[Marxism] Bill Leak, Murdoch's Australian newspaper and racism

2016-08-04 Thread John Passant via Marxism

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My latest article in Independent Australia has just been published. To 
read the whole article click here to go through my blog site to the IA 
site. The Oz cartoonist Bill Leak sparks social media outrage for racist 


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Re: [Marxism] The left's abandonment of females - CounterPunch

2016-08-04 Thread Sheldon Ranz via Marxism
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Julian Vigo, along with Gail Dines and Robert Jensen, is a regular
anti-porn figure at Counterpunch. She specializes in ecofeminist
transphobia. She assumes that all women in general share her opinion of the
sex industry.

Jeremy Corbyn endorsed Amnesty International's recent call for
decriminalization of prostitution, as have many left women feminists who do
not bow and scrape before the shadow of Andrea Dworkin.

On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 12:45 PM, Dennis Brasky via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> #2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly & permanently archived.
> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> *
> clip -
> There is a pattern among many leftist publications
>  ineluctability-of-online-abuse-8ab2ab460ea0#.b4pqnhg3j>
> which
> consider themselves to be “anti-sexist
> ” to engage in
> patently sexist practices by shifting away from from issues
>  that specifically affect women or
> by taking sides in debates where women’s bodies and lives are suddenly
> rendered commodity.  Suddenly the tone of what is acceptable historical
> materialism shifts radically when women are pointing out issues that
> pertain to their reality.  Quite suddenly there is no room for debate and
> where there is a need for discussion about issues that directly effect
> women, the left is largely abandoning the voices of women as both political
> constituents and political thinkers.
> In recent years there has been one attempt after another another to shut
> down any debate when it comes to identity politics and we have moved from
> Descartes’ *cogito ergo sum* to *I feel therefore shut the fuck up*. And
> this trend can be seen across the board with callout culture
>  sebastian-budgen-burn-notice-against-ross-wolfe-lol.pdf>
> persisting
> from sub-factions of the left which in turn results in the likes of certain
> writers publishing astute critiques
>  accommodation-of-difference/>
>  of identity politics
> , only
> to
> suddenly change course when it comes to gender and the inclusion of
> women’s voices.  As abortion rights in the US are in stiff regression and
> violence against females is increasing across the planet, women who have
> quite a bit at stake in the current political climate often find themselves
> at odds with the leftist political landscape.  Specficall the United
> Kingdom and other anglophone countries, even as there is a growing parallel
> movement that is directly addressing materialism and patriarchy
> .
> As the oppression of women is tied to the material reality of being female
> and not a product of that being female, feminist politics over the decades
> have been sidelined and resultantly women have been mostly abandoned by the
> left *specifically when it comes to gender. *Where the left traditionally
> rebuked identity politics, today selfhood is often embraced by the left as
> of a collection of personality traits *cum*political ideology.  Scholar and
> feminist activist Jasmine Curcio
> addresses
> this polemic and the domination of men in leftist politics, especially
> around issues pertaining to feminism:
> And so many years on, feminist discussions around the left continue to be
> subtly dominated by men and their perspective, with the aid of theoretical
> frameworks that marked disdain towards feminism in decades past. Men have
> become gatekeepers of feminist discussion, and many debates take place with
> ignorance, disdain, and sometimes subtle tactics of bullying. Phenomena
> that lie outside of the bourgeois-proletarian contradiction are not really
> taken on board as material facts, but either made to fit with constructed
> orthodoxy or they are discarded.
> Paradoxically, when women point this out, the reality of sexism bites back
> and they are regarded as “bitches,” “whores,” and even shut down both on
> social media and in public forums.  And after this interview ran, Curcio
> received a substantial backlash of attacks, stating,  “That interview
> stirred up some snide comments and some slander from men I had never met

[Marxism] Assad's war on doctors

2016-08-04 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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I don't recall if this was posted - a grisly read

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The Sanders campaign is officially over. Now his supporters wonder: What’s next? - The Washington Post

2016-08-04 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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If there was a figure I could give you--and there isn't--it would mean
absolutely nothing because the Greens are such a mess organizationally that
it makes the SDS look like the AMA.

People in the Ohio party talk about "members" in several ways.  We have
voters--104,000 in 2014--people who've registered and vote Green in
primaries--in the thousands, but not much--and then we have people who are
actually involved in making decisions--a cluster of almost entirely--but
not quite--white Boomers.  Simply put, this will change or the party will
die here.  And if it chooses not to change, it will have well earned its

In places, though, African American radicals have assumed leadership of the
party and its active composition reflects that (Georgia is a very
interesting state party in this regard).  One of the three Green parties in
St. Louis was predominantly black.  There were some elections that
indicated a significant number of voters were going Green at times.  I
think it was 2004 where the Greens got 1% of the vote but over 4% of the
Hispanic trade unionists.  Being something of a secret organization--not by
choice but by media exclusion--makes it difficult to get beyond a certain

Historically, black voters--like others who are generally taken for granted
to be Democrats--gravitate around such independent parties, to make a
point.  If you see that this is an option but don't have a point to make
because you're happy with a lesser evil, i don't know what can be said to
persuade you.  :-)

As to the Trump bullshit, we've heard the same thing about every Republican
since I've been watching the elections. But i've honestly not heard
anything from him that I haven't heard from his predecessors, particularly
Nixon.  Sometimes these Republicans win and it either turns out not to be
the Apocalypse or, if it is, most of the Democrats will be voting for it
right alongside the dumbest and meanest-spirited Republican.

Mark L.
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Re: [Marxism] [UCE] Fwd: Morbid Symptoms | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-08-04 Thread Fred Murphy via Marxism
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​Audio of Achcar's talk at Socialism 2016 -

On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 12:43 PM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> *
> Great review of a great book.
> I would only add that with the US bombing of Libya it's worth reviewing
> everything Achcar wrote on Libya. (And I'll look for video on Robin
> Yassin-Kassab's riff on that in which he mocks Westerns' denial of agency
> to Libyans.)
> _
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Fred Murphy  |  12 Dongan Place #206  |  New York, NY  |  212-304-9106
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[Marxism] On Stalin’s Team: The Years of Living Dangerously in Soviet Politics

2016-08-04 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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‘All my own relatives are in prison too!’ Yoram Gorlizki

by Sheila Fitzpatrick

Princeton, 384 pp, £24.95, September 2015, ISBN 978 0 691 14533 4

We were ‘milk-drinkers’ by comparison, Vyacheslav Molotov, for many years
Stalin’s deputy, said of Stalin’s inner circle. ‘Not one man after Lenin …
did even a tenth of what Stalin did.’ For Molotov, Stalin’s organisational
skills, his boldness and his cunning saved the Bolshevik Revolution after
Lenin died. Others would take a different view. Either way, part of the
fascination Stalin exercises comes from the sharp contrast, especially in
the 1920s and 1930s, between the warm, affectionate, tactile world of his
inner circle and the often brutal world beyond – and the ease with which
disbelieving former friends and comrades were dispatched from one to the
other. Stalin was skilled in the art of eviction. ‘Rykov and his gang must
be driven out but for the time being this is just between ourselves,’ he
mused to Molotov in 1929. Members of the group were to be dropped one by
one, according to different timetables. ‘No doubt this incremental approach
was the product of Stalin’s caution,’ Sheila Fitzpatrick observes in *On
Stalin’s Team*, ‘but at the same time it had a tinge of sadism: the
defeated hung twisting in the wind for a long time, begging for clemency
and reinstatement … until they ended up as total outcasts if not gibbering

*The full text of this book review is only available to subscribers of the
London Review of Books.*

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[Marxism] Fwd: H-Net Review [H-Judaic]: Wohl on Barzel, 'New York Noise: Radical Jewish Music and the Downtown Scene'

2016-08-04 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Subject: H-Net Review [H-Judaic]: Wohl on Barzel, 'New York Noise: Radical
Jewish Music and the Downtown Scene'

Tamar Barzel.  New York Noise: Radical Jewish Music and the Downtown
Scene.  Profiles in Popular Music Series. Bloomington  Indiana
University Press, 2015.  Illustrations. 328 pp.  $75.00 (cloth), ISBN
978-0-253-01550-1; $28.00 (paper), ISBN 978-0-253-01557-0.

Reviewed by Lillian Wohl (Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of
Published on H-Judaic (August, 2016)
Commissioned by Matthew A. Kraus

Radically Jewish: Explorations in Experimental Music in New York's
Lower East Side

"Was the music of the RJC (Radical Jewish Culture)
moment--particularly at its most abstract and esoteric--'Jewish
music'?" asks ethnomusicologist Tamar Barzel, introducing a central
question fueling her ethnography of "Jewishly identified" music in
New York's Lower East Side avant-garde music scene during the 1990s
(p. 15). New York Noise: Radical Jewish Music and the Downtown Music
Scene, published by Indiana University Press's Profiles in Popular
Music series, addresses the emergence of a postmodern musical
consciousness that pushed the boundaries of existing ideas about
Jewish music through the aesthetic language of experimental sound in
late twentieth-century artistic innovation in New York City--with
lasting resonances in Europe as well.

Barzel's inquiry lends itself to no easy answers, and fittingly, she
avoids the unsatisfying task of trying to provide them, instead
aiming to render the complexity of what she calls a "moment" rather
than a "movement" in experimental Jewish music in an analysis of the
circulating discourses, performance practices, and recordings of
notable musicians on the scene (p. 5). Her musician-centered
ethnographic study of the social, cultural, and artistic meanings of
a new kind of Jewishly identified music--which challenged established
notions of how, when, and under what circumstances music can be
identified as Jewish--highlights the ways in which, within a
"crisscrossing network of different music scenes," these musicians
could address concerns that resonated with them as downtown
experimentalists: how to "write new music that was Jewishly
identified and yet also in keeping with their other
work--unconventional, experimentalist, and wide-ranging" (p. 3).
Barzel's attention to the years of 1992 to 1998 brings into focus a
six-year period during which the scene came to life, but whose
impact, Barzel notes, did not simply come to an abrupt end.

Marking the 1992 festival for Radical New Jewish Culture in Munich,
Germany, as the beginning of the RJC moment, Barzel discusses a
pivotal period of artistic activity during which musicians "produced
provocative new work while engaging discursively with the personal
and conceptual issues it raised" (pp. 3-4). For many participants,
the festival engendered a "mutual recognition about an aspect of
identity whose significance, and indeed existence, had so far gone
largely unacknowledged in their creative lives" (p. 4). John Zorn,
composer, saxophonist, and figurehead of RJC, curated the event and
also premiered his programmactic octet _Kristallnacht_, initiating a
moment of reflection on experimental sound and its connection to
postmodern Jewish life. Unlike the klezmer revivalists who began
turning to the "usable past" to reinstate East European Ashkenazic
klezmer music, folk life, and folk music as potent markers of Jewish
identity, the New York experimentalists "insisted on articulating a
radically personal Jewish musical voice" that was detached from the
nostalgic connections to Jewish musical memory that the klezmer
revivalists fostered (p. 6). The sounds emerging from the RJC moment
drew instead from and constructed in its wake such idioms as
"neo-klezmer, hardcore and acid rock, neo-Yiddish cabaret, free
verse, free jazz, and electronic sound canvases" (p. 2).

As Barzel discusses, the Lower East Side played an important role in
facilitating the RJC moment, placing RJC in a wide panorama of
musical activity in New York City in the 1990s before sweeping
changes to music scenes after 9/11 and the widespread appropriation
of social media in the 2000s. Simultaneously the home to jazz, free
improvisations, punk rock, classical composition, New Wave, and later
No Wave, "punk's avant-garde incarnation," the Lower East Side also
occupied an important place in American Jewish history and Jewish
collective memory (p. 18). The "downtown scene" that grew out of this
neighborhood in the 1990s--referenced in the title of her
book--evokes "not only the musical production that happened amongst
Zorn and his frequent collaborators, 

[Marxism] The left's abandonment of females - CounterPunch

2016-08-04 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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clip -

There is a pattern among many leftist publications

consider themselves to be “anti-sexist
” to engage in
patently sexist practices by shifting away from from issues
 that specifically affect women or
by taking sides in debates where women’s bodies and lives are suddenly
rendered commodity.  Suddenly the tone of what is acceptable historical
materialism shifts radically when women are pointing out issues that
pertain to their reality.  Quite suddenly there is no room for debate and
where there is a need for discussion about issues that directly effect
women, the left is largely abandoning the voices of women as both political
constituents and political thinkers.

In recent years there has been one attempt after another another to shut
down any debate when it comes to identity politics and we have moved from
Descartes’ *cogito ergo sum* to *I feel therefore shut the fuck up*. And
this trend can be seen across the board with callout culture

from sub-factions of the left which in turn results in the likes of certain
writers publishing astute critiques

 of identity politics
, only to
suddenly change course when it comes to gender and the inclusion of
women’s voices.  As abortion rights in the US are in stiff regression and
violence against females is increasing across the planet, women who have
quite a bit at stake in the current political climate often find themselves
at odds with the leftist political landscape.  Specficall the United
Kingdom and other anglophone countries, even as there is a growing parallel
movement that is directly addressing materialism and patriarchy

As the oppression of women is tied to the material reality of being female
and not a product of that being female, feminist politics over the decades
have been sidelined and resultantly women have been mostly abandoned by the
left *specifically when it comes to gender. *Where the left traditionally
rebuked identity politics, today selfhood is often embraced by the left as
of a collection of personality traits *cum*political ideology.  Scholar and
feminist activist Jasmine Curcio
this polemic and the domination of men in leftist politics, especially
around issues pertaining to feminism:

And so many years on, feminist discussions around the left continue to be
subtly dominated by men and their perspective, with the aid of theoretical
frameworks that marked disdain towards feminism in decades past. Men have
become gatekeepers of feminist discussion, and many debates take place with
ignorance, disdain, and sometimes subtle tactics of bullying. Phenomena
that lie outside of the bourgeois-proletarian contradiction are not really
taken on board as material facts, but either made to fit with constructed
orthodoxy or they are discarded.

Paradoxically, when women point this out, the reality of sexism bites back
and they are regarded as “bitches,” “whores,” and even shut down both on
social media and in public forums.  And after this interview ran, Curcio
received a substantial backlash of attacks, stating,  “That interview
stirred up some snide comments and some slander from men I had never met
—the worst misogynist stuff was moderated.”  The tautological nature of
sexism leaves women unable to speak for herself without being caste within
age-old frameworks for understanding her as nasty,  non-nurturing,
unnatural, and even man-hating.  And this translates quite seamlessly to
current political bodies and debates within the left today.

full - http://www.counterpunch.org/2016/08/04/the-lefts-abandon-of-females/
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[Marxism] Fwd: Ryan Continues to Push for TPP at Koch Brothers’ Billionaire Bacchanal | Paul Nehlen

2016-08-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(From the website of the Trump-endorsed Republican opponent to Paul Ryan 
in the 2016 House of Representatives Wisconsin primary.

(Team Nehlen) – At a secretive retreat of billionaire conservative 
donors sponsored by Charles and David Koch at the super-luxurious 
Broadmoor Resort in Colorado on Monday, House Speaker Paul Ryan again 
pushed for multi-national free trade deals, such as the Trans-Pacific 
Partnership (TPP) agreement, that Donald Trump opposes.

At the Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce gathering of some 400 donors 
who give at least $100,000 a year to Koch-affiliated organizations, Ryan 
reportedly raised the trade issue while taking yet another veiled swipe 
at the GOP’s presidential nominee…

“We’ve got to win some of these fights in Washington on behalf of the 
free-market system. We have our work cut out for us. … We have a 
different kind of (presidential) nominee now. It’s unique. …  We’re 
having a hard time with our party these days.”

He was given a standing ovation.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Sundance Winner When Two Worlds Collide Opens August 17

2016-08-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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If you are in NY, don't miss this.

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Sundance Winner When Two Worlds Collide Opens August 17
Date:   Thu, 04 Aug 2016 08:33:02 -0700
From:   Film Forum 
Reply-To:   a...@filmforum.org
To: Louis Proyect 

First Run Features Newsletter
View online: 

Contact: Adam Walker
(212) 627-2035
WHEN TWO WORLDS COLLIDE: Indigenous Peruvians Fight for the Rainforest; 
Documentary Has US Theatrical Premiere August 17

When Two Worlds Collide posterFilm Forum is pleased to present the US 
theatrical premiere of *WHEN TWO WORLDS COLLIDE*, the debut documentary 
by *Heidi Brandenburg* and *Mathew Orzel*, beginning *Wednesday*, 
*August 17*. It tells a chilling story of Alberto Pizango, indigenous 
leader of Peru's Amazonian people, vs. Alan Garcia, President of Peru 
(2006-2011), who is backed by the multinational corporations intent on 
exploiting the Amazon's rich natural resources. This modern David and 
Goliath battle is being fought in one of the world's most lush and 
magnificent rainforests. Pizango, reminiscent of Cesar Chavez in his 
charisma and implacability, organizes people who have called the 
rainforest home for a millennia, in opposition to the illegal and 
violent takeover of their land. "Frankly, they're savages," intones the 
Minister of the Interior on Peruvian TV. Film Forum recently played the 
Oscar-nominated *EMBRACE OF THE SERPENT*, a drama of Amazonian intrigue 
and Western corruption. Here is a documentary that updates that story 
with aplomb. The film won the World Cinema Documentary Prize for Best 
Debut Feature at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival, as well as multiple 
other festival awards.

*WHEN TWO WORLDS COLLIDE will be screened August 17 – 30, at Film Forum, 
209 West Houston Street (West of 6th Avenue), with screenings daily at 
12:45, 3:00, 5:20, 7:40, and 9:50*. It is presented with generous 
support from the Richard Brick, Geri Ashur & Sara Bershtel Fund for 
Social Justice Documentaries.

*Directors Heidi Brandenburg & Mathew Orzel and producer Taira Akbar 
will be in NYC and available for interviews opening week.*

2016, UK / PERU / USA, Documentary, Spanish with English subtitles, 103 

Directed and photographed by Heidi Brandenburg and Mathew Orzel
Produced by Taira Akbar, in association with the Ford Foundation
Edited by Carla Gutierrez
Original music by H. Scott Salinas
A First Run Features release

"/Potent. Vivid. Makes its case powerfully. Shot over several years' 
course (the film) maintains a raw verité feel despite its narrative, 
temporal and geographic sprawl/."

*- Dennis Harvey, Variety*

"/Thought-provoking. A deftly-edited, heart-on-sleeve social documentary 
that toys with Fog of War moral ambiguities/."

*- Lee Marshall, Screen Daily*

"/An in-depth investigation. Earnest, direct and sometimes surprisingly 
dramatic... an insider's perspective/."

*- Justin Lowe, The Hollywood Reporter*

_*Press screening:*_
Wednesday, August 10 at 10:30 am
Screening will be held at Film Forum

*For downloadable photos and press notes, go to:*

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