[Marxism] "A Few Good Men: Trump and the Generals "

2020-04-09 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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From the ever-worthwhile 'Foreign Affairs'. Among other things, a thorough
refutation of the idea that was common on the left that the military
industrial complex favored Clinton and opposed Trump because he "wants

"When Donald Trump was elected president of the United States, there was
good cause to think that he would be popular with the armed forces. He was,
for a start, a Republican, and the military leans heavily conservative. He
had also run an ostentatiously pro-military campaign, promising to “rebuild
the military, take care of vets and make the world respect the U.S. again!”
There were, to be sure, some warning signs of trouble to come, such as when
he attacked the war hero John McCain, a Republican senator from Arizona (“I
like people who weren’t captured”), and belittled the parents of a soldier
who had died in combat after they dared to criticize him.

"But initially, at least from the military’s perspective, the good seemed
to far outweigh the bad. Trump pushed for higher defense spending; sent
more U.S. forces and firepower to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria; and
liberalized the military’s rules of engagement, giving commanders on the
ground more freedom of maneuver. Even more eye-catching was his appointment
of generals to senior civilian positions: the retired Marine Corps general
James Mattis became the secretary of defense, the retired Marine general
John Kelly became the secretary of homeland security and then the White
House chief of staff, the retired army lieutenant general Michael Flynn
became Trump’s national security adviser—and, when he flamed out after just
24 days, was replaced by the then active-duty army lieutenant general H. R.
McMaster. Trump, for his part, reveled in the generals’ aura of manliness,
hailing “Mad Dog” Mattis (a nickname Mattis hated) as “a true General’s

"Some critics worried that the overrepresentation of generals in the
administration would impinge on civilian control of the military. But many
others celebrated the appointment of these generals, hoping that their
presence in the administration would provide the reality TV star turned
president with much-needed “adult” supervision.

"Things went wrong almost immediately. How that happened—how the promise of
smooth civil-military relations devolved into acrimony, backbiting, and
bewilderment—is documented in four new books. Two are journalistic
accounts: Trump and His Generals, a fair and comprehensive overview of
Trump’s foreign policy by the journalist and think tanker Peter Bergen, and
A Very Stable Genius, a work of first-rate news coverage and valuable
insight by Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig, reporters at The Washington
Post (where I am a columnist). The other two books are memoirs. Holding the
Line, by Guy Snodgrass, a retired U.S. Navy officer who served as Mattis’s
Pentagon speechwriter, gives the impression of being hastily cobbled
together and includes more interoffice politics than most readers will want
to know. But it provides a few nuggets that have not been reported
elsewhere—such as the claim that Trump told Mattis to “screw Amazon” on a
major contract because he was so unhappy with The Washington Post (which is
owned by Amazon’s founder, Jeff Bezos). The other memoir—Call Sign Chaos,
by Mattis and Bing West—doesn’t deal with the controversies of the Trump
administration at all. “I’m old fashioned: I don’t write about sitting
Presidents,” Mattis explains. But the book does provide an expertly crafted
account of Mattis’s career, which helps explain why the marriage between
Trump and his generals was destined for divorce."


*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] Coronvirus carrier: USS Theodore Roosevelt in Guam (Nic Maclellan)

2020-04-09 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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[Marxism] Venezuela: community organisation key to fighting COVID-19 (Green Left)

2020-04-09 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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[Marxism] The Science of Class Hatred | Commune

2020-04-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By the nonpareil Jason E. Smith


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[Marxism] Living Through the Social Explosion | Nikola Garcia

2020-04-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Like other states facing intransigent movements last year — China in 
Hong Kong, for example — the Chilean government is incapable of meeting 
the demands of the protesters. The calls for dignity emerging from the 
Estallido Social are not only directed at the government, but also at 
broader Chilean society, and the protesters themselves. They are both 
transitive and intransitive demands, calls for and calls to, indicating 
both desired reforms and actions protesters themselves can take. Given 
the rampant inequalities in South America’s richest country, the 
movement demands that everyone in the streets, their families, and their 
neighbors re-evaluate what it means to live with dignity, to live a good 
life, a life worth living. The movement asks that its constituents and 
others rethink the meaning of political participation in the 
post-dictatorship era, when democratic reforms have failed to adequately 
empower everyday Chileans. Lastly, it is a demand that after this 
struggle, the institutions and individuals responsible for increased 
suffering and rampant human rights violations will not be treated with 
impunity like those in the Pinochet dictatorship before them.

full: https://communemag.com/living-through-the-social-explosion/

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[Marxism] These Are Conditions in Which Revolution Becomes Thinkable | Ben Tarnoff

2020-04-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Sander's submission

2020-04-09 Thread Anthony Boynton via Marxism
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Predictably, Bernie Sanders did not win the Democratic Party's nomination
for president, and - just as predictably - he has graciously pledged his
loyalty to the Democrats and for their barely functional candidate.

The Democrats will modify their platform to appeal to Sander's supporters,
will nominate a woman for VP, probably a woman of color, make changes in
the DNC, and promise to give the Sandernistas a voice in the party's inner

Biden could even go on to win in the general election against Trump, in
something like the final scene of Bertolucci's 1900 only much worse.

Most of his disappointed followers will vote for Biden, especially if
Bernie campaigns for Biden.

With Trump's consistently awful management of the pandemic, and the economy
plummeting, he should be able to lose this election no matter who the
Democrats run. This is especially true given Trump's enormous angst to get
the economy going again before the pandemic has run through its first wave.

Neither Sanders himself nor the possibility of his election ever should
have been the primary focus of revolutionaries. Sanders was made possible
by a mass movement that is being born - not called into being by Sanders
the great caudillo of the left - but growing in the pores of society
because of the degeneration of society as capitalism decays.

Sanders touched what was already there: massive disaffection with the
medical and education systems of the United States, massive disaffection
with the housing crisis, massive resistance to violations of immigrant
rights, Black lives matter, Me Too...

The fact that Sanders calls himself a socialist is good for this movement
because it will continue to think of itself as socialist, not Liberal, and
not just Progressive. Thank you Bernie, you have played your role in

Sanders loss was not a historic defeat for "the parliamentary road to
socialism". It was just one episode. Labor and Social Democratic Parties
have lost lots of elections and come back for more. so have Communist
Parties and all sorts of other parties.

It was also not a historic defeat for the left in general in the United
States. The left is growing in the United States and will continue to grow
once Sanders himself leaves the stage.

The next stage is almost certainly going to be in the streets rather than
at the ballot box.

The protest movement that is likely to arise now will take a different form
if Trump is reelected than it will if Biden is elected, but it is
nevertheless on the agenda for the simple reason that society is in a deep
crisis, and this election is not going to resolve it in any way.

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[Marxism] Pope Francis: Coronavirus pandemic could be nature's response to climate crisis - CNN

2020-04-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Dark Days for Wisconsin Democracy - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

2020-04-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Paul Buhle

The willingness of thousands of Wisconsinites to vote in person on April 
7, at a moment when the outbreak of the virus is said to be moving 
toward a peak, revealed a degree of courage in the face of the most 
extreme conditions. The outcome of the election will not be revealed 
until April 13, but the likelihood is that, as usual, the effect of 
voter suppression would not be inconsiderable.


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[Marxism] Sanders and Corbyn said similar things about their failure

2020-04-09 Thread Raju J Das via Marxism
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It is interesting that Sanders and Corbyn responded similarly to their 
electoral failure (even if the nature/magnitude of their failure was different).

Following his party’s failure, Corbyn said: ‘I am proud that on austerity, on 
corporate power, on inequality and on the climate emergency we have won the 
arguments….But I regret that we did not succeed in converting that into a 
parliamentary majority for change’
Suspending his campaign for the nomination, Sanders said:
‘we have transformed American consciousness as to what kind of nation we can 
become and have taken this country a major step forward in the never ending 
struggle for economic justice, racial justice, social justice, and 
environmental justice’.  He said: ‘Few would deny that over the past five 
years, our movement has won the ideological struggle’
So what is ‘left’ of the parliamentary road to socialism?
Is there any empirical evidence that the level of 'class consciousness' has 
actually changed in Britain and the US? Have people actually become 

Raju J Das
York University 

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[Marxism] The Normal Economy Is Never Coming Back

2020-04-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Foreign Policy, APRIL 9, 2020, 8:36 AM
The Normal Economy Is Never Coming Back
The latest U.S. data proves the world is in its steepest freefall 
ever—and the old economic and political playbooks don’t apply.


As the coronavirus lockdown began, the first impulse was to search for 
historical analogies—1914, 1929, 1941? As the weeks have ground on, what 
has come ever more to the fore is the historical novelty of the shock 
that we are living through. As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, 
America’s economy is now widely expected to shrink by a quarter. That is 
as much as during the Great Depression. But whereas the contraction 
after 1929 stretched over a four-year period, the coronavirus implosion 
will happen over the next three months. There has never been a crash 
landing like this before. There is something new under the sun. And it 
is horrifying.

As recently as five weeks ago, at the beginning of March, U.S. 
unemployment was at record lows. By the end of March, it had surged to 
somewhere around 13 percent. That is the highest number recorded since 
World War II. We don’t know the precise figure because our system of 
unemployment registration was not built to track an increase at this 
speed. On successive Thursdays, the number of those making initial 
filings for unemployment insurance has surged first to 3.3 million, then 
6.6 million, and now by another 6.6 million. At the current rate, as the 
economist Justin Wolfers pointed out in the New York Times, U.S. 
unemployment is rising at nearly 0.5 percent per day. It is no longer 
unimaginable that the overall unemployment rate could reach 30 percent 
by the summer.It is no longer unimaginable that the overall unemployment 
rate could reach 30 percent by the summer.

Thursday’s news confirms that the Western economies face a far deeper 
and more savage economic shock than they have ever previously 
experienced. Regular business cycles generally start with the more 
volatile sectors of the economy—real estate and construction, for 
instance, or heavy engineering that depends on business investment—or 
sectors that are subject to global competition, such as the motor 
vehicles industry. In total, those sectors employ less than a quarter of 
the workforce. The concentrated downturn in those sectors transmits to 
the rest of the economy as a muffled shock.

The coronavirus lockdown directly affects services—retail, real estate, 
education, entertainment, restaurants—where 80 percent of Americans work 
today. Thus the result is immediate and catastrophic. In sectors like 
retail, which has recently come under fierce pressure from online 
competition, the temporary lockdown may prove to be terminal. In many 
cases, the stores that shut down in early March will not reopen. The 
jobs will be permanently lost. Millions of Americans and their families 
are facing catastrophe.

The shock is not confined to the United States. Many European economies 
cushion the effects of a downturn by subsidizing short-time working. 
This will moderate the surge in unemployment. But the collapse in 
economic activity cannot be disguised. The north of Italy is not just a 
luxurious tourist destination. It accounts for 50 percent of Italian 
GDP. Germany’s GDP is predicted to fall by more than that of the United 
States, dragged down by its dependence on exports. The latest set of 
forecasts from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 
are apocalyptic across the board. Hardest hit of all may be Japan, even 
though the virus has had a moderate impact there.

In rich countries, we can at least attempt to make estimates of the 
damage. China was the first to initiate shutdowns on Jan. 23. The latest 
official figures show China’s unemployment at 6.2 percent, the highest 
number since records began in the 1990s, when the Chinese Communist 
Party reluctantly admitted joblessness was not a problem confined to the 
capitalist world. But that figure is clearly a gross understatement of 
the crisis in China. Unofficially, perhaps as many as 205 million 
migrant workers were furloughed, more than a quarter of the Chinese 
workforce. How one goes about counting the damage to the Indian economy 
from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s abrupt 21-day shutdown is anyone’s 
guess. Of India’s workforce of 471 million, only 19 percent are covered 
by social security, two-thirds have no formal employment contract, and 
at least 100 million are migrant workers. Many of them have been sent in 
headlong flight back to their villages. There has been nothing like it 
since partition in 1947.

The economic fallout from these immense human dram

[Marxism] Femicide Does Not Respect the Quarantine: The Fifteenth Newsletter (2020).

2020-04-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Why We Need a New Progressive Party and How We Can Create It - CounterPunch.org

2020-04-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Ted Rall.


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[Marxism] Bernie’s Last Tape - CounterPunch.org

2020-04-09 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A riff on Samuel Beckett.


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Re: [Marxism] By Picking Joe Biden Over Bernie Sanders, Democrats Are Kissing Their Future Goodbye

2020-04-09 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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I see so many people talking about the probable nomination of Biden as
if there were no mood and no consciousness that created Biden's success.
This defeat was not simply a matter of the DNC deciding who it wanted. The
fact is that there is a conservative consciousness within a huge sector of
the US population, including among most Democrats. Sure, that consciousness
exists because of the propaganda (and the threats) of big business. But it
exists. To simply see Biden's victory as a matter of manipulation by "the
Democrats" (meaning the Democratic Party powers-that-be) is somewhat akin
to conspiracy theory in that it is overly simplistic.

I am also not so sure that a Biden candidacy means the future of the
Democratic Party is dead. In fact, I'm not so sure that he won't beat
Trump. He might not, but it's far from guaranteed.

John Reimann

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] Syria faces COVID-19 threat (Green Left)

2020-04-09 Thread Chris Slee via Marxism
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