[Marxism] Holodomor, Genocide & Russia: the great

2019-11-23 Thread Anthony Boynton via Marxism
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And the Roma?
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[Marxism] (26) The world is blind to the reality of class struggles in Iran - YouTube

2019-11-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] (99+) (PDF) MARXS_VISION_OF_COMMUNISM_AND_SUSTAINABLE_HUMAN | Manuel J. Monzon - Academia.edu

2019-11-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Paul Burkett

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[Marxism] How successful was Gandhian civil disobedience

2019-11-23 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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"Last week, we looked at key myths around ‘Mahatma’ Gandhi (see here
The article recorded how Indian independence was the result of the
combination of mass waves of militant struggles by the Indian working class
and peasantry on the one hand and the munted state of Britain at the end of
WW2 on the other, not of Gandhi and his peaceful civil disobedience. Today,
let’s look closer at the claims that are often made for Gandhian-style
civil disobedience, including in relation to Martin Luther King and the
civil rights movement in the United States in the late 1950s and early
1960s and the civil rights movement in the north of Ireland in the late
1960s and early 1970s. . ." (The article is actually from 2012, so not from
'last week' now.)

full at:
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Re: [Marxism] Holodomor, Genocide & Russia: the great Ukrainian challenge

2019-11-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 11/23/19 12:20 PM, Paul Flewers via Marxism wrote:

One problem I have with the idea of the Ukrainian Holodomor is that it tends to 
obscure the fact that the famine went far beyond Ukraine, and badly affected 
Southern Russia and the North Caucasus as well. Also, whilst the Nazis' 
Holocaust was a deliberate attempt to exterminate Europe's Jews and Roma, 
likewise with the Turkish genocide of the Armenians; contrary to what some 
Ukrainian historians insist, it is not at all established whether Stalin's 
regime was intent on a genocidal policy towards Ukrainians -- which I highly 
doubt -- or intended its agricultural policies to lead to mass starvation 
either in Ukraine or in the other affected areas. That Stalin continued with 
these agricultural policies after their deadly impact became apparent is true, 
but that does not mean that such results were desired or intended.

When you really get down to it, the Judeocide is the only mass murder of 
people on the basis of their racial origins. The Cherokees, the 
Ukrainians, the Tutsis (leaving aside the controversy), the Cambodians 
and the Armenians, et al were obstacles to a social engineering plan 
that reduced people to animals. For example, the Cherokees and the 
Armenians died because they were forced to go on a long march without 
the necessary food, water and clothing to keep them alive. That's 
somewhat different than being gassed to death.

But in the final analysis, it's a difference without a distinction. 
Between Hitler and Andrew Jackson, it makes little difference to the 
people who are dying en masse.

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Re: [Marxism] Holodomor, Genocide & Russia: the great Ukrainian challenge

2019-11-23 Thread Paul Flewers via Marxism
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One problem I have with the idea of the Ukrainian Holodomor is that it tends to 
obscure the fact that the famine went far beyond Ukraine, and badly affected 
Southern Russia and the North Caucasus as well. Also, whilst the Nazis' 
Holocaust was a deliberate attempt to exterminate Europe's Jews and Roma, 
likewise with the Turkish genocide of the Armenians; contrary to what some 
Ukrainian historians insist, it is not at all established whether Stalin's 
regime was intent on a genocidal policy towards Ukrainians -- which I highly 
doubt -- or intended its agricultural policies to lead to mass starvation 
either in Ukraine or in the other affected areas. That Stalin continued with 
these agricultural policies after their deadly impact became apparent is true, 
but that does not mean that such results were desired or intended.

Paul F
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Re: [Marxism] Barack Obama, conservative - The Washington Post

2019-11-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 11/23/19 9:56 AM, Dennis Brasky wrote:
Since the Post has  a very limited number of articles it allows before 
insisting upon payment for a subscription, if possible, can this article 
be copied here?

Dennis Brasky

Right. I have a sub to the WP and will make sure to forward the whole 
article as I do with the NYT in the future.


Barack Obama, conservative
The left and the right still misunderstand his politics.
By David Swerdlick
NOVEMBER 22, 2019

The Democrats who want to be president can’t quite figure out how to 
talk about the most popular figure in their party. Former president 
Barack Obama casts a long shadow over the 2020 primary campaign: 
Preserving Obama’s legacy is the heart of former vice president Joe 
Biden’s pitch to voters — which has allowed his rivals to mark him as 
complacent. More left-leaning candidates, such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren 
(Mass.), say the next president needs to do more to push for health-care 
reforms and combat income inequality — but lately, she’s struggling to 
sell her proposals. Onetime Obama Cabinet secretary Julián Castro has 
ripped his former boss’s record on immigration and deportation. 
Meanwhile, South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg raced to have a 
reporter correct a story that misquoted him citing “failures of the 
Obama era.” Sen. Kamala Harris (Calif.) said in Wednesday’s debate that 
it’s crucial to “rebuild the Obama coalition” because “that’s the last 
time we won.” Picking and choosing which parts of Obama’s tenure to 
embrace, and how firmly to embrace them, has become a delicate game in 
the primary season.

And now Obama himself is working to cool down what he sees as an 
overheated political climate. In October, at a panel discussion for his 
foundation, he warned against the pitfalls of “woke” cancel culture, 
telling a gathering of young activists that “if all you’re doing is 
casting stones, you’re probably not going to get that far.” This month, 
at a gathering of influential Democrats, he cautioned the 2020 
contenders against pushing too far, too fast on policy: “This is still a 
country that is less revolutionary than it is interested in improvement.”

Outlook • Perspective
David Swerdlick is an assistant editor for Outlook and PostEverything 
Follow @Swerdlick
That remark helps explain why so many of the candidates’ proposals seem 
so far to the left of Obama. The former president was skeptical of 
sweeping change, bullish on markets, sanguine about the use of military 
force, high on individual responsibility and faithful to a set of 
old-school personal values. Compare that with proposals from his 
would-be successors: Medicare-for-all, the Green New Deal, free college, 
a wealth tax, universal basic income.

Given the political climate, it’s no surprise to see the party’s base 
clamoring for something dramatic. But the contrast between Obama’s 
steady approach and the seeming radicalism of his Democratic heirs can’t 
just be chalked up to changing times. It’s because the former president, 
going back at least to his 2004 Senate race, hasn’t really occupied the 
left side of the ideological spectrum. He wasn’t a Republican, 
obviously: He never professed a desire to starve the federal government, 
and he opposed the Iraq War, which the GOP overwhelmingly supported. But 
to the dismay of many on the left, and to the continuing disbelief of 
many on the right, Obama never dramatically departed from the approach 
of presidents who came before him.

There’s a simple reason: Barack Obama is a conservative.

Obama’s perspectives don’t line up with every position now seen as 
right-of-center: He joined the Paris climate accords, he signed the 
Dodd-Frank financial regulations, and he’s pro-choice. He flip-flopped 
to supporting same-sex marriage, highlighting the significance of marriage.

But his constant search for consensus, for ways to bring Blue America 
and Red America together, sometimes led him to policies that used 
Republican means to achieve more liberal ends. The underlying concept 
for his signature legislation, the Affordable Care Act, with its 
individual mandate, was devised by the right-wing Heritage Foundation 
and first implemented at the state level by Mitt Romney, then the 
Republican governor of Massachusetts. Obama wanted to protect Americans 
from the effects of a prolonged recession, so he agreed, in one of his 
defining votes as a senator, to a bailout of banks — and as president, 
he prioritized recovery over punishing bankers for their role in the 
financial crisis. In his first inaugural address, he affirmed the power 
of the free market “to generate wealth and expand f

Re: [Marxism] Barack Obama, conservative - The Washington Post

2019-11-23 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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Since the Post has  a very limited number of articles it allows before
insisting upon payment for a subscription, if possible, can this article be
copied here?

Dennis Brasky

On Sat, Nov 23, 2019 at 9:07 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2019/11/22/barack-obama-conservative/
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[Marxism] Bolivia's interim government wants to develop energy projects with Russia

2019-11-23 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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What a "surprise"!


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[Marxism] Barack Obama, conservative - The Washington Post

2019-11-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Hong Kong's Socialist Students and Labor Activists Are at the Center of the Struggle

2019-11-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Looking back to the future in Bolivia | ROAR Magazine

2019-11-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Ben Dangl

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[Marxism] Holodomor, Genocide & Russia: the great Ukrainian challenge

2019-11-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The Future of Meat

2019-11-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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“The Meat Question: Animals, Humans, and the Deep History of Food”

A book by Josh Berson

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[Marxism] When Flood Waters Run Dry: Hurricane Harvey, Climate Change

2019-11-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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We have just passed the second anniversary of one of the most 
destructive hurricanes Houston and the state of Texas have ever 
experienced. What transpired in Houston in the aftermath of Hurricane 
Harvey is a microcosm of national and international dynamics. Harvey is 
a symbol of climate catastrophe, austerity, intrastate conflict and a 
deepening deterioration of living standards for working class people. To 
say that Harvey simply exacerbated pre-existing tensions doesn’t begin 
to grasp the complexity of how Houston is currently being reshaped. In 
the wake of Harvey capitalists have unleashed an extreme intensification 
of contracted social reproduction. With hurricane just ending, this 
essay will reflect upon and analyze why Harvey had such a deep impact on 
Houston, how contracted reproduction is being executed, identify the 
strengths and weaknesses of relief efforts and/or mutual aid organizing, 
and lay out ideas to advance future struggles around climate disaster.

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[Marxism] Labour’s economic policy: the challenge ahead | Michael Roberts Blog

2019-11-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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