[Marxism] Fwd: I’m voting for Jill Stein. It’s a moral choice. It reflects who I am as a person. - Vox

2016-10-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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I am a Marxist, a radical feminist, and the child of a Laotian 
immigrant, so it’s obvious why Trump doesn’t speak to me. His hateful 
and bigoted language, such as the recent recordings where he discussed 
sexually assaulting women, is appalling. I’m particularly disturbed by 
his law-and-order rhetoric. I read that he claimed police are the most 
discriminated-against group in America right now. I’m truly 
flabbergasted at that statement.

As for Clinton, her views and many of the stances taken up by the 
Democratic Party are just not progressive enough for me. I’m turned off 
by her connections to big business and capitalism, her support of 
fracking, and her hawkish support of Israel. Most of all, I’m 
disappointed by how slow she was to get on board with the Black Lives 
Matter group, which is the movement I’m most passionate about. While I 
appreciate that she has largely come around to it, I don’t see evidence 
that she really gets the core of the problem.

Black Lives Matter emphasizes intersectionality, which is the idea that 
one’s social identities are inseparable and all significant when 
considering how marginalized groups are oppressed. I see Clinton as a 
person who does not have an intersectional mindset. How can she say she 
supports the black community in our country but then continue to support 
Israel as it violently occupies Gaza, where black Palestinians live? She 
lacks the globally progressive view that I want in a candidate.

Jill Stein has been my candidate for years, and the Green Party has 
always been my affiliation of choice. She is the only candidate who 
recognizes the historical and systemic scope of racial issues. I admire 
that she lets people of color speak for themselves about solutions and 
experiences with police violence. I can’t think of any misgivings I have 
with Stein’s positions. Some people like to bring up her comments on 
vaccinations as a criticism, but Stein has praised the positive effects 
of vaccines and has only questioned the influence of big pharma on 
recommendations. She is a doctor with extensive medical training — why 
are people so dismissive of her on this issue?


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[Marxism] Fwd: Assad's Man in Oklahoma | Huffington Post

2016-10-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Taking down the awful Joshua Landis

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[Marxism] Brazilian students occupy more than 500 schools to reject austerity

2016-10-19 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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[Marxism] When will the left hear the cries from Aleppo

2016-10-19 Thread John Passant via Marxism

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When will the left hear the cries from Aleppo?
In a response to articles by journalist Max Blumenthal, Ashley Smith in 
Socialist Worker US challenges the view that the Syrian Revolution has 
been manipulated by the U.S. from the beginning. We must stand in 
solidarity with genuine liberation struggles from below, regardless of 
which imperial camp they are challenging. Our slogan is neither 
Washington, nor Moscow, nor Beijing, nor Damascus, nor Tehran, nor 
Riyadh, but self-determination for oppressed nations and international 

To read the whole article click here.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Will the left hear the cries from Aleppo?

2016-10-19 Thread David McDonald via Marxism
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Thanks for the quick response, Andy.

As to your points:

1. 90% of your critique is on NFZs, about which the only way to handle it
is as Ashley did, by detailing the positions and reasons of all sides.

I don't mind his detailing positions. That and numerous things in the
article are very good. I don't like the SW/ISO position that an NFZ is an
error, not just for Americans/western leftists, but for Syrians. I think it
is at the heart of an important political concession that reeks.
a. Did I get ISO's position wrong?
b. Is the ISO position on NFZ now identical to the Baathist Amen Corner
position or not?

You seem to think this a small thing, but consider what happens in the
event of an event. What will be the points of unity? Do you believe a
Syrian who calls for bombing the regime's airstrips to crater them (for
example) could get on the platform? Is this not going to reproduce the
situation in London where Syrians were prevented from speaking at a Stop
the War Coalition rally?

2. The 7th Camp. OK, you're right, only gettable by ancients like me. I
don't think I am seeing Schachtmanites in my soup but later for that (not
too much later IMO).

Thanks again for your helpful remarks.
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[Marxism] the solution ot antibiotic resistance - more antibiotics?

2016-10-19 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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If only there was a significant Left that could demand the nationalization
of the pharmaceutical industry so as to prioritize peoples' health over
private profit!

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Will the left hear the cries from Aleppo?

2016-10-19 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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90% of your critique is on NFZs, about which the only way to handle it is
as Ashley did, by detailing the positions and reasons of all sides.
That leaves you 5% of your critique, hardly enough space to give Ashley his
due, i.e. his thorough devastation of all tankie arguments.
I do agree with you on Blumenthal et al.: the Palestinian statement against
them made very clear why it's appropriate for Palestinians to say "fuck
off, no more leeching off our struggle when you're pro-Assad!"
As for the sneering about a 7th camp, that's just ancient wars being fought
in your head.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Will the left hear the cries from Aleppo?

2016-10-19 Thread David McDonald via Marxism
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Dear Marxmailers: below is the text of an article I intend to publish
criticizing Ashley Smith's piece today in SW. Please respond quickly if you
think I am full of shit with your reasons, and thanks! Article begins:

This article represents a retreat from the Ashley Smith SW article
reprinted in Counterpunch on August 31.

In the first article Smith equates the imperialisms of the US and Russia in
Syria, saying neither is interested in helping the Syrian people. He
correctly, IMO, points out the essential quandry for the US, which is that
there is no way to preserve the Baathist regime without Assad. Russia, he
says, faces no such quandry since Syria is a long-standing client regime
going way back and stinging the US in Syria seems like a great idea to them.

OK. So far so good, kind of. I have reservations about certain
formulations, but those reservations make more sense as we watch Smith's
stance change so I will hold off for now.

In today's Socialist Worker article Smith goes a bridge farther: he opposes
the call for a no-fly-zone (NFZ):

"IT IS also true that calls for a "no-fly zone" have come from The Syria
Campaign and other voices organizing solidarity. *Socialist Worker* believes
such a call is mistaken--the U.S. empire would not enforce a "no-fly zone"
to stop the carnage in Syria, but to advance its imperial interests, and
would lead to greater violence.

But the calls for a "no-fly zone" have to be understood in the context of
the desperate circumstances that exist in Syria today. The primary motive
of Syrians who want the U.S. to patrol the skies is for *someone* to put a
stop to the slaughter of people in Aleppo and other besieged cities and
areas of the country. It is completely understandable that such a demand
would gain ground as the Assad regime and Russia are blowing up hospitals,
schools and even humanitarian relief convoys


And even so, other Syrian revolutionaries and solidarity activists
*don't* support
a "no-fly zone." They see the U.S. for what it is: a counterrevolutionary
force that wants to preserve the status quo, with Assad or without. And
they recognize that a "no-fly zone" would escalate the war, lead to more
bombing, kill more innocent civilians and create an even worse situation
for the popular movement.

Moreover, truth be told, the U.S. is not about to impose a "no-fly zone" in
Syria anyway. Blumenthal and others are making the mistake of believing
Hillary Clinton's rhetoric during an election campaign--something that
and her own track record of saying one thing and doing another

taught us is profoundly mistaken.

The Obama administration and allies such as British Foreign Secretary Boris
Johnson are using the threat of a "no-fly zone" as a bargaining ploy to
push for more talks. Thus, after all the rhetoric and posturing about
Russia's escalating air war, Obama sent Kerry on yetanother meaningless
mission to Switzerland to negotiate a cease-fire

Vladimir Putin and various regional powers. Of course, this failed.

Actually implementing a "no-fly zone" would risk full-scale war in Syria.

Several years ago, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Gen. Martin E. Dempsey gave
a presentation to Obama that estimated as many as 70,000 U.S. military
personnel would be needed

take out Syria's anti-aircraft system and then carry out a 24-hour no-fly

Suddenly everybody's a military tactician. Now there are Syrian
revolutionaries who call for a no fly zone and Syrian revolutionaries who
don't. I guess it's dealer's choice for the ISO & Socialist Worker. This
circumstance allows them to ratify the position of the rest of the left,
that it is impermissible to call for military action by the US imperialism
because it is imperialist. Of course they disagree about the *reason* for
not calling for a NFZ, and I hope that makes them feel better.

Please note that this is beyond leftish squeamishness. It's not just the
left that ought not call for a NFZ, but the Syrians in Syria getting
bombed, too. Why?

"IT IS also true that calls for a "no-fly zone" have come from The Syria
Campaign and other voices organizing solidarity. *Socialist Worker* believes
such a call is mistaken--the U.S. empire would not enforce a "no-fly zone"
to stop the carnage in Syria, but to 

[Marxism] Fwd: Steve Ellner: Democratization of PSUV is Key to Chavismo’s Future | venezuelanalysis.com

2016-10-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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part one: https://venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/12716

part two: https://venezuelanalysis.com/analysis/12723
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[Marxism] Fwd: Will the left hear the cries from Aleppo? | SocialistWorker.org

2016-10-19 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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