Re: [Marxism] The-Opportunity-Costs-of-Socialism.pdf [not sent]

2018-10-24 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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MM wrote

"“The Trump chart doesn’t say what the White House seems to think 
it says,” Kliff concludes. “It isn’t telling us that 
single-payer healthcare has long wait times. If anything, it says that 
it is possible to build a single-payer system with short wait times—and 
our Medicare program has already done it.”” 

Thoughts on single payer which, no less than Medicare, is at best a way 
station to what everyone deserves as birthright: adequate preventive and 
curative health assistance, at commensurate costs which do not obscenely 
enrich a few. In other words, it's an arrangement which if implemented 
still masks serious shortcomings. Present single payer schemes from what 
I see would not at all disturb the over all regime of the 
pharmaceutical/medical complex in this country. We might come to the 
point where we are universally protecting each others' health, as best 
we think we can, through an insurance scheme into which everyone pays 
who is able, similar to any practical solution to a common problem like 
auto and accident or unemployment insurance. But at what hidden taxed 
costs, increased social rot and ill-health, profit-taking and related 
gross inefficiencies?

What do about systematic inflated charges, over billing, the many 
overpaid (possibly many overburdened) doctors in a system of guild 
restrictions on entry (now mitigated to the limited extent that 
substantial returns on investment allow by a less-trained phalanx of 
physicians' assistants and nurse practitioners)?

What about over-reliance on allopathic, chemical-based medicine to the 
virtual exclusion of serious peer-reviewed research on and evaluation of 
naturopathic, herb-based and other possibly more effective types of 
medicine, and the need for much greater emphasis on nutrition, 
preventive care, and on the ways in which the toxics in our food and 
environment combine to undermine health - - not to mention the 
undermining effects of social inequality?

What do about the bloated and rapidly increasing profits of clinics, 
hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, government-funded or subsidized 
institutional and university research labs, all the others who benefit 
from the profit-making subsidized, proprietary and other rights built 
into medical, biological, and other health-related research and 
marketing? All of which are hidden beneath any current health scheme. 
This may be one reason that the medical-industrial complex might 
ultimately accede inasmuch as profit-taking will still be there, on 
stilts, protected with all necessary caution in back-filling increments 
which protect their flanks, as they have to an extent elsewhere. How has 
that worked for the Scandinavian countries, or UK, France, Canada?

Another factor that is important where I live: care supply. What of the 
fact that, in small rural communities such as mine, hundreds and 
thousands of people cannot find a doctor to care for them? Doctors 
typically seek out remunerative regions in which to plant their 
practice, those large urban complexes with attractive returns on their 
investment in education, more comfortable amenities and better prospects 
for their children. Among patchwork remedies might be that medical 
schools require as a condition of scholarships or lightening the debt 
load for an education in medicine, or the federal government requires as 
a condition of license to practice, that on some equitable basis doctors 
do a far more extended period of service than mandated so far, or 
mandate total career commitment, to under-served communities. That 
includes most especially under-served, more populous communities in 
urban areas. Without some better equalizing arrangement we in poorer, 
less well-educated, isolated communities have neither the local means 
nor infrastructure to bring in competent medical staff and facilities in 
sufficient quantity and quality to maintain our health. (And by the way, 
is it possible that any adequate solution to our social and polluting 
environmental problems will mean extensive dispersal to underpopulated 
areas, exacerbating this problem as well?) The result of course is that 
rural health and that of poor urban regions lags far behind.

Looking for solutions brings up Cuba. Although I have little information 
from what I see they are gradually being forced into the capitalist, 
profit-oriented medical system, particularly as it applies to r and 
pharma trade and and 

[Marxism] Carpenters union backstabs other trades, cuts its own members pay

2018-10-24 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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A hugely contentious issue has been roiling the building trades unions in
New York City for quite some time. That is the Hudson Yards construction
project, which I understand is the largest construction project in the
country. As I understand it, the first phase was completed union, but now
the plans are to go non-union with the second phase. All the building
trades had gotten together to try to fight it, but the carpenters union
leadership had gone behind the backs of the other unions and signed an

This is happening while there has been a marked increase in non-union
construction throughout the city, traditionally one of the strongholds of
the building trades.

Under the terms of the agreement, carpenters will take about a 10% pay cut.
The head of the district council of carpenters commented, “The New York
City construction market is evolving, the District Council will continue to
innovate to ensure our members meet the needs of the market.” In other
words, this will be repeated throughout the city. This is the inevitable
consequence of the entire policy of the carpenters (and the building trades
in general and, truth be told, the entire labor movement) to help "their"
contractors compete with the non union contractors. In reality, this means
union carpenters competing with non-union carpenters for who can make a
greater profit for the employer. In that case, what's the point of having a
union at all?

The policy has been a devastating failure as witness this disaster at
Hudson Yards. If the Carpenters can't reverse the flow of non-union
construction during a massive building boom, what will happen in the next

John Reimann
*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] Life and Nothing More | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2018-10-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Opening at the Film Forum today, “Life and Nothing More” shares the 
title of Abbas Kiarostami’s 1992 narrative film about the aftermath of 
the 1990 earthquake in Iran that cost the lives of 30,000 citizens. 
Antonio Méndez Esparaza’s film, while likely not an homage to 
Kiarostami’s masterpiece, shares its compassion for its victims but on 
another fault line, that of the racial and class divisions in 
contemporary Florida.

Using neo-realist conventions heightened by a very gifted 
non-professional cast, the story is defined by the constraints imposed 
by capitalist society on a single mother working as a waitress, her 
troubled 14-year old son and three year old daughter. Fifty years ago, 
when I was working as a welfare worker in Harlem, I sat by the side of a 
28-year old mother of four in her hospital bed trying to convince her 
stay in bed. Her doctors warned that if she checked herself out, another 
heart attack could cost her life. Through her sobs, she kept asking what 
she had to suffer so much. Unlike Job, her suffering and the suffering 
of the single mom in Esparaza’s powerful film is not a trial of their 
faith by God but by the vicissitudes of wage slavery magnified by racism.

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Re: [Marxism] Has America Become a Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy?

2018-10-24 Thread Tim Nelson via Marxism
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Hi Louis

I don't think we're disagreeing as much as you think we are.

Trump/Brexit is the natural culmination of neoliberalism, in my opinion,
rather than an antithesis to it. It's actually disaster capitalism writ
large. Trump rarely says anything that hasn't been said by Republican
politicians for years.

I don't think this new wave of reactionaries taking power is a response to
neoliberalism. Among its supporters it may be a nihilistic response to
neoliberalism's effects; but mostly it's just a natural extension of the
neoliberal project.

That being said, the racialism of Trump's movement, while hardly new in the
US right, is troubling, considering that it's the central mobilising point
of a mass movement.

On Wed, 24 Oct 2018, 7:44 p.m. Louis Proyect,  wrote:

> On 10/24/18 12:10 PM, Tim Nelson wrote:
> >
> > The Trump "regime" isn't a dictatorship, but it is an ultra-reactionary
> > government which has race at the centre of its agenda. Is this a new
> > phenomenon in a Western democracy? No. But that's precisely the point.
> In case you hadn't noticed, such governments are sweeping across the
> planet. It is all a reaction to the neo-liberal onslaught that began in
> the early 70s and culminated in the Thatcher and Reagan regimes. When
> voted out, it continued under the Blair and Clinton regimes. This shit
> has been going on now for almost a half-century, which constitutes an
> epoch of world history.
> The only way to get rid of Trump, Orban, Modi, Putin, Duterte, et al is
> to wage revolutionary struggles led by the kind of party that took power
> in 1917. But what people are ready to get behind is the DSA, Corbyn's
> Labour, Podemos, neo-Keynesian formations in Latin America that have
> passed their shelf-life and every other kind of half-measure.
> It will be up to the next generation to produce a solution, I'm afraid.
> But there will be a solution or else we will die because of nuclear war
> or climate catastrophe. I just finished reading an article in the April
> 2018 Harpers about an anthrax epidemic in northern Russia near the
> Arctic Circle that mostly affected reindeer but also some of the
> indigenous people who herded them. The cause? Climate change had warmed
> up the earth to such an extent that anthrax germs lodged in the dead
> bodies of reindeer from decades and centuries ago had risen through the
> soil.
> Oh well. I did everything I could to make the case for non-sectarian
> revolutionary parties over the past 37 years. I probably should have
> gone into business like Bhaskar Sunkara instead. On second thought, I'd
> rather have sold real estate.
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Re: [Marxism] Has America Become a Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy?

2018-10-24 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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I think we'd have made more money in the religion biz and, there, you don't
have to produce anything new . . . not even a magazine.
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Re: [Marxism] Has America Become a Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy?

2018-10-24 Thread Tim Nelson via Marxism
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Hi Louis

While I'm not convinced that the designation of Trumpism as fascist is
necessarily helpful to understanding it, I do think that there's an
important point to be addressed here.

Most fascist regimes are a throwback to a previous age in many respects.
The reason fascist regimes in Eastern and Central Europe relied upon
anti-Semitism is exactly because it was a traditional reactionary position
in that region. Similarly, we can expect British and American fascism to
use anti-Black racism, as these were the mainstays of colonialism and
slavery. Similarly, we can expect American fascism to use racism against
Latin Americans.

The Trump "regime" isn't a dictatorship, but it is an ultra-reactionary
government which has race at the centre of its agenda. Is this a new
phenomenon in a Western democracy? No. But that's precisely the point.

On Wed, 24 Oct 2018, 2:49 p.m. Louis Proyect via Marxism, <> wrote:

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> *
> Clearly, we are now ruled by an oligarchic elite of governmental and
> corporate interests.
> ---
> Almost every day I see an article along these lines. Have the people
> writing them ever studied American history? Or better yet, read Howard
> Zinn? In the 19th century and much of the 20th century, Chinese-American
> workers were prevented by law from becoming American citizens while the
> KKK was involved in a reign of terror throughout the South.
> Meanwhile,that bastion of liberal thought, the Nation Magazine,
> editorialized against passing legislation reining in the KKK. Workers
> were brutalized for simply trying to organize as this IWW website
> indicates in great detail:
> As for the newspapers, the only source of information prior to radio,
> yellow journalism made Fox News look scrupulous by comparison.
> Donald Trump is a throwback to the 19th century and nothing more.
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Has America Become a Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy?

2018-10-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 10/24/18 12:10 PM, Tim Nelson wrote:

The Trump "regime" isn't a dictatorship, but it is an ultra-reactionary 
government which has race at the centre of its agenda. Is this a new 
phenomenon in a Western democracy? No. But that's precisely the point.

In case you hadn't noticed, such governments are sweeping across the 
planet. It is all a reaction to the neo-liberal onslaught that began in 
the early 70s and culminated in the Thatcher and Reagan regimes. When 
voted out, it continued under the Blair and Clinton regimes. This shit 
has been going on now for almost a half-century, which constitutes an 
epoch of world history.

The only way to get rid of Trump, Orban, Modi, Putin, Duterte, et al is 
to wage revolutionary struggles led by the kind of party that took power 
in 1917. But what people are ready to get behind is the DSA, Corbyn's 
Labour, Podemos, neo-Keynesian formations in Latin America that have 
passed their shelf-life and every other kind of half-measure.

It will be up to the next generation to produce a solution, I'm afraid. 
But there will be a solution or else we will die because of nuclear war 
or climate catastrophe. I just finished reading an article in the April 
2018 Harpers about an anthrax epidemic in northern Russia near the 
Arctic Circle that mostly affected reindeer but also some of the 
indigenous people who herded them. The cause? Climate change had warmed 
up the earth to such an extent that anthrax germs lodged in the dead 
bodies of reindeer from decades and centuries ago had risen through the 

Oh well. I did everything I could to make the case for non-sectarian 
revolutionary parties over the past 37 years. I probably should have 
gone into business like Bhaskar Sunkara instead. On second thought, I'd 
rather have sold real estate.

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Re: [Marxism] Has America Become a Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy?

2018-10-24 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Well, the trouble is that this rhetorical appeal for a return to "the good
ol' days" is hardly peculiar to Trump or the Right or the Republicans.

The never-Trumpers in the GOP, the moderate (ie value-free and value-less)
Democrats, and the liberals are all whinging on about the good old days
before Trump and the idiots came out of nowhere and spoiled that wonderful
idyllic political utopia they imagine the United States to have been.

Mark L.
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[Marxism] Fwd: Announcement: HOAC symposium on 100 Years of CPUSA | Nov 10 2018 @ Williams

2018-10-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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One Hundred Years of Communism in the USA:  The CPUSA at Home and Abroad 
since 1919

All day Saturday, November 10, 2018, Historians of American Communism 
(HOAC) is holding a 100th anniversary symposium on the CPUSA at Williams 
College's Griffin Hall, Room 3.  (Main campus address is 880 Main 
Street, Williamstown MA 01267.)

There are 20 speakers over a 12-hour program (names appear in order of
program):  James Ryan, Edward Johanningsmeier, Beth Slutsky, Bob 
Cherney, Lori Clune, Denise Lynn, John Sbardellati, Veronica Wilson, 
Vernon Pedersen, Bill Pratt,

Eric McDuffie, Victor Devinatz, Katherine A.S. Sibley, Saint Joseph’s
University, Steve Usdin, R. Bruce Craig, Ellen Schrecker, Harvey Klehr,
Maurice Isserman, Glenn Gebhard

Further details online at:

Regards – David
David Chambers, HOAC member,

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[Marxism] Robert Faurisson, Holocaust Denier Prosecuted by French, Dies at 89

2018-10-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Oct. 24, 2018
Robert Faurisson, Holocaust Denier Prosecuted by French, Dies at 89
By Adam Nossiter

PARIS — Robert Faurisson, a former literature professor turned 
anti-Semitic propagandist whose denial of the Holocaust earned him 
multiple prosecutions, died on Sunday at his home in Vichy, France. He 
was 89.

His death was confirmed by his publisher, Akribeia, which is known for 
its far-right leanings.

Mr. Faurisson was regarded as a father figure by contemporary French 
exponents of Holocaust denial, the extremist fringe in a country with a 
long tradition of anti-Semitism. Contemporary far-right figures like the 
propagandist Alain Soral and Dieudonné, who calls himself a humorist, 
have followed in his footsteps, but none have had the long-range 
tenacity of Mr. Faurisson.

French writers on the political margins began denying the Holocaust not 
long after the war ended. But Mr. Faurisson distinguished himself by 
making a rare breakthrough into the country’s mainstream media, 
publishing a notorious opinion article in France’s most respected 
newspaper, Le Monde, in 1978.

Titled “The Problem of the Gas Chambers, or the Rumor of Auschwitz,” the 
article was an immediate embarrassment for the newspaper, but it 
launched the public career of Mr. Faurisson, who until then was an 
obscure professor of French literature at the University of Lyon.

His notoriety only grew through an endless cycle of articles in the 
far-right press denying that gas chambers had been used to kill Jews, as 
well as through interviews and the French justice system’s condemnations 
of him under its hate-speech laws.

In 1990 he became the first person in France to be convicted under a law 
that criminalized the denial of crimes against humanity as they were 
defined in 1946 by the Nuremberg Tribunal.

Mr. Faurisson’s assertions drew attention in the French press in the 
1980s and ′90s for their outrageousness, prompting scholars and 
activists to respond. But he faded from view over the last decade, 
reappearing only occasionally to traffic his views on the radio and 

The most recent judgment against him came in November 2016, when a court 
fined him 10,000 euros for propounding “negationism” in interviews 
published on the internet.

Mr. Faurisson’s expertise in 19th-century French poetry gave him a 
veneer of respectability, as did a petition defending his free-speech 
rights signed by Noam Chomsky, the politically outspoken American 
linguistics expert. Mr. Chomsky wrote several pages defending Mr. 
Faurisson’s right to express himself, and Mr. Faurisson later used that 
writing in a self-justifying memoir in 1980.

“He was a professional propagandist who didn’t work scientifically,” 
said Valerie Igounet, a French historian who wrote a biography of Mr. 
Faurisson. “It was all dictated by an ideology. He was a falsifier of 

That ideology was anti-Semitism. His study in Vichy, the wartime capital 
of collaborationist France, was crammed with books and periodicals 
denying the Holocaust. There were photocopied checks made out to the 
French treasury — the record of his fines.

In an interview with this reporter in 1998, Mr. Faurisson, a slight, 
bespectacled figure with a high voice, asked me at one point, as if to 
clinch his argument, “Have you ever seen a gas chamber?”

At another point he said: “Excuse me, but you are definitely a Jew! And 
the Jew, we have the right to typecast him. How on earth do you imagine 
that one would not be irritated by them?”

In 1989, Mr. Faurisson was beaten by a group calling itself Sons of 
Jewish Memory in a park near his home.

Mr. Faurisson was born on Jan. 25, 1929, in Surrey, England, to a 
Scottish mother, Jessica Hay Aitken, and a French father, Robert 
Faurisson, who worked for a French shipping company.

He studied at the Lycée Henri IV in Paris, one of France’s most 
prestigious secondary schools, and the Sorbonne.

Execrated at home, Mr. Faurisson was lauded in Iran, receiving a prize 
from its president at the time, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad — who was well known 
for his fulminations against Israel and Jews — for “courage, resistance, 
and combativeness.”

Mr. Faurisson is survived by his wife, Anne-Marie, two sons and a daughter.
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[Marxism] What a Murder by Mussolini Teaches Us About Khashoggi and M.B.S.

2018-10-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times Op-Ed, Oct. 24, 2018
What a Murder by Mussolini Teaches Us About Khashoggi and M.B.S.

The murder of Jamal Khashoggi by the Saudis has striking parallels with 
the murder of the Italian socialist leader Giacomo Matteotti by Fascist 

By Alexander Stille

(Mr. Stille teaches journalism at Columbia University.)

In the weeks after the murder of Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi agents in 
Istanbul, a question has been repeatedly asked: How could the Saudi 
crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, be so reckless as to sanction this 
horrifying murder carried out in such a clumsy and shameless fashion?

The answer, I think, is that dictatorships are inherently obtuse. 
Dictators live in their own self-created bubble of adulation and 
impunity, which leads them to huge misjudgments when they are forced to 
act outside of the bubble.

The premeditated and coldblooded murder of Mr. Khashoggi by the Saudis 
has striking parallels with the premeditated and coldblooded murder of 
the Italian socialist leader Giacomo Matteotti by Fascist thugs 
operating on the orders of Benito Mussolini.

On the afternoon of June 10, 1924, Mr. Matteotti was walking in Rome 
when a group of Fascists grabbed him and stuffed him into a waiting car. 
Two months later, his decomposed body was found about 12 miles away.

Several days before his abduction, Mr. Matteotti had delivered an 
impassioned speech denouncing widespread fraud and violence committed by 
the Fascists during national elections two months earlier. He was 
scheduled to give another speech when Parliament reopened the day after 
his disappearance.

The murder of a prominent critic of Fascism shocked Italy and the world. 
Before Mr. Matteotti’s disappearance and murder, Italy’s democratic 
allies had been prepared to believe that despite Mussolini’s violent 
rise to power, he intended to respect the rules and freedoms of 
parliamentary democracy.

For some months, while an official investigation took place, Mussolini’s 
political survival as the prime minister seemed to hang in the balance, 
as evidence accumulated that Mr. Matteotti’s killers were part of a hit 
squad operating under the control and acting on the orders of the prime 
minister’s office.

Mussolini survived the crisis because of the weakness and division of 
his political opposition, because Victor Emmanuel III, Italy’s king, who 
had invited Mussolini to form a government, was reluctant to risk a 
“leap in the dark” by demanding his resignation.

Mussolini was also saved by the complicity of foreign allies and 
international public opinion to accept the implausible explanation that 
Mr. Matteotti’s killers were Fascist hotheads who had acted on the spur 
of the moment, to “teach him a lesson,” and killed him accidentally.

Then, as now, there were even powerful oil interests in the affair — 
possible payments to Mussolini’s brother Arnaldo Mussolini, the Jared 
Kushner figure of the situation — that contributed to the consensus to 
“get over” the brutal killing.

Then too, the reaction of near-universal horror to the Matteotti killing 
was surprising since violence had been a consistent feature of Fascism. 
The thugs who killed Mr. Matteotti had already used violence, 
intimidation and fraud during the 1924 elections that gave Mussolini a 
majority in Parliament. The world — and most middle-class Italians — 
credited Mussolini with preventing a Bolshevik-style revolution in Italy 
and was prepared to overlook what it took to be a little residual 
violence that it assumed would fade away after Mussolini started wearing 
the bowler hat and spats of a respectable politician.

Italy was still a half-functioning democracy, and that helped expose the 
murder and the lies deployed during the attempts at a cover-up. 
Eyewitness had seen Mr. Matteotti being forced into a car. An elderly 
couple had seen the killers’ Lancia automobile as they staked out Mr. 
Matteotti’s house in the days before the kidnapping and wrote down the 
license plate.

The police found the car’s upholstery covered in Mr. Matteotti’s blood. 
He had been stabbed repeatedly and his body mutilated. A comparatively 
independent initial investigation linked the killers to Mussolini’s 
office, where one of his top aides, Cesare Rossi, directed his press 
office and ran Ceka Fascista, the private hit squad named after Cheka, 
the Bolshevik predecessor of the K.G.B.

Mr. Matteotti was killed before his parliamentary speech because he had 
been gathering evidence and planning to expose corruption in the 
assigning of a major oil concession by Mussolini’s highly personalized 
government to an American company, Sinclair 

[Marxism] What Could Kill Booming U.S. Economy? ‘Socialists,’ White House Warns - The New York Times

2018-10-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] The-Opportunity-Costs-of-Socialism.pdf

2018-10-24 Thread MM via Marxism
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> On Oct 23, 2018, at 6:13 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
>  wrote:
> Weird.

"But a look beyond the CEA’s hysterical rants against socialism’s supposedly 
totalitarian nature reveals that the White House accidentally makes a strong 
case for Medicare for All, which the paper describes as the “headline American 
socialist proposal.”

"After attempting to discredit single-payer healthcare programs—which multiple 
polls now show most Republicanvoters support—as “similar in spirit to Lenin and 
Mao,” the CEA produced a chart showing short wait times for seniors under the 
current U.S. healthcare system compared to those under the Canadian and Nordic 

"As Vox‘s Sarah Kliff notes, the CEA conveniently omits the fact that 
“America’s seniors are essentially in a single-payer system”: it’s called 

"“The Trump chart doesn’t say what the White House seems to think it says,” 
Kliff concludes. “It isn’t telling us that single-payer healthcare has long 
wait times. If anything, it says that it is possible to build a single-payer 
system with short wait times—and our Medicare program has already done it.””

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[Marxism] Mike Davis on the Crimes of Socialism and Capitalism

2018-10-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The socialists are coming! White House sounds alarm at rise of the left | US news | The Guardian

2018-10-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Has America Become a Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy?

2018-10-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Clearly, we are now ruled by an oligarchic elite of governmental and 
corporate interests.


Almost every day I see an article along these lines. Have the people 
writing them ever studied American history? Or better yet, read Howard 
Zinn? In the 19th century and much of the 20th century, Chinese-American 
workers were prevented by law from becoming American citizens while the 
KKK was involved in a reign of terror throughout the South. 
Meanwhile,that bastion of liberal thought, the Nation Magazine, 
editorialized against passing legislation reining in the KKK. Workers 
were brutalized for simply trying to organize as this IWW website 
indicates in great detail:

As for the newspapers, the only source of information prior to radio, 
yellow journalism made Fox News look scrupulous by comparison.

Donald Trump is a throwback to the 19th century and nothing more.
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[Marxism] Encounters with Marx - / omnivore

2018-10-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] The-Opportunity-Costs-of-Socialism.pdf

2018-10-24 Thread Ismail Lagardien via Marxism
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Fascinating... I will keep chiseling away at the edifice 

Dr Ismail LagardienVisiting ProfessorWits University School of Governance

Nihil humani a me alienum puto

On Wednesday, 24 October 2018, 05:10:07 GMT+2, RKOB via Marxism 
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Yes weird, but very interesting that our enemies feel the need to 
polemicize against the idea of "socialism". Also the Guardian article 
reflects that the idea of "socialism" ins more and more on the table. 
Yes, all this is still confused, unclear, not organized. These are clear 
(and positive) indications of ideological shifts among sectors of the 

Am 24.10.2018 um 00:13 schrieb Louis Proyect via Marxism:
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> Weird.
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