Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Syria Special: How Regime May Have Staged “Rebel Attack” on Aleppo Hospital…and Fooled World’s Media | EA WorldView

2016-05-04 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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I agree with Andy, of course.

That said, what seems most convincing to me about this critique of the 
story is the sheer distance of this hospital from the regime-rebel 
frontline, given the kinds of weapons the rebels have. It also looks 
convincingly like a car-bomb rather than a rocket that miraculously was 
shot a very log distance. What remains therefore, in my view, is whether 
the regime staged the car-bombing as the article suggests, or Nusra (the 
main users of car-bombs) managed to evade regime security and get that 
far in.

Andy's more general point is right - both in Aleppo and in Damascus. 
some rebel groups have at times launched indiscriminate attacks on the 
regime-controlled parts of the cities and killed civilians. Of course, 
in comparison to regime daily genocidal bombing of civilians and 
everything on the rebel-held sides of town, the rebel attacks are a 
needle in a haystack, and driven by the sheer frustration of not being 
able to resist the ongoing massacre. The exact equivalent of past Hamas 
attacks on Israeli civilians. While our focus is on the systematic 
terroriser in both (and all) cases, I'll just go on record to say that 
*all* attacks on civilians on the "other side", in every conflict, 
should be condemned - as anti-Assad activists have done, as Andy notes.

However, while such attacks on civilians have occurred, I'm not aware of 
any deliberate rebel attacks on medical facilities. As countless reports 
have shown, the regime is responsible for upwards of 95% of attacks on 
medical facilities, medical workers etc (and most of the rest is ISIS).

Rebels' weapons are mostly crude, and not very good for targeting. That 
reflects the fact that, despite the super-Orwellian BS about 
"western-backed" rebels, they hardly ever get useful stuff from anyone 
very much. So what they do get, or capture, or build in back-yards, is 
crude stuff. When they occasionally "shoot back" at the regime when the 
regime bombs daily from the two big cities, they may well not aim to hit 
civilians, but still likely will. That is not an argument for continuing 
the US embargo on "its allies" inn the region providing proper weaponry. 
The best way to fight warplanes and helicopters that bomb you every day 
is with weapons that can bring them down - ie, the weapons that the US 
intervention has gone out of its way for years to ensure never get to 
the rebels.

Proper weaponry, in other words, would not only be better for the 
civilians in rebel areas to live without the daily massacre, but also 
civilians in regime areas. Shooting warplanes out of the sky does 
nothing to help rebels militarily push into regions if the local 
population is still pro-regime, or hesitant/neutral. It merely helps 
those in liberated areas survive, and, importantly, would help their 
political structures, local revolutionary councils etc, survive and pose 
a political alternative. Which, of course, is Assad's main fear, which 
is why he plunged the country back into war after the brief lull in 
fighting brought the  people back out into the streets with same slogans 
p- end the regime - and the same flags -- the FSA/Revolution flags - as 
5 years ago.

And I'll go out on a limb here and say that is precisely why the US does 
not want the rebels to get anti-aircraft guns: because the US does not 
like revolution. people can insist it is only because the US is afraid 
they will "get into the hands of terrorists", but I am finding it 
increasingly unbelievable that anyone believes this.

Rebels have of course captured regime manpads before. In recent weeks, 
there were two victories for humanity when rebels gunned down Russian or 
regime warplanes. It would be good to think there could be many more. 
The only thing for sure is that these weapons had nothing whatsoever to 
do wit the famous "US-backing" of mythology.

-Original Message- 
From: Andrew Pollack via Marxism

Sent: Wednesday, May 4, 2016 11:48 PM
To: Michael Karadjis
Subject: Re: [Marxism]Fwd: Syria Special: How Regime May Have Staged 
“Rebel Attack” on Aleppo Hospital…and Fooled World’s Media | EA 

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Some comments on the eaworldview story:
1. The site is recommended by Robin and Leila of "

Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Syria Special: How Regime May Have Staged “Rebel Attack” on Aleppo Hospital…and Fooled World’s Media | EA WorldView

2016-05-04 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Some comments on the eaworldview story:
1. The site is recommended by Robin and Leila of "Burning Country" as
reputable and worth following.
2. Immediately after the original story broke on regime and Western
mainstream media, revolutionaries denounced the "rebels" who were presumed
to have carried out the attack, repeating once again that such scum were
opponents of the revolution (a principled, humane viewpoint which has meant
daily peaceful protests against Nusra et al. elsewhere).
3. Finally, unlike the tankies we will not assume this critique of the
original story is necessarily true either, but will rigorously investigate
at each step.

On Wed, May 4, 2016 at 9:14 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism <> wrote:

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[Marxism] Fwd: Syria Special: How Regime May Have Staged “Rebel Attack” on Aleppo Hospital…and Fooled World’s Media | EA WorldView

2016-05-04 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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