[Marxism] Book Review: Two titles dealing with Marx's dialectic

2019-04-11 Thread Julian Samboma via Marxism
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" Two impressive volumes, both by estimable and talented dialecticians of
African descent, have recently been published which I cannot recommend
highly enough. Individually the titles are engaging and worthwhile reads.
However, as a duology, they provide a narrative history of the past and the
present while demonstrating the utility of the Marxian dialectic"

A review by Andrew Stewart,




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[Marxism] Report on Walter Rodney conference at London's SOAS

2019-03-24 Thread Julian Samboma via Marxism
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My report on said conference - with a little opportune analysis.

" It was precisely because Walter Rodney disagreed with this ahistorical,
unscientific position that Tanzania became his finishing school.  It is my
position that it was in Tanzania that he realised that Pan-Africanism was
the only way forward for Africa – that individual African countries could
not achieve development as neocolonial mini-states and, further, that the
class struggle was the locomotive on which we would arrive at the socialist
Union of African States. That position was diametrically opposite to that
of Nyrere’s. The Tanzanian leader believed that Tanzania could achieve
socialism in his mini-state fiefdom in top-down fashion through abolishing
the class struggle by fiat! That is where he and Rodney part company.




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[Marxism] On racist workers, journalists and beggars

2019-03-10 Thread Julian Samboma via Marxism
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Having suffered a double whammy of unambiguous racist attacks almost a year
- one by a "progressive" journalist - it was only this weekend that I
finally decided to commit the experience to "paper". Though I still love
Kramer, I can't say the same for the closeted racist that played him.

"This brings to mind the case of Michael Richards, who played Cosmo Kramer
in the US sitcom *Seinfeld*, one of my most favourite TV shows.  Although I
was partial to Elaine “He took it out” Benes, not to mention George “It
shrunk” Costanza (played, respectively, by Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Jason
Alexander), I also loved the mad-cap way Richards portrayed the Kramer
character. Alright, then, I loved Richards.  And then he let rip with a
tirade of racist abuse after he was heckled on stage by an audience that
included black people.  Not unlike Mr Reporter, you only had to scratch the
surface for the hidden racist to jump out at you."


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[Marxism] Campaign against Exxon-Guyana oil deal

2019-02-27 Thread Julian Samboma via Marxism
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A British-based Canadian lecturer and her colleague are campaigning against
the agreement between the Guyana government and the Exxon-led consortium,
charging that close to 90 per cent of revenues will be siphoned-off by the

The duo will also present their case at this Saturday's one-day conference
at London's School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) - "Walter
Rodney: Pan-Afrikanism,
Marxism and the Next Generation".


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[Marxism] Western media and Libya's African Genocide

2019-02-23 Thread Julian Samboma via Marxism
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The part played by Western media in the transition from Gaddafi rule to
African Genocide and regime change in Libya...


*Julian Lahai Samboma*
*Writer and Filmmaker*

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[Marxism] Re-edited book on ArabSpring

2019-01-28 Thread Julian Samboma via Marxism
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 The book, "The Dialectic and the Detective: The Arab Spring and Regime
Change in Libya", proves, via the dialectical materialist methodology of
Marx, that the Arab Spring was an imperialist plot to provide a smokescreen
for the murder of Gaddafi.

Originally published last year, the eBook has been re-issued and reissued
on Amazon and elsewhere.

The work is not a defense of, nor an ode to the slain Libyan dictator.  It
is simply an investigation carried out from the perspective of a murder
detective deploying the dialectic in trying to solve the riddle of how the
imperialist planned and executed regime change in Libya.

Many on the left and elsewhere believed in their gut that the so-called
Libyan "revolution" was nothing of the kind, and that the imperialist had
something to do with it.  But they had no proof.  Now, using Marx's method,
we have solved this "howdunit".


Review copies are available from jlsamb...@gmail.com

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[Marxism] Et tu, Comrade?

2018-05-08 Thread Julian Samboma via Marxism
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Hi Comrades,

My latest blog entry:

Just goes to show that we may all be on the left, but it's a very broad
church out there.

But we can live with that. * ;)*


Julian Samboma
07724 502132
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Re: [Marxism] My new book can be pre-ordered

2018-04-18 Thread Julian Samboma via Marxism
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 Anti-imperialist in essence, as elucidated via dialectical analysis (and
dialectical logic) in Chapter Five, which is available online here
here . Conceive
of a very skillful cowhand taming a  young mustang, essentially getting the
beast to do her/his will.  Roughly analogous to what happened in North
Africa seven years ago. From the analysis in Chapter Five we know that the
revolts were very predictable affairs. Those societies were tinders
awaiting ignition. Imperialism triggered and then hijacked them.  Not so
unthinkable in a dialectical and concrete totality replete with, in fact
defined by, contradiction.  Because of false consciousness and the reified
appearance of phenomena, we could not crack the mystical shell. I mulled
over it for seven years but it was only after finally going back to my
books and studying and applying the master's method meticulously like a
devoted pupil  that I was able to finally get at the rational kernel.  All
is revealed in the book.


>I am not sure if I understand what you say: do you suggest that the Arab
>Spring was an anti-imperialist uprising instigated by US imperialism?

> My new book, "The Dialectic & the Detective: The Arab Spring and Regime
> Change in Libya", can be per-ordered before the publication date of 24
> April.  (Its price may change after publication.)
> The book is a dialectical investigation of the Arab Spring.  Its main
> theses are i) the Arab Spring was essentially anti-imperialist ( not
> anti-local dictator), and ii) the Arab Spring was instigated by the US to
> provide cover for the murder of Gaddafi and regime change in Libya.


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[Marxism] My new book can be pre-ordered

2018-04-18 Thread Julian Samboma via Marxism
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Hi Comrades,

My new book, "The Dialectic & the Detective: The Arab Spring and Regime
Change in Libya", can be per-ordered before the publication date of 24
April.  (Its price may change after publication.)

The book is a dialectical investigation of the Arab Spring.  Its main
theses are i) the Arab Spring was essentially anti-imperialist ( not
anti-local dictator), and ii) the Arab Spring was instigated by the US to
provide cover for the murder of Gaddafi and regime change in Libya.

Check out https://www.ebeefs.com/ to find out more.

Chapter Five can be read here,

Best regards,

Julian Samboma


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[Marxism] Dialectical analysis of the Arab Spring

2018-03-24 Thread Julian Samboma via Marxism
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Hi Comrade,

This link is to Chapter 5 of my forthcoming book, "The Dialectic and the
Detective: The Arab Spring and Regime Change in Libya":

Please share with comrades.

Thanks and best regards

JL Samboma


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