[Marxism] a little-known history of German resistance to the Nazis

2017-11-12 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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[Marxism] In Tartous, Syria, Women Wear Black, Youth Are in Hiding, and Bitterness Grows

2017-11-12 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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[Marxism] women on the offensive against sexual harassment - Change is coming - buckle up!

2017-11-12 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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Some leaders of conventional feminist thought have been speculating

some kind of progressive political upheaval, but in my opinion this is
infinitely more revolutionary than that. We are about to experience a
plunge into completely unknown and uncharted territory.

Most elites remain blissfully unaware of what’s coming. The liberal think
tanks in Washington still believe they’ll be able to manipulate the #MeToo
phenomenon into some pussyhat-wearing rah rah Kamala Harris 2020 movement
that they can use to their advantage. They have never been more wrong.
Pandora’s box has been opened. They cannot manipulate this.

What is coming is not a new political movement, what is coming is a
revolution against the very fabric of the profoundly sick society that our
species has woven for itself. By shining a bright light on rape culture in
each and every instance it rears its ugly head, we are actually re-tracing
our footsteps back to the dawn of civilization and undoing every wrong turn
that humanity has made which got us to the catastrophic point we now find
ourselves. The fact that this is becoming a mainstream practice means that
this societal alchemy will necessarily unfold, regardless of people’s old
ideas about politics and revolution.

Change is coming. What looks like women talking about their experiences
with rape culture is actually a vast area of endarkened human
unconsciousness suddenly becoming enlightened into consciousness. A whole
section of our collective consciousness which we have never previously had
access to is now suddenly becoming available to us. The old structures will
not be able to stand on this new ground, as they were built upon the old

Buckle up.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: I Love You, Daddy | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2017-11-12 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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When disturbing stories about respected artists come from the distant past,
we treat them dispassionately, as just one detail among many. Present-tense
or near-present-tense revelations hit us differently because we share the
same world as the artist, breathe the same air, feed the same economy. We
think of them as contemporaries, even as people we know. This kind of
revelation changes the relationship between the artist and the art, in a
way that places an unasked-for, unfair burden on the audience. This is
what’s happening culturewide. And it’s not the fault of people who didn’t
report it, or audiences who aren’t sophisticated enough to separate the art
from the artist. It’s the fault of the artists for being secret creeps or
criminals, and the fault of the system for making it possible for them to
act this way for years without being punished.

The allegations against C.K. also constitute a form of betrayal, against an
audience that trusts artists to make edgy, even unlikable work, and gives
them the benefit of the doubt when they wade into the deepest, darkest
parts of their imagination.

A well-crafted, intelligent story about the impact of rape, domestic
violence, pederasty, and so forth is already tough to watch. It becomes a
horrendous experience once you add the possibility that the writer or
director actually did what they’re depicting, and might be getting off on
making the audience squirm by representing it while not fessing up to their
relationship with it. It’s a power move, rooted in the thrill of subterfuge
and shock: an artist’s version of indecent exposure.

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[Marxism] New on Redline blog

2017-11-12 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Lutte Ouvriere on how Guianan workers are showing the way forward to French

In Australia both the Liberals and the Labor Party are responsible for the
horrors at Manus Island refugee detention centre:

Death of veteran Irish socialist-republican Liam Sutcliffe (Liam was
involved in the 1956-62 borfder campaign, blowing up of Nelson's Pillar in
1966 and prominent in Saor Eire in the early 1970s):

Veteran NZ working class activist Don Franks on Thoughts after the Texas

NZ Marxist Daphna Whitmore on Manus Island and the NZ government:

The Spark on the inspirational 1987 BCBSM strike in Detroit:

Daphna Whitmore on the need to globalise the struggle for a living wage:
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[Marxism] Frederick Evans and Christine Clarke: a tale of two deaths

2017-11-12 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Only two workers have been killed in the course of industrial disputes in
NZ history - Frederick Evans in 1912 (today is the 105th anniversary) and
Christine Clarke, who died on December 31, 1999.

This is an article I wrote shortly after Christine's death, contrasting the
way these two deaths were publicly treated and what it showed about the
changes in the labour movement and working class politics in the
intervening period:

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[Marxism] Come to Providence December 2 to build the Green Party at our Regional Summit

2017-11-12 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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[Marxism] The Past and Future of China's Socialist Literature | Matt Turner | Hyperallergic

2017-11-12 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] Fwd: I Love You, Daddy | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2017-11-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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As a credentialed film critic, I had the dubious distinction of being 
among the privileged few able to see Louis C.K.’s “I Love You, Daddy” 
that was supposed to premiere this month until the masturbation story 
broke. After saying something about the film, I’ll offer some thoughts 
on Louis’s downfall and those of other A-List celebrities.

While the film has the look and feel of Woody Allen’s 1979 “Manhattan”, 
being shot in black-and-white and never straying far from the 
one-percent lifestyle of its characters (the Hamptons, Upper East Side, 
etc.), it is much more of an extension of C.K.’s FX cable TV series 
“Louie” in terms of its dramatic focus. He plays the same basic 
character—a hapless single dad trying to cope with his daughters’ 
wayward behavior. The only difference is that the daughter in the film 
is a 17-year old that is on the verge of becoming the girlfriend of a 
68-year old director that has made a habit of dating teens. If you’ve 
seen “Manhattan”, you’ll remember that Woody Allen’s character was 
dating a 17-year old (Mariel Hemingway)

full: https://louisproyect.org/2017/11/12/i-love-you-daddy/
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[Marxism] Fwd: On Academic Precarity — Ali Colleen Neff, PhD

2017-11-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Academic precarity is the year-to-year or class-to-class, contingent, 
underpaid and labor-intensive employment status most Ph.D.s now have to 
navigate while seeking a protected tenure-track position. After, say, 
eight years of graduate school, this tacks on another two to four to ten 
years at a $20-$40,000/year salary. We have crossed over into our 
thirties and forties in sustained poverty, now separated from our 
graduate communities and parceled into departments and towns in which we 
have no belonging or protection. All the while, we must stay on the 
academic job market, an extremely demanding labor that costs up to 800 
unpaid hours a year and expensive attendance at conferences and 
interviews. These jobs are unprotected, shorter-term, and often require 
moving to far-flung college towns from year to year. The precariat is 
charged with developing entire new courses on short notice (I developed 
two dozen brand new courses in four years, most of which I would only 
teach once), teaching large classes of students whom they'll never see 
again, and biting their nails in hopes this will be the year they are 
going to get chosen.

full: http://www.alicolleenneff.com/blog/2017/11/8/on-academic-precarity
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[Marxism] Fwd: Leon Trotsky Was My Grandfather

2017-11-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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