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I saw "Paradise" my first year of college. I was blown away. Smith College
in Northampton, near Hampshire, which I attended, was offering a class on
French Cinema. It's hard not to be down on the current state of cinema when
one is exposed to Carne, Renoir, and Truffaut at such a young age. The
movies I make often take on the tone of Poetic Realism, for which Carne and
Prevert are known. Huge influence!

On Fri, Jun 20, 2014 at 1:58 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======================================================================
> Marcel Carné's Masterpiece
> Children of Paradise and the Redemptive Power of Art
> Recently Jeffrey St. Clair polled a group of CounterPunch contributors on
> what they considered to be the greatest 100 films ever made (coming soon).
> My list omitted “Children of Paradise”, a 1945 French film that was sitting
> on my shelf for a couple of months incarnated as two Netflix DVD’s (the
> film runs for 195 minutes). Let me make amends for that now after having
> seen it for the first time—where have I been all these years? Although I
> didn’t rate my top 100 in order of greatness, Marcel Carné’s masterpiece,
> about which Francois Truffaut once said “I would give up all my films to
> have directed Children of Paradise”, would certainly be among the top ten.
> When you enter the world of “Children of Paradise” that is set in the
> 1830s, you recognize immediately an air of artifice that begins with the
> opening scene, an image of a curtain that upon lifting reveals hundreds of
> Parisians milling about a street filled with acrobats, clowns, magicians,
> jugglers and other artists performing in the open air. The street was known
> as the Boulevard of Crime, not so much for assaults on the citizens who
> flocked there but for the theaters that specialized in policiers.
> full: http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/06/20/children-of-
> paradise-and-the-redemptive-power-of-art/
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