Re: [Marxism] Fwd: George Orwell was a reactionary snitch who made a blacklist of leftists for the British government – Medium

2016-12-21 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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you should DEFINITELY reply, including because many who've grown to hate
Norton may not know the Spanish Revolution's history

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Re: [Marxism] Just how many Panamanians did the US kill 27 years ago?

2016-12-21 Thread Gulf Mann via Marxism
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True, one loses track of all the invasions, all the death and destruction.
Yet, it is important to remember--and learn.
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[Marxism] Fwd: George Orwell was a reactionary snitch who made a blacklist of leftists for the British government – Medium

2016-12-21 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The pinhead Ben Norton's neo-Stalinist turn is complete. He writes: 
"Sure, the USSR did a lot of objectionable things, but it was also the 
only large country in the entire world that supported the Spanish 
Republicans in their fight against fascism (excluding a bit of extra 
support from Mexico). The Soviet Union understood that one cannot have a 
revolution if one cannot even defeat the fascist counterrevolution 
first — a lesson many on the left still have not learned today."

This is the same kind of logic that leads him to back Assad and Putin. 
Implicit in this argument is that George Orwell, who had nothing to be 
ashamed of when he wrote "Homage to Catalonia", was an obstacle to the 
Popular Front's survival and deserved the same fate as Andres Nin.

I might answer this jerk if I find the time.

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[Marxism] Just how many Panamanians did the US kill 27 years ago?

2016-12-21 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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[Marxism] After Trotskyism, what? Some personal thoughts

2016-12-21 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Posting the whole thing since it appeared only on FB.)


“The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on 
the brain of the living.” — Karl Marx

A few months ago, I left the International Marxist Tendency, an 
organization of which I had been a member for more than seven years. 
Many friends and comrades wrote to ask me to outline the reasons for 
this decision. I write these lines primarily for them. As someone who 
had recruited many to the ranks of the IMT, I felt responsible to 
explain why I had left it and what path do I see ahead in the fight for 
socialism. I don’t claim to have found a magical formula or the answer 
to all my questions but hope that these humble lines will be of interest 
to some.

I should start by saying that the sad ultra-left turn that IMT has taken 
in the last few years surely did accelerate my decision. Abandoning of 
the fundamental orientation to the Labour Party in Britain (signaled by 
the change in the paper’s masthead) which happened to come only months 
before the historic election of Jeremy Corbyn; similar distancing from 
the traditional organizations of the working class in other countries; 
advocating abstention in the Brexit referendum; and the refusal to 
endorse Bernie Sanders’s campaign are just some examples. But it would 
be dishonest if I pretended that this turn was my ultimate reason and 
that all I long for is a pre-turn IMT or a similar Trotskyist 
organization. It is true that by reflection on my years of political 
activity, and by taking into account the developments of the last few 
years, I have come to the conclusion that orthodox “Trotskyism”, as we 
know it, is no longer the path forward for the working class and for the 
cause of a better world. We need new political strategies for the epoch 
we are in.

My Trotskyist Experience

When I joined the IMT in late 2008, few months after I had left my 
native Iran for Canada, this wasn’t out of a whim. For about five years 
I had been a member of WPI, an Iranian organization that could be 
described as belonging to the Left Communist and Council Communist 
tradition. I had joined it at the age of 15 for the simple reason that 
it was the only Marxist organization I knew that dared to organize under 
the authoritarian Islamist regime that reigns in Iran. As I had started 
a process of questioning the WPI, and as I needed a political home in 
Canada, I embarked on a study of international left from the times of 
Marx and Engels down to the currently existing international 
organizations and their branches in Canada. I chose IMT because it stood 
on unapologetic socialist politics (of much importance to me, it didn’t 
follow much of the international left by supporting the Tehran regime), 
because the Trotskyist Anti-Stalinism appealed to me, because its 
political strategy of working inside the NDP to win a majority for 
Marxist ideas in the country’s main working-class party seemed plausible 
and because it boasted many hard-working people who took their politics 

I haven’t changed my mind on any of those reasons but it is only after a 
sustained period that you start finding holes and problems; you can try 
to fix some of those problems and tolerate others (since I never 
believed that membership in an organization should be tantamount to 
agreeing with every single thing about it) but you then recognize that 
some of the problems are in the DNA of the group. It has inherited them 
from a political tradition and, unless there is a commitment on part of 
a significant number of its leaders, they are not going to change.

What are these problems, where do they come from and how can we overcome 

Basis of unity — the problem of sectarianism

Any political group has a criteria for its membership, a basis of unity 
that brings people together as they strive for a goal. Getting such a 
basis right is a difficult task and easier said than done, especially 
for a Marxist organization. How do you gather around the largest 
possible number of people possible while making sure that your group is 
not diluted in the goals it pursues? How can you ensure the maximum 
amount of discipline and seriousness in work while also letting people 
who can’t commit as much time or resources participate?

I have always believed that this basis of unity needs to be political 
and around the goals that we all strive for. If people share the 
fundamental socialist goal (a world free of classes where production is 
organized on the basis of need not profit) and basic strategies and 
stances of a political group in any given

[Marxism] BBC Persian interview with Karim Pourhamzavi

2016-12-21 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Here's the interview as it was subsequently posted on youtube:
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[Marxism] ISIS: the Middle East in the fire of the jihadists

2016-12-21 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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My friend Karim has just had his first book published.  It's in Farsi, but
some people here would be fluent in Farsi.

Pourhamzavi, Karim. (2016). *ISIS: The Middle East in the Jihadists' Fire*.
Nogaam. London.

Cover designer: Abdulqader Balouch.

This book is the first book in Farsi which considers the jihadist groups

The first part of the book addresses the ideology of these groups in its
historical context. This starts from the 14th century when the Salafi
interpretation of Islam emerged and the way it was adopted as the only and
official version of understanding Islam in Saudi Arabia in early 20th
century. Then it goes to 20th-century development of jihadist thoughts in
places like Egypt, Afghanistan, and post-2003-Iraq.

The second part addresses the emergence of the jihadist movement in the
shadow of third party sponsorship such as local rulers and regional and
global powers who used these movements against their rivals for
economic-political gains.

In the third part, the book addresses the claimed sectarian element of the
conflict in the Middle East. The book suggests that a large amount of
evidence indicates otherwise - the essence of this conflict is not
sectarian or based on Sunni vs. Shi'a. The term sectarianism is therefore
used for simplifying a much more complex reality, involving proxy wars and
international adversaries over the Middle East.
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[Marxism] The petition, Christine Lagarde, and the environment

2016-12-21 Thread Joseph Green via Marxism
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There is currently a petition being circulated to have Congress "Demand that 
IMF Chief Christine Lagarde resign or be forced from office following her 
conviction in a French government corruption case". I'm not sure whether 
anyone really believes that the problem with the market fundamentalist IMF is 
that Lagarde is its chief, or that Congress is better than Lagarde. But 
there's no harm in denouncing a bit of corruption. That aside. No doubt many 
of those who are pushing the petition are supporters of the carbon tax. Yet 
they are silent on the fact that Lagarde and the IMF are major backers of the 
carbon tax, and no doubt the IMF and the World Bank will have a much greater 
impact on how the carbon tax is implemented than ecosocialists and leftists. 
What's the point of denouncing the IMF if one has the same policy as the IMF? 
What's the point of having a petition on Lagarde if one doesn't denounce 
Lagarde's policies? To implement Lagardism without Lagarde?

The IMF and the World Bank are committed to the use of carbon pricing as the 
main tool for dealing with global warming and as a replacement for a system 
of comprehensive regulation. Lagarde says so -- down with all those pesky 
regulations that might otherwise proliferate! The IMF is more committed to 
the carbon tax, while the World Bank would be happy to accept cap and trade. 
But the important thing for them is to back carbon pricing, not a system of 
comprehensive regulation and planning. In my opinion, these market measures 
help pave the way for climate disaster. This is a false path, a market 
fundamentalist path, for the environmental movement. 

Now perhaps some pro-carbon tax activists have a rationale for why it is 
supposed to be correct to be on the same side as Lagarde and the  IMF on the 
issue of global warming and the carbon tax. But it isn't discussed. It isn't 
good form to mention it. There may be indignation about Lagarde and the IMF 
and the World Bank and the Washington Consensus, and the horrors their 
neo-liberal policies have caused to entire countries such as Greece, but 
there is silence on how it could be that Lagarde and these institutions are 
supposedly correct about carbon pricing. How can it be that market 
fundamentalism is a disaster for the people, but supposedly wonderful for the 

Or if activists disagree with the way Lagarde and the IMF  would implement 
the carbon tax, well, there isn't much discussion of it. (To be precise, 
everyone puts forward their own version of the carbon tax, whose supposed 
simplicity is belied by so many different versions, but they do not compare 
them to Lagarde's version.) If the carbon tax were being honestly discussed 
in front of the working class and progressive activists, there should be lots 
of discussion of whether the carbon tax proposal being put forward differs 
from that of the IMF and the World Bank, and why one could imagine that one's 
idea of a carbon tax, and not Christine Lagarde's, is likely to be 
implemented. But one looks in vain towards the main propagandists for the 
carbon tax for such a discussion. Occasionally one finds such things as James 
Handley of the Carbon Tax Center lauding the stand of Christine Lagarde 
("Carbon Tax Convergence, as IMF and IPCC Chiefs Speak Out", October 8, 2015 
By James Handley). But in that article there is no criticism of Lagarde and 
the IMF, only celebration.

In the absence of a discussion of Lagarde's  and IMF policy on the 
environment, or any other major issue, the critique of Lagarde may reduce to  
shouting "The King is dead! Long live the King!" Only market fundamentalists 
could be enthusiastic about that.

Joseph Green

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[Marxism] Fwd: The tyrants bring the invaders | openDemocracy

2016-12-21 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Leila Al-Shami

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[Marxism] Fwd: YouTube star kicked off Delta Airlines flight 'for speaking Arabic' | World news | The Guardian

2016-12-21 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Best books of 2016 | Michael Roberts Blog

2016-12-21 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Aleppo has fallen: Armed Opposition Seeks to Redefine Itself (pt.2) | The Huffington Post

2016-12-21 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Aleppo has fallen: But the Conflict is Far from Over (pt.1) | The Huffington Post

2016-12-21 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Statement on Assassination of Russian Ambassador to Turkey

2016-12-21 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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