 71

2016-07-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, July 1 2016
James Green, Author and Human Rights Activist, Dies at 71

James Green, a self-described “activist scholar” whose view of organized 
labor’s violent birth challenged conventional visions of America as a 
classless society, died on June 23 in Boston. He was 71.

The cause was complications of leukemia, his son, Nicholas, said.

Professor Green taught at the University of Massachusetts, Boston and 
wrote six books and countless articles, but taking his cue from a Yale 
mentor, C. Vann Woodward — to pursue history “with a purpose” — he did 
not confine his interests to the academy.

For decades, he participated in protest politics, including the civil 
rights movement, and organized community history projects and training 
programs for labor unions.

“My purpose was to study the past to understand injustice in our society 
and then to explain how men and women who suffered from injustice gained 
the will to struggle against it and to strive for a better society,” he 
wrote in an online autobiographical sketch.

“My goal,” he continued, “was to tell powerful stories of people in 
struggle, to create narratives that cut against the grain of scholarship 
that characterized protesters as paranoid fanatics.”

His best-known book, published in 2006, was “Death in the Haymarket: A 
Story of Chicago, the First Labor Movement and the Bombing that Divided 
Gilded Age America,” chronicling what he called the biggest news event 
since Lincoln’s assassination.

The May 4, 1886, rally at Chicago’s Haymarket Square had been organized 
to protest the killing of several workers by police the day before 
during a strike at the McCormick Reaper Works to support an eight-hour 
day and other demands.

As the police advanced to disperse the peaceful Haymarket rally, 
somebody tossed a bomb — what Professor Green called a graphic 
demonstration of how the invention of dynamite had altered the calculus 
of power. Over the next few decades, other bombings of targets that 
embodied the establishment were linked to anarchists, labor agitators 
and leftists.

The bomb and the gunfire that ensued killed seven police officers and 
several civilians.

“It is impossible to say exactly what might have been different if the 
police hadn’t killed four strikers at McCormick’s, if the police chief 
hadn’t decided to break up the Haymarket meeting, if someone hadn’t 
thrown the bomb,” Professor Green wrote, “but it is clear that, in some 
sense, we are today living with the legacy of those long-ago events.”

The eight anarchists who were charged in the crime were reviled as 
murderers and revered as martyrs. The bombing impeded gains for 
organized labor, besmirched the image of immigrants and radicals, and 
raised enduring questions about free speech and fair trials.

Professor Green shifted his focus to Appalachia in his 2015 book, “The 
Devil Is Here in These Hills: West Virginia’s Coal Miners and Their 
Battle for Freedom.” Here he explored what he called “the largest 
working-class uprising in the nation’s history.” The book was the basis 
for “The Mine Wars,” an episode of the PBS series “American Experience.”

He singled out Mary Harris Jones, better known as Mother Jones, for her 
role in the struggle.

“Acting largely on her own,” he wrote, “one woman had done more than the 
nation’s top union leaders to alert reformers to the suppression of 
civil liberties in industrial America.”

James Robert Green was born in Oak Park, Ill., on Nov. 4, 1944. His 
father, Gerald, was a math teacher and school administrator. His mother, 
the former Mary Katherine DiVall, was a secretary.

She survives him, as does his daughter, Amanda Green, from his marriage 
to Carol McLaughlin, which ended in divorce; his wife, Janet Lee Grogan; 
a brother, Mark; and two sisters, Mary Beth Kress and Nancy Herbert. He 
lived in Somerville, Mass.

During summer breaks from college, he worked as an intern for Senator 
Paul H. Douglas, an Illinois Democrat and leading liberal, and 
considered a career in government himself. He graduated from 
Northwestern University with a bachelor of arts degree in 1966 and 
received a doctorate in history from Yale.

Deciding to teach, he joined the faculty at Brandeis University. He 
began teaching at the University of Massachusetts in 1977, eventually 
becoming a professor of history and labor studies. He had been an 
emeritus professor there since 2014.

“Many of us came of professional age in the 1960s, with the hope that we 
could affect public policy or build movements for social justice,” 
Professor Green said in an article adapted from his book “Taking Hist

[Marxism] "Sod the immigrants, " says Labour shadow chancellor/Corbyn ally

2016-07-01 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Someone please tell me I'm reading this wrong and that it is not a cowardly
pandering to racism:


p.s. re the debate on the other thread, see McDonnell's quote at the end of
the above article. He may be a liberal jerk, but he's correct when he says
"while many voters voted to leave the EU because of the impact of
immigration, he believed many of them had instead suffered because of the
Tory government’s austerity policy."

I would just add "perceived" before "impact."

And re his call "for massive government investment in 'shovel-ready'
projects to shore up the economy," there's a whole NHS just dying (pun
intended) for massive immediate investment and hiring.
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[Marxism] Fwd: Marx on Financial Bubbles: Much Keener Insights Than Contemporary Economists

2016-07-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Comic relief

2016-07-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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FT, July 1 2016
Xi Jinping pledges return to Marxist roots for China’s Communists
by Lucy Hornby in Beijing

The Chinese Communist party is going back to its Marxist roots, Xi 
Jinping pledged on Friday, as he stressed ideological purity in a speech 
to mark the party’s 95th anniversary.

Communist orthodoxy is hard to come by in an increasingly prosperous and 
materialist China where a growing wealth gap is generating class 
tensions. But the president stayed well within the careful choreography 
of party ceremony as he urged its 88m members not to “betray or abandon” 

“The whole party should remember, what we are building is socialism with 
Chinese characteristics, not some other -ism,” Mr Xi said in an 
80-minute address in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People. The speech was 
live-streamed on the website of state news agency Xinhua as well as on 
YouTube — a site banned in China.

Mr Xi has used an anti-corruption campaign within the party and a 
crackdown on media and civil society to silence dissenting voices as he 
promotes the “Chinese dream” of a domestically unified and 
internationally powerful nation.

The push for a disciplined and united party has seen greater controls on 
academics’ work and travel combined with activities, such as 
hand-copying the Chinese constitution, that are designed to focus the 
minds of party members in a society that has become more diverse and 
independent thanks to decades of economic reforms.

This week a Beijing court ruled that the editor of an influential 
magazine must publicly apologise for a 2013 article disputing the facts 
behind a favourite party propaganda story — the tale of a group of five 
Communist martyrs who leapt off Mt Langya in eastern China rather than 
surrender to Japanese soldiers.

Promotion of Mr Xi’s Chinese dream has not been limited to a Chinese 
audience. A series of videos designed to spread China’s vision of itself 
to global young people includes a rap video released this week by the 
Communist Youth League that says China’s problems are unfairly amplified 
by western media organisations.

Mr Xi also defended the country’s international stance during a time of 
friction along its maritime borders. China has drawn closer to Russia 
while sparring with Southeast Asian nations as friction increases over 
the resource-rich waters of the South China Sea. An arbitration ruling 
in The Hague is expected this month on a Philippine challenge to 
Beijing’s claims.

“China doesn’t covet other countries’ interests, nor does it envy other 
countries’ development but we won’t give up our rightful interests,” he 

“The Chinese people don’t fear trouble but don’t seek trouble. Other 
countries should not expect us to trade away our core interests nor 
should they expect us to swallow circumstances that harm our 
sovereignty, security and developmental interest.”

Chinese students ‘brainwashed by western theories’, say scholars

China's economy stabilized last quarter and gathered pace in March as a 
surge in new credit helped the property sector rebound while raising 
fresh question marks over the sustainability of the debt-fueled expansion.

He also spoke out strongly against Taiwanese independence, in one of his 
first public remarks on the subject since the election of Taiwanese 
president Tsai Ing-wen, who is less friendly to Beijing than her 
predecessor. Taiwan has been self-ruled since the Communists won the 
Chinese civil war in 1949 but Beijing still views it as a renegade province.

“No matter who and no matter in what form, no splittism can be accepted 
by the 1.3bn Chinese people,” he said, to a round of applause.
On Friday morning Taiwan’s navy said it had accidentally fired a 
supersonic anti-ship missile from a naval base in southern Taiwan, 
describing it as an “operational error”. Ms Tsai, who is also 
commander-in-chief of the armed forces, was travelling overseas.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Donald Trump starts a trade war — with the Republican Party - The Washington Post

2016-07-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The unusual battle between Donald Trump and much of the Republican 
establishment on international trade is rapidly escalating, as the 
presumptive GOP nominee rails against business groups and members of his 
own party while defenders of sweeping free-trade pacts rebuke him.

The rift deepened on Thursday when Trump called out the U.S. Chamber of 
Commerce by name for the second straight day and pilloried the North 
American Free Trade Agreement and the ­Trans-Pacific Partnership, two 
landmark trade agreements broadly supported by Republicans.

“I’m messing with bad deals that we could make good,” Trump said in his 
speech at a shuttered manufacturing plant in Manchester, N.H. “I could 
make good deals. Why would somebody fight that? I mean, the U.S. Chamber 
fights. They said, ‘Oh, Trump wants to stop free trade.’ I don’t want to 
stop free trade. I love free trade, but I want to make great deals.”

The mogul’s comments followed a flurry of insults throughout the week 
aimed at advocates of broad trade accords, which have been championed by 
Republican leaders for decades as crucial engines of capitalism. Trump 
accused TPP backers, for example, of wanting to “rape” the United States.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Brexit's Aftermath: Xenophobia and the Rising Right

2016-07-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The British far left is in no position to capitalize on the anti-EU 
victory. Pragmatically, radical leftist politics in the UK are 
notoriously factionalized, with myriad small groupings often expressing 
intense hostility to one another. For instance, the UK has multiple 
communist parties, the bulk of which trace their origin back to the 
original Communist Party of Great Britain founded in the aftermath of 
the October Revolution of 1917. Yet in their modern incarnations they 
display an entrenched level of enmity towards each other, something akin 
to much of the UK’s far-left that makes a habit of splits, expulsions 
and a general inability to tolerate any and all partners not immediately 
willing to share a uniform ideological outlook.

The end result is, quite often, a leftist movement marked more by 
intrigue and mutual resentment than effective politics. As such, despite 
good intentions and at times very good arguments, the “Lexit” camp was 
always bound to be swept aside by a tidal wave of rightist sentiment, 
with any hope of striking a blow against the EU as a specifically 
neoliberal, pro-austerity institution at risk of being drowned out by 
stronger forces eager to capitalize on the virulent xenophobia that has 
characterized much of the Brexit vote. In this sense, a vote to leave 
the European Union in the hope of sparking a resurgence of 
anti-capitalist politics woefully underestimated the balance of 
political forces in this country.


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[Marxism] Fwd: After Brexit: Reckoning With Britain's Racism and Xenophobia

2016-07-01 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The most prevalent cliché of post-referendum analysis has been that the 
vote for exit should be read as a "working-class revolt." Setting aside 
the unspoken assumption that this rebellious working class must by 
definition be white, the post-referendum exit polls actually indicate 
the "working-class" characterization of the Leave vote is inaccurate. It 
is true that a higher percentage of working-class voters voted for exit 
than did upper- and middle-class voters -- 46 percent versus 64 percent. 
But once turnout by class was taken into account, the numbers looked 
different. As Ben Pritchett's calculations (along with his caveats about 
the turnout numbers including anomalies) have shown, the far greater 
turnout of the middle and upper classes, versus the working class -- 90 
percent versus 52 percent -- meant that in absolute numbers, a far 
higher number of middle- and upper-class voters (around 10 million 
voters) actually voted to Leave the EU than the working class 
(approximately 7 million voters), many others of whom abstained from voting.


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