[Marxism] Chelsea Manning is being charged for her own suicide attempt, faces indefinite solitary confinement

2016-07-29 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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[Marxism] Charges against Freddie Gray's killers dropped; officer in Sandra Bland's case admits cover-up, threats

2016-07-29 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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[Marxism] Imperialism today

2016-07-29 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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We'd really encourage feedback on pieces that go up on Redline from the
Imperialism study group.  But they will be moderated to avoid people try to
outwit or outsmart other comrades, nitpick, pursue personal antagonisms and
so on.  We want serious comments on serious material, ideally stuff that
*adds* to knowledge and also genuine (as opposed to rhetorical) questions.

As well as the pieces that have gone up over the last fortnight, there are
a couple of important interviews from earlier this year with the authors of
some excellent new books.

With *John Smith*:

With *Tony Norfield*:

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[Marxism] Value of labour-power, wages, productivity and imperialism

2016-07-29 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Some more notes from the Imperialism study group, Tony Norfield on the


And, oops, the piece on the global working class was getting ahead of

At present we're still concentrating on the 'economic' aspects of Lenin's
work on imperialism and the realities of imperialism today.  We'll be
looking at the 'political' aspects of Lenin's book and imperialism today
later on, and the short notes on the global working class I referred to in
an email a few minutes back will go up then.

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[Marxism] Changing centre of gravity of global working class

2016-07-29 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Interesting notes from the Imperialism study group on the shift in the
centre of gravity of the global working class - it's in the Third World:

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[Marxism] [UCE] Fwd: My Democratic Problem With Voting for Hillary Clinton | TIME

2016-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-07-29 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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What is missing from the "popular front" against Trump is the entire
infrastructure of the cultural and political  and economic apparatus of the
Popular Front.

Whatever its failings the Popular Front was an amazing phenomenon.

I know you understand well, Lou, that a shabby political compromise is not
a popular front.


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[Marxism] Fwd: The demonization of Jill Stein | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-07-29 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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This is true in large part due to historical amnesia, as Michelle Alexander
points out in The New Jim Crow. Based on the Clinton record of demonization
and imprisonment of tens of thousands of young Black men in the 1990s and
throwing one million women and children, mostly of color, off welfare and
onto the "free" market, there's plenty for Black America to be afraid of.
And as for Trump's Islamophobia, Bill's sanctions which killed half a
million Iraqi kids in the 1990s and the 2003 war that Hillary endorsed
which killed over one million, there's also plenty to fear from her
presidency. Whichever turd wins, we lose!

On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 11:26 AM, Clay Claiborne via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> There is a very good reason why most people of color are more afraid of a
> Trump presidency than the white Left.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-07-29 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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No doubt about it. The flip side/long-term view is that the ruling class
has more to be afraid of from mobilized, politically-independent people of
color, workers, women, etc. - which is why they go to such lengths to
convince our "leaders" that the DP is our friend.

So from a historical perspective the FDRs/Kennedys/Clintons and their
lesser-evil mantra are a much bigger political danger for the exploited and

On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 11:26 AM, Clay Claiborne via Marxism <

> There is a very good reason why most people of color are more afraid of a
> Trump presidency than the white Left.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-07-29 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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There is a very good reason why most people of color are more afraid of a
Trump presidency than the white Left.

Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust 
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach 

On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 4:44 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> So we need a popular front against Trump with Clinton standing in for FDR.
> Tragedy... Farce...
> https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/the-sanders-campaign-is-officially-over-now-his-supporters-wonder-whats-next/2016/07/27/812d89d4-5416-11e6-b7de-dfe509430c39_story.html
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[Marxism] Stiglitz and the Euro

2016-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, July 29 2016
How a Currency Intended to Unite Europe Wound Up Dividing It

It was started in the name of forging a greater sense of union among the 
disparate nations of Europe. It was supposed to enhance commercial ties, 
erode borders and foster a spirit of collective interest, furthering the 
evolution of former wartime combatants into fellow nations of a united 

But the euro, in the 17 years since the common currency came into 
existence, has instead reinvigorated conflicts, yielding new crises, 
fresh grievances and a spirit of distrust. So argues the Nobel laureate 
economist Joseph E. Stiglitz in a timely new book, “The Euro: How a 
Common Currency Threatens the Future of Europe.”

Italy’s banks teeter on the brink of crisis while the euro has become 
the subject of ceaseless bickering over economic policy. By Mr. 
Stiglitz’s reckoning, the common currency has made economic inequality 
worse while dividing Europe into two adversarial camps — debtor and 

In his first interview about the book, Mr. Stiglitz described the euro 
as a tragic mistake, a currency begun without the necessary political 
integration or clear thinking about its fundamental flaws. The euro was 
compromised from inception by an ill-conceived structure, and its 
troubles have been amplified by wrongheaded economic policies imposed by 
the most powerful countries as conditions for bailing out those worst 
ensnared by crisis.

What follows is an edited and condensed version of our conversation.

Q: It is difficult to overstate the economic trauma Europe has suffered 
in recent years — veritable depressions in Greece and Spain, alarming 
levels of unemployment across much of the continent. You place much of 
the blame on the euro. What happened?

A: The euro was an attempt to advance the economic integration of Europe 
by having the countries of the eurozone share a common currency. They 
looked across the Atlantic and they said: “The United States, big 
economy, very successful, single currency. We should imitate.”

But they didn’t have the political integration. They didn’t have the 
conditions that would make a single currency work. The creation of the 
euro is the single most important explanation for the extraordinarily 
poor performance of the eurozone economies since the crisis of 2008.

Q: Were there warnings when the euro was begun that maybe it wasn’t such 
a wonderful idea?

A: Yes, but it was mostly Americans, and that may have colored the 
reaction to it: “Oh, you don’t understand the value of the European 
project.” But the criticism was not that we don’t agree with the 
European project, but that you were undertaking something that will 
undermine the European project, because it’s not going to work. Their 
answer was, “We will create institutions as we go along.” A lot of 
people pushing for this were not economists.

Q: You blame the euro for widening economic inequality. How has this 
played out?

A: The idea was that for the euro to work, the countries had to 
converge, and they formulated these ideas called the convergence 
criteria. They put enormous pressure on the countries to keep their 
deficits and debts relative to G.D.P. down. That was viewed as the 
necessary and almost sufficient conditions for making the euro work.

Several of the countries that went into crisis, Spain and Ireland among 
them, actually had a surplus before the crisis, and a very low 
debt-to-G.D.P. ratio. But they still had a crisis. That tells us an 
important lesson: What the people who were behind the creation of the 
euro thought was going to be a critical condition was not.

The disappointing thing was that after the crisis, they didn’t learn a 
lesson. What they did was double down on that same recipe — austerity. 
The structure of the euro was at fault, and the policies they enacted 
amplified the structural deficiencies. The result was that the countries 

Q: In your telling, Germany has imposed austerity across Europe out of 
faith in a discredited economic idea, the notion that if policy makers 
concentrate solely on preventing budget deficits and inflation, the 
markets can be counted on to deliver prosperity. A lot of your book is 
devoted to demolishing this idea. Does the German elite still really 
believe in this philosophy, or is something else at play?

A: I’ve visited Germany often, and I’m shocked about how strong the 
belief is in this view that has been totally discredited elsewhere.

But the policies are mixed together with interests. When the Greek 
crisis broke out in 2010, what was really at risk were German and to 

[Marxism] Fwd: 'She found her voice tearing apart a wannabe president': the verdict on Hillary Clinton's acceptance speech | Opinion | The Guardian

2016-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Steven W Thrasher: ‘The speech left me out in the cold’
To anyone who is on the fence, Hillary Clinton appeared far more 
presidential than Donald Trump. The first woman Democratic nominee 
skewered Trump with her knowledge, temperament and mostly deft jokes. 
She evoked 9/11 to her advantage better than Rudy Giuliani ever could, 
and I could picture her as Commander-In-Chief saying to the Joint Chief 
of Staff, “Send in the Fifth Fleet!”

For this warlike, militaristic, colonizing country, Clinton could be a 
perfect leader.

I was annoyed that Clinton praised the “compromising” of America’s 
founders, since maintaining slavery was perhaps their most significant 
compromise. She did bring up race twice, acknowledging “mothers who lost 
children to violence and are building a movement to keep other kids 
safe” and speaking of “young black and Latino men and women who face the 
effects of systemic racism, and are made to feel like their lives are 

But, like Obama, Clinton immediately pivoted to violence against police, 
as if these problems are equal. She could not say “Black Lives Matter,” 
and saying “America is great – because America is good” is an insult a 
day after Freddie Gray’s was denied justice.

Part of me would love to get on Team Clinton. It feels so good and warm 
to be on a team! But the speech left me out in the cold, still being 
critical. When she said “Wall Street can never, ever be allowed to wreck 
Main Street again,” I laughed so hard thinking of her record that a 
colleague wondered if I was OK.

To be on her team will likely mean having Robert Rubin, Cory Booker, 
Larry Summers, Goldman Sachs and Citibank as teammates; it will likely 
include charter schools at home and hawkish empire abroad.

Is that a team worth playing on? I’m not sure it is.


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Re: [Marxism] The latest from the CPUSA

2016-07-29 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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I know John from my time in Cleveland. Really nice guy, was active in the
pro-desegregation movement.
Of course I don't agree with him on the position Louis is critiquing...
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[Marxism] Fwd: Evolution of Capitalism, Escalation of Imperialism

2016-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Popular responses to these questions tend to focus heavily on 
protectionist policies of trade restriction, as often reflected in 
slogans such as “buy American.” Such populist sentiments are advocated 
by both the rightwing politicians such as Donald Trump and the so-called 
leftwing politicians such as Bernie Sanders. While nationalist and/or 
protectionist policies such as “buy American” may be pleasing to 
populist sentiments, long-term benefits of such policies to global labor 
and other grassroots are dubious. For one thing, such policies are bound 
to heighten international labor rivalry, thereby making labor more 
vulnerable to the accumulation imperatives of capital. For another, 
protectionist policies can easily become contagious with dire 
consequences in terms of trade wars, likely followed by actual/shooting 

Therefore, in challenging the unbridled corporate free trade agenda and, 
more generally, the global austerity of neoliberalism, the working 
people must put forth their own agenda, an agenda that would go beyond 
populist type of “buy domestic/national” slogans. A positive left-labor 
agenda must focus on, among other things, the importance of a long-term 
international labor strategy based on worker-to-worker or union-to-union 
links. Specifically, Such a strategy would aim at (a) eliminating or 
reducing international labor rivalry by taking the necessary steps 
toward the establishment of labor-cost parity within the same company 
and the same trade, subject to the cost of living and productivity in 
each country; and (b) establishing independent labor, community, and 
environmental organizations that would monitor, influence, shape and, 
ultimately, lead the world economy.


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[Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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So we need a popular front against Trump with Clinton standing in for 
FDR. Tragedy... Farce...

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[Marxism] Hedge-Fund Money: $48.5 Million for Hillary Clinton, $19, 000 for Donald Trump

2016-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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WSJ, July 29 2016
Hedge-Fund Money: $48.5 Million for Hillary Clinton, $19,000 for Donald 
Political donations from people at hedge funds have vaulted this 
election, and far more has gone to the Democratic nominee than to the 


Hedge funds are playing a far bigger role in 2016 than in past 
elections—and Hillary Clinton has been the single biggest beneficiary.

Owners and employees of hedge funds have made $122.7 million in campaign 
contributions this election cycle, according to the nonpartisan Center 
for Responsive Politics—more than twice what they gave in the entire 
2012 cycle and nearly 14% of total money donated from all sources so far.

The lines around what constitutes a hedge fund aren’t always clear in 
the data, or in the financial industry. But the numbers are stark. The 
top five contributors to pro-Clinton groups are employees or owners of 
private investment funds, according to federal data released last week 
and compiled by OpenSecrets.org, the center’s website. The data show 
seven financial firms alone have generated nearly $48.5 million for 
groups working on Mrs. Clinton’s behalf.

The total for Donald Trump: About $19,000.

Mr. Trump, of course, didn’t start actively soliciting campaign 
contributions until recently and even shunned outside political groups 
working on his behalf. Hedge-fund employees have contributed heavily to 
other Republican groups this cycle—$65.8 million ​so far—mainly in 
support of candidates who opposed Mr. Trump in the primaries. Some who 
had supported other Republican candidates are now beginning to give to 
pro-Trump groups.

Still, Mrs. Clinton’s big haul from hedge funds also reflects the 
topsy-turvy politics of this election. In the 2008 campaign, hedge funds 
contributed just $14 million to Democratic candidates and groups. And 
amid criticism that Mrs. Clinton has cultivated close ties with the 
finance industry, her campaign has emphasized her plan to confront Wall 

“Hillary Clinton has the toughest plan to reform Wall Street, clean up 
the abuses…and close the carried-interest [tax] loophole that benefits 
hedge funds,” a campaign spokesman said.

That said, to many on Wall Street, the Democrat in this election is the 
safer bet.

“There are two reasons I’ve given more than ever before,” said J.B. 
Pritzker, managing partner of private investment firm Pritzker Group, 
who has donated $7.9 million to Clinton-friendly groups and helped 
raised funds for her campaign. “First, I think she ought to be 
president. Second, I want to defeat Donald Trump. I believe that he 
would be terrible for the country.”

—Trump backer Anthony Scaramucci of SkyBridge Capital
Some Wall Street executives have privately expressed concerns about Mr. 
Trump on areas from the New York real-estate developer’s business record 
to his positions on trade and foreign policy. They say he strikes them 
as unpredictable and untested.

Mr. Trump does have supporters in the financial industry. Billionaire 
investor Wilbur L. Ross said he hosted a fundraising lunch for Mr. Trump 
some weeks ago that raised “millions of dollars. much of which was from 
the investment community.”

Mr. Ross wrote in an email that he is backing Mr. Trump because he 
agrees with the Republican nominee’s positions on trade, defense 
spending and immigration, adding that opposing “poorly negotiated” trade 
agreements “is not anti-trade, just sensible.” Still, Mr. Ross said that 
some of Mr. Trump’s rhetoric “can create wrong perceptions.”

And the co-chief executive of hedge fund Renaissance Technologies LLC, 
Robert Mercer, now plans to help fund a group that supports Mr. Trump. 
Mr. Mercer, whose $17.7 million of political contributions this election 
have made him the second-largest individual political contributor, has 
previously given mainly to a group backing a Trump rival for the 
Republican nomination, Ted Cruz.
Representatives of the Trump campaign didn’t respond to requests for 

Big-money donations have gained prominence since the Supreme Court’s 
Citizens United decision in 2010, which overturned limits on election 
spending. Much of this money has gone into independent expenditure 
committees, known as super PACs, which unlike candidates’ campaigns can 
accept unlimited donations.

Donations from hedge-fund owners and employees to individual candidates 
are close to flat with four years ago, while money to outside groups has 
leapt to $103.1 million so far in this election cycle, from a total of 
$33.5 million four years ago.

Los Angeles media mogul Haim Saban, who controls Saban Capital 

[Marxism] Fwd: ZCommunications » Scandinavia on the Skids: The Failure of Social Democracy

2016-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Social Democrats are even ready to make an alliance with the 
anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim Danish Folkeparti (DF). Despite this 
capitulation to separatism, its abandonment of essential social 
democratic program, and support of US wars, Social Democrats are 
assisted by the allegedly more leftist Socialist Peoples Party (SF). 
This party grew out of the traditional pro-Soviet Communist Party. CP 
leader Aksel Larsen left his post to start SF, in 1959. SF sought a 
“third way” between social democracy and communism. It turned out Larsen 
had been a CIA informant.

In Socialist Peoples party’s early years it advocated social democratic 
programs and the peace movement. But it switched to support the 
neo-liberal Economic Union and joined the Social Democrat government in 
2011. Its leader Villy Soevndal took the post of Secretary of State and 
supported US wars. SF support among voters has dived from nearly 15% to 
around 4%.


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[Marxism] Ramzy Baroud's response to Bill Clinton

2016-07-29 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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Ramzy Baroud 
4 hrs  ·

My Response to Bill Clinton

Hi Bill,

You made a statement concerning me, my children and millions of Muslims in
America. This is my response.

You said:

"If you’re a Muslim and you love America and freedom and you hate terror,
stay here and help us win and make a future together. We want you."

Yes, I am a Muslim, but I don’t love the America you stand for and
represent, but an America that is both peaceful and inclusive. When that
America exists, I will be the first to die for it. (I know you won’t)

Yes, I love freedom, too, but not your freedom to violate international
law, to wage war at will, to further increase the income disparity between
rich and poor, to violate the sanctity of an elected office and to wreak
havoc upon an already devastated world. Considering how many Muslims lost
their lives because of policies you have espoused throughout the years, the
freedom you speak of has been my very captivity, even demise.

Yes, I hate terror, including the terror that you and your wife inflicted
upon the world: your ‘clean war’ in Kosovo, your Operation Desert Fox in
Iraq and her war on Libya and coup in Honduras; let alone the terror
committed by your friends in Israel, by dictatorial Arab rulers and your
other brutal allies everywhere.

If I stay I have no intentions of helping you (or your wife) build a future
for the rich and powerful at the expense of the poor and abandoned, but
demolish your own doing of a past and present rife with bloodletting abroad
and inequality at home.

However, If I leave, on my own accord, mind you, I will seek a world that
doesn’t condition my being on underhanded ultimatums and blind loyalty to a
system so corrupt that is willingly destroying itself for the sake of money
and the fleeting illusion of ‘power.’

Dear Bill,

‘We want you’, along with your wife, to stand a trial for crimes against
humanity, remorselessly committed during your presidency and her term in
office as Secretary of State.

Fair is fair.
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