[Marxism] Washington Babylon breaking news on Venezuela: Is US military attack imminent?

2019-03-12 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Hi all 

Ken Silverstein is breaking news tonight on a potential military attack in 
several days. He also has info on the financial industry interests cheerleading 
this operation. If you can send this around to help work around censorship on 
Facebook and Twitter it would be deeply appreciated.


Best regards,
Andrew Stewart 
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[Marxism] Algeria: Bouteflika Retreats! Now Let Us Defeat His System!

2019-03-12 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Grand alliance? threatens Venezuela (Green Left Weekly)

2019-03-12 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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In the first place, as far as building a mass movement against a possible
US invasion: There was exactly such a movement against a US invasion of
Iraq, and we saw how successful it was in preventing that invasion. I am
all in favor of organizing against such an invasion again, but if they have
decided to go ahead and invade, we have to be realistic as to the effect it
will have. One thing is for sure: Ignoring or denying the anti-working
class nature of the Maduro regime will not help as far as attracting
workers. Just the opposite.

As far Maduro and Assad: Of course there are huge differences. For one
thing, US imperialism is actually trying to get Maduro out. For another,
the scale of repression is qualitatively greater in Syria. But we shouldn't
blind ourselves to the similarities either. They both base themselves on
the military. Also, the elder Assad actually carried out some positive
reforms that weren't all that totally different from what Chavez carried
out. Then, under the pressure of global capitalism, Assad the younger
reversed those reforms and then some. This is similar (although not
identical) to the process in Venezuela, where Maduro has now made the
working class pay for the economic crisis there. And while I don't know if
all the "misiones" have been formally eliminated, the unavailability of
medicine and of food stuffs largely ends many of them in practice. As for
the level of corruption, I'm not sure if it is all that different in the
two countries. So, yes there are important differences and, yes, there are
also some similarities.

The main thing, though, is that it's a serious mistake to just ignore the
blunders and crimes of the Maduro administration.

John Reimann
PS. I am just hearing news that the US is removing its remaining staff in
its embassy in Venezuela. Up until now, I had thought that a US invasion
was possible but unlikely. The removal of the staff changes things a bit.
We have to ask whether that is in preparation for an invasion from the US
and/or from Colombia and Brazil. If so, then that still brings to the fore
the question of the role of the working class, both in those countries and
in the US. It would also bring to the fore in a slightly different way the
necessity for a mass working class party here.

On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 5:49 PM Chris Slee  wrote:

> John Reimann says:
> 'Chris Slee adds to the confusion by writing "The main way in which
> socialists in the United States and its allies can influence events in
> Venezuela is by campaiging to end the economic blockade." But it's pretty
> clear that that has not has any significant degree of "influence" on events
> there either.'
> To have any effect on US policy would require a large scale campaign with
> hundreds of thousands of people in the streets.  Building such a campaign
> is one of the tasks of the US left.  This would require educating large
> numbers of people about the role of US imperialism in Latin America.  This
> is part of the process of building "a mass, independent, radical working
> class movement" in the US.
> John says:
> 'Both Maduro and Chavez before him massively
> mishandled the oil industry by using all its profits to create the
> "misiones" for the workers and the poor in Venezuela. As a result, there
> was no reinvestment in maintaining and modernizing the oil industry.'
> This may well have been a mistake, but their desire to bring health,
> education and housing to the poor through the misiones was progressive.
> Hence I don't think John's analogy between the Chavez/Maduro government and
> the Assad regime is valid.
> Chris Slee
> --
> *From:* Marxism  on behalf of John
> Reimann via Marxism 
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 13 March 2019 9:42:46 AM
> *To:* Chris Slee
> *Subject:* Re: [Marxism] Grand alliance? threatens Venezuela (Green Left
> Weekly)
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> *
> Louis Proyect writes:
> On 3/12/19 2:14 PM, John Reimann via Marxism wrote:
> > None of this means support for Guaido and for US intervention (of any
> > sort). But there is an alternative - that of the action of the Venezuelan
> > working class, acting as its own independent force through its own
> > independent organizations.
> Yes, John, we all know that. But even if you managed to convince every
> last Green Left supporter to agree with you, that would 

[Marxism] Prisoner 9653 For President - Eugene Victor Debs aduio/radio drama

2019-03-12 Thread yitztyco--- via Marxism
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Learn the story behind "Prisoner 9653 For President - Eugene Victor Debs" and 
help us meet our goal. @indiegogo https://igg.me/at/debsforpresident
Eugene V. Debs was put into prison for defying Pres. Wilson's "Sedition Act" 
which forbade anyone making a speech against World War One. After Debs 
electrifying June 16, 1918 Canton, OH anti-war speech he was arrested on June 
30th and eventually given a ten year sentence. This radio/audio drama will 
focus on his years in prison and how he ran for his fifth and last time in 1920 
for the presidency - the only candidate to ever run while in prison.
Please pass the indie-gogo link to others. Contributions of $5.00 an up will 
get us to our goal of $3500.00
This radio/audio drama will be ready for national broadcast in 2020 just in 
time for our presidential election.
This project will be finished and heard by millions just like I finished and 
got distribution for my doc. film "American Socialist: The Life and Times of 
Eugene Victor Debs," that is still being screened in cities across America.
peace, Yale Strom
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Re: [Marxism] Grand alliance? threatens Venezuela (Green Left Weekly)

2019-03-12 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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John Reimann says:

'Chris Slee adds to the confusion by writing "The main way in which
socialists in the United States and its allies can influence events in
Venezuela is by campaiging to end the economic blockade." But it's pretty
clear that that has not has any significant degree of "influence" on events
there either.'

To have any effect on US policy would require a large scale campaign with 
hundreds of thousands of people in the streets.  Building such a campaign is 
one of the tasks of the US left.  This would require educating large numbers of 
people about the role of US imperialism in Latin America.  This is part of the 
process of building "a mass, independent, radical working class movement" in 
the US.

John says:

'Both Maduro and Chavez before him massively
mishandled the oil industry by using all its profits to create the
"misiones" for the workers and the poor in Venezuela. As a result, there
was no reinvestment in maintaining and modernizing the oil industry.'

This may well have been a mistake, but their desire to bring health, education 
and housing to the poor through the misiones was progressive.  Hence I don't 
think John's analogy between the Chavez/Maduro government and the Assad regime 
is valid.

Chris Slee

From: Marxism  on behalf of John Reimann 
via Marxism 
Sent: Wednesday, 13 March 2019 9:42:46 AM
To: Chris Slee
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Grand alliance? threatens Venezuela (Green Left Weekly)

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Louis Proyect writes:
On 3/12/19 2:14 PM, John Reimann via Marxism wrote:
> None of this means support for Guaido and for US intervention (of any
> sort). But there is an alternative - that of the action of the Venezuelan
> working class, acting as its own independent force through its own
> independent organizations.

Yes, John, we all know that. But even if you managed to convince every
last Green Left supporter to agree with you, that would make zero impact
on Venezuela politics. All of these things have been understood to one
degree or another since the mid-20s but repeating them in ritual
incantations has no effect unless you believe in magic.

Just throwing names at something ("ritualistic incantations") doesn't make
it so. Louis takes a couple of sentences from the entire email and makes it
seem that this was the purpose of the email as a whole. I am not so
delusional as to think that I can influence Maduro's policies. Neither can
Green Left Weekly, nor even Louis Proyect. In fact, the only way that
events can be influenced to any significant degree from here in the US is
through a mass, independent, radical working class movement, and what is
required for that is a change in objective conditions. The entire socialist
movement combined cannot produce that.

Chris Slee adds to the confusion by writing "The main way in which
socialists in the United States and its allies can influence events in
Venezuela is by campaiging to end the economic blockade." But it's pretty
clear that that has not has any significant degree of "influence" on events
there either.

What we can do is try to clarify things in preparation for a future
movement. That was exactly the point of what I wrote. Unfortunately, the
way Louis attacks that attempt - by using phrases like "ritual
incantations" does not help. Nor does whitewashing the Maduro regime as did
the Green Left Weekly article.

Incidentally, one point I forgot to mention in my previous letter is this:
That article in effect says that the entire economic crisis in Venezuela is
caused by the decline in the price of oil. That, of course, is a part of
the cause, but only a part. Both Maduro and Chavez before him massively
mishandled the oil industry by using all its profits to create the
"misiones" for the workers and the poor in Venezuela. As a result, there
was no reinvestment in maintaining and modernizing the oil industry. To add
insult to injury, there has been massive corruption in the military-run oil
industry as well as in the government as a whole.

Nobody on this list (I think) would deny the massive confusion on the left
in regard to Syria. There, all to much of the left only sees the (supposed)
US hostility to Assad. All they can see is "regime change". They are blind
to the role of and experiences of the working class. Leaving completely
aside the fact that the US supports 

Re: [Marxism] Maoism and Trotskyism, what's the difference?

2019-03-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Remember that guy Danny Fetonte that was removed from the DSA national 
committee because he was an official of the cop union? Well, that wasn't 
his only flaw. From the same chapter in John Levin's book on PL and the 
WSA that I posted earlier:

She was an extraordinary organizer. Her experience in the Left was an 
excellent training ground, and she had a gift for the work. In 2000, 
Lynn, suffering from severe PTSD caused by years of abuse by her boss, 
Danny Fetonte, left CWA with full disability and a large settlement. He 
was director of TSEU and often took her aside and yelled and screamed at 
her, finding fault with even the successful things she did. He was 
furious if she acted on things that weren't his idea. Even when the 
campaign was going well, he berated her over the numbers of members 
signed by her organizers. He and Lynn's male counterpart in the union 
ganged up against her and thwarted her ideas. The legislative work done 
by her and one of her organizers had to be kept secret because Danny 
disagreed with it. Lynn fought every day for her position as a woman in 
a male-dominated workplace, just as she had fought to be heard by the 
male chauvinists in the movement. After she left CWA she continued to 
have flashbacks and relive her fights with Danny. She would become 
agitated and shaky. He had destroyed a strong woman's self-confidence. 
Her mental and physical health continued to decline, and she died in 
November of 2015 in Kansas City, where we lived.

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[Marxism] Can Art Help Save the Planet? - The New York Times

2019-03-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Maoism and Trotskyism, what's the difference?

2019-03-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Except for supporting Mao Zedong rather than Jack Barnes, life in 
Progressive Labor in the 1960s sounds pretty much like life in the SWP. 
From John Levin and Earl Silbar’s “You Say You Want a Revolution: SDS, 
PL, and Adventures in Building a Worker-Student Alliance".)

My sister loved to sell Challenge and was actually good at it. She 
should have been the Minister of Challenge Sales for the Southwest. She, 
I, and her best friend, Dick Johnson, used to drive down to San Antonio 
to sell Challenge to people on the streets around the Alamo. We 
especially targeted and tried to sell the paper to personnel from the 
military bases around town. PL thought that the military should be 
organized. No one was more antiwar than the people who had served in 
Vietnam. They clearly understood anti-imperialism. I can't remember 
specific conversations, but many of them were against the war. Dick and 
I didn't have the skills that Lynn had in selling Challenge. Sometimes 
we'd head off to our assigned corners and dump most of the copies in 
trash can and go have coffee until time to meet up with Lynn. Once she 
found boxes of unsold Challenges under my bed and was disappointed that 
Dick and I weren't really selling them on campus. Until her death, she 
chided me for it on the one hand and apologized on the other for forcing 
Dick and me to try to sell them.

My sister moved to Houston and worked with PL under the leadership of 
Stevie Eisenberg. The two of them sat me down for a meeting when I was 
visiting and asked me to donate some of the insurance money from my 
husband's death on active duty in Vietnam to PL. I was using the money 
to buy property for our parents in the Texas Hill Country, but they wore 
down my objections and I gave them $400. I wrote an article for 
Challenge about the coordinated efforts of workers from all over the 
state to help restore services in Corpus Christi after Hurricane Celia. 
It was edited beyond recognition to reflect what they called 
"revolutionary enthusiasm." It was a pretty straightforward article 
about the numbers of IBEW (International Brotherhood of Electrical 
Workers), CWA (Communication Workers of America), and Plumbers union 
workers who came from other parts of Texas and volunteered time to help 
restore services in the aftermath. I said it was a show of working-class 
solidarity with the people of the city. The edited version inflated the 
numbers for no explainable reason.

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Re: [Marxism] Grand alliance? threatens Venezuela (Green Left Weekly)

2019-03-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 3/12/19 6:42 PM, John Reimann via Marxism wrote:

Just throwing names at something ("ritualistic incantations") doesn't make
it so. Louis takes a couple of sentences from the entire email and makes it
seem that this was the purpose of the email as a whole. I am not so
delusional as to think that I can influence Maduro's policies. Neither can
Green Left Weekly, nor even Louis Proyect.

If I were you, I would lay off verbiage like "only the working class can 
lead a revolutionary struggle...", etc. Unless you enjoy preaching to 
the choir.

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[Marxism] Interchange – Is “Green Growth” Malignant? Perspectives on the Green New Deal – WFHB

2019-03-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Grand alliance? threatens Venezuela (Green Left Weekly)

2019-03-12 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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Louis Proyect writes:
On 3/12/19 2:14 PM, John Reimann via Marxism wrote:
> None of this means support for Guaido and for US intervention (of any
> sort). But there is an alternative - that of the action of the Venezuelan
> working class, acting as its own independent force through its own
> independent organizations.

Yes, John, we all know that. But even if you managed to convince every
last Green Left supporter to agree with you, that would make zero impact
on Venezuela politics. All of these things have been understood to one
degree or another since the mid-20s but repeating them in ritual
incantations has no effect unless you believe in magic.

Just throwing names at something ("ritualistic incantations") doesn't make
it so. Louis takes a couple of sentences from the entire email and makes it
seem that this was the purpose of the email as a whole. I am not so
delusional as to think that I can influence Maduro's policies. Neither can
Green Left Weekly, nor even Louis Proyect. In fact, the only way that
events can be influenced to any significant degree from here in the US is
through a mass, independent, radical working class movement, and what is
required for that is a change in objective conditions. The entire socialist
movement combined cannot produce that.

Chris Slee adds to the confusion by writing "The main way in which
socialists in the United States and its allies can influence events in
Venezuela is by campaiging to end the economic blockade." But it's pretty
clear that that has not has any significant degree of "influence" on events
there either.

What we can do is try to clarify things in preparation for a future
movement. That was exactly the point of what I wrote. Unfortunately, the
way Louis attacks that attempt - by using phrases like "ritual
incantations" does not help. Nor does whitewashing the Maduro regime as did
the Green Left Weekly article.

Incidentally, one point I forgot to mention in my previous letter is this:
That article in effect says that the entire economic crisis in Venezuela is
caused by the decline in the price of oil. That, of course, is a part of
the cause, but only a part. Both Maduro and Chavez before him massively
mishandled the oil industry by using all its profits to create the
"misiones" for the workers and the poor in Venezuela. As a result, there
was no reinvestment in maintaining and modernizing the oil industry. To add
insult to injury, there has been massive corruption in the military-run oil
industry as well as in the government as a whole.

Nobody on this list (I think) would deny the massive confusion on the left
in regard to Syria. There, all to much of the left only sees the (supposed)
US hostility to Assad. All they can see is "regime change". They are blind
to the role of and experiences of the working class. Leaving completely
aside the fact that the US supports Assad, even if it didn't, I think we
would all condemn that regime. But there is a similar blindness in regards
to Venezuela. That's what socialists should be trying to clear up.

John Reimann

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
Check out:https:http://oaklandsocialist.com also on Facebook
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[Marxism] The Daily Show with Trevor Noah - Extended - March 11, 2019 - Rutger Bregman - Full Episode | Comedy Central

2019-03-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Bregman appears at 21:34.

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Re: [Marxism] Grand alliance? threatens Venezuela (Green Left Weekly)

2019-03-12 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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The main way in which socialists in the United States and its allies can 
influence events in Venezuela is by campaiging to end the economic blockade.

Chris Slee

From: Marxism  on behalf of Louis Proyect 
via Marxism 
Sent: Wednesday, 13 March 2019 5:33:02 AM
To: Chris Slee
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Grand alliance? threatens Venezuela (Green Left Weekly)

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On 3/12/19 2:14 PM, John Reimann via Marxism wrote:
> None of this means support for Guaido and for US intervention (of any
> sort). But there is an alternative - that of the action of the Venezuelan
> working class, acting as its own independent force through its own
> independent organizations.

Yes, John, we all know that. But even if you managed to convince every
last Green Left supporter to agree with you, that would make zero impact
on Venezuela politics. All of these things have been understood to one
degree or another since the mid-20s but repeating them in ritual
incantations has no effect unless you believe in magic.
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[Marxism] AOC and Sanders: Internationalism or State Department Socialism? | Left Voice

2019-03-12 Thread Juan Andres Gallardo via Marxism
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A renewed U.S. left is forging its own identity—and anti-imperialism needs
to be front and center. Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders’ soft imperialism
runs counter to the building of an internationalist left.

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[Marxism] Why does US imperialism oppose Maduro?

2019-03-12 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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"Why is US capitalism so opposed to the Maduro regime in Venezuela? They
claim it’s because of the repression there, but all one has to do is
mention two words – “Saudi Arabia” – to know better. Trump and the US
foreign policy establishment are not always aligned, but in this case they

"*Reason not obvious*
"It’s not as if Maduro is pro-worker. His government has held down wages
and attacked trade unionists. And, in the case of Trump himself, one might
think that Maduro’s alignment with Russian imperialism would tend to push
Trump into a pro-Maduro position, but it has not."

Read more:

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
Check out:https:http://oaklandsocialist.com also on Facebook
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Re: [Marxism] ‘Zio’ control no more: Russia’s role in an anti-Semitism fest for fascists, 'feminists,' spies and neo-Nazis in Iran - World News - Haaretz.com

2019-03-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 3/12/19 3:39 PM, A.R. G wrote:
Can't read it because of paywall. Going to assume it's garbage given the 

Amith R. Gupta

Don't bother reading Alexander Reid-Ross.

These conferences are condemned by their own website, which lists some 
of the keynote speakers from past conferences like ex-Larouchites and 
certifiably insane F. William Engdahl and Webster Tarpley; James Fetzer 
(author of article "Did Mossad death squads slaughter American children 
at Sandy Hook?"); Patrick Henningsen, former Infowars editor; Duginite 
Alexander Azadgan; and Oliver Stone's crackpot son Sean Stone.

I wouldn't be caught dead at such a conference but for some people, this 
is an opportunity to promote the same agenda as Ron Unz and maybe get a 
chance to stay at a 4-star hotel in Tehran at the Islamic Republic's 


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[Marxism] College Admissions Scandal: Actresses, Business Leaders and Other Wealthy Parents Charged

2019-03-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, March 12, 2019
College Admissions Scandal: Actresses, Business Leaders and Other 
Wealthy Parents Charged

By Jennifer Medina and Katie Benner

Federal prosecutors charged dozens of people on Tuesday in a major 
college admission scandal that involved wealthy parents, including 
Hollywood celebrities and prominent business leaders, paying bribes to 
get their children into elite American universities.

Thirty-three parents were charged in the case and prosecutors said there 
could be additional indictments to come. Also implicated were top 
college coaches, who were accused of accepting millions of dollars to 
help admit students to Wake Forest, Yale, Stanford, the University of 
Southern California and other schools, regardless of their academic or 
sports ability, officials said.

The parents included the television star Lori Loughlin and her husband, 
the fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli; the actress Felicity Huffman; 
and William E. McGlashan Jr., a partner at the private equity firm TPG, 
officials said.

The case unveiled Tuesday was stunning in its breadth and audacity. It 
was the Justice Department’s largest ever college admissions 
prosecution, a sprawling investigation that involved 200 agents 
nationwide and resulted in charges against 50 people in six states.

The charges also underscored how college admissions have become so 
cutthroat and competitive that some have sought to break the rules. The 
authorities say the parents of some of the nation’s wealthiest and most 
privileged students sought to buy spots for their children at top 
universities, not only cheating the system, but potentially cheating 
other hard-working students out of a chance at a college education.

In many of the cases, prosecutors said, the students were often not 
aware that their parents were doctoring their test scores and lying to 
get them into school.

“The parents are the prime movers of this fraud,” Andrew E. Lelling, the 
United States attorney for the District of Massachusetts, said Tuesday 
during a news conference. Mr. Lelling said that those parents used their 
wealth to create a separate and unfair admissions process for their 

Federal authorities say dozens of individuals were involved in a 
nationwide bribery and fraud scheme to help students gain admission to 
elite colleges and universities. Racketeering charges against 12 of the 
defendants are detailed in this indictment, one of a number of charging 
documents in the case.

But, Mr. Lelling said, “there will not be a separate criminal justice 
system” for them.

“The real victims in this case are the hardworking students,” who were 
displaced in the admissions process by “far less qualified students and 
their families who simply bought their way in,” Mr. Lelling said.

“This is an extreme, unsubtle and illegal example of the increasingly 
common practice of using money to get an edge in the race for a place in 
an elite university,” said Christopher Hunt, who runs College Essay 
Mentor, a consulting service for applicants. “The more common practice 
is to spend money in indirect ways: High-priced test prep. Coaches so 
your kid can be a recruited athlete. Donations as an alum. Donations as 
a non-alum.”

At the center of the sweeping financial crime and fraud case was William 
Singer, the founder of a college preparatory business called the Edge 
College & Career Network, also known as The Key. Federal prosecutors did 
not charge any students or universities with wrongdoing.

The authorities said Mr. Singer, who has agreed to plead guilty to the 
charges and cooperated with federal prosecutors, used The Key and its 
nonprofit arm, Key Worldwide Foundation, which is based in Newport 
Beach, Calif., to help students cheat on their standardized tests, and 
to pay bribes to the coaches who could get them into college with fake 
athletic credentials.

Mr. Singer used “The Key” as a front, allowing parents to funnel money 
into an account that would not have to pay federal taxes.

Parents paid Mr. Singer about $25 million from 2011 until February 2019 
to bribe coaches and university administrators to designate their 
children as recruited athletes, which effectively ensured their 
admission, according to the indictment.

Mr. Singer is also accused of bribing Division 1 athletic coaches to 
tell admissions officers that they wanted certain students, even though 
the students did not have the necessary athletic credentials.

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Re: [Marxism] ‘Zio’ control no more: Russia’s role in an anti-Semitism fest for fascists, 'feminists,' spies and neo-Nazis in Iran - World News - Haaretz.com

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Can't read it because of paywall. Going to assume it's garbage given the

Amith R. Gupta

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[Marxism] ‘Zio’ control no more: Russia’s role in an anti-Semitism fest for fascists, 'feminists,' spies and neo-Nazis in Iran - World News - Haaretz.com

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[Marxism] 'Bellingcat' Review | Hollywood Reporter

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Re: [Marxism] Grand alliance? threatens Venezuela (Green Left Weekly)

2019-03-12 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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I’m certainly not an expert on Venezuela by any stretch, but the idea that
the Bolivarian military and civilian militias are agents of the working
class is not a new idea. The Argentine Jorge Abelardo Ramos developed  a
synthesis of Bolivar and Marx. Néstor G. introduced me to his writings some
time ago, none of which have been translated into English as far as I know.

Greg McDonald
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Re: [Marxism] Grand alliance? threatens Venezuela (Green Left Weekly)

2019-03-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 3/12/19 2:14 PM, John Reimann via Marxism wrote:

None of this means support for Guaido and for US intervention (of any
sort). But there is an alternative - that of the action of the Venezuelan
working class, acting as its own independent force through its own
independent organizations.

Yes, John, we all know that. But even if you managed to convince every 
last Green Left supporter to agree with you, that would make zero impact 
on Venezuela politics. All of these things have been understood to one 
degree or another since the mid-20s but repeating them in ritual 
incantations has no effect unless you believe in magic.

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[Marxism] The Boeing 737 Max 8: a case-study in non-creative destruction | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2019-03-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On October 29, 2018, a Boeing 737 Max 8 belonging to Lion Air in 
Indonesia crashed into the Java Sea 12 minutes after take-off. All 189 
passengers and crew members were killed instantly. It is extremely 
unusual for planes to suffer such accidents in clear weather after 
having reached their cruising altitude. Flight experts concluded that 
the pilots were not adequately trained in the Maneuvering 
Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS), a robotics technology that 
lowers the nose of a plane to prevent to prevent a stall. Although, 
there is no definitive judgement on exactly what happened, it appears to 
be a combination of inadequate training for the pilots and a 
malfunctioning MCAS.

On Sunday, another 737 Max 8 owned by Ethiopian Airlines had the same 
kind of accident resulting in the death of 157 passengers and crew 
members. In the aftermath of the tragedy, this has led to Australia, 
China, Germany, France, Indonesia, Ireland, Malaysia, Singapore, United 
Kingdom grounding the planes.

Looking at these two horrible tragedies that will make me think twice 
about getting on a plane again, I keep thinking of the title of Gabriel 
Garcia Márquez’s classic “Chronicle of a Death Foretold”. In essence, 
the use of MCAS is akin to an experimental, driverless car owned by Uber 
killing a pedestrian who was jaywalking on a dark road in Tempe, Arizona 
on May 18, 2018. The back-up driver, who was supposed to keep a sharp 
eye on the road to prevent such an accident, was watching reruns of the 
reality TV show “The Voice” at the time.

Despite such incidents (there have been 4 fatalities already), the 
bourgeoisie is determined to push ahead since the savings in labor costs 
will make up for the collateral damage of dead pedestrians. While I am 
skeptical that completely driverless cars will ever become the norm for 
Uber or Lyft, I can see people with little driving experience being paid 
minimum wage just to be a back-up to the computer system—as long as they 
don’t watch TV on the job. (Fat chance with such a boring job.)


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Re: [Marxism] Grand alliance? threatens Venezuela (Green Left Weekly)

2019-03-12 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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Major wings of the socialist left are in an ideological crisis similar to
that of the 1930s and '40s. Back then, the ideas of the Soviet bureaucracy
- as expressed by Stalin - pretty much dominated the socialist movement.
Now, it's facing a similar crisis, and a major aspect of those ideas again
dominates. That is the idea that in the ex-colonial world, the only
consideration is the role of US imperialism. The role of the working class
in the ex-colonial world, and therefore their experiences, doesn't matter.
That was the position of Stalinism, and it's being adopted by so much of
the left.

All too much of the "socialist" left takes it a step further: Their
position is to support Russian imperialism. That's why they support Assad.

It's good that Green Left Weekly doesn't go that far, but they apparently
have accepted the first step, more or less negating the role and experience
of the Venezuelan working class. At least if the article on Venezuela that
Chris Slee sent is any measure. Totally absent from the article is the
slightest hint of criticism of the military-based rule of Maduro. In fact,
the article goes so far as to imply that the military is an agent of the
working class. ("Citizen militia [is] ready to back up the army..." they

In the first place, except in the case of a working class revolutionary
overthrow of the capitalist state and the establishment of a working class
rule through workers' councils, the military can never be an agent of the
working class. Some will denounce this as abstract theoretical dogma, but
theory does play a role; it is important. And if the theory is correct, it
will explain the concrete situation. The situation in Venezuela is proof of
that. The military tops have vastly enriched themselves through their
control over major industry, including the PDVSA. They are part and parcel
of the bolibourgeoisie. As for the rank and file, Maduro is using special
privilege - the monthly food parcels - to maintain their loyalty. Maduro
has cracked down on the working class, repressing union organizing. His
agents have aligned with the old landlords in the rural areas, attacking
peasant groups. His government in repressing freedom of speech, such as in
the case of the disappearance for 8 hours of journalist Luis Carlos Diaz.
(It was subsequently revealed that he had been arrested.)

None of this means support for Guaido and for US intervention (of any
sort). But there is an alternative - that of the action of the Venezuelan
working class, acting as its own independent force through its own
independent organizations. This is what's been lost sight of time and time
again, and with it the actual experiences of the masses of people. That's
what the Green Left Weekly's article also ignores. The most recent and most
blatant example of this is Code Pink's shameful trip to Iran where they
helped provide cover for that criminal regime. It is unfortunate that Green
Left Weekly has added to this confusion.

John Reimann
*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] Fwd: 50 Years Ago: The Student Strike at LACC March 12th - 14th, 1969

2019-03-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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March 12th - 14th, 1969 the Student Strike at LACC

March 12^th marks the 50^th anniversary of the first day of the _Los 
Angeles City College’s 3 day student strike 
In truth it was more coup d’etat than strike.

The Black Student Union, of which I was a member, along with its 
coalition allies in the _Mexican-American Student Association 
the _Students for a Democratic Society 
the _Viet Nam Veterans Against the War 
sealed building locks with liquid solder; 2.) created offside campus 
distractions to slow the expected response of the LAPD; 3.) passed out a 
thousand fliers explaining the reason for the action; and, among other 
things , 4.) seized control of the school’s radio station and broadcast 
appeals to the larger student community to join our strike and to meet 
at the traditional campus free-speech area, the flagpole located 
mid-campus. Prior to these events our coalition had swept_student 
council in school elections 
The council voted to support the strike.

_The strike had been called 
_inprotest of the 
LAPD’s brutal attack_upon the students of Carver Junior High School’s 
BSU _. At the 
time, militancy among activists and the resort to violence on the part 
of the policing forces were /de riguer/. But these things, to be 
understood today, have to be situated historically.

In 1969 Blacks in America had survived almost exactly _250 years of 
_followed by 
_100 more of third-class citizenship 
_. The 
peaceful resistance of the Civil Rights Movement was giving way to the 
active resistance and armed self-defense examples of the _Republic of 
New Africa _led by 
_Robert F Williams 
_originating in North 
Carolina, the _Deacons for Defense 
Louisiana and the Black Panther Party across the country. The militancy 
of the BSUs was part and parcel of that trend. But the line between 
militancy and bullying is not hard and fast. Mirrored images, the two 
blur themselves into each other.

How is it that we became what we opposed? Lynchings, beatings, police 
dogs attacking, cattle prods and billy clubs had been unleashed time and 
again upon peaceful protesters. The necessity of resistance, even armed 
resistance, was undeniable. Force and violence yield only in the face of 
counter-force and counter-violence. But these come concomitant with 
hierarchy. And our organizations just so reflected the _hierarchical 
structure of American society 
Bosses and workers; men and women; military officers and _‘dog faces’ 
_; whites and peoples 
of color. Our organizations reflected that with a leadership cabal’s 
authority over ‘foot soldiers’. Caricature sans character.

Unable to convince many in the student body. We took it upon ourselves 
to make the choice not only for ourselves but also those who either 
disagreed or didn’t care. Thus our seizure of the school was not a 
measure of our strength but, indeed, of our weakness.

The Civil Rights Movement had left in its wake many martyrs slain and 
more apostles of peace injured and/or jailed. Finally Blacks tired of 
turning one cheek only to get slapped harder on the other. 
Mexican-American activists were experiencing a similar awakening. There 
was the grand _Chicano Moratorium 
_that began in 1968 in 
East LA (where the LA Times reporter covering the actions, _Reuben 
Salazar, _would later be 
killed by a tear gas canister indiscriminately fired by the LAPD). And 
the invasion and occupation of South Viet Nam with its attendant draft 
hot-housed the growth of the SDS and the VVAW. These were the conditions 
that culminated in the height of self-contradiction that was our strike. 

[Marxism] Incendiary N.R.A. Videos Find New Critics: N.R.A. Leaders

2019-03-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, March 12, 2019
Incendiary N.R.A. Videos Find New Critics: N.R.A. Leaders
By Danny Hakim

The flash point was Thomas the Tank Engine.

Last September, the National Rifle Association’s famously combative 
spokeswoman, Dana Loesch, provoked widespread outrage when she took to 
the gun group’s streaming service to mock ethnic diversity on the 
popular children’s program “Thomas & Friends,” portraying the show’s 
talking trains in Ku Klux Klan hoods. Now, growing unease over the 
site’s inflammatory rhetoric, and whether it has strayed too far from 
the N.R.A.’s core gun-rights mission, has put its future in doubt.

The site, NRATV, is a central part of the organization’s messaging 
apparatus. Since its creation in 2016, it has adopted an increasingly 
apocalyptic, hard-right tone, warning of race wars, describing Barack 
Obama as a “fresh-faced flower-child president,” calling for a march on 
the Federal Bureau of Investigation and comparing journalists to rodents.

In recent weeks, in a rare airing of internal debate at the N.R.A., two 
prominent board members expressed concerns about NRATV to The New York 
Times. Their statements were released through the N.R.A. itself, amid 
what was described as an internal review of NRATV and its future.

“Since the founding of NRATV, some, including myself and other board 
members, have questioned the value of it,” Marion Hammer, the group’s 
most formidable lobbyist and a key adviser to its chief executive, Wayne 
LaPierre, said in a statement. “Wayne has told me and others that NRATV 
is being constantly evaluated — to make sure it works in the best 
interest of the organization and provides an appropriate return on 

The reassessment underscores a debate within the N.R.A. over how broad 
its activism should be. And it comes as the organization faces a storm 
of challenges, including a series of mass shootings that has created a 
new generation of gun-control activists.

Congressional investigations into the N.R.A.’s possible Russia ties were 
energized after Maria Butina, a suspected Russian agent, pleaded guilty 
in December to using the N.R.A. in a political influence operation. And 
the organization, incorporated in New York, may have a potent foe in 
Letitia James, the state’s recently elected attorney general, who has 
vowed to investigate the N.R.A.’s tax-exempt status.

As falling membership dues put the N.R.A. under further strain, board 
members have also expressed concern about the size of payments to the ad 
firm that produces NRATV, Ackerman McQueen. The firm and its affiliates 
pocketed $40 million from the N.R.A. in 2017; billings directly to 
Ackerman have increased nearly 50 percent since 2015. One prominent 
host, Dan Bongino, left amid cutbacks at NRATV, but he said the site had 
tried to retain him.

Ackerman, a partner to the gun group since the “I’m the N.R.A.” campaign 
of the 1980s, runs the NRATV Twitter account, has done polling work for 
the organization and revamped its gun safety program for children. It 
has also been credited with a slick makeover of Mr. LaPierre — who, in 
the words of one former N.R.A. lobbyist, previously resembled an 
“introverted chess champion.”

Mr. LaPierre’s wife, Susan, has worked for an Ackerman subsidiary, and 
there has come to be a revolving door between the two companies, with 
many employees having worked by turns for both NRATV and Ackerman.
Dana Loesch, an N.R.A. spokeswoman, mocked ethnic diversity on the 
children’s program “Thomas & Friends,” portraying the show’s talking 
trains in Ku Klux Klan hoods.

Oliver L. North, the N.R.A. president, has a contract with Ackerman, 
though the N.R.A. would not disclose its size. As part of the 
relationship, Mr. North, a former Fox News pundit, hosts media 
programming and special events, like the show “American Heroes,” which 
recently began airing on NRATV.

The N.R.A., a nonprofit, has also directed $18 million since 2010 to a 
private company jointly owned by executives of Ackerman and the N.R.A., 
according to records and interviews.

“It is clear to me that NRATV is an experiment and Wayne is evaluating 
the future of the enterprise,” Willes K. Lee, a board member who leads 
the N.R.A. Outreach Committee, said in a statement to The Times.

After the Thomas the Tank Engine video, he said, Mr. LaPierre appeared 
“livid and embarrassed” in a meeting with the outreach group. “He 
apologized to the entire committee and spent hours listening to our 

‘Red Meat for the Hard Right’

Ms. Loesch has emerged as NRATV’s most visible host, deriding 
gun-control advocates as “tragedy-dry-humping whores” and 

[Marxism] A chimpanzee cultural collapse is underway — and it’s driven by humans – Alternet.org

2019-03-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Eric Hobsbawm: Historical cosmonaut – TheTLS

2019-03-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] All the Brexit you can eat | Richard Seymour on Patreon

2019-03-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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I just cannot understand Theresa May's Brexit strategy.

To get a parliamentary majority, she and everyone else knows perfectly 
well that she must drop Tory 'red lines'. She must negotiate seriously 
with Labour MPs and unions, make real concessions on workers' rights, 
and offer serious investment to Leave-voting constituencies.

Yes, that means fucking over her own headbanger backbenchers and the 
DUP. Yes, it risks a schism. Yes, her parliamentary situation is 
precarious enough. Yes, it means giving something to Jeremy Corbyn. But 
consider the results of actually securing a deal. Currently, businesses 
are hoarding a lot of capital. In the last year, we've seen the longest 
downswing in business investment outside of a recession for fifteen 
yeas. On top of that, almost a trillion pounds in assets and investments 
has been withdrawn from the City in fear of a "no deal" Brexit. (They 
call this 'Brexodus', because of course they do.)

full: https://www.patreon.com/posts/all-brexit-you-25317490
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Re: [Marxism] Neoliberalism: not so bad? | Michael Roberts Blog

2019-03-12 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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I don;t know Louis -- I think neoliberalism is a useful term for the
current structure of capitalism -- I am pretty persuaded by the SSA school
*(I reviewed Kotz's most recent book for Challenge a year or so ago).

Capitalism has gone through a few different iterations in the 20th (now
21st) century(ies) and the neo-liberal version is particularly disgusting
for ordinary people (the post WWII period was pretty good for segments of
the working class -- even relatively improving the lives of people of color
and women in general ---) --- since 1980, no such improvements and lots of
back-sliding ---

On Tue, Mar 12, 2019 at 8:00 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> *
> I don’t really like the term ‘neoliberal’ because it is used lazily as
> an alternative to pro-capitalist policies or even to the word
> ‘capitalism’ itself. In doing so, it causes confusion in explanations
> about trends and failures in capitalist development.  What flows is the
> argument that if ‘neoliberalism’ is ended, then we can return to
> ‘managed capitalism’ or social democracy’, neither of which, in my view,
> should be used to suggest something different from the capitalist mode
> of production itself.
> And if leftists continue to use ‘neoliberalism’ as a term to replace
> capitalism (or as some nasty ‘free market version), they open the door
> to the sort of nonsense that economic journalist Noah Smith concocted
> last week, as expressed in his Bloomberg piece: “Neoliberalism should
> not be a dirty word on the left”.
> full:
> https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/2019/03/12/neoliberalism-not-so-bad/
> _
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[Marxism] bellingcat - Fire on the Border: Analyzing Venezuela’s February 23 Border Clashes - bellingcat

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Instead of relying on Grayzone diarrhea about what is happening on the 
border of Venezuela, it is far better to check with Bellingcat that has 
proven itself to be a trustworthy source without deference to either 
imperialism or the "axis of resistance".

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[Marxism] Neoliberalism: not so bad? | Michael Roberts Blog

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I don’t really like the term ‘neoliberal’ because it is used lazily as 
an alternative to pro-capitalist policies or even to the word 
‘capitalism’ itself. In doing so, it causes confusion in explanations 
about trends and failures in capitalist development.  What flows is the 
argument that if ‘neoliberalism’ is ended, then we can return to 
‘managed capitalism’ or social democracy’, neither of which, in my view, 
should be used to suggest something different from the capitalist mode 
of production itself.

And if leftists continue to use ‘neoliberalism’ as a term to replace 
capitalism (or as some nasty ‘free market version), they open the door 
to the sort of nonsense that economic journalist Noah Smith concocted 
last week, as expressed in his Bloomberg piece: “Neoliberalism should 
not be a dirty word on the left”.


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