[Marxism] Meet the Man Doing More to Protect America from ISIS than Donald Trump: Hassan Nasrallah, the Islamic World’s Che | Washington Babylon

2019-10-23 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Among the many differences between Nasrallah and Che is the attitude to 
religion.  Che did not ask people what their religion was.
Nasrallah does.  No one can join Hezbollah unless they are a Shia Muslim.
ken h
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[Marxism] Anatomy of the Recent Split in Socialist Action | Socialist Action

2019-10-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The Turkish invasion: Latest step in the Russian-led destruction of the Syrian revolution

2019-10-23 Thread mkaradjis . via Marxism
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*How Erdogan handed northeast Syria to the Assad regime without it firing a
shot *

On October 6, the Turkish regime of Tayyip Erdogan launched its
long-heralded invasion of northeast Syria, aiming to expel the Kurdish-led
Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) from a 30-kilometre border region, and then
to dump some its 3.5 million Syrian refugees into territory from which the
local population has been expelled. Erdogan’s deal with Russian president
Putin consecrates a victory for both Erdogan and Syrian tyrant Bashar
Assad, who will divide SDF-held territories between them.

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[Marxism] industrialization/rank and file strategy/UPS

2019-10-23 Thread Alan Ginsberg via Marxism
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I believe Louis Proyect is mistaken when he wrote:"The one group that did
have such an orientation is very much worth studying: Solidarity. They were
heavily involved with struggles in the UPS."

Groups that had such an orientation included the International Socialists
and the International Socialist Organization.

For the UPS struggles, here's an article by Cal Winslow, who was in both of
those organizations.
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Re: [Marxism] DSA rank-and-file strategy

2019-10-23 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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I knew Dan LaBotz a little bit way back when. I also knew some of the other
people in Solidarity, although I did not know they were in Solidarity at
that time. I was also well familiar with TDU, in which his group played a
key role.

I felt at the time that that they focused too much on the issue of union
democracy to the detriment of fighting the boss. Yes, it's true that they
did play a key role in opposing some Teamster contracts, but as things
evolved the issue of democracy became their central concern. This was
linked, in my opinion, with their failing to sufficiently differentiate
themselves from Ron Carey. I think it was right to support him, but
critically. It was also all connected, in my opinion, with their failure to
raise a clear strategy and program for *how* to win better contracts, *how*
strikes could win. While they might talk about the 1934 Teamsters strike in
Minneapolis, they never tried to apply the lessons to the here in now; it
was simply some inspirational stories from the past.

I knew some Teamsters in a local in Seattle where they voted in a TDU
slate. At the head of that slate was a guy named Bob Hasegawa. I went to an
unofficial meeting (I think it was of TDU, not the local) where they
discussed what was happening in the local after that election. Several
members expressed strong dissatisfaction about the lack of a fighting
leadership from the newly elected officers. I remember clearly how one
member commented that "You (the TDU leadership) are allowing them to
urinate all over our heads."

In the next local election, TDU was voted out.

Indicative of their orientation was the development of Hasegawa, who got
onto the executive board of the King County Labor Council. Anybody who is
at all familiar with how these labor councils operate (I was a delegate to
mine for several years) knows that it would be impossible to be elected to
office on one of them without either (1) a huge shake-up in the entire
labor movement in the area; or (2) playing ball with the bureaucracy. In
Hasegawa's case, it was the latter. From there, he went on to become a
Democratic state senator, where he sits to this day.

Of course, the inheritor of all that history is Labor Notes. Take a look at
the leadership of LN. It's almost entirely union staffers and ex staffers.

I think this history tells you a lot about what DSA is up to.

John Reimann

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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Re: [Marxism] Meet the Man Doing More to Protect America from ISIS than Donald Trump: Hassan Nasrallah, the Islamic World’s Che | Washington Babylon

2019-10-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 10/23/19 5:45 PM, Andrew Stewart via Marxism wrote:

For more than three decades, the U.S. government and media have bombarded the 
public with stories depicting the Lebanese Shia group Hezbollah as a lunatic 
terrorist organization and a wholly-owned “proxy” of Iran at the forefront of a 
global jihad against Western civilization. Hezbollah’s secretary general, 
Hassan Nasrallah, is equated with ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi or Al 
Qaeda’s Osama bin Laden.


I honestly think that Ken Silverstein, the author of this article, needs 
psychiatric help. He went through a painful divorce some years ago that 
drove him over the edge. He used to be a highly respected journalist but 
keeps getting fired for his volatile behavior.

Before he went off to Lebanon to gather up the material to write this 
idiotic article, he spoke to me over the phone about me holding off my 
review of Blumenthal's "Management of Savagery". I have no idea why he 
would have been interested in my article since his piece on Hizbollah 
contains these pearls of wisdom:

"More recently, Hezbollah’s militia played a key role, and paid a heavy 
price, in helping defeat ISIS, Al Qaeda and assorted jihadists seeking 
to overthrow Bashar al-Assad. The Syrian president’s armed opponents 
were funded and armed by the U.S., Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United 
Arab Emirates. Those countries supported the jihadists — and allowed 
them to hijack what began as a popular revolt against the Syrian 
government — because of their shared hatred of Iran. The Western- and 
Saudi-backed “freedom fighters” had promised that they would march into 
Beirut and deal with Hezbollah after dispensing with Assad."

This is so crude and stupid I wouldn't know where to begin. Anyhow, I 
write my article and a day or two later he attacks it on FB. This is 
what I would call irrational behavior. Didn't he know that my views on 
Syria and his clashed violently? It turns out that his only interest in 
my review turned on his hatred for Blumenthal who he ran into in 
Venezuela. I can imagine that these journalistic powerhouses must have 
gotten on each other's nerves right off the bat.

My next encounter with Silverstein was writing a review of Sunkara'sbook 
that he trashed on Washington Babylon. That was the last thing I had to 
do with someone so badly in need of medication. Btw, my pathetic little 
blog has nearly 5 times the traffic of Washington Babylon. He might have 
picked up some more readers if he treated me as the friend I thought I 
was. What a prick.

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[Marxism] DSA rank-and-file strategy

2019-10-23 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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On Wed, Oct 23, 2019 at 4:02 PM Tristan Sloughter via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

>   . . .
> Thanks for the pointer to Dan's book, I'll definitely be reading that and
> reaching out to him to see if he's involved with the DSA's current
> rank-and-file work.

of interest?

On Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 5:45 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> From Dan La Botz on FB:
> Yesterday NYC DSA Labor Branch held a Labor Day School that was attended
> by about 100 DSA members, most of them union activists. I spoke on a
> panel on the left and labor: Stephanie Luce talked about Why the Working
> Class, Chris Maisano talked about the Communist Party and the Trade Union
> Education League in the 1920s, I spoke about the Communist Party,
> Trotskyists and Socialists in organizing industrial unions in the 1930s.
> About 50 people attended that session, though I think 75 to 100 attended
> one or another session throughout the day. While I couldn't stay for the
> entire day school, I heard good things about all of the panels and
> discussions.

 . . .
On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 3:46 PM, Dayne Goodwin 
  . . .
P.S. As part of the organizational process of the DSA's last national
convention (held early August 2017) Dan LaBotz ran for a position on the DSA's
16 member national leadership body the National Political Committee.  To
have been a successful candidate for the NPC LaBotz would have needed to
receive at least 2,947 votes; LaBotz received 2,631 votes.

Here is the candidate 'platform'/bio on which LaBotz ran for a position on
the NPC:
*I have been a socialist activist since 1969 when I joined the
International Socialists

(IS), which in 1986 became part of Solidarity
. I served on the national leadership
bodies of both of those organizations. After attending the last DSA
Convention two years ago as an observer for Solidarity
, I joined DSA about a year and a half
ago.* *In the 1970s I became involved in unions. I was a founding member of
Teamsters for a Democratic Union
 in 1976 and
subsequently worked for various unions and community groups as well as with
immigrant rights groups. I was a Socialist Party USA
 candidate for the U.S. Senate
in Ohio in 2010, built an organization, campaigned throughout the state,
and won 25,000 votes. I am co-editor of the independent socialist journal
New Politics  and a writer for Jacobin
, Labor Notes
, Against the Current
 and other publications. I was
for 20 years editor of the Mexican-U.S. union publication Mexican Labor
News and Analysis

*I teach labor studies, principally about Latin American labor, at the
Murphy Institute, the labor school of the City University of New York. I am
the author of several books on labor and politics in the United States,
Mexico, Nicaragua, and Indonesia.* *I believe the central political issue
facing DSA is its relationship to the Democratic Party
 and especially to progressive
organizations such as MoveOn.org , Our
Revolution , and Indivisible
. While we should work in coalition
with those groups, I want to work to make sure that DSA charts an
independent and socialist course. We should harbor no illusions about
reforming or capturing the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is not
our party; we should not become involved in its internal life.* *We should
support socialist candidates and progressive candidates in the Democratic
Party, but we should not–if and when those candidates lose–back the
corporate Democrats. The central political challenge is to avoid being
swept up into the progressive organizations, which in the end usually
support the Democrats corporate candidates.* *So while joining coalitions
where appropriate, we should be wary of the Democratic Party and especially
of its progressive wing, which will be most enticing to our members and
friends. We do not want DSA to become simply a small group at the left
margin of the Democratic Party. We want through coalition work to build a
powerful social movement, a resistance with its own political 

Re: [Marxism] DSA rank-and-file strategy

2019-10-23 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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On Wed, Oct 23, 2019 at 4:02 PM Tristan Sloughter via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

>   . . .
> Thanks for the pointer to Dan's book, I'll definitely be reading that and
> reaching out to him to see if he's involved with the DSA's current
> rank-and-file work.

of interest?

On Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 5:45 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> From Dan La Botz on FB:
> Yesterday NYC DSA Labor Branch held a Labor Day School that was attended
> by about 100 DSA members, most of them union activists. I spoke on a
> panel on the left and labor: Stephanie Luce talked about Why the Working
> Class, Chris Maisano talked about the Communist Party and the Trade Union
> Education League in the 1920s, I spoke about the Communist Party,
> Trotskyists and Socialists in organizing industrial unions in the 1930s.
> About 50 people attended that session, though I think 75 to 100 attended
> one or another session throughout the day. While I couldn't stay for the
> entire day school, I heard good things about all of the panels and
> discussions.

 . . .
On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 3:46 PM, Dayne Goodwin 
  . . .
P.S. As part of the organizational process of the DSA's last national
convention (held early August 2017) Dan LaBotz ran for a position on the DSA's
16 member national leadership body the National Political Committee.  To
have been a successful candidate for the NPC LaBotz would have needed to
receive at least 2,947 votes; LaBotz received 2,631 votes.

Here is the candidate 'platform'/bio on which LaBotz ran for a position on
the NPC:
*I have been a socialist activist since 1969 when I joined the
International Socialists

(IS), which in 1986 became part of Solidarity
. I served on the national leadership
bodies of both of those organizations. After attending the last DSA
Convention two years ago as an observer for Solidarity
, I joined DSA about a year and a half
ago.* *In the 1970s I became involved in unions. I was a founding member of
Teamsters for a Democratic Union
 in 1976 and
subsequently worked for various unions and community groups as well as with
immigrant rights groups. I was a Socialist Party USA
 candidate for the U.S. Senate
in Ohio in 2010, built an organization, campaigned throughout the state,
and won 25,000 votes. I am co-editor of the independent socialist journal
New Politics  and a writer for Jacobin
, Labor Notes
, Against the Current
 and other publications. I was
for 20 years editor of the Mexican-U.S. union publication Mexican Labor
News and Analysis

*I teach labor studies, principally about Latin American labor, at the
Murphy Institute, the labor school of the City University of New York. I am
the author of several books on labor and politics in the United States,
Mexico, Nicaragua, and Indonesia.* *I believe the central political issue
facing DSA is its relationship to the Democratic Party
 and especially to progressive
organizations such as MoveOn.org , Our
Revolution , and Indivisible
. While we should work in coalition
with those groups, I want to work to make sure that DSA charts an
independent and socialist course. We should harbor no illusions about
reforming or capturing the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is not
our party; we should not become involved in its internal life.* *We should
support socialist candidates and progressive candidates in the Democratic
Party, but we should not–if and when those candidates lose–back the
corporate Democrats. The central political challenge is to avoid being
swept up into the progressive organizations, which in the end usually
support the Democrats corporate candidates.* *So while joining coalitions
where appropriate, we should be wary of the Democratic Party and especially
of its progressive wing, which will be most enticing to our members and
friends. We do not want DSA to become simply a small group at the left
margin of the Democratic Party. We want through coalition work to build a
powerful social movement, a resistance with its own political 

Re: [Marxism] DSA rank-and-file strategy

2019-10-23 Thread Tristan Sloughter via Marxism
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> After 1978, it had such an orientation but it was a  complete disaster.

That was my general understanding of the SWP's attempt, but not that it was 
such a disaster there isn't even anything worth learning from it?

Thanks for the pointer to Dan's book, I'll definitely be reading that and 
reaching out to him to see if he's involved with the DSA's current 
rank-and-file work.
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[Marxism] Foreign Affairs on Trump's handling of foreign policy

2019-10-23 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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Foreignaffairs.com is the online magazine of what is probably the foremost
capitalist think tank in the US - the Council on Foreign Relations. Here's
an interesting article of theirs. It reads in part:

"or decades, if not centuries, scholars have debated which matters more in
international affairs: structural forces, such as the relative power
between states, or the ideas and decisions of individual leaders. But at
least as far as the United States is concerned, President Donald Trump may
put the debate to rest.

After a slow start, Trump has affected almost every facet of U.S. foreign
policy. And the story to date is not an inspiring one. Trump has
personalized, privatized, and deinstitutionalized foreign policy to the
detriment of the national interest. That trend has accelerated in recent
months, culminating in two disastrous missteps vis-à-vis Ukraine and Syria.
In the process, the American public has suffered, U.S. allies have lost,
and U.S. adversaries have gained—none more so than Russian President
Vladimir Putin.

Three years ago, the United States was the world’s most powerful state,
capable of influencing outcomes on every continent and every issue area.
But from the beginning of his presidency, Trump chose to pull back. He
pursued his withdrawal doctrine

vigor, exiting the 12-nation trade agreement known as the Trans-Pacific
Partnership within days of taking office, then going on to withdraw from
the Iran nuclear agreement, the Paris climate accord, and the
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia. He has since
threatened to leave multiple other multilateral organizations and

Even Trump’s Russia policy initially differed little from President Barack
Obama’s approach after 2014. Although candidate Trump had considered
lifting sanctions on Russia and recognizing its land grab in Crimea as
legitimate, the Trump administration increased those sanctions, never
recognized Crimea’s annexation, bolstered support for NATO, and even went
further than Obama in providing lethal military assistance to Ukraine.
Trump did deliver one welcome change in U.S. policy to the Kremlin by no
longer discussing democratic reforms or human rights abuses, but that was
about it.

For Moscow, this policy continuity was a disappointment. Putin’s surrogates
on Russian television lamented Trump’s weakness, which they blamed on the
U.S. “deep state”—Trump wanted to do the “right thing,” they claimed, but
he was constrained by the conventional foreign policy elites running his
national security departments; the professional bureaucrats at the
Department of State, the Department of Defense, and the CIA; and the
Russophobes in U.S. “mainstream” media and the Democratic Party.

Putin himself identified domestic politics in the United States as the main
obstacle preventing Trump from pursuing a thaw with Russia. He was not
wrong. *But instead of a sinister deep state working against the U.S.
president, it was the national security professionals within his own
administration, including his political appointees, who were moderating
some of Trump’s most extreme pro-Putin proclivities.*

*The Kremlin may, at long last, be getting what it wants. Gradually, but
especially in the last year, Trump has eroded the normal national security
decision-making process, marginalized the professionals who usually shape
and execute U.S. foreign policy, and placed his private interests and
ill-informed personal theories—often shaped by disinformation and
conspiracy yarns—above all else. The result has been a disaster for U.S.
national interests and a boon for Russia.*

*Since McMaster’s exit from the administration in April 2018, standard
procedures for making national security decisions have been abandoned.
Trump rarely attends National Security Council (NSC) meetings. He prefers
to make his own decisions, based on intuition and personal preferences and
without expert advice. Earlier this month, his new national security
advisor, Robert O’Brien, announced plans
significantly cut the NSC staff and replace many of its career officials
with political appointees.*  [My emphasis]

Other departments and agencies have seen their norms and procedures—not to
mention their integrity—come under presidential attack as well. Trump’s
first target, even before his inauguration, was the CIA, followed by the
FBI and the intelligence community at large. In July 2018, Trump stood next

[Marxism] Meet the Man Doing More to Protect America from ISIS than Donald Trump: Hassan Nasrallah, the Islamic World’s Che | Washington Babylon

2019-10-23 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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For more than three decades, the U.S. government and media have bombarded the 
public with stories depicting the Lebanese Shia group Hezbollah as a lunatic 
terrorist organization and a wholly-owned “proxy” of Iran at the forefront of a 
global jihad against Western civilization. Hezbollah’s secretary general, 
Hassan Nasrallah, is equated with ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi or Al 
Qaeda’s Osama bin Laden.


Best regards,
Andrew Stewart 
- - -
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Re: [Marxism] DSA rank-and-file strategy

2019-10-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 10/23/19 5:23 PM, Tristan Sloughter via Marxism wrote:

I figured this was a good place to ask if there are resources about what the 
SWP did in the 70s. And other orgs that did the same. Basically resources to 
help not repeat mistakes of the past.

The SWP did not have an industrial orientation until 1978. It was much 
more like the ISO. After 1978, it had such an orientation but it was a 
complete disaster.

The one group that did have such an orientation is very much worth 
studying: Solidarity. They were heavily involved with struggles in the 
UPS. My advice is to read Dan La Botz's book that I reviewed here:

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[Marxism] DSA rank-and-file strategy

2019-10-23 Thread Tristan Sloughter via Marxism
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I learned today that I somehow missed how much of a debate was going on for the 
last year around "industrialization" in the DSA and that a "rank-and-file 
strategy" was passed at the convention in August. 

I figured this was a good place to ask if there are resources about what the 
SWP did in the 70s. And other orgs that did the same. Basically resources to 
help not repeat mistakes of the past.

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Re: [Marxism] Russia-Turkey 10-point agreement disclosed

2019-10-23 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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Trump has withdrawn, or is in the process of withdrawing, US troops from 
northeastern Syria.  He has not withdrawn US troops from the Middle East.  He 
may not even withdraw totally from Syria - the last I heard, the US was 
planning to keep its base at al-Tanf in southeastern Syria, on the main road 
between Baghdad and Damascus.

Russia seems to have won in Syria, but Syria doesn't have much oil, and will be 
very expensive to rebuild, so it may be more of a burden than an asset.

Chris Slee

From: Marxism  on behalf of John Reimann 
via Marxism 
Sent: Thursday, 24 October 2019 5:04:52 AM
To: Chris Slee 
Cc: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition 
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Russia-Turkey 10-point agreement disclosed

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Okay, here's two others: Rand Paul and also the Cato Institute.

So, it seems to me that the libertarian/isolationist ideologues support the
troop withdrawal. They are a tiny wing of the strategists for the US
capitalist class. I don't think they represent any particular sector. They
don't represent finance capital nor do they represent the oil sector
(although that's the Koch background, of course). For a better view of the
oil sector, look at the position of Rex Tillerson when he was Secretary of
State. He most definitely supported keeping the troops there.

This relates to the second question I posed: Can anybody show how this
troop withdrawal is in the strategic interests of US capitalism? The winner
in this is Russian imperialism. So, unless you want to argue that the
interests of these two imperialist powers are strategically aligned, US
imperialism has lost here on a large scale.

On a related note, I'm wondering if it would be correct to say that some US
capitalists and their strategists favor a realignment with Putin more for
ideological reasons than anything else. Putin, after all, is the hub of the
wheel whose spokes are almost all the chauvinist, racist and even fascist
forces in Western Europe and the United States.

John Reimann

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Re: [Marxism] Lynching

2019-10-23 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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I listened to a program on CNN last night in which Charles Blow and two
others denounced Trump's use of the term "lynching". Aside from the issue
of whether it only refers to black people, they denounced it because
lynchings were so much more brutal than anything that's happened to Trump.
It doesn't even compare.

Well, if that's the case, how about the term "witch hunt", which Trump has
also used and repeatedly so. I don't think the with hunts in medieval
Europe were one iota less brutal than the lynchings in the South. If
"lynching" is such an unacceptable term, then why don't they also condemn
the term "witch hunt"?

John Reimann

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] Sanders in Queens: A Working-Class Revolution…at the Ballot Box? | Left Voice

2019-10-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Russia-Turkey 10-point agreement disclosed

2019-10-23 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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Okay, here's two others: Rand Paul and also the Cato Institute.

So, it seems to me that the libertarian/isolationist ideologues support the
troop withdrawal. They are a tiny wing of the strategists for the US
capitalist class. I don't think they represent any particular sector. They
don't represent finance capital nor do they represent the oil sector
(although that's the Koch background, of course). For a better view of the
oil sector, look at the position of Rex Tillerson when he was Secretary of
State. He most definitely supported keeping the troops there.

This relates to the second question I posed: Can anybody show how this
troop withdrawal is in the strategic interests of US capitalism? The winner
in this is Russian imperialism. So, unless you want to argue that the
interests of these two imperialist powers are strategically aligned, US
imperialism has lost here on a large scale.

On a related note, I'm wondering if it would be correct to say that some US
capitalists and their strategists favor a realignment with Putin more for
ideological reasons than anything else. Putin, after all, is the hub of the
wheel whose spokes are almost all the chauvinist, racist and even fascist
forces in Western Europe and the United States.

John Reimann

On Wed, Oct 23, 2019 at 8:48 AM John Reimann <1999wild...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Okay, that's one - the Koch family. Any others?
> On Wed, Oct 23, 2019 at 7:27 AM Glenn Kissack  wrote:
>> > Will Chris Slee, or anybody else, please provide any evidence that any
>> significant wing of the US capitalist class and their strategists supported
>> Trump's withdrawal of troops from NE Syria?
>> https://www.charleskochinstitute.org/news/statement-on-syria/
> --
> *“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
> Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
> Check out:https:http://oaklandsocialist.com also on Facebook

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] 'Physically Obstructing Justice, ' Dozens of Republicans Storm Closed-Door Impeachment Hearing | Common Dreams News

2019-10-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Lynching

2019-10-23 Thread John Obrien via Marxism
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What I am about to state, is no way a defense of Trump, who is hardly being 
threatened of hanging without trial.

But the uninformed liberals do a dis-service in implying that lynchings were 
solely carried out on African Americans, in the USA.
It is a sad historical fact that African Americans were lynched in large 
numbers, since colonial period and continues to be carried out
I would state today by police and others, generaly not by rope but by bullet, 
"which are without trials".

However, lynchings by rope, have been carried out in the U. S. against many 
LGBT people and also often against Asians, Latnix and Native Americans -
and also leftists (Frank Little comes to mind) and others (Leo Frank in 
Georgia), etc.

Vigilante efforts or organized governments efforts, have carried out lynchings 
throughout U.S. history against many "unpopular" people.
Mostly conducted by those among the faithful god believing WASPS.

Wall Street Journal Editorial, Oct. 23, 2019
Donald Trump's 'Lynching'

Donald Trump made himself a political celebrity in 2016 by persuading
news media to talk about -- Donald Trump. He did it mainly by the
expedient of saying outrageous things -- by trolling, in the parlance of
social media -- and it worked. It's still working, though these days as
often to his detriment as advantage.

On Tuesday the President guaranteed he'd be topic number one for at
least 24 hours by tweeting that the effort to impeach him is a
"lynching." Instantly, and perhaps as he intended, his critics in the
media, on Capitol Hill and elsewhere expressed rage and disbelief that
Mr. Trump could compare the conduct of his political opponents to the
mobs that murdered African-Americans in an earlier, shameful era.

The verb to lynch means to execute without a trial or due process. It
doesn't refer only to extrajudicial killings in the post-Reconstruction
and Jim Crow South. Accordingly, it's occasionally used in a figurative
sense in other English-speaking countries. But in the United States the
word is electric for its historical context, and you don't have to
indulge in racial hypersensitivities to appreciate why. Clarence Thomas
famously used it during his confirmation hearing in 1991 when, as he saw
it, a cabal of white liberals sought to destroy his nomination to the
Supreme Court by a "high-tech lynching." Justice Thomas had what we
would call political and historical standing.

But no President should use the word in the off-hand and self-indulgent
way that Mr. Trump did in his tweet. What's so galling about this and
similar pointless provocations is that, in his quest to remain always
and forever in the headlines, Mr. Trump puts his more judicious allies
on the political spot. Every Republican in Congress is immediately asked
either to ignore him and risk association with his reckless
pronouncements, or criticize him and risk his wrath.

Democrats are bent on impeaching Mr. Trump, and if he wants to survive
he is going to need allies -- especially in Congress. The more he forces
Republicans to defend words or actions that don't deserve defending, the
more their resentment will build and the more political trouble he will
be in.

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Re: [Marxism] Russia-Turkey 10-point agreement disclosed

2019-10-23 Thread John Obrien via Marxism
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mkaradjis forwarded articles by Conrad Black, suggesting that he was 
representing the U.  S. capitalist class.
This National Review writer is neither significant or part of the U. S. 
capitalist class -  just a grateful Trump supporter who was pardoned by Trump 
this year:

Conrad Black - Wikipedia

Conrad Moffat Black, Baron Black of Crossharbour, 
 (born August 25, 1944), is a Canadian-born British former newspaper 
publisher and author. In 
2007, he was convicted on four counts of fraud in U.S. District 
 in Chicago. While two of the criminal 
charges were dropped on appeal, a conviction for felony fraud and obstruction 
of justice were upheld in 2010 and he was re-sentenced to 42 months in prison 
and a fine of $125,000. In 2018, he wrote a glowing book about President Donald 
Trump. On May 1.5, 2019, he was granted a full 

Here's another:  
Though I agree they are the absolute minority.

On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 1:28 AM Glenn Kissack via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:
> > Will Chris Slee, or anybody else, please provide any evidence that any
> significant wing of the US capitalist class and their strategists supported
> Trump's withdrawal of troops from NE Syria?

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Re: [Marxism] Russia-Turkey 10-point agreement disclosed

2019-10-23 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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Okay, that's one - the Koch family. Any others?

On Wed, Oct 23, 2019 at 7:27 AM Glenn Kissack  wrote:

> > Will Chris Slee, or anybody else, please provide any evidence that any
> significant wing of the US capitalist class and their strategists supported
> Trump's withdrawal of troops from NE Syria?
> https://www.charleskochinstitute.org/news/statement-on-syria/

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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Re: [Marxism] Russia-Turkey 10-point agreement disclosed

2019-10-23 Thread mkaradjis . via Marxism
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Here's another:  https://www.nationalreview.com/author/conrad-black/
Though I agree they are the absolute minority.

By the way, not surprisingly Trump has hailed the Putin-Erdogan agreement
to reinstate the Assad regime all over the former SDF territory:

On Thu, Oct 24, 2019 at 1:28 AM Glenn Kissack via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
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> #3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.
> *
> > Will Chris Slee, or anybody else, please provide any evidence that any
> significant wing of the US capitalist class and their strategists supported
> Trump's withdrawal of troops from NE Syria?
> https://www.charleskochinstitute.org/news/statement-on-syria/
> _
> Full posting guidelines at: http://www.marxmail.org/sub.htm
> Set your options at:
> https://lists.csbs.utah.edu/options/marxism/mkaradjis%40gmail.com
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[Marxism] Blood on the Ice | by Sophie Pinkham | The New York Review of Books

2019-10-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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“Nowhere in all America will you find more patrician-like houses; parks 
and gardens more opulent, than in New Bedford. Whence came they?” 
Melville asked in Moby-Dick. He knew the answer: “All these brave houses 
and flowery gardens came from the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans. 
One and all, they were harpooned and dragged up hither from the bottom 
of the sea.”

Bathsheba Demuth’s Floating Coast: An Environmental History of the 
Bering Strait tells the story of how people learned to make money from 
the seas—specifically, from the waters of Beringia, the region that 
includes Alaska, the northeasternmost parts of Russia, and the seas in 
between. At first the money came from sea otters and whales, but when 
these grew scarce in the mid-nineteenth century, they were replaced with 
walruses sleeping in piles on the icy edges of the shore; then attention 
turned to caribou and Arctic foxes, and to the gold, tin, and oil in the 
earth. But as humans hunted and mined at an ever-accelerating pace, they 
did so with little understanding of the cyclical and finite aspects of 
life on earth, or of the ways their actions would disrupt the larger 
ecosystem, especially one as delicate as that of Beringia.

full: https://www.nybooks.com/articles/2019/11/07/bering-strait-blood-ice/
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Re: [Marxism] Russia-Turkey 10-point agreement disclosed

2019-10-23 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> Will Chris Slee, or anybody else, please provide any evidence that any 
> significant wing of the US capitalist class and their strategists supported 
> Trump's withdrawal of troops from NE Syria? 

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[Marxism] Trump Administration Moves to Lift Protections for Fish and Divert Water to Farms

2019-10-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Oct. 23, 2019
Trump Administration Moves to Lift Protections for Fish and Divert Water 
to Farms

By Coral Davenport

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration on Tuesday moved to weaken 
protections for a threatened California fish, a change that would allow 
large amounts of water to be diverted from the San Francisco Bay Delta 
to irrigate arid farmland and could harm the region’s fragile ecosystem.

The plan, which administration officials expect to be finalized in 
January, is a major victory for a wealthy group of California farmers 
that had lobbied to weaken protections on the fish, the delta smelt. It 
also might intensify ethics questions about Interior Secretary David 
Bernhardt, who was the lobbyist for those farmers until just months 
before he joined the Trump administration.

Federal investigators are looking into whether Mr. Bernhardt’s efforts 
at the Interior Department to weaken protections for the fish violated 
“revolving-door” rules designed to prevent former lobbyists from helping 
past clients from within the government. Investigators also are looking 
into whether he improperly continued lobbying for those farmers even 
after he de-registered as a lobbyist just before joining the Trump 

The delta smelt, an unassuming, finger-size fish with little utility 
beyond its role as an environmental sentry, has been at the center of 
California’s water wars for nearly three decades. The “biological 
opinion” — released jointly on Tuesday by the Interior Department and 
the Commerce Department — reverses scientific findings made a decade 
ago, which granted Endangered Species Act protections for certain types 
of West Coast salmon and the smelt.

Those protections ensured that the California rivers and bays in which 
the fish swim would get preference over irrigation systems in times of 
drought. Multiple scientific reports have concluded that diverting those 
waters could threaten water birds and killer whales, harm commercial 
fisheries and promote toxic algal blooms.

The new biological opinion concluded that those salmon and smelt would 
not be jeopardized by lifting the environmental protections and 
rerouting that water. Once finalized, the change propelled by the 
opinion would allow water to be diverted from fish to farms by the 
spring of 2020.

In a prepared statement, the Interior Department’s Fish and Wildlife 
Service wrote that the new findings followed “robust scientific review” 
and that the changes “will not jeopardize threatened or endangered 
species or adversely modify their critical habitat.”

“The new operations plan that has emerged includes more nimble and 
responsive water project operations that both protect endangered fish 
and allow the flexibility to quickly adapt to changing conditions — like 
the variable weather in California — to ensure effective and efficient 
water supply management,” the statement said.

Paul Souza, a deputy assistant director of the Fish and Wildlife 
Service, said on a telephone call with reporters that the Interior 
secretary’s prior lobbying work did not influence the new decision. 
“There is absolutely no connection,” he said. “We are career 
professionals. We have led this effort with our teams over the past 
year, and this is career professional documentation.”

While the delta smelt serves no commercial purpose, decisions impacting 
its habitat extend directly to the interests competing for California’s 
water: farmers, fishermen and environmentalists.

“This is the most contested water problem in California,” said Jeffrey 
Mount, a water policy expert with the Public Policy Institute of 
California. “The fundamental water question is how much water you 
allocate to the environment and how much you allocate to farms. This 
tilts the balance to farms. And this was at the directive of the Trump 

Environmental groups again accused the administration of favoring 
preferred constituents over science.

The conclusion “flies in the face of the best available science, which 
indicates that stronger protections are needed to prevent the extinction 
of our native fish and wildlife, like endangered winter-run chinook 
salmon and delta smelt, particularly in light of the effects of climate 
change,” said Doug Obegi, an expert in California water law with the 
Natural Resources Defense Council, an advocacy group.

Want climate news in your inbox? Sign up here for Climate Fwd:, our 
email newsletter.

It also brings both Mr. Bernhardt and his former lobbying client a big 
step closer to the outcome they have sought for years.

From 2011 to 2016, Mr. Bernhardt lobbied on 

Re: [Marxism] Russia-Turkey 10-point agreement disclosed

2019-10-23 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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Will Chris Slee, or anybody else, please provide any evidence that any
significant wing of the US capitalist class and their strategists supported
Trump's withdrawal of troops from NE Syria? The editors of all three of the
main newspapers - the NY Times, the Washington Post and (even) the Wall St.
Journal condemned it in no uncertain terms. It's clear that the diplomatic
wing of the government opposes it as does the military wing. Every
columnist I've read in those three papers condemned it. Who supported it?

Further, this move clearly benefits Russian imperialism, but how, in what
way does it benefit US imperialism?

John Reimann

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] Flawed Design, Lax Oversight Led to ‘Astounding’ Miami Bridge Collapse - The New York Times

2019-10-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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MIAMI — The pedestrian bridge that collapsed over a busy Miami street 
last year, killing six people, was doomed by a fatal design flaw, 
federal authorities concluded in a scathing review on Tuesday. The 
errors led to unusually severe cracking in the concrete that should have 
worried engineers and prompted the closure of the roadway below for safety.

Instead, Southwest Eighth Street, an eight-lane thoroughfare adjacent to 
Florida International University, remained open. The $14 million bridge, 
which was under construction by the university to connect students to 
the neighboring city of Sweetwater, fell on top of motorists waiting at 
a red light, crushing their cars under 950 tons of concrete and metal.


My analysis:

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[Marxism] The Fall and Rise of the British Left. Andrew Murray. Review:

2019-10-23 Thread andrew coates via Marxism
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"Can the Labour Party “contribute towards opening up the way to socialism?” 
Answering this question in 2013 Andrew 
Murray responded, 
“The main working-organisations have set it as their task to try to accomplish 
that transformation after the disastrous New Labour episode…” Today, “The 
movement around Jeremy Corbyn and his leadership has changed the political 
weather for good. There has been a ‘leap’ as Lenin would have understood it. 
Gradualness has broken, the left has an opening” (Page 165). The Fall and Rise 
of the British Left is a history and strategic guide by UNITE the Union’s Chief 
of Staff about how “after a lamentable absence, socialism is back.”

The Fall and Rise of the British Left. Andrew Murray. Review: Socialist “Common 
Sense” Faced with “Brexit Derangement Syndrome”. | Tendance 
The Fall and Rise of the British Left. Andrew Murray. Verso 2019. Can the 
Labour Party “contribute towards opening up the way to socialism?” Answering 
this question in 2013 Andrew Murray responded, “The main working-organisations 
have set it as their task to try to accomplish that transformation after the 
disastrous New Labour episode…”

Andrew Coates
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[Marxism] Donald Trump's 'Lynching'

2019-10-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Wall Street Journal Editorial, Oct. 23, 2019
Donald Trump's 'Lynching'

Donald Trump made himself a political celebrity in 2016 by persuading 
news media to talk about -- Donald Trump. He did it mainly by the 
expedient of saying outrageous things -- by trolling, in the parlance of 
social media -- and it worked. It's still working, though these days as 
often to his detriment as advantage.

On Tuesday the President guaranteed he'd be topic number one for at 
least 24 hours by tweeting that the effort to impeach him is a 
"lynching." Instantly, and perhaps as he intended, his critics in the 
media, on Capitol Hill and elsewhere expressed rage and disbelief that 
Mr. Trump could compare the conduct of his political opponents to the 
mobs that murdered African-Americans in an earlier, shameful era.

The verb to lynch means to execute without a trial or due process. It 
doesn't refer only to extrajudicial killings in the post-Reconstruction 
and Jim Crow South. Accordingly, it's occasionally used in a figurative 
sense in other English-speaking countries. But in the United States the 
word is electric for its historical context, and you don't have to 
indulge in racial hypersensitivities to appreciate why. Clarence Thomas 
famously used it during his confirmation hearing in 1991 when, as he saw 
it, a cabal of white liberals sought to destroy his nomination to the 
Supreme Court by a "high-tech lynching." Justice Thomas had what we 
would call political and historical standing.

But no President should use the word in the off-hand and self-indulgent 
way that Mr. Trump did in his tweet. What's so galling about this and 
similar pointless provocations is that, in his quest to remain always 
and forever in the headlines, Mr. Trump puts his more judicious allies 
on the political spot. Every Republican in Congress is immediately asked 
either to ignore him and risk association with his reckless 
pronouncements, or criticize him and risk his wrath.

Democrats are bent on impeaching Mr. Trump, and if he wants to survive 
he is going to need allies -- especially in Congress. The more he forces 
Republicans to defend words or actions that don't deserve defending, the 
more their resentment will build and the more political trouble he will 
be in.

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[Marxism] Why I’m Voting No on UAW’s Deal With GM: A “Third-Tier” Worker Speaks

2019-10-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The Last Stand in Lordstown | The New Republic

2019-10-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Russia-Turkey 10-point agreement disclosed (ANF)

2019-10-23 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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Trump contradicts himself from one day to the next.  Whether this is due to a 
psychiatric problem or just because he is sending different messages to 
different audiences, I am not sure.

Anyway, we have to look at his actions, not his words.  John says that Trump 
does what Putin wants.  Sometimes he does, but sometimes he doesn't.

I mentioned that Trump has intensified the US blockades on Cuba and Venezuela.  
This does not seem to me to be something that Putin would want, given that Cuba 
and Venezuela are more or less allies of Russia.  But the blockades make 
perfect sense from the standpoint of US imperialism, which wants to suppress 
any challenge to its domination of Latin America.

Despite his rhetoric about bringing the troops home, Trump has increased the US 
military presence in the Middle East.  See the article by Medea Benjamin and 
Nicholas Davies:


Trump saw it as being in the interests of US imperialism to mend US relations 
with Turkey, which had been damaged by the US alliance with the SDF against 
ISIS.  Hence he withdrew US troops from a section of the Syria/Turkey border, 
enabling Turkey to invade.

Of course Trump's idea of the best policy for US imperialism may differ from 
that of other members of the ruling class.  It may be influenced by Trump's 
personal financial interests.  But that is not unusual.

Chris Slee

From: Marxism  on behalf of John Obrien 
via Marxism 
Sent: Wednesday, 23 October 2019 6:56:42 PM
To: Chris Slee 
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Russia-Turkey 10-point agreement disclosed (ANF)

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Comrade Slee,

It is clear you want to support and defend the Kurds, long denied nationhood 
and under present attack.
I share your basic sentiments of solidarity.

But from my view, you do a disservice on contorting political reality,when you 

Trump, despite his erratic words, acts to defend the interests of US 
imperialism as he sees them.  He has intensified the US blockades of Cuba and 
Venezuela.  Hence it is not surprising that he wants to crush the Rojava 

Chris Slee

It seems more credible that Trump does what the Putin government wants  - to 
weaken U. S. influence, cause internal conflict in NATO and
with the intelligence agencies, including in the U. S.

My understanding believes Trump cares nothing about the Kurds (he views them 
through his racist and xenophobic prejudice as "lessers")
but he is under the influence of Putin.  We know that Putin has been 
interacting and in contact with the far right wing in many lands  Putin's
personal financial coruption with his Russian nationalist views (including as a 
devout orthodox christian, where his contacts with the far right
seem to have originated).  We can observe Donald Trump has ties to 
international far right wing groups, has relationships with those who
have attended world conferences of these far right wing groups..  And there 
seems many of these right wing groups have relationships
with Putin and Trump, that seems to make them politically compatible - which is 
NOT in the interst of key sectors of  U. S. imperialism.

It is why the conflicting messages from Trump where first he announces 
withdrawl of troops and then becuase of pressure from many in the
U. S. Congress, the military, etc. - repositions some in Iraq with eyes always 
on the oil comrade!

Most everything the U.S. government does in that region of the world, is around 
oil and support for Israel - and did I mention oil?

None of those on this list, believe that Putin has some kind of "deep concern 
for Erdogan and the Turkey elite,or Assad, it is all about
national interests and influence - and diminishing the power and alliances of 
what Putin sees as his main threat - the U. S.

Trump is not carrying out the interests of the neo-conservatives, or of 
expanding markets for the U. S. wealthy or the international neo-liberal gang.
Just the opposite has been clearly happening, with Trump being viewed more 
unstable and a problem with the decades of efforts to
create alliances and expand the U. S. capitalists  world wide influence.

Trump's actions seem always to undermind the various alliances between the U. 
S. government institutions and its allies.
The Syrians, the Kurds, the Turkey 

Re: [Marxism] Russia-Turkey 10-point agreement disclosed (ANF)

2019-10-23 Thread John Obrien via Marxism
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Comrade Slee,

It is clear you want to support and defend the Kurds, long denied nationhood 
and under present attack.
I share your basic sentiments of solidarity.

But from my view, you do a disservice on contorting political reality,when you 

Trump, despite his erratic words, acts to defend the interests of US 
imperialism as he sees them.  He has intensified the US blockades of Cuba and 
Venezuela.  Hence it is not surprising that he wants to crush the Rojava 

Chris Slee

It seems more credible that Trump does what the Putin government wants  - to 
weaken U. S. influence, cause internal conflict in NATO and
with the intelligence agencies, including in the U. S.

My understanding believes Trump cares nothing about the Kurds (he views them 
through his racist and xenophobic prejudice as "lessers")
but he is under the influence of Putin.  We know that Putin has been 
interacting and in contact with the far right wing in many lands  Putin's
personal financial coruption with his Russian nationalist views (including as a 
devout orthodox christian, where his contacts with the far right
seem to have originated).  We can observe Donald Trump has ties to 
international far right wing groups, has relationships with those who
have attended world conferences of these far right wing groups..  And there 
seems many of these right wing groups have relationships
with Putin and Trump, that seems to make them politically compatible - which is 
NOT in the interst of key sectors of  U. S. imperialism.

It is why the conflicting messages from Trump where first he announces 
withdrawl of troops and then becuase of pressure from many in the
U. S. Congress, the military, etc. - repositions some in Iraq with eyes always 
on the oil comrade!

Most everything the U.S. government does in that region of the world, is around 
oil and support for Israel - and did I mention oil?

None of those on this list, believe that Putin has some kind of "deep concern 
for Erdogan and the Turkey elite,or Assad, it is all about
national interests and influence - and diminishing the power and alliances of 
what Putin sees as his main threat - the U. S.

Trump is not carrying out the interests of the neo-conservatives, or of 
expanding markets for the U. S. wealthy or the international neo-liberal gang.
Just the opposite has been clearly happening, with Trump being viewed more 
unstable and a problem with the decades of efforts to
create alliances and expand the U. S. capitalists  world wide influence.

Trump's actions seem always to undermind the various alliances between the U. 
S. government institutions and its allies.
The Syrians, the Kurds, the Turkey government - are all pawns in the game of 
power and influence.  We all agree that working people
are not the intended beneficiares of these world power games manuevers.  But 
Trump never thought about the Kurds - only about
defeating ISIS and of course - the oil.  Trump is the same as Obama ,Bush, 
Clinton, etc.  They are addicted to oil and know of no other
cheap energy source to make both enormous profits and maintain their war 
machines and economies to benefit from.

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