[Marxism] Chile coup and popular power

2016-09-11 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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41 years on from the coup in Chile.

One of the important elements of the process in Chile was the emergence of
bodies of popular power.  An interesting interview on the subject:
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[Marxism] Latin America’s left is in retreat, but it’s not finished yet

2016-09-11 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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By Federico Fuentes

On being sworn into power on January 15, 2007, Ecuadorian President Rafael
Correa said: “Latin America is not living through an era of change, it is
living through a genuine change of eras.”

Fast forward to 2016 however, and the region looks very different. The past
year has seen the left lose a string of elections, and in some cases
governmental power. In other places, dubious judicial processes have been
used by the right to impeach those they could not beat at the ballot box.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Sports is Life, Life is Struggle

2016-09-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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This was written before Kaepernick refused to stand for the anthem.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Arian Foster leads multiple Dolphins players in protest during national anthem | Miami Herald

2016-09-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] How to actually hinder Trump Votes

2016-09-11 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Given the recent song and dance routine on the list, here is me
demonstrably taking a vote away from Trump AND being able to vote for Jill
Stein to insure that Trump does not get a vote.


Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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[Marxism] Struggle over the Cuban press intensifies

2016-09-11 Thread Marce Cameron via Marxism
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[Marxism] Fwd: Jill Stein responds to Russian environmentalists - Jill Stein 2016

2016-09-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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My views regarding Russia, and even my specific statements, have been 
grossly misrepresented by certain actors in the media and political 
establishment. There is a growing tendency in American politics to label 
critics of the established order as agents of Russia working against the 
United States. For example, when Wikileaks exposed massive corruption at 
the highest levels of the Democratic Party, high-ranking Democratic 
party officials and their supporters in the media began attacking 
Wikileaks as an alleged agent of Russia, despite their inability to 
produce any hard evidence to support this claim. This tactic of smearing 
critics as Russian agents is the mirror image of the Putin 
administration’s tactic of labeling Putin critics as agents of the West. 
It is reminiscent of the shameful history of Russia-baiting attacks 
against political opposition leaders like Martin Luther King Jr.

full: http://www.jill2016.com/jill_stein_russian_environmentalists
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[Marxism] Fwd: 9/11 sketches | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-09-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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I moved into Grogan Towers in Hoboken in 1975 just two years after the 
WTC went up. This subsidized high-rise was named after the former mayor 
of Hoboken who was SWP member Pat Grogan’s dad. Grogan Towers had an 
unobstructed view of the WTC that I could view from my picture window 
overlooking the Hudson River and the Manhattan skyline. I never gave 
much thought to them except for really enjoying the reflection of the 
setting sun on the buildings that endowed them with a scarlet glow. When 
I had a party up in my 25th floor apartment once for Hoboken’s bohemia, 
I showed artist and the city’s unofficial historian Jim Hans the photo I 
had taken of the WTC at sunset. He smiled and said, “Very nice. It 
reminds me of the red glow on a dog’s penis when he is aroused.” I 
couldn’t tell if Jim was putting me down or whether he was complimenting 
me, although I leaned toward the latter. That had no effect on my 
admiration for his passion for Hoboken that bore fruit in the 
small-scale museum he established in 1986. Like the WTC, the Grogan 
Towers were demolished long ago—the first a victim of terror, the second 
a victim of gentrification.

full: https://louisproyect.org/2016/09/11/911-sketches/
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[Marxism] The election campaign as seen from Russia

2016-09-11 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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More Polls Show Massive Trump Surge: Is Hillary the New ‘Low Energy’ Jeb Bush?  

Read more: 
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[Marxism] New book on Noam Chomsky: how his science relates to revolutionary politics

2016-09-11 Thread Chris Knight via Marxism
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This is to announce that Decoding Chomsky: Science and revolutionary politics, 
by Chris Knight, has just been published by Yale University Press.

It has just been reviewed in the Chronicle of Higher Education 
here, and 
also in the Brooklyn Rail, here. 

Noam Chomsky's principled opposition to the crimes of US foreign policy has 
made him the world's most famous left-wing intellectual. This, combined with 
his work as the founder of modern scientific linguistics, led The New York 
Times to call him 'arguably the most important intellectual alive today.'

But while Chomsky's politics is left-wing and anti-establishment, his 
linguistics has for decades been very much part of the scientific establishment.

Decoding Chomsky is an attempt to clarify the roots of the post-war 'cognitive 
revolution' in the study of language and mind. It ranges from the radical art 
movements of the Russian Revolution to the influence of Pentagon funding on 
modern science. The book concludes with an exploration of current approaches to 
the origins of language and their implications for revolutionary politics in 
the 21st century.

To give a flavour of the book, Michael Tomasello and Sara Hrdy have commented 
in these terms:

"This is Chomsky from a new perspective, the perspective of a social 
anthropologist. It connects his science with his politics in a novel and 
convincing way. Knight has dug deeper and made more interconnections than 
anyone has done before. The result is truly revelatory." - Michael 
Tomasello, author of A Natural History of Human Thinking

"Few disagree that language has been a game-changer for the human species. But 
just how we came by language remains hotly contested. In 'Decoding Chomsky', 
Chris Knight strides into this minefield to bravely replace miraculous leaps 
and teleology with a proposal that actually makes evolutionary sense."- 
Sarah Hrdy, author of Mothers and Others: The Evolutionary Origins of Mutual 

There will be a book launch on Tuesday, November 22 at 6.45pm in the Daryll 
Forde Seminar Room, Anthropology Building, 14 Taviton St, off Gordon Square, 
London WC1E 6BT. There will also be meetings on the book at the London 
Anarchist Bookfair and at the Historical Materialism conference.

The book website is here:



Decoding Chomsky: Science and Revolutionary Politics 
Decoding Chomsky: Science and Revolutionary Politicsby Chris Knight Occupying a 
pivotal position in postwar thought, Noam Chomsky is both the founder of modern 

Best wishes,


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[Marxism] How the American Revolution Worked Against Blacks, Indians and Women

2016-09-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times Sunday Book Review, Sept. 11 2016
How the American Revolution Worked Against Blacks, Indians and Women

A Continental History, 1750-1804
By Alan Taylor
Illustrated. 681 pp. W.W. Norton & Company. $37.50.

In 2001 Alan Taylor, one of America’s most distinguished historians and 
a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, published a well-received book 
entitled “American Colonies,” which he regarded as “a half step toward a 
more global (and less national) sensibility for our place in time.” That 
book challenged the traditional focus on the English and British 
contributions to American colonial history by including the other 
cultures — Native American, African, Spanish, French, Dutch and even 
Russian — that were involved in the settlements that eventually became 
the United States. Taylor says “American Revolutions” is “a sequel” to 
that earlier work. Most books on the Revolution, he writes, “focus on 
the national story of the United States. . . . That approach demotes 
neighboring empires and native peoples to bit players and minor 
obstacles to inevitable American expansion.”

In this volume, Taylor seeks to set the American Revolution in the 
broadest possible context — not only involving it in all the struggles 
of the rival European empires in the New World, but making the native 
peoples and the African slaves more important, indeed, even central, to 
it. It was not just the Eastern Seaboard’s protesting taxes that 
explains the Revolution. Conflicts in the trans-Appalachian west, Taylor 
contends, need to be linked “with resistance to parliamentary taxes as 
equal halves of a constitutional crisis that disrupted the British 
Empire in North America.” The several small uprisings that took place in 
the Spanish Empire in the early 1780s may not have greatly affected the 
course of the American Revolution, but the slave rebellion on the French 
island of Saint-Domingue in the 1790s certainly did; indeed, Taylor 
seems to have selected the end date, 1804, in his subtitle in order to 
include the creation of the second republic in the Americas, Haiti.

Still, the American upheaval was so gory, so violent and above all so 
consequential for the world that it necessarily overwhelms all these 
other revolutions. Taylor really wants to show that the Revolution was 
anything but the “good, orderly, restrained and successful” event 
usually depicted “in popular history books and films.” By broadening the 
context, he aims to desacralize the Revolution, to explode popular myths 
about it and to rip aside the mantle of nobility, dignity and heroism 
that he believes has too long covered up its sordid and bloody reality.

It certainly was bloody. Twenty-five thousand Americans in the military 
died in the war, 1 percent of the population, more deaths proportionally 
than in any other war in our history except for the Civil War. The war 
went on for eight years, the longest in our history until Vietnam, and 
it touched all parts of the country, including its western regions.

It was also a civil war, “rife with divisions, violence and 
destruction.” About 20 percent of the population remained loyal to the 
British Empire. These half-million Loyalists suffered greatly for their 
devotion to the king. The Patriots, the term Taylor prefers to use for 
the supporters of the Revolution, intimidated them, tarred and feathered 
them and confiscated their property. “In the name of liberty,” Taylor 
writes, “Patriots suppressed free speech, broke into private mail and 
terrorized their critics. . . . Patriots believed only in the liberty of 
their press.” In the end, at least 60,000 Loyalists fled the nation for 
other parts of the British Empire.

In a prodigious display of historical research, Taylor has drawn on 
nearly a thousand books and articles, listed in his 55-page 
bibliography. Because he has expanded the chronology of the Revolution 
into the 19th century and has included so much beyond the well-known 
headline events, he has some difficulty fitting everything in. He often 
packs so many incidents into each paragraph, with actions succeeding and 
crowding in upon one another, that there is no space to expand and 
develop any one of them. Consequently, they tend to get bunched up and 
leveled, and the narrative often comes to seem unusually compressed and 

Insofar as anything is highlighted in Taylor’s narrative, it is the many 
Patriot hypocrisies and contradictions. Southerners, Taylor suggests, 
engaged in the Revolution principally to protect their property in 
enslaved Africans, but “implausibly blamed the persistence of slavery o


2016-09-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Rosa Remix: 100 years of capitalism’s global relocation

2016-09-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: The end of globalisation and the future of capitalism | Michael Roberts Blog

2016-09-11 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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DeLong echoes Keynes in 1931 by concluding that “short of a nightmare 
scenario like terror-driven nuclear war, you can expect my successors in 
2075 to look back and relish that, once again, their world is three 
times better off than ours is today.”

This pro-capitalist optimism was also recently promoted by Nobel prize 
winner Angus Deaton.   Deaton is an expert on world poverty, the 
consumption patterns of households and how to measure them.  He 
emphasises that life expectancy globally has risen 50% since 1900 and is 
still rising. The share of people living on less than $1 a day (in 
inflation-adjusted terms) has dropped to 14 percent from 42 percent as 
recently as 1981. The greatest progress against cancer and heart disease 
has come in the last 20 to 30 years.  “Things are getting better,” he 
writes, “and hugely so.”

But Deaton makes it clear that progress in living conditions and quality 
of life is a relatively recent development. And much of this improvement 
in the quality and length of life comes from the application of science 
and knowledge through state spending on education, on sewage, clean 
water, disease prevention and protection, hospitals and better child 
development.  These are things that do not come from capitalism but from 
the common weal.


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[Marxism] The first 9/11

2016-09-11 Thread John Passant via Marxism

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The first 9/11
Workers of my country, I have faith in Chile and its destiny. Other men 
will overcome this dark and bitter moment when treason seeks to prevail. 
Go forward knowing that, sooner rather than later, the great avenues 
will open again where free men will walk to build a better society.

Long live Chile! Long live the people! Long live the workers!
These are my last words, and I am certain that my sacrifice will not be 
in vain, I am certain that, at the very least, it will be a moral lesson 
that will punish felony, cowardice, and treason.

Santiago de Chile, 11 September 1973
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