Re: [Marxism] Fwd: My white neighbor thought I was breaking into my own apartment. Nineteen cops showed up. - The Washington Post

2016-08-14 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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I can think of no better reply to this article than this Dave Chappelle clip:

On Aug 14, 2016, at 5:52 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
> wrote:

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[Marxism] Fwd: bellingcat - Reports of Chlorine Gas That Targeted Civilians in Aleppo - bellingcat

2016-08-14 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: China Miéville and the Politics of Surrealism - The New Yorker

2016-08-14 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] In Rio, 'everyone is protesting'

2016-08-14 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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*Jorge Knijnik* is a researcher at the Institute for Culture and Society at
the University of Western Sydney, and specialist in sport and social
justice issues.

He spoke to *Lalitha Chelliah* from the *Solidarity Breakfast Show* on
Melbourne community radio station 3CR on August 6 about the many social
issues swirling around the 2016 Rio Olympics. Below is an edited and
abridged transcript.
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[Marxism] SOIL ALLIANCE resource hub

2016-08-14 Thread Ratbag Media via Marxism
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The SOIL ALLIANCE hub project was launched this year to foster a
radical perspective on  food and fibre production and consumption.

'Soil Alliance seeks to promote  an ongoing  dialogue between rural
and urban based workers of the soil as well as among those who consume
the food and fibre the soil produces. It hopes to  provide news and
analysis in order to encourage and facilitate collaboration among
farming, ecology, locally grown, food movement and climate change

In the context of the current trend to impose consumption shibboleths
on agriculture, the SOIL ALLIANCE  tries to capture some of the
reality of working the soil in the face of climate change impacts and
contemporary capitalism.

Recent posts:

Millions face drought and famine in Southern Africa...
Stopping land clearing and replanting trees could help keep Australia cool ...
Venezuela: Slave labour or just growing more food?...
On the Frontline: Climate Change & Rural Communities...
Monsanto Losing Millions as Farmers in India Plant indigenous seed..
Diana Rodgers: Meat is Magnificent: Water, Carbon,...
Fix farming by junking the corporate model
Rural Workers: AUDIO
Water under attack : Reports
Organic Farmers Are Not Anti-Science, but Genetic Engineers often are...
Hunger in Venezuela? A look beyond the spin
Why changing our diet won't save the Earth
Nature is neglected in this election campaign
The effects on soil biology of agricultural chemicals...
Plant varieties: Why are we losing them?
Land grabbing – A new colonialism
Carbon Sequestration on Land – the Government’s Greenhouse Gas Policy
Ruminant livestock and greenhouse gases

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[Marxism] Activist NEWSLETTER

2016-08-14 Thread Jack A. Smith via Marxism
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Go to:


1a. Photos of The Month – South Bronx, 1970s

1.   Trump Hits Media for Reporting Truth 

2.  A Still Uncertain Election

3.  Radicalizing Outside the Democratic Convention

4.  The Politics of Sanders and Corbyn

5.  Feds Slam Baltimore Cops for Racist Abuse

6. Obama Seeks More Nuclear Weapons

7. The Increased Danger of Nuclear War

8.   China, Russia to Launch South China Sea Drills

10.  Behind the Gender Pay Gap

11. The Wage Gap for Mothers

12. Bombings Strike Southern Thailand

13. The Meaning of Restored Turkey-Russia Relationa in Middle East 

14. Argentine Mothers Complete 2,000th March

15.   Ecuador To U.S. — You Aren't World's Judge

16. Two Big U.S. Unions Now Partners

17. Chelsea Manning Found Guilty

18. Support Free Speech in New York State

19. World Groundwater is Drying Up

20. Largest Wild Animal Species Face Extinction

21. New World Capuchins and Stone Tools


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[Marxism] Fwd: My white neighbor thought I was breaking into my own apartment. Nineteen cops showed up. - The Washington Post

2016-08-14 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Pressing Issues: When FDR Shafted Socialist-Democrat Candidate Upton Sinclair

2016-08-14 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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So Bernie Sanders was not the first socialist to get shafted when he ran 
as a Democrat. I should add that Upton Sinclair was a real socialist as 
opposed to Sanders.
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[Marxism] Hillary Clinton: The Perfect G.O.P. Nominee

2016-08-14 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times Op-Ed, August 14 2016
The Perfect G.O.P. Nominee
by Maureen Dowd

Hillary Clinton in June. Credit Monica Almeida/The New York Times

All these woebegone Republicans whining that they can’t rally behind 
their flawed candidate is crazy. The G.O.P. angst, the gnashing and 
wailing and searching for last-minute substitutes and exit strategies, 
is getting old.

They already have a 1-percenter who will be totally fine in the Oval 
Office, someone they can trust to help Wall Street, boost the U.S. 
Chamber of Commerce, cuddle with hedge funds, secure the trade deals 
beloved by corporate America, seek guidance from Henry Kissinger and 
hawk it up — unleashing hell on Syria and heaven knows where else.

The Republicans have their candidate: It’s Hillary.

They can’t go with Donald Trump. He’s too volatile and unhinged.

The erstwhile Goldwater Girl and Goldman Sachs busker can be counted on 
to do the normal political things, not the abnormal haywire things. 
Trump’s propounding could drag us into war, plunge us into a recession 
and shatter Washington into a thousand tiny bits.

Hillary will keep the establishment safe. Who is more of an 
establishment figure, after all? Her husband was president, and he 
repealed Glass-Steagall, signed the Defense of Marriage Act and got rid 
of those pesky welfare queens.

Pushing her Midwestern Methodist roots, taking advantage of 
primogeniture, Hillary often seems more Republican than the Gotham bling 
king, who used to be a Democrat and donor to Democratic candidates 
before he jumped the turnstile.

Hillary is a reliable creature of Wall Street. Her tax return showed the 
Clintons made $10.6 million last year, and like other superrich 
families, they incorporated with the Clinton Executive Services 
Corporation (which was billed for the infamous server). Trump has 
started holding up goofy charts at rallies showing Hillary has gotten 
$48,500,000 in contributions from hedge funders, compared to his $19,000.

Unlike Trump, she hasn’t been trashing leading Republicans. You know 
that her pals John McCain and Lindsey Graham are secretly rooting for 
her. There is a cascade of prominent Republicans endorsing Hillary, 
donating to Hillary, appearing in Hillary ads, talking up Hillary’s charms.

Robert Kagan, a former Reagan State Department aide, adviser to the 
McCain and Mitt Romney campaigns and Iraq war booster, headlined a 
Hillary fund-raiser this summer. Another neocon, James Kirchick, keened 
in The Daily Beast, “Hillary Clinton is the one person standing between 
America and the abyss.”

She has finally stirred up some emotion in women, even if it is just 
moderate suburban Republican women palpitating to leave their own 
nominee, who has the retro air of a guy who just left the dim recesses 
of a Playboy bunny club.

The Democratic nominee put out an ad featuring Trump-bashing Michael 
Hayden, an N.S.A. and C.I.A. chief under W. who was deemed “incongruent” 
by the Senate when he testified about torture methods. And she earned an 
endorsement from John Negroponte, a Reagan hand linked to 
American-trained death squads in Latin America.

Politico reports that the Clinton team sent out feelers to see if 
Kissinger, the Voldemort of Vietnam, and Condi Rice, the conjurer of 
Saddam’s apocalyptic mushroom cloud, would back Hillary.

Hillary has written that Kissinger is an “idealistic” friend whose 
counsel she valued as secretary of state, drawing a rebuke from Bernie 
Sanders during the primaries: “I’m proud to say Henry Kissinger is not 
my friend.”

The Hillary team seems giddy over its windfall of Republicans and 
neocons running from the Trump sharknado. But as David Weigel wrote in 
The Washington Post, the specter of Kissinger, the man who advised Nixon 
to prolong the Vietnam War to help with his re-election, fed a 
perception that “the Democratic nominee has returned to her old, hawkish 
ways and is again taking progressives for granted.”

And Isaac Chotiner wrote in Slate, “The prospect of Kissinger having 
influence in a Clinton White House is downright scary.”

Hillary is a safer bet in many ways for conservatives. Trump likes to 
say he is flexible. What if he returns to his liberal New York positions 
on gun control and abortion rights?

Trump is far too incendiary in his manner of speaking, throwing around 
dangerous and self-destructive taunts about “Second Amendment people” 
taking out Hillary, or President Obama and Hillary being the founders of 
ISIS. And he still blindly follows his ego, failing to understand the 
fundamentals of a campaign. “I don’t know that we need to get 

[Marxism] On Vasily Grossman's "Life and Fate"

2016-08-14 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times Sunday Book Review, August 14 2016
Literature of the Forever War
Critic’s Take

“When a man is plunged up to his neck into the caldron of war,” Vasily 
Grossman writes in “Life and Fate,” his epic novel of the Russian 
experience during World War II, “he is quite unable to look at his life 
and understand anything; he needs to take a step back. Then, like 
someone who has just reached the bank of a river, he can look round: Was 
he really, only a moment ago, in the midst of those swirling waters?”

Rooted in its author’s own experience as a Red Army war correspondent, 
“Life and Fate” was written during the latter part of the 1950s, after 
Grossman had taken his step back. The power of the book owes something 
to its belated and precarious birth. In 1961, the K.G.B. seized the 
manuscript and everything associated with it, including the typewriter 
ribbons. Fortunately, Grossman had secreted two copies with friends, and 
the text was eventually smuggled out of the Soviet Union. The book was 
published in the West in the 1980s and, finally, in Russia in 1988. 
English speakers know it through Robert Chandler’s translation, 
reprinted in 2006. In 2011, BBC Radio 4 presented a serialized drama of 
the novel.

What Grossman observes in “Life and Fate” about the psychological state 
of the individual in war might also be said of nations — perhaps of the 
United States, enmeshed in resurgent violence in the Middle East and 
lingering still in Afghanistan after 15 years of conflict. These wars 
loosed us onto an indefinite river with inhospitable shores, but their 
nature — limited war fought at a great geographical remove by a small 
professional force — has given Americans a false sense of perspective 
amid the “swirling waters.” Reading Grossman’s novel today shows us how 
elusive the achievement of equilibrium during wartime really is.

Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” was the only book Grossman himself read during 
the war. From its title to its voracious scope, “Life and Fate” is 
explicitly indebted to, yet never overwhelmed by, Tolstoy’s saga of 
Napoleon’s invasion of Russia. Grossman paid tribute to his predecessor 
in his notebooks (selections from which were published in “A Writer at 
War” in 2005) after visiting his grave during the war: “Roar of fighters 
over it, humming of explosions and the majestic calm autumn. It is so 
hard. I have seldom felt such pain.”

Yet Grossman rarely grants his characters Tolstoyan luxuries of 
redemption, recognition or reformation. Nor, unlike “War and Peace,” 
does his novel offer a lengthy discourse on its author’s theory of 
history. “Life and Fate” instead commits fully to its multivocality, its 
many perspectives. In this way, it has perhaps an even more audacious 
sweep than that of “War and Peace”: We are now with a soldier enduring 
the siege of Stalingrad; now with an Old Bolshevik imprisoned in 
Stalin’s gulag; now with Eichmann pausing during an inspection of a 
newly constructed gas chamber to enjoy hors d’oeuvres and wine; now with 
David, a young Jewish boy walking toward his death in such a chamber.

Few characters are spared deformation, corruption or destruction by the 
totalitarian state, Nazi and Stalinist, or by the autonomous violence of 
war. Grossman’s anatomy of the Soviet system’s corrosive nature is the 
reason, as commentators have noted, that the book itself became a 
political casualty.

Various interpretations of the current moment in American history — 
competing “political fictions,” to borrow Joan Didion’s term — created 
by novelists and politicians alike, have already begun to emerge and 
will no doubt continue to be written in the decades to come. They will 
range from the tragic to the comic — the rich literary sense of comedy 
as a plot that ultimately restores order to chaos, sorts out the winners 
and the losers, and declares victory. In the light of a post-World War 
II understanding of the exceptional purposes of American force, we may 
cast our war on terror, like our war in Vietnam before it, as itself an 
exception to national principles rather than an expression of them.

The specter of Vietnam is never far from view. Whenever the invocation 
of World War II becomes an uneasy fit, it is the shadow comparison lying 
in wait. The language of one war bleeds through to another, even though 
somewhere we know that echoes can be false, that analogies may not hold. 
Grossman recognized this, too: He knew that wars are seething struggles, 
not object lessons. That’s why his novel ends with a tentatively hopeful 
vision of the future that its characters greet only with ambiguous 

[Marxism] update re Alexandria solidarity request

2016-08-14 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Given the nearness of the hearing date, the organizers would like us to
focus on calls, emails etc. to the below:

Write to the Egyptian President Abdelfattah al-Sisi,

Office of the President Al Ittihadia Palace

Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt

Fax: +202 2 391 1441



Write to Egyptian Minister of Labour, Mohammed Safan,

3 Yousef Abbas Street, Salah Salem,

Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt

with copies to
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: by Ken Silverstein - GoFundMe

2016-08-14 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 8/14/16 10:21 AM, Mike Sola via Marxism wrote:

Why would I contribute to a new magazine one of whose front-page
articles is a lengthy tale (The Woman Who Deflated Anthony Weiner’s
Balls: Meet the real Sydney Leathers
about the woman with whom Anthony Weiner did "sexting"? Another isTwo
Thumbs Down on Weiner Doc.

"Political" titillation is still titillation.

For the same reason you would contribute to any magazine or medium that 
contains no advertising and that provides either enlightenment or 
entertainment, or some combination of the two. I used to donate hundreds 
of dollars a year to WBAI until it stop delivering on both.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: by Ken Silverstein - GoFundMe

2016-08-14 Thread Mike Sola via Marxism

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Why would I contribute to a new magazine one of whose front-page articles is a lengthy tale (The 
Woman Who Deflated Anthony Weiner’s Balls: Meet the real Sydney Leathers 
about the woman with whom Anthony Weiner did "sexting"? Another isTwo Thumbs Down on Weiner Doc. 

"Political" titillation is still titillation.

I want to encourage comrades to contribute to a new online magazine published by Ken Silverstein. 
He was the guy who started CounterPunch about 25 years ago and is a hell of an investigative 

Here's his website:

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[Marxism] Granma's international editor on the press

2016-08-14 Thread Marce Cameron via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Interview with Algerian journalist Mohsen Abdelmoumen

2016-08-14 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 8/14/16 8:28 AM, Ron Jacobs via Marxism wrote:

Q: Did you know that Kamel Daoud was in an Islamist maquis of the GIA 
(Armed Islamic Group) in Algeria in the 90s? How do you explain that a 
former Islamist terrorist such as Kamel Daoud have as much success in 
the West?

A: I did not know that Daoud was a member of the GIA.  I can not really 
explain his success in relation to his membership in the group, except 
to say that perhaps it is because he is a former member partially 
explains it.


In essence, what took place in Algeria was the same thing as in Egypt 
when al-Sisi overthrew the Muslim Brotherhood government of Morsi. From 

"In the first free elections since independence on June 12, 1990, they 
[the Islamist party] swept the local elections with 54% of votes cast, 
almost double that of the FLN and far more than any of the other 
parties. The FIS took 46% of town assemblies and 55% of wilaya 
assemblies.[23] Its supporters were especially concentrated in urban 
areas: it secured 93% of towns/cities of over 50,000."

I don't know anything about the journalist who interviewed Ron but I'll 
bet a thousand dollars that he supports al-Assad and probably al-Sisi as 

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[Marxism] Fwd: For millennial voters, the Clinton vs. Trump choice ‘feels like a joke’ - The Washington Post

2016-08-14 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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But in interviews this past week with more than 70 young voters in nine 
states from diverse backgrounds, lifestyles and careers, it is clear 
their mood is decidedly different from previous elections. Despite their 
varied lives, most of those interviewed shared a disgust with both 
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump so intense that it is pushing many 
beyond disillusionment and toward apathy.

The message coming from America’s rising generation is ominous, and it 
carries ramifications after the November election. No matter who wins, 
they don’t think the next president will address their concerns or even 
have an impact on their lives. They have grim expectations for their 
government and have stopped looking to Washington for solutions. Why? 
Because they see it as too gridlocked — and its leaders too corrupted.


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[Marxism] Interview with Algerian journalist Mohsen Abdelmoumen

2016-08-14 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Karl Marx: Greatness and Illusion by Gareth Stedman Jones – review | Books | The Guardian

2016-08-14 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 8/14/16 7:38 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

Lenin tries to do so by his famous arguments that capitalism is as strong
as its weakest link, and pre-revolutionary Russia has presented it as
being the
weakest link. So really he cuts through this whole argument about
whether there
are enough workers as a proportion of the population to produce a viable
socialist society. Clearly, there weren’t and the Soviets learned to
their costs. I
mean, the forces of real socialism were thin in the country and much,
was done by brute force. And of course it changed the image of
socialism ever
afterwards to that of being a very top-heavy, authoritarian, ruthless
machine, which was if anything, the opposite of what people would have
socialism was meant to be in the mid-nineteenth century.

Sorry, the link for the interview is at:

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[Marxism] Fwd: Karl Marx: Greatness and Illusion by Gareth Stedman Jones – review | Books | The Guardian

2016-08-14 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Jones is a 74 year old don who used to be on the editorial board of the 
NLR. This is a review of his new book:

I wouldn't waste my money on it myself, especially since his take on 
Lenin is this very long interview is so specious:

Lenin tries to do so by his famous arguments that capitalism is as strong
as its weakest link, and pre-revolutionary Russia has presented it as being the
weakest link. So really he cuts through this whole argument about whether there
are enough workers as a proportion of the population to produce a viable
socialist society. Clearly, there weren’t and the Soviets learned to their 
costs. I
mean, the forces of real socialism were thin in the country and much, therefore,
was done by brute force. And of course it changed the image of socialism ever
afterwards to that of being a very top-heavy, authoritarian, ruthless state
machine, which was if anything, the opposite of what people would have thought
socialism was meant to be in the mid-nineteenth century.


The fucking "forces of real socialism were thin in the country and much, 
therefore, was done by brute force" because invading imperialist armies 
leveled them to the ground.

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