[Marxism] The World Economy Just Can’t Escape Its Low-Growth, Low-Inflation Rut

2019-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Jan. 28, 2019
The World Economy Just Can’t Escape Its Low-Growth, Low-Inflation Rut
By Neil Irwin

Fears of an imminent recession, which caused major turbulence in 
financial markets at the end of 2018 and beginning of 2019, have eased a 

That’s the good news. The bad news is what that episode exposed.

For much of 2018, it appeared that the world economy was finally getting 
out of the rut it had been stuck in for the decade since the global 
financial crisis. But it now looks as if the era of persistently low 
growth, low inflation and low interest rates isn’t over after all.

In the past week alone, the European Central Bank said that economic 
risks had “moved to the downside,” and the Bank of Japan cut its 
projections for inflation.

The Federal Reserve will hold a policy meeting Tuesday and Wednesday, 
and is likely to leave its interest rate target unchanged. Its leaders 
could also discuss their broader strategy for making monetary policy, 
which may include keeping more of their giant portfolio of bonds — 
accumulated during its years of stimulus efforts — than analysts had 
once expected.


Despite some promising signs of vitality during much of last year, 
issues that have dogged the world economy for the last decade — an aging 
work force in many of the biggest economies, weak growth in 
productivity, excessive global savings and industrial capacity, and a 
shortage of worldwide demand — haven’t disappeared.

That helps explain why American workers’ wages have been rising 
relatively slowly despite a low unemployment rate. And it makes for a 
perilous time: Low growth rates mean the economy could slip into 
recession more easily, and low interest rates mean central bankers would 
find themselves with less powerful tools to lessen the pain of a future 

“This shows that the forces that are restraining many economies are a 
lot harder to contend with and more pervasive than many people were 
hoping or believing,” said Roberto Perli, a partner in Cornerstone 
Macro. “It’s bad news for the work force’s earnings prospects in many 
countries and for those who hope for a reversal of the growing 
inequality trend that has been in place for many years.”

Consider that markets went haywire in the final weeks of 2018 in 
significant part because of fears that the Federal Reserve was raising 
rates by more than the economy could handle. Jerome Powell, the Fed 
chairman, played a big role in fueling a stock market rebound when, on 
Jan. 4, he pledged that the Fed would adjust policy “quickly and 
flexibly” as conditions warranted.

His predecessor, Janet Yellen, went so far as to say recently that “it’s 
very possible we may have seen the last interest rate hike of this 
cycle.” But what does it mean when a mere 2.4 percent interest rate — 
the rough level of the Fed’s target after a December increase — is 
enough to risk breaking the economy?

The story is even more pessimistic in the European Union, where interest 
rates are slightly below zero and yet growth is faltering.

With the world economy heavily reliant on stimulus to achieve even 
meager growth, there is little cushion for a negative shock. In 
particular, it makes the United States more vulnerable to recession 
caused by any number of factors, including government shutdowns and 
trade wars.

Adam Posen, president of the Peterson Institute for International 
Economics, said, “If this is what growth and investment look like when 
there is relatively loose monetary and fiscal policy — especially in the 
U.S. — the underlying strength just isn’t there.

“That doesn’t mean policy is ineffective or ill-advised. Things would be 
much worse, unnecessarily, if policy tightened a lot. But it is scary to 
think of the world economy absent macro support,” meaning the stimulus 
provided by low interest rates and large deficits.

There is the risk of a nasty feedback loop. The low-growth trap of the 
last decade — and the resulting stagnant incomes — might have 
contributed to dysfunctional politics in nations including Britain, 
Italy and the United States. Those dysfunctional politics in turn can 
create new risks of economic disruption, as we saw in the recent 
shutdown standoff in Washington.

Last year began with signs of a new economic era. In early February, the 
stock market was falling amid concerns that the United States economy 
was overheating; that wages and prices would start rising too fast; and 
that the Fed would need to raise interest rates faster to rein things 
in. Shifts in bond markets suggested investors were betting on higher 
future inflation, and on higher inter

[Marxism] ‘The Nation Has Stood Up’: Indigenous Clans in Canada Battle Pipeline Project - The New York Times

2019-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Best seen at NYT for graphics.

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Re: [Marxism] Why Professors Are Writing Crap That Nobody Reads | Intellectual Takeout

2019-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 1/28/19 6:50 PM, A.R. G wrote:
An interesting article, but note that this is apparently the mouthpiece 
of some kind of right-wing organization called the "Charlemagne Institute".

Amith R. Gupta

Yeah, I wondered about the fixation on articles that sounded like those 
written as Alan Sokal hoax #2. My interest was more in the few number of 
readers articles in peer-reviewed journals get. Years ago I went nuts 
after James O'Connor nixed an article for CNS that he originally asked 
me to write. When I talked to a friend at Columbia who taught sociology, 
he laughed and said that it was a waste of time since nobody read JSTOR 
type journals. He even gave me the same average number of 10.

I also see someone I'm close to working hard to get articles published 
in "A Journals". It is like Kafka's "The Castle". Fortunately, she has 

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[Marxism] Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network statement

2019-01-28 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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For immediate release - January 29, 2019

If Australia is genuinely interested in peace and democracy in Venezuela
it must withdraw its support for Guaidó’s coup presidency

Solidarity activists have called on the federal Minister for Foreign Relations 
Marise Payne to withdraw Australia's support for Venezuela’s National Assembly 
president, Juan Guaidó, as the country's “interim president”, describing the 
government's move on January 28 as “reckless” and “extremely dangerous”.

They will be organising a protest outside the US Consulate in Martin Place, 
Sydney, on Thursday, January 31, at 5.30pm.

Federico Fuentes, a national co-convenor of the solidarity group 
Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network, said: “Minister Payne reveals a deep 
lack of knowledge of the situation in Venezuela and her decision to recognise a 
Venezuelan opposition MP as ‘interim president’ places Australia squarely on 
the side of those using violence to generate instability for their own 
political ends.

“This shows that the Australian government is less interested in democracy and 
more motivated by political calculations, in line with the United States. It 
shows it does not have a genuine interest in helping resolving the current 
crisis in Venezuela.”

“Minister Payne claims that Venezuela’s constitution allows Guaidó to appoint 
himself ‘interim president’. This is not the case, and in any other country, 
such a move would be described for what it is — an attempted coup.”

Guaidó cites Article 233 of the constitution as justification for his 

That article reads: “The President of the Republic shall become permanently 
unavailable to serve by reason of any of the following events: death; 
resignation; removal from office by decision of the Supreme Tribunal of 
Justice; permanent physical or mental disability certified by a medical board 
designated by the Supreme Tribunal of Justice with the approval of the National 
Assembly; abandonment of his position, duly declared by the National Assembly; 
and recall by popular vote.”

Mr Fuentes continued: “But President Maduro has neither died, resigned, been 
recalled, been removed by the Supreme Court or abandoned the position of 

“Minister Payne admits as much when she states that the Australian government 
urged President Maduro ‘to refrain from assuming the presidency on 10 January,’ 
despite Maduro being re-elected to the post in 2018.

“Given the opposition’s boycott of last year’s election — which was brought 
forward at its request — and the Australian government’s refusal to send 
official observers to scrutinise its validity, it is a flagrant disregard of 
Venezuela’s democracy to now turn around and declare Guaidó president.

“It is not up to Australia, or any other country, to decide who Venezuela’s 
president is: this is a right solely reserved for the people of Venezuela.

“Yet, this is what Australia and the Lima Group, a makeshift alliance of 
predominately right-leaning countries in the region, have done. In doing so 
they have come out in support of an unelected and unconstitutional ‘interim 
president’ who has rejected calls for dialogue, called on the army to carry out 
a coup and ruled out any possible elections for at least 8-10 months.

“Australia should instead follow the lead of the majority of countries that, at 
emergency meetings convened by the Organization of American States and the 
United Nations Security Council, supported non-interference in Venezuela’s 
internal affairs and called for dialogue and negotiations as the only way out 
of the crisis.

 “If Australia is serious about playing a positive role in the crisis, it must 
start by immediately withdrawing its recognition of Guaidó,” Mr Fuentes 

Solidarity activists will be holding a protest outside the US Consulate in 
Martin Place, Sydney, on Thursday, January 31, starting 5.30pm.

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[Marxism] Venezuela crisis: US announces billions in sanctions as White House says military options still 'on the table' (Independent)

2019-01-28 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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The United States is stepping up its economic war against Venezuela:


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Re: [Marxism] Why Professors Are Writing Crap That Nobody Reads | Intellectual Takeout

2019-01-28 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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An interesting article, but note that this is apparently the mouthpiece of
some kind of right-wing organization called the "Charlemagne Institute".

Amith R. Gupta

On Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 6:45 PM Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> https://www.intellectualtakeout.org/blog/why-professors-are-writing-crap-nobody-reads
> _
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[Marxism] Why Professors Are Writing Crap That Nobody Reads | Intellectual Takeout

2019-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: H-Net Review [H-Socialisms]: Glauser on Goldstein, 'Writing in Red: The East German Writers Union and the Role of Literary Intellectuals'

2019-01-28 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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-- Forwarded message -
From: H-Net Staff via H-REVIEW 
Date: Mon, Jan 28, 2019 at 5:42 PM
Subject: H-Net Review [H-Socialisms]: Glauser on Goldstein, 'Writing in
Red: The East German Writers Union and the Role of Literary Intellectuals'
Cc: H-Net Staff 

Thomas W. Goldstein.  Writing in Red: The East German Writers Union
and the Role of Literary Intellectuals.  German History in Context
Series. Woodbridge  Camden House, 2017.  318 pp.  $55.00 (e-book),
ISBN 978-1-78744-165-1; $90.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-1-57113-920-7.

Reviewed by Ryan Glauser (Freie Universität Berlin)
Published on H-Socialisms (January, 2019)
Commissioned by Gary Roth

East German Authors

_Writing in Red: The East German Writers Union and the Role of
Literary Intellectuals_ by Thomas W. Goldstein discusses how the East
German Writers Union coped with dissent within the German Democratic
Republic (GDR). Additionally, the union is seen as a means to examine
the asymmetrical power relations between the GDR government and the
union itself. Goldstein, thus, argues that the union is
simultaneously a place of dissent and control, which depended on a
member's age, position within the union, and their lived experiences
in relation to the power of the central GDR government.

Goldstein's work combines several trends in East German and
intellectual historiography. Firstly, the use of totalitarian
studies, specifically Alf Lüdkte's _Eigen-Sinn_ (1993)
(self-directedness or self-meanings) and Mary Fulbrook's (_Power and
Society in the GDR: The Normalization of Rule?_ [2009]) concept of
normalization, emphasizes the roles of people in prolonging the GDR.
Goldstein, however, notes that people constantly reevaluate their
priorities and thoughts, thereby complicating totalitarian studies.
Secondly, some recent studies have traced the mechanisms through
which the GDR maintained itself for decades, then suddenly collapsed
in 1989/90. These studies, according to Goldstein, neglect the link
between the prolongation and collapse of the GDR, which Goldstein
attempts to mitigate by delving into the history of the writers union
as an example. Thirdly, Goldstein uses identity and community
theories to explain the evolving identities within the union and
their conflicting views of the GDR. Lastly, David Bathrick's _The
Power of Speech_ (1995) and Pierre Bourdieu's (_Outline of a Theory
of Practice_ [1977]) institutional theory work together to question
how writers balanced their artistic standards with the party line. By
combining these trends, Goldstein attempts to explain "how an
institution is a space to create group identity,... how and why
certain ideas are adopted while others are not, how language is used,
how values are produced and re-produced, and how and why
institutional culture changes" (pp. 15-16).

Structurally, the book is split into eight chapters that follow a
linear time frame starting in 1842 and ending in the 1990s. The first
two chapters are meant to provide a longue durée of writers unions
in Germany from 1842 until 1971 and the expectations writers had for
unions, such as subsidizing foreign trips, protecting publication
rights, and offering unemployment insurance. Chapters 3 and 4 center
on the buildup to and effects of the Biermann affair (discussed
below), which alienated many younger members at the expense of an
increase in stability in the union. The long-term effects and the
continued alienation of younger members until 1985 are the core of
chapters 5 and 6. The overt and subtle repression, as well as the
promotion of certain authors, comes to a head in chapters 7 and 8 due
to events in the Soviet Union, namely glasnost. The last two chapters
focus on the rapid and sudden collapse of the GDR through the eyes of
East German writers and their differing opinions on the future of the
East German Writers Union. By moving in a linear time frame, the
complexities of union politics, the generational differences of East
German writers, and the subtle political role held by the union in
the GDR become apparent.

Prior to 1971, according to chapter 1, the East German Writers Union
operated without much interference from the central GDR government.
The union was small and politically inefficient, and its members
openly supported the GDR government. As the union grew and matured,
the central government, especially once Erich Honecker came to power
in 1971, imposed new controls on the union, which led to the Biermann
affair--discussed in chapter 2. In late 1976, Wolf Biermann, a
politically critical songwriter, had his GDR citizenship revoked
based on a political speech given in Cologne, West Germany, in

[Marxism] Capitalism and Mental Health | David Matthews | Monthly Review

2019-01-28 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] Thoughts on the Venezuelan Crisis | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2019-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Re-edited book on ArabSpring

2019-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 1/28/19 1:09 PM, Julian Samboma via Marxism wrote:

  The book, "The Dialectic and the Detective: The Arab Spring and Regime
Change in Libya", proves, via the dialectical materialist methodology of
Marx, that the Arab Spring was an imperialist plot to provide a smokescreen
for the murder of Gaddafi.

Yeah, the CIA recruited that fruit peddler in Tunisia who self-immolated 
in January, 2011 just like they recruited the guys who flew jets into 
the WTC and the Pentagon in 2001. If it weren't for these men willing to 
die for the right of the USA and Israel to rule over Arabs and North 
Africans, things would have been much better.

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[Marxism] Re-edited book on ArabSpring

2019-01-28 Thread Julian Samboma via Marxism
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 The book, "The Dialectic and the Detective: The Arab Spring and Regime
Change in Libya", proves, via the dialectical materialist methodology of
Marx, that the Arab Spring was an imperialist plot to provide a smokescreen
for the murder of Gaddafi.

Originally published last year, the eBook has been re-issued and reissued
on Amazon and elsewhere.

The work is not a defense of, nor an ode to the slain Libyan dictator.  It
is simply an investigation carried out from the perspective of a murder
detective deploying the dialectic in trying to solve the riddle of how the
imperialist planned and executed regime change in Libya.

Many on the left and elsewhere believed in their gut that the so-called
Libyan "revolution" was nothing of the kind, and that the imperialist had
something to do with it.  But they had no proof.  Now, using Marx's method,
we have solved this "howdunit".


Review copies are available from jlsamb...@gmail.com

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[Marxism] Fwd: H-Net Review [H-FedHist]: Neumann on Holst, 'Looking for Lincoln in Illinois: Historic Houses of Lincoln's Illinois'

2019-01-28 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Best regards,
Andrew Stewart 

Begin forwarded message:

> From: H-Net Staff via H-REVIEW 
> Date: January 28, 2019 at 11:56:43 AM EST
> To: h-rev...@lists.h-net.org
> Cc: H-Net Staff 
> Subject: H-Net Review [H-FedHist]:  Neumann on Holst, 'Looking for Lincoln in 
> Illinois: Historic Houses of Lincoln's Illinois'
> Reply-To: h-rev...@lists.h-net.org
> Erika Holst.  Looking for Lincoln in Illinois: Historic Houses of 
> Lincoln's Illinois.  Looking for Lincoln Series. Carbondale  Southern 
> Illinois University Press, 2018.  Illustrations. xiii + 113 pp.  
> $21.95 (paper), ISBN 978-0-8093-3696-8.
> Reviewed by Ellen Neumann (Independent Scholar)
> Published on H-FedHist (January, 2019)
> Commissioned by Caryn E. Neumann
> This is a book that history buffs will toss into the car for a 
> Lincoln-themed road trip through Illinois. Erika Holst, a curator at 
> the Illinois State Museum, has dug up the histories of buildings 
> connected to Abraham Lincoln, historic and current photos of the 
> structures, and biographies of their owners. All the buildings are 
> open to the public, with addresses provided for tourists. This book 
> is a fascinating, heavily illustrated, slim guidebook that further 
> illuminates the life of America's favorite president. 
> Southern Illinois University Press has carved a niche in Lincolniana, 
> with the Looking for Lincoln series as part of their catalog. Holst's 
> book follows Bryon C. Andreasen's _Looking for Lincoln: Lincoln and 
> Mormon Country _(2015) and _Looking for Lincoln in Illinois: 
> Lincoln's Springfield _(2015), as well as Guy C. Fraker's _Looking 
> for Lincoln in Illinois: A Guide to Lincoln's Eighth Judicial Circuit 
> _(2017). Holst's volume is the only one that has not won an award 
> from the Illinois State Historical Society, likely because it is 
> newly published. 
> The book opens with a typical guidebook map showing the locations of 
> all the profiled sites. It is divided into three sections: "Lincoln 
> and Family," "Lincoln's Friends and Colleagues," and "Lincoln's Times 
> and Legacy." A typical description is accorded to the Shastid House 
> in Pittsfield, Illinois. Holst provides the address, a photo of the 
> current building, and a photo of John Greene Shastid. Lincoln often 
> visited Pittsfield on legal business and would walk the few blocks 
> from the court house to dine with Shastid. The two men had known each 
> other since the 1830s. Holst relates several tales that have traveled 
> down generations of Shastids, including one about an April 1865 day 
> when elderly, near-deaf John Greene Shastid encountered a young man 
> running down a Pittsfield street shouting "Hooray, for Lincoln is 
> dead!" (p. 34). Shastid knocked out the man with one punch. The 
> furnishings from the Lincoln era, with the exception of a bed, no 
> longer remain, but the frame house is furnished to its Lincoln-era 
> appearance. 
> Oddly for a guidebook, this volume can also be read for pleasure. The 
> photographs are high quality. Tidbits about Lincoln enliven the text, 
> which flows well. Holst has crafted a gem. This book has dual value. 
> It certainly belongs on the shelf of historians with an interest in 
> Lincoln, Illinois history, or historic buildings. It has additional 
> value as a model of an engaging guidebook that public historians may 
> consider copying. 
> Citation: Ellen Neumann. Review of Holst, Erika, _Looking for Lincoln 
> in Illinois: Historic Houses of Lincoln's Illinois_. H-FedHist, H-Net 
> Reviews. January, 2019.
> URL: https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showrev.php?id=53668
> This work is licensed under a Creative Commons 
> Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States 
> License.
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[Marxism] Why are France's yellow vest protests so white? | Europe | Al Jazeera

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[Marxism] Midway through first term, Trump is not meeting the public’s modest expectations for his job performance, poll finds - The Washington Post

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[Marxism] Some Early Lessons From the Los Angeles Teachers Strike | Black Agenda Report

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By Bruce Dixon

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[Marxism] US nuclear weapons: first low-yield warheads roll off the production line | World news | The Guardian

2019-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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New type of weapon, ordered by Trump’s nuclear posture review, could 
make conflict more likely, say experts

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[Marxism] Randy Credico: the Comedian Who’s a Key Witness for Mueller

2019-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Randy Credico denies he was a link between Wikileaks and Roger Stone in 
this long and and rather disheartening article about someone I used to 
love listening to in the 80s.

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[Marxism] ZCommunications » In Zimbabwe, capitalist crisis + ultra-neoliberal policy = ‘Mugabesque’ authoritarianism, Part II

2019-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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PART TWO: Imperial vultures and sub-imperial doves both turn away from 
economic carcass

In Part One, we considered the extreme neoliberal turn and déjà vu 
military clampdown.

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[Marxism] The World to Come

2019-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Chris Hedges in uber-dystopian mode.

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[Marxism] Modern monetary theory – part 1: Chartalism and Marx | Michael Roberts Blog

2019-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Modern monetary theory (MMT) has become flavour of the time among many 
leftist economic views in recent years.  The new left-wing Democrat 
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is apparently a supporter; and a leading MMT 
exponent recently discussed the theory and its policy implications with 
UK Labour’s left-wing economics and finance leader, John McDonnell.

MMT has some traction in the left as it appears to offer theoretical 
support for policies of fiscal spending funded by central bank money and 
running up budget deficits and public debt without fear of crises – and 
thus backing policies of government spending on infrastructure projects, 
job creation and industry in direct contrast to neoliberal mainstream 
policies of austerity and minimal government intervention.

So, in this post and in other posts to follow, I shall offer my view on 
the worth of MMT and its policy implications for the labour movement. 
First, I’ll try and give broad outline to bring out the similarities and 
difference with Marx’s monetary theory.

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[Marxism] To Laugh That We May Not Weep: The Life and Art of Art Young - Kindle edition by Glenn Bray, Frank Young, Art Spiegelman, Justin Green, Art Young. Humor

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[Marxism] Labour and English patriotism | Richard Seymour on Patreon

2019-01-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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This article was written in 2011, in response to the dangerous emergence 
of the 'Blue Labour', and originally appeared on the now defunct New 
Left Project website. I'm posting it here partly to rescue it from 
obscurity, and partly because those flag-humping tendencies -- despite 
being weakened by the results of the snap election -- haven't gone away.

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[Marxism] Aggression Against Venezuela Reaches a New Level of Intensity | Venezuelanalysis.com

2019-01-28 Thread michael a. lebowitz via Marxism

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From the Bolivar and Zamora Revolutionary Current:

It is necessary to accelerate and deepen the preparations for the 
integral defense of the territory in which the whole country is 
involved, as indicated by the doctrine bequeathed by Commander Chávez. 
In this aspect, the deepening and strengthening of the work of the 
Bolivarian National Militia is central. The Bolivar and 
Zamora Revolutionary Current is promoting the Hugo Chavez Popular 
Defense Brigades, mainly in Tachira, Apure and Barinas states, as a 
contribution for the social territorial organization in the 
defense against fascism and imperialism. We call on all the patriot 
people to join these tasks that are inescapable today.

Michael A. Lebowitz
Professor Emeritus
Economics Department
Simon Fraser University
 University Drive
Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5A 1S6
Home:   Phone 604-689-9510
Cell: 604-789-4803

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