[Marxism] the persistent myth of the spat-upon returning Vietnam vet

2017-07-29 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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[Marxism] The Crisis in Venezuela

2017-07-29 Thread Richard M via Marxism
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[Marxism] Soviet economic model

2017-07-29 Thread Walter Daum via Marxism

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I offer a chapter of my book, The Life and Death of Stalinism, published 
in 1990:


Since then Soviet archives have been opened to scholars, and I believe 
that the broad ideas in this chapter are illustrated in, for example, 
the book The Political Economy of Stalinism by Paul R. Gregory, which 
might be available online.

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[Marxism] re Soviet Economic Model

2017-07-29 Thread michael a. lebowitz via Marxism

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Impossible not to respond to Andrew Stewart's query:
"Does anyone have a decent, understandable brief that explains the operation
of the Soviet economy at its best moment (what that is probably is going to
be a whole other debate)?"

Here was my entry: "Contradictions of 'Real Socialism': the Conductor 
and the Conducted", published by Monthly Review Press in 2012 (with a 
Cuban edition in 2015 and revised Spanish translations forthcoming in 
Chile, Ecuador and Spain) and reviewed nicely by Louis at


Contents and cover blurbs:

Introduction: New Wings for Socialism
Overture: The Conductor and the Conducted
Ch.1. The Shortage Economy
Ch.2. The Social Contract
Ch.3. The Nature and Reproduction of Vanguard Relations of Production
Ch.4. Contested Reproduction within ‘Real Socialism’
Ch.5. The Conductor and the Battle of Ideas in the Soviet Union
Ch.6. From Moral Economy to Political Economy
Ch.7. Towards a Society of Associated Conductors
Ch.8. Goodbye to Vanguard Marxism

Cover Blurbs:

The profound understanding in this new book of why 20th century attempts 
at constructing socialism failed must be an essential element in the 
socialist renewal emerging amid the first great capitalist crisis of the 
21st century.--Leo Panitch, Editor, The Socialist Register

Lebowitz shows, theoretically and historically, that the socialism 
practiced in the Soviet Union and Central Europe was doomed.There is a 
lot to learn here--Marty Hart-Landsberg

One doesn’t have to agree with all the theses presented in Michael 
Lebowitz’s last book in order to acknowledge that this is a major 
contribution to the international debate on the Socialism of the 21th 
Century--Michael Löwy

What would Marx have thought had he lived to see the Soviet Union? 
Nobody has interpreted Marx to greater advantage to answer this question 
than renowned Marxist scholar Michael Lebowitz, who explains in /The 
Contradictions of ‘Real Socialism’/ why Marx would not have been 
pleased!-- Robin Hahnel


 "Where fresh insights are rare, indeed, Michael Lebowitz provides a 
bundle of them. While no one will (or perhaps should) agree with 
everything here, the book provides rich material for badly-needed 
discussion."--Paul Buhle, author of MARXISM IN THE UNITED STATES

A riveting exploration of what can be learned from the first attempts to 
create socialist systems, specifically the period from 1950 through the 
1980s. Required reading.--Fred Magdoff


Michael A. Lebowitz
Professor Emeritus
Economics Department
Simon Fraser University
 University Drive
Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6
Home:   Phone 604-689-9510
Cell: 604-789-4803

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[Marxism] re Soviet Economic Model

2017-07-29 Thread michael a. lebowitz via Marxism

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Impossible not to respond to Andrew Stewart's query:
"Does anyone have a decent, understandable brief that explains the operation
of the Soviet economy at its best moment (what that is probably is going to
be a whole other debate)?"

Here was my entry: "Contradictions of 'Real Socialism': the Conductor 
and the Conducted", published by Monthly Review Press in 2012 (with a 
Cuban edition in 2015 and revised Spanish translations forthcoming in 
Chile, Ecuador and Spain) and reviewed nicely by Louis at


Contents and cover blurbs:

Introduction: New Wings for Socialism

Overture: The Conductor and the Conducted

Ch.1. The Shortage Economy

Ch.2. The Social Contract

Ch.3. The Nature and Reproduction of Vanguard Relations of Production

Ch.4. Contested Reproduction within ‘Real Socialism’

Ch.5. The Conductor and the Battle of Ideas in the Soviet Union

Ch.6. From Moral Economy to Political Economy

Ch.7. Towards a Society of Associated Conductors
Ch.8. Goodbye to Vanguard Marxism

Cover Blurbs:

The profound understanding in this new book of why 20th century attempts 
at constructing socialism failed must be an essential element in the 
socialist renewal emerging amid the first great capitalist crisis of the 
21st century.

Leo Panitch, Editor, The Socialist Register

 Lebowitz shows, theoretically and historically, that the socialism 
practiced in the Soviet Union and Central Europe was doomed.There is a 
lot to learn here.

Marty Hart-Landsberg

 One doesn’t have to agree with all the theses presented in Michael 
Lebowitz’s last book in order to acknowledge that this is a major 
contribution to the international debate on the Socialism of the 21th 

Michael Löwy

What would Marx have thought had he lived to see the Soviet Union? 
Nobody has interpreted Marx to greater advantage to answer this question 
than renowned Marxist scholar Michael Lebowitz, who explains in /The 
Contradictions of ‘Real Socialism’/ why Marx would not have been pleased!

 Robin Hahnel


Francois Houtart

 "Where fresh insights are rare, indeed, Michael Lebowitz provides a 
bundle of them. While no one will (or perhaps should) agree with 
everything here, the book provides rich material for badly-needed 


A riveting exploration of what can be learned from the first attempts to 
create socialist systems, specifically the period from 1950 through the 
1980s. Required reading.

Fred Magdoff

-- - Michael A. Lebowitz Professor Emeritus 
Economics Department Simon Fraser University  University Drive 
Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6 Home: Phone 604-689-9510 Cell: 604-789-4803

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Re: [Marxism] Soviet economic model

2017-07-29 Thread Vladimiro Giacche' via Marxism
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quite interesting on the matter: Cohen, Farm to factory : 
> On 7/29/17 5:32 PM, Andrew Stewart via Marxism wrote:
>> Does anyone have a decent, understandable brief that explains the operation
>> of the Soviet economy at its best moment (what that is probably is going to
>> be a whole other debate)?

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Re: [Marxism] Soviet economic model

2017-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/29/17 5:32 PM, Andrew Stewart via Marxism wrote:

Does anyone have a decent, understandable brief that explains the operation
of the Soviet economy at its best moment (what that is probably is going to
be a whole other debate)?

 I also have high regard for anything written by Moshe Lewin, who 
started off as a blast furnace operator in a Polish factory during WWII 
and then became a major figure in academic Sovietology. I read his 
Russia — USSR — Russia: The Drive and Drift of a Superstate and 
recommend it highly.

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[Marxism] Soviet economic model

2017-07-29 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Does anyone have a decent, understandable brief that explains the operation
of the Soviet economy at its best moment (what that is probably is going to
be a whole other debate)?

Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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[Marxism] Lukacs Ontology of Social Being

2017-07-29 Thread George Snedeker via Marxism
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Does anyone know of a good discussion of Lukacs's THE ONTOLOGY OF SOCIAL BEING 
in English? Only three of the eight chapters of Lukacs's last major 
philosophical work have been translated into English. These three chapters were 
published as three small books by the Merlin Press. The final three chapters of 
Lukacs's book: on Alienation, Ideology and The Social Reproduction of Society 
have not yet been translated into English. The three chapters which have been 
translated into English as separate books are on Hegel, Marx and Labor.I 
understand that Brill will be publishing the entire Ontology of Social Being in 
perhaps 3-5 years. 

George Snedeker 
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[Marxism] Starring Nebbishes and Noodges, Yiddish Cinema Makes a Comeback

2017-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, July 29 2017
Starring Nebbishes and Noodges, Yiddish Cinema Makes a Comeback

A Yiddish-language feature made with nonprofessional actors on the 
streets of Brooklyn? Joshua Z. Weinstein’s “Menashe” is not the product 
of a time machine but the belated rebirth of a venerable tradition.

Beginning in 1930 with the hourlong talkie “My Yiddishe Mama” and 
continuing for two decades, some 40 Yiddish features and many short 
films were made in the United States, Poland and even the Soviet Union — 
an era that ended in 1950 with the release of two bargain-basement 
musical revues, “Catskill Honeymoon” and “Monticello, Here We Come!”

Their audience was large. Before World War II, many millions spoke the 
common language of Eastern European Jews. Since then, the number of 
speakers has dropped to several hundred thousand — mostly ultra-Orthodox 
Hasidic Jews and a few devoted Yiddishists.

But, as portended by the supernatural prologue of Joel and Ethan Coen’s 
comic horror film, “A Serious Man” (2009), the 21st century has brought 
Yiddish back to life onscreen — with a difference. Never the audience 
for Yiddish films, the Hasidim, who typically shun popular 
entertainment, have now become its subject.

In 2005, Yakov and Mendy Kirsh, two ultra-Orthodox brothers from Monsey, 
N.Y., made a low-budget thriller, “A Gesheft” (“The Deal”), with an 
all-male cast. This was followed in 2011 by Eve Annenberg’s quite 
different “Romeo and Juliet in Yiddish,” a clever transposition of 
Shakespeare featuring a cast of young apostate Hasidim.

“Menashe” is something else, a rare example of Yiddish neorealism. 
(Yiddish documentaries and documentary re-enactments were made in Poland 
before and after World War II.) A maker of documentaries who has worked 
in India and South Africa, Mr. Weinstein conceived “Menashe,” his first 
feature film, as a similar, almost ethnographic immersion in a foreign 

A vast majority of Hasidic men would never appear in a movie, let alone 
appear in a scene with a woman who was not a relative. Helped by the 
music and video producer Daniel Finkelman and other members of the 
Hasidic world, Mr. Weinstein worked to establish contacts. Still, he did 
not have much beyond the desire to make a movie until he found Menashe 
Lustig, whose one-man comic videos, posted on YouTube, Mr. Weinstein 
compares to Chaplin’s early two-reelers.

“Menashe” not only takes its title from Mr. Lustig but something of his 
life story, too. He plays a good-hearted, somewhat feckless widower, 
working as a supermarket clerk and trying to regain custody of his young 
son — who is being kept by his dead wife’s disapproving family until he 
remarries. (A Hasidic speed-dating scene is among the movie’s highlights.)

Mr. Weinstein shaped other roles to suit his actors. Menashe’s boss is 
the owner of a supermarket in Monsey. His rabbi is played by a cabdriver 
who, Mr. Weinstein said, was “waiting his whole life” for a chance to 
hold forth. Perhaps the most difficult role, Menashe’s son, went to 
Ruben Niborski, the child of Israeli Yiddishists and possibly the only 
member of the cast who had ever been inside a movie theater.

“Menashe” embodies Mr. Weinstein’s successful struggle to reconcile 
religious codes of behavior with filmmaking’s practical necessities. “We 
were escorted off locations,” he recalled. “Actors would quit.” The 
script was in English, and so were the rehearsals. The scenes were shot 
in Yiddish, a strategy that resulted in both brilliant improvisations 
and considerable disputation, said Mr. Weinstein (who does not speak the 
language), adding, “There were arguments on set over every single word.”

For financial as well as cultural reasons, Yiddish movies were never 
easy to make. That Mr. Weinstein spoke no Yiddish is part of the 
cinematic tradition. Neither Edgar G. Ulmer, the B-movie maker who 
directed four Yiddish talkies, nor Joseph Seiden, the most prolific 
producer of Yiddish films, was fluent. “Menashe” has affinities with 
Yiddish cinema of the 1930s in other ways. By dramatizing the 
relationship between parents and children, the film explores one of its 
core themes.

“Menashe” is not the only recent addition to the corpus of Yiddish 
cinema, which includes silent movies. When I wrote a history of the 
field, published in 1991, I was able to screen every existing example, 
most of which had been acquired by the National Center for Jewish Film. 
But since then, newly discovered films appeared. A Yiddish-language 
anti-Nazi feature from 1933 turned up amid the nitrate prints owned by 
the proprietor of a Brooklyn camera store. 

Re: [Marxism] New Hampshire: a tale of two Americas

2017-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/29/17 12:22 PM, Dennis Brasky wrote:

a link please

On Sat, Jul 29, 2017 at 11:26 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism

FT.com, July 29 2017
New Hampshire: a tale of two Americas
‘Our community is segregated — there are large and gracious
properties, rentals and trailer parks’

by Rana Foroohar

Probably behind a paywall: 

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Re: [Marxism] New Hampshire: a tale of two Americas

2017-07-29 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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a link please

On Sat, Jul 29, 2017 at 11:26 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism
> FT.com, July 29 2017
> New Hampshire: a tale of two Americas
> ‘Our community is segregated — there are large and gracious properties,
> rentals and trailer parks’
> by Rana Foroohar
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[Marxism] New Hampshire: a tale of two Americas

2017-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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FT.com, July 29 2017
New Hampshire: a tale of two Americas
‘Our community is segregated — there are large and gracious properties, 
rentals and trailer parks’

by Rana Foroohar

In Russell Banks’s powerful 1989 novel Affliction, which chronicles the 
downward spiral of a blue-collar everyman from New Hampshire, one of the 
characters speaks of an “invisible line” that divides the violently 
beautiful mountains of the hardscrabble north from the rolling and 
prosperous hills of the south. The same line runs through the population 
today. New Hampshire is a tiny state but it boasts the seventh-highest 
number of millionaires in the US. In the dog days of July and August, 
affluent Bostonians and New Yorkers retreat to summer homes by its 
picturesque lakes. But New Hampshire is also filled with people 
like Affliction’s protagonist, Wade Whitehouse, the police officer cum 
snowplough operator cum handyman struggling with three jobs, 
trailer-park housing, single parenting and addiction.

My own recent summers by Lake Chocorua have become a window on to this 
type of economic and social bifurcation, which has become more and more 
common in America. My husband, a writer who inherited our lake home, 
employs cleaners, plumbers and tradesmen, some of whose parents worked 
in the same jobs for his mother. It’s hard not to think of this as a 
kind of neo-serfdom, given the lack of other options for those without a 
college degree. Decades ago, the state had a flourishing manufacturing 
industry but much of that work has since decamped to southern American 
states, where wages are lower.

New Hampshire ranks higher than average in terms of “knowledge workers” 
when compared with the US as a whole. But many of these people are 
actually employed outside the state, at least some of the time. Our 
neighbours include financiers, film producers, successful artists and 
entrepreneurs on the one hand, and retail clerks, handymen and house 
painters on the other. Several underemployed and debt-ridden graduates 
serve $6 lattes at the one nice coffee place in the area, where you can 
also buy $100 handmade leather bags, artisanal chocolate and not much 
else. Other nearby retail outlets include a dollar store and a Dunkin’ 
Donuts. Exquisite produce and small-batch cheese can be purchased for 
handsome sums at the Sunday farmers’ market but the only real grocery 
store is a half-hour’s drive away.

This sort of economic divergence has been well reported over the past 
year, given that the long-term decline of rust belt and New England 
states such as New Hampshire was one of the factors in Donald Trump’s 
victory. But it’s worth noting that the loss of old line-manufacturing 
jobs isn’t the only reason behind the state’s problems. Policy choices — 
such as having no income tax and subsequently underinvesting in both 
healthcare and education — have exacerbated things. New Hampshire funds 
its limited social services with business and property taxes. The latter 
are, of course, high and, along with strict zoning laws, drive up the 
cost of getting on the housing ladder. The community where we live is 
thus segregated — there are large and gracious properties, rentals and 
trailer parks.


A few years back, when I drove one of my daughter’s summer-camp friends 
home, I was greeted by her mother, who had the blackened teeth of a 
(hopefully former) meth addict. That’s not unusual either. New Hampshire 
is number two in the nation for opioid-related deaths and number one for 
fentanyl-related fatalities (a cheaper substance people often use 
alongside heroin or meth). These deaths of despair aren’t just about the 
economic hopelessness chronicled by researchers such as Angus Deaton, 
the Nobel Prize-winning economist, or the cultural meltdown covered in 
JD Vance’s 2016 memoir, Hillbilly Elegy. It’s also about the state not 
investing in its own human capital. New Hampshire has the second-lowest 
rate of spending on substance-abuse prevention, which is a key reason 
for drug fatalities. It also fails to invest enough in the only proven 
way up and out of poverty — education. College students who manage to 
graduate do so with the highest average levels of debt in the country, 
since state funding has been so dramatically cut over the past several 
years. Meanwhile, roughly half of the population has only a high-school 
degree, which guarantees them a $15-an-hour future.

As Peter Temin, an MIT academic who connects these dots eloquently in 
his new book The Vanishing Middle Class: Prejudice and Power in a Dual 
Economy, puts it: “None of this bodes well for democracy.” Temin and a 
growing number 

[Marxism] Fwd: “Another One for the Fire”: George A. Romero on Race - BLARB

2017-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Deprovincializing Marx: On Harry Harootunian’s Reading of Marx | Viewpoint Magazine

2017-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: ZCommunications » The End of Loyalty

2017-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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One reason that Wal-Mart workers have always had difficulty improving 
their lot is that they’ve never been able to form a union. At its core, 
Wal-Mart’s rationale for being against organized labor was not unlike 
that of Kodak, say, or General Electric under Lem Boulware: management 
had an open door policy, by which any worker could ostensibly walk in 
and discuss anything. Therefore, as Wal-Mart laid out in its “Manager’s 
Toolbox to Remaining Union Free,” “we do not believe there is a need for 
third-party representation. It is our position every associate can speak 
for him/herself without having to pay his/her hard-earned money to a 
union in order to be listened to and have issues resolved.”

full: https://zcomm.org/znetarticle/the-end-of-loyalty/
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2017-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Freddie DeBoer is an idiot but he makes good points in this article 
debunking the idea that "the Nordic model" has anything to do with 

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[Marxism] Fwd: Here's The Real Reason Anthony Scaramucci Hates Reince Priebus | HuffPost

2017-07-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Veterans for Peace slam Trump's transgender ban: 'We abhor war but stand for justice'

2017-07-29 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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