[Marxism] Here are Trump's cuts to programs responsible for fighting coronavirus - Business Insider

2020-03-14 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] corinavirus, "M4A" and socialized medicine

2020-03-14 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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'I remember back in the 1980s sometime when a campaign for health care
reform was first getting underway. At that time, the slogan was for
“socialized medicine”. I remember we were meeting in a meeting room of some
union in downtown Oakland. At one of the meetings, a leader announced that
the union leadership had decided that we should change our slogan from
“socialized medicine” to a call for “single payer”. (Since then, the slogan
has morphed once again into “Medicare for All”.) I’m not sure if most other
people in the room understood the difference at that time. I certainly

'But the present Coronavirus pandemic certainly indicates it: “We have a
limited number of beds; we have a limited number of ventilators; we have a
limited number of all the things that are part of supportive care that the
most severely affected people will require,” said Bill Hanage,
epidemiologist at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health.'

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
Check out:https:http://oaklandsocialist.com also on Facebook
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Re: [Marxism] Characteristic Supporters of the Kurdish YPG

2020-03-14 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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Michael Probsting quotes an article in Middle East Eye, which in turn quotes an 
article in al-Araby al-Jadeed (the New Arab), which in turn quotes "unnamed 
Egyptian sources" talking about "major military assistance" to the SDF from 
Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

According to Wikipedia, al-Araby al-Jadeed is owned by Fadaat Media Ltd, a 
Qatar-based company.  Given Qatar's close links with Turkey, I would expect a 
Qatar-based company to be supportive of Turkey, and hence hostile to the SDF.

Hence I don't regard this report as reliable.

Whatever small amount of assistance the SDF has got from the US and its allies 
is insignificant compared to the strength of the invading Turkish army, which 
has both NATO-supplied and locally manufactured weapons.

Chris Slee

From: Marxism  on behalf of RKOB via 
Sent: Saturday, 14 March 2020 11:42:02 PM
To: Chris Slee 
Subject: [Marxism] Characteristic Supporters of the Kurdish YPG

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Characteristic Supporters of the Kurdish YPG

Arab dictatorships increase their support for the foot soldiers of U.S.
imperialism in Syria

By Michael Pröbsting, 14 March 2020


Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT, 
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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[Marxism] Polio, COVID-19, and socialism | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2020-03-14 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In 1952, when I was very young, fear gripped my little village in the 
Catskills and across the USA as well. Sixty thousand children were 
stricken with the polio virus that year, leaving 3,000 dead and 
thousands more paralyzed. Some children were kept alive in an iron lung 
that functioned like the modern-day ventilator but that kept them 
confined to a virtual living coffin.

Summer was called “polio season”. In Woodridge, we had Kaplan’s Lake, a 
pond really, that local kids swam in. I went there mainly to wade near 
the beach. One summer our parents told us that it was being shut down 
because of the polio epidemic. We were also warned about sitting too 
close to each other in movie theaters, a real problem when the latest 
Martin and Lewis movie had kids lined up around the block to buy a 
ticket at the Lyceum Theater in Woodridge.

full: https://louisproyect.org/2020/03/14/polio-covid-19-and-socialism/

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[Marxism] Opposing Paid Sick Leave Risks Lives

2020-03-14 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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As the coronavirus spreads, the public interest requires employers to
abandon their longstanding resistance to paid sick leave.

Most American restaurants do not offer paid sick leave. Workers who fall
sick face a simple choice: Work and get paid or stay home and get stiffed.
Not surprisingly, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported
in 2014 that fully 20 percent of food service workers had come to work at
least once in the previous year “while sick with vomiting or diarrhea

As the new coronavirus spreads across the United States, the time has come
for restaurants, retailers and other industries that rely on low-wage labor
to abandon their parsimonious resistance to paid sick leave. Companies that
do not pay sick workers to stay home are endangering their workers, their
customers and the health of the broader public. Studies show
paying for sick employees to stay home significantly reduces the spread of
the seasonal flu. There’s every reason to think it would help to check the
new coronavirus, too.

What happens when the next pandemic arrives?

The only adequate remedy is to permanently require paid sick leave for all

And Americans looking for a place to eat or shop can protect their health,
and encourage executives to do the right thing, by shunning businesses that
refuse to provide paid leave.


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[Marxism] There’s a Giant Hole in Pelosi’s Coronavirus Bill

2020-03-14 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi early Saturday celebrated passage of legislation
described as providing paid sick leave to American workers affected by the

She neglected to mention the fine print.

In fact, the bill guarantees sick leave only to about 20 percent of
workers. Big employers like McDonald’s and Amazon are not required to
provide any paid sick leave, while companies with fewer than 50 employees
can seek hardship exemptions from the Trump administration.

“If you are sick, stay home,” Vice President Mike Pence said at a news
conference on Saturday afternoon. “You’re not going to miss a pay check.”

But that’s simply not true. Sick workers should stay home, but there is no
guarantee in the emergency legislation that most of them will get paid.


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[Marxism] Taking your activism into the retirement home

2020-03-14 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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I had occasion recently to see good examples of how activism can stay with you 
into old age.
One was the passing of someone I had met years go, Judith Kolokoff. 

According to someone who knew her better, when she arrived in her retirement 
home, she began collecting the memories of those around her, with the hope of 
writing a play based on this.

And last month I was singing (as part of a group) in a nearby retirement home.  
As I entered I recognized a man I hadn’t seen for a while.  I had seen him 
previously at Cuba events and Communist party events.  He was wearing two 
buttons, one of them a large picture of Che Guevara.  As we sang I noticed him 
struggling to his feet.  He turned to the woman next to him and helped her up.  
She had an even tougher time getting to her feet.
I assumed they were leaving.  They were not.  They started to dance, the first 
time this has ever happened to us.
Happily, I was able to pass this along to a young person in the Young Communist 
league, who intends to visit him.

We can all think of negatives that come with political engagement.  Evidently, 
there are positives that can stay with you into old age.

ken h
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[Marxism] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] The future of socialism in America

2020-03-14 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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FT, March 12, 2020
The future of socialism in America
Bernie Sanders seems certain to lose the Democratic nomination. But his 
movement has changed the party

by Edward Luce

“The old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a 
great variety of morbid symptoms appear.”

--Antonio Gramsci, in his prison notebooks, on how societies in flux 
embrace all kinds of radicalism

Just over a century ago, American socialism hit its high-water mark. 
Some might consider that combination of words — “American socialism” — 
to be an oxymoron. But the US allergy to socialism can be exaggerated. 
In the local elections of 1917, the Socialist Party of America took a 
third of the council seats in Chicago, a quarter in New York and large 
chunks across the industrial Midwest. Millions subscribed to socialist 

The movement then all but vanished from the American landscape. The 
scissor effect of Russia’s Bolshevik revolution later that year, and the 
Socialist party’s opposition to America’s entry into the Great War, cut 
it to shreds.

Most of its leaders, including the legendary orator Eugene Debs, who had 
contested five presidential elections, were imprisoned under the 
hurriedly passed Espionage Act. Neither the party nor its creed 
recovered in the 20th century. The very word carried a hint of 
anti-Americanism during the height of the cold war.

It took 99 years for “socialism” to re-enter mainstream America’s 
lexicon. In the bitterly contested Democratic primaries of 2016, the 
self-declared socialist Bernie Sanders came close to wresting the 
nomination from Hillary Clinton. Their differences poisoned the party. 
Roughly one in eight of Sanders’ supporters voted for Donald Trump that 
year. Others went for Jill Stein, the Green party candidate. That 
leakage alone accounts for Clinton’s defeat.

Older generations may recoil at the younger Sanders’ flirtation with the 
Soviet Union, which has surfaced in his second attempt at the 
nomination. But the Berlin Wall has now been down for as long as it was up.

Just under half of Americans under the age of 39 have a positive view of 
socialism, according to Gallup. If, as now seems certain, Sanders fails 
again to take the crown in 2020, his supporters will be a decisive 
factor in the contest against Trump.

The party’s likelier nominee, former vice-president Joe Biden, would 
have one big advantage over Hillary Clinton; knowing which mistakes to 
avoid. Chief of these is winning the support of the anti-establishment 
left in November, even if that means adopting part of Sanders’ agenda. 
Backing a wealth tax on America’s super-rich and embracing a “green new 
deal” are now very much on the cards.

Most Europeans would use the term “social democrat” rather than 
socialist to describe policies such as paid sick leave, parental rights 
and basic universal healthcare. Since the cold war, American opponents 
of such protections have sought to discredit them with the socialist 
label. Under Trump, almost any Democratic policy, however modest, has 
been demonised as Venezuelan socialism.

As a result, Sanders embraces the word to a fault. Like an itinerant 
preacher, he has criss-crossed America saying over and over that 
billionaires and corporations have rigged the system against ordinary 
people. In spite of Sanders’ crankiness — and partly because of it — he 
strikes a deep chord with the young, even if many believe elections are 
also rigged.

Other less stubborn — and perhaps more appealing — characters, such as 
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the 30-year-old congresswoman from New York, 
may now pick up Sanders’ torch. On whatever terms the senator exits his 
primary battle with Biden, America’s left is in the throes of an 
unexpected golden age.

Should we discount this rebirth of US socialism as a “morbid symptom” — 
a cry of pain from a society entering a new technological age? Or is 
Sanders the harbinger of a lasting change — a John the Baptist to a 
future presidential Jesus?

I probe that question in one of the least likely places — Marin County 
in northern California. Nestled between San Francisco and the vineyards 
of Sonoma and Napa Valley, Marin is one of the most abundant places on 
earth. At $93,000, the median household income is America’s fifth 
highest. Hollywood producer George Lucas has a gated ranch here.

You cannot keep count of the Zen retreats, yoga farms and meditation 
centres dotted throughout its Pacific coast landscape. Yet what happens 
in California often predicts the future of America. And what happens in 
Marin — home to the organic food movement as well as the 1960s cult 
band, the 

[Marxism] Characteristic Supporters of the Kurdish YPG

2020-03-14 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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Characteristic Supporters of the Kurdish YPG

Arab dictatorships increase their support for the foot soldiers of U.S. 
imperialism in Syria

By Michael Pröbsting, 14 March 2020


Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT, www.thecommunists.net)
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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