[Marxism] Report (with Pictures & Video) from Rally in Defense of the Syrian People in Idlib

2020-01-26 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Wilmington, NC massacre and NY Times contemporary account

2020-01-26 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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I read the review of the book and am looking forward to reading it  the
Chesnutt novel THE MARROW OF TRADITION is an outstanding fictionalization
of the same events 

But the contemporaneous Times accounts makes it sound like the White
Populists and White Republicans had joined the Democrats in politically
running against the Black Republicans --- Perhaps I have read the history
wrong but I think the interracial Populist -Republican coalition was still
politically in control when the mob went on its rampage, killed 30 people
and AT GUNPOINT forced the still serving city officials to resign ...

I guess I'll have to check the book to see if the TIMES of those times was
already distorting history ---

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[Marxism] How Capitalism Underdeveloped Rural America

2020-01-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] No pride in genocide: growing protests oppose Australia day celebrations (Green Left)

2020-01-26 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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[Marxism] Trump's team sinks to the occasion

2020-01-26 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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"Trump’s White House lawyers opened up their defense of Trump on Saturday.
It was a classic example of how a skilled lawyer can combine a series of
isolated events, statements and comments to distract people from the main
thrust of the story-line."

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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Re: [Marxism] Impresssions of Coronavirus crisis

2020-01-26 Thread Fred Murphy via Marxism
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Ecosocialist epidemiologist *Rob Wallace*, author of *Big Farms Make Big
Flu*, is worth following on Facebook at

Rob posted this a few days ago:

“Wuhan has imposed a transport lockdown on air, train, and bus travel, with
17 dead in the city and nearly 600 cases across China, with cases spreading
out globally.

As the infection appears to have a week incubation period, there is no
stopping its spread. And it does appear infectious, with all 14 doctors and
nurses of an operation team infected by a patient whose infection was

nCoV-2019's apparent mortality rate of 2% appears comparatively less than
SARS's 10%. But a small percent of a large number is still a large number.
Two percent of 1 billion infected means 20 million dead. And the mortality
speaks little of the possible evolution of the pathogen's virulence.

That's where we sit now.

Switching gears, a discussion about origins and blame I participated over
on Aaron Vansintjan's page. with minor edits, might be of some interest:

Paul Tang: while i'm no fan of mass-scale factory farming, my understanding
is that 2019-ncov is widely assumed to have its first animal-to-human
transmission at a wet market, which typically have live poultry, fish, etc
sourced from smaller farms (what a lot of people might call "organic" farms
owned by its farmers). the issue is more to do with the concentrated
variety of live animals and humans in a single place, although that isn't
to say that this can't happen as a result of factory farming as well. wet
markets were also implicated in the outbreak of sars, iirc.

(happy to be corrected if i'm wrong though!)

Aaron Vansintjan: My understanding is that though Chinese policy has been
to crack down on smaller, "unhygienic" farms in response to virus
outbreaks, blaming small producers, the issue is that the interplay of
small farming and mass industrial farming causes the virus to quickly
mutate. Without the industrial part, this wouldn't happen to the same scale.

Paul Tang: I agree that that definitely occurs, at least according to my
own reading on the matter, and I'm not at all denying there could be
consequences like what you've mentioned. (I hope I didn't come off as
demonizing small farmers!) Viral outbreaks also often have the perverse
effect of strengthening mass industrial farming in the sense that the state
response is to bolster it.

Chinese agricultural policy is a massive topic and there are multiple
political and ideological tensions in play even within the (quite opaque)
policymaking process; definitely worth a longer conversation, but perhaps
facebook isnt the right medium for it.

Rob Wallace: My [previous] comments [Aaron reposted] were directed at the
entirety of the periurban supply chain: from the deepest forest to rural
production and urban suppliers.

Worldwide even the wildest subsistence species are being roped into ag
value chains: Ostriches, porcupine, crocidiles, fruit bats, and the palm
civet, whose partially digested berries now supply the world's most
expensive coffee bean. Some wild species are making it onto forks before
they are even scientifically identified, including one new short-nosed
dogfish found in a Taiwanese market.

All are increasingly treated as food commodities. As nature is stripped
place-by-place, species-by-species, what's left over becomes that much more

As Weberian anthropologist Lyle Fearnley points out, farmers repeatedly
manipulate the distinction between wild and domestic as an economic
signifier, producing new meanings and values, including to the very
epidemiological alerts issued in response to their sales. A Marxist might
push back that these signifiers emerge out of a context that presently
extends outside smallholder control.

So while the distinction between factory farms and wet markets isn't
unimportant, we may miss their foundational similarities (and dialectical

As Aaron alluded to, the distinctions bleed together by a number of other
mechanisms. Many a smallholder, for instance, is in actuality a contractor,
growing out day-olds for industrial processing. So livestock--domestic or
wild--catch a pathogen forest-side before being shipped back to an urban
wet market or a processing plant on the outer ring of a major city.

Spreading factory farms meanwhile force increasingly corporatized wild
foods companies to trawl deeper into the forest, increasing the likelihood
of picking up a new pathogen, while reducing the environmental
stochasticity that the forest imposes on pathogens previously unable to
line up hosts in growing transmission chains and now suddenly sprung.

[Marxism] Impresssions of Coronavirus crisis

2020-01-26 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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The extensive coverage of the coronavirus crisis has given me an exposure to 
China as it is today.  I have to say it has updated my perceptions of China.  
Based on the coverage I have to see China as a more “modern" country than I had 
thought, with gleaming health care facilities and up to date equipment.
And I expect many were impressed by the announcement of a 1,000 bed hospital to 
be built in six days.

I am left with a question that others may be able to help me with.  Is there 
something wrong with agriculture in China that allows these outbreaks?  How 
common is this elsewhere?

ken h


The turnaround from complacency to nationwide mobilization typifies how China 
can respond to unexpected crisis 

 like a lumbering giant, reluctant to stir, but then capable of shattering 
urgency. It represents both sides of the authoritarian political bargain under 
Mr. Xi.
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[Marxism] James Baldwin & Nikki Giovanni, a conversation [FULL]

2020-01-26 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Best regards,
Andrew Stewart 
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[Marxism] When the N.Y. Times referred to elected black officials as members of a “mongrel party” | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2020-01-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Since this post will be commentary on a Sunday NY Times book review that 
is behind a paywall, I am including the entire review at the bottom. 
“When White Supremacists Overthrew an Elected Government” is a review by 
Eddie S. Glaude Jr., the head of Princeton’s African-American Studies 
department and a frequent commentator on cable news, of David Zucchino’s 
“Wilmington’s Lie: The Murderous Coup of 1898 and the Rise of White 
Supremacy”. Zucchino, a contributing writer to the NY Times, has written 
a history of a white racist attack in Wilmington, North Carolina that 
left 30 African-Americans dead and their mass exodus from the city.


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[Marxism] From the Editor’s Desk: 1619 and All That | The American Historical Review | Oxford Academic

2020-01-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] The Hidden Stakes of the 1619 Controversy | Boston Review

2020-01-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] How Trump killed Iraq's Popular Protests Against Corruption

2020-01-26 Thread mkaradjis . via Marxism
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Cole is right that Trump's killing of Soleimani aided the Khameini-led
forces in both Iraq and Iran itself to mobilise, thereby disrupting the
momentum of the revolutionary uprisings which had erupted in both countries
in late 2019.

However, he is completely wrong that it has "killed" them, and he
overemphasises the importance of the "defection" of political chameleon
al-Sadr from the protest camp (where Cole imagines he was, in fact only
ever partially and opportunistically - he tried to tail it, its momentum
had nothing to do with him) in terms of the the willingness of the Iraqi
regime and allied Khameiniite militias to crack down. He imagines that only
now the regime might mimic al-Sisi's brutal repression in Egypt.

This is rather odd since in the same article he reports that the (US and
Iran-backed) Iraqi regime and allied Khameiniite militia massacred 500
peaceful protestors in late 2019, before the Soleimani hit; yes, now the
regime is killing again, and al-Sadr's "defection" may have removed some
protection, but the level of killing is way smaller than the 500 already
killed; the regime was already well and truly "al-Sisi" style before
trump's hit. One reason that Trump's hit did not allow the regime (in
either country) to mobilise at quite the level they would have liked
(depite very large, one-off funeral marches) was that it was precisely the
murderous thugs led by Soleimani (the IRGC, the Iraqi Shiite death squads
etc) that had massacred the 500 in Iraq, and reportedly up to 1500 in Iran,
just before; yes, the regimes were able to mobilise their base, but anyone
who thinks the revolutionary masses in either country were part of this
mobilisation in support of their killers, that they took a day off
protesting to join in mourning their killers, means not thinking at all.

Of course, the revolutionary movement in Iraq has from the outset demanded
the expulsion of *both* Iran and the US from Iraq, and in response both to
the US embassy siege by Iran-backed thugs and Trump's assassination and the
Iranian revenge rockets, they demand both sides keep their war out of their
country. The reason they have not joined the al-Sadr called march to demand
US Out is not because they don't want the US out, but because they refuse
to be pawns in the political game of one occupier against the other,
especially given that occupier has so recently slaughtered them.

If Cole really thinks Trump's reckless and illegal action has "killed" the
movement, he ought to have a look at the hundreds of thousands who have
mobilised the day after the "US Out" march

"In response to Moqtada al Sadr's and his colleagues' decision to abandon
their support for Iraq's revolution and in the face of the militias'
murderous violence, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have again taken to the
streets in Baghdad (seen here) and across the country today [Sunday January
26, 2020] to reject the Iranian regime's proxy government and militias,
telling al-Sadr, Al-Amiri and all the other militias that their time is up.

"Other massive protests are taking place in Nasriya, Basra, Karbala and
other cities, in defiance of the Iranian-backed miltiias that have killed
over 500 people since October and are continuing to target the protesters.
It should be emphasized that the protests are non-sectarian in nature, with
Iraqis of every and no faith and every sect participating, most of the
protesters, especially in the aformentioned predominantly Shiite cities of
Nasriya, Karbala, Basra, etc, and the vast majority of of those killed and
wounded by Iran's proxy militias, are Shiite; this once again exposes the
Iranian regime's and its proxies' claims to be "protecting the Shiites".

"While Western media reported that thousands attended Sadr's 'Million Man
March' against the US on Friday which many believe was organised at the
Iranian regime's behest to distract from the revolution, the numbers
marching against the extremist sectarian militias massively dwarf that
figure. Despite the murderous efforts of all the counter-revolutionary
regimes, the revolution continues"

On Mon, Jan 27, 2020 at 12:10 AM Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> https://www.juancole.com/2020/01/popular-protests-c

[Marxism] How Trump killed Iraq's Popular Protests Against Corruption

2020-01-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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